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单词 Liturgy
1. A clergyman read the liturgy from the prayer-book.
2. The question of music in the liturgy was addressed.
3. More changes were made to the Holy Week liturgy.
4. Catechesis is an initiation into liturgy.
5. Intoning a liturgy, he tilted that silvered glass so that reflected light sprang at the skeleton, bathing it.
6. Jim gave the liturgy planning team his tentative approval and waited to see how the community and the archdiocese would react.
7. Its liturgy director rewrites prayers and Scripture readings to make the language more inclusive.
8. The priests and deacons chanted the liturgy that has barely changed in more than a thousand years.
9. He acknowledges that liturgy is not a museum piece but needs to evolve as part of a living tradition.
10. The Liturgy for that Sunday was the cornerstone of both prayer and reflection.
11. But his hopes of superseding the liturgy with any such matter were doomed to failure.
12. Is the liturgy a prayer meeting?
13. He has promoted the old, Tridentine liturgy.
14. First, healing became a much more central activity, with much of the liturgy and preaching revolving around it.
15. Within the limits of the canons' active pastoral life, Chrodegang stressed the communal liturgy.
16. The great cantors developed their own special variations on the liturgy, largely on the basis of folk tradition.
17. Perhaps he could count on Paul Quinn, a stalwart of the 9: 15 liturgy planning team.
18. Her professors at the Washington Theological Union said she was progressing rapidly, and had a firm understanding of the liturgy.
19. From that area stemmed the earliest version of the Assumpnon of Mary, and the first liturgy and hymns in her honour.
20. One month later Snyder and a few supporters began standing throughout every liturgy as a form of protest.
21. The conservative Cornish, who had not forgotten their previous grievances, had a deep affection for the Latin Liturgy.http:///liturgy.html
22. Ray McGovern and the other protestors at the 9: 15 liturgy were laying claim to this legacy of principled dissent.
23. A comparable example in the West is the Latin liturgy set to plainchant.
24. Two follow-up meetings have been arranged for all young people interested in producing Mass tapes and the youth liturgy.
25. There are many important links between them, as also with the Constitution on the Liturgy.
26. Behind them all walked Bishop Corrada, who sat in the sanctuary, solemn and stone-faced, throughout the liturgy.
27. There is also a heightened awareness of music's proper place in the liturgy.
28. The first of the major considerations by the Council Fathers was given to the Liturgy and its music, as well as sacred art.
29. This led to developments in both music and the Liturgy which were probably more far-reaching than the Council Fathers anticipated.
30. A member of a Christian Uniat church, chiefly of Lebanon, the liturgy of which is conducted in Syriac.
31. Encouragement gets greatly after young minister listens, the spirIt'since hearten begins to do expatiatory liturgy.
32. Allen and Ouderkirk became friends and wrote a special liturgy "to transition" the Hispanic congregation from the Lutheran church to the Catholic church.
33. Chapter five describes the organization of Christian life, including the Jesuits' religious life, Christian liturgy, the organization of sacraments, the church facilities, etc.
34. The family and the church educate through common experiences, spiritual training, and liturgy.
35. Mandarin , Cantonese , and English are used in the liturgy.
36. During the Liturgy PassionWeek I share with you about my mother's fight with breast cancer.
37. The Second Vatican Council revised the Breviary and changed its name to Liturgy of the Hours.
38. Cyclical change as an erotic dance of life, death and rebirth is a popular theme in Wiccan imagery, ritual and liturgy .
39. He also takes courses in piano, organ, choral conducting, Gregorian chant, liturgy and Latin.
40. In Christian worship or liturgy, there are two major rituals called sacraments.
41. Christ, the God-Man , actually presents in this liturgy. This action provides a perfect opportunity for man to meet with the ultimate form.
42. Ecclesiastical A ceremony , rite or service, usually prescribed by liturgy, especially.
43. It can replace the idolatrous and immoral Hindu rites with its own imposing liturgy, and substitute the Cross for the abominable linga.
44. In the Passion Week liturgy on Palm Sunday palm fronds are blessed outside the church building and a procession enters, singing, re-enacting the entry into Jerusalem.
45. A pastor I know of uses a standard liturgy for funerals.
46. If you're Roman Catholic or Episcopalian you say these psalms as part of the liturgy.
47. However, the need for some sort of notation became evident in sacred chant tradition. As the Christian Liturgy became more complex and varied, difficulties of memorization increased for the performer.
48. This year I want to focus on three : Rosters, RCIA and Children's Liturgy.
49. Please arrive 20 mins early to help prepare for liturgy on the serving day.
50. Vatican Council II in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy describes how penitence will lead one closer to God.




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