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单词 Announcer
1. This is your favorite announcer signing off for tonight.
2. The radio announcer said it was nine o'clock.
3. He is recognized to be a qualified announcer.
4. The announcer read out the names of the players before the game began.
5. The announcer was reading out the football results.
6. The announcer apologised for the delay.
7. On the television screen we see the announcer holding up a cereal box with the name WAKE---UPS in big letters.
8. I couldn't catch what the announcer said, with all the other noise going on.
9. The announcer gave out that the 3:30 train to Manchester would start from Platform 4.
10. The station announcer warned us that the train was running late.
11. A television announcer with a well-bred voice was reading the news.
12. The announcer informed viewers that programmes would be running late.
13. Bernstein as its new basketball play-by-play radio announcer Tuesday.
14. Even the Granada announcer got in on the act.
15. The announcer periodically notified everyone how much time remained.
16. Jon Miller, a regular-season Orioles announcer working hard to tone down his emotions, became quite nearly comatose.
17. Jess, though, is openly bawling even before the announcer calls her name.
18. She explains how she started as an announcer, then turned to the technical side.
18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
19. Scully was the radio announcer for the Los Angeles Dodgers' games before moving to network television.
20. Deion sneaked up behind the announcer, who was wired for sound, and doused him with ice water.
21. We listened to the announcer with shock and disbelief -- another bomb had exploded in the city.
22. Instead, said the announcer, here were the figure skating finals from Vienna.
23. The announcer warns people not to swim because of a dangerous fish.
24. The announcer explains that by attacking the central nervous system it paralyzes the vital organs.
25. A news announcer is describing an incident that occurred yesterday in Texas.
26. Hall plays Michael Atwood, a motivated but still far from star announcer working for an all-sports cable network in Atlanta.
27. Instead of watching the scoreboard this week for broken records, the play-by-play announcer is watching the thermometer.
28. The company was prepared to continue using him for up to a year as a continuity announcer.
29. He began to realize just how much he knew, and began to think about being an announcer himself.
30. The fans go nuts, stomping so loudly that they drown out the announcer.
1. This is your favorite announcer signing off for tonight.
2. The radio announcer said it was nine o'clock.
3. He is recognized to be a qualified announcer.
4. The announcer read out the names of the players before the game began.
31. The announcer said that the contestants had been chosen at random.
32. All it lacks is the screaming public address announcer to be a total steal, and a bad one at that.
33. In other words, the announcer would kill time until the telegraph details started flowing again.
34. I held my breath as the announcer introduced the players for the first match.
35. But other jocks of the period, notably white announcer Alan Freed, took money regularly.
36. The announcer is signing off for tonight.
37. The announcer was fired for taking payola.
38. Television announcer reads news to us.
39. The announcer tells the listeners what programme comes next.
40. A radio or television sports announcer.
41. Current foreign correspondent and announcer for News Probe.
42. Generally, the sound of an announcer is euphonic.
43. The television announcer read the news calmly.
44. The television Announcer is so beautiful.
45. The TV announcer never seems to blink.
46. In the commercial an announcer interviews a Texan.
47. The announcer broadcasted a piece of amusing news.
48. A radio announcer may have an audience of millions.
49. The commentator and the announcer are both for the Giant.
50. Answer: This is a question that a radio announcer asked me about ten years ago.
51. I asked aloud[ ], "How can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?"
52. Announcer: Scotland and Northern Ireland will probably have sunshine all day.
53. The announcer told his listeners to keep an eye out for the escaped criminal.
54. Compared to the professional television news announcer is really much worse.
55. I visualized myself entering the stadium, waving to the crowd, and I could hear the sports announcer saying, "Hey, folks, here comes the American men's team.
56. The announcer interrupted the radio music to give a special piece of news.
57. Reagan was a former radio sports announcer, who in the 1930s recreated games of the Chicago Cubs for station WHO in Des Moines, Iowa.
58. 'To end our special news bulletin, ' said the voice of the television announcer.
59. 'To end our special news bulletin, 'said the voice of the television announcer, 'we're goin over to the macaroni fields of Calabria. '
60. The music stopped short, and the announcer almost shouted: " Alert! Take cover! "
61. Announcer : This has been USA Today's News and Views with Larry King.
62. To end our special news bulletin,'said the voice of the television announcer,‘we're going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria.
63. The announcer read out this budget of disaster with that BBC calm.
64. Two years later he retired and became a sports announcer for the NFL.
65. Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, once every year Jack Benny decides to tempt fate by going out to San Anita for the races.
66. "The Chinese fans were prepared to express their feelings and shed their tears of excitement. We were just one step from victory, " China Central Television announcer Tong Kexin said Saturday.
67. The announcer knocked on the microphone to inform the performers.
68. DO YOU know you have to give everything to become a TV announcer?
69. ANNOUNCER: So it seems that the voice can operate like a silent movie as a sequence of wordless gestures or a face made up of sounds.
70. What a way to start the day, with the latest thoughts of Chairman Mao recited by a high-pitched female announcer with a staccato style. reminiscent of a dentist's drill.
71. ANNOUNCER (V. O. ): He's taking a writing implement from his pencil case. It's a number 2 pencil, a smart choice for this word.
72. The announcer , with rich dramatic doom in his voice, spoke words that arrested her pen.
73. "To end our special mews bulletin, "said the voice of the television announcer, "we are taking you to the macaroni fields of Calabria Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years.
74. ANNOUNCER: "They'll know you've arrived, when you drive up in the nineteen fifty-eight Edsel -- the car that's truly new, from nameplate to taillight."
75. Language model which reports live the disseminator that the main research of this subject takes soccer announcer as an example, analyze their characteristic style.
76. Announcer Joe Buck was especially livid , calling Moss's pantsomime disgusting.
77. Them mysterious words of an Iowa baseball announcer lead Ray Kinsella to carve a baseball diamond in his cornfield in honor of his hero, the baseball legend Shoeless Joe Jackson.
78. "I've been doing the games 21 years, and I never thought I would see it the way it's been this year, " said Grant Napear, the Kings' play-by-play announcer.
79. 'If your bank accounts are common, why not your Twitter and Facebook accounts?' asks Clemson Smith Muniz, a Spanish-language sports announcer in New York.
80. After graduating from university in 1932, Reagan got a job as a radio sports announcer.
81. At present, the sports match increases day by day, the audience appreciates the constant improvement of competence, have put forward higher demand for the TV sports announcer.
82. ABC play-by-play announcer Al Michaels managed to tell viewers, "We'rehaving an earth—" before the signal went dead.
83. I had decided to try for a job in radio, then work my way up to sports announcer.
84. The announcer asked listeners to guess where he was speaking from.
85. The announcer gabbled some incomprehensible message over the public address system.
86. An example would an announcer reading a live tag after a 25-second hardware spot saying: "There are 27 ACE Hardware Stores in the Greater Delaware Valley."
87. The radio announcer said " It's time to sign off for the day ; listen again tomorrow. "
88. Mother was right, as I discovered after graduating from college in 1932, I had decided to try for a job in radio, then work my way up to sports announcer.
89. He was a newspaper and radio reporter and sports announcer.
90. 'To end our special news bulletin, ' said the voice of the television announcer, ' we are taking you to the macaroni fields of Calabria.
91. Radio announcer asks - Without financial motive is a key phrase here.
92. And it was at a Ritz-Carlton that sports announcer Marv Albert attacked hismistress and forced her to have oral sex after she refused to have a three-way(he pleaded guilty).
93. Reagan finally found work as a radio sports announcer and this road led him to Hollywood in 1937.
94. If that radio announcer does not get off the air, I'll stop breathing it.




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