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单词 Spruce
1. He looked spruce in his best clothes.
2. Paul went upstairs to spruce up before dinner.
3. Spruce up and go with me.
4. The pine, cedar and spruce are evergreens.
5. Early settlers built frames of spruce, maple and pine.
6. Trees such as spruce, pine and oak have been planted.
7. Mr Bailey was looking very spruce in a white linen suit.
8. Chris was looking spruce in his stiff-collared black shirt and new short hair cut.
9. Following in his steps(Sentencedict), I passed through damp spruce woods to an open cliff.
10. He looked spruce and handsome in a clean white shirt.
11. They've employed an advertising agency to spruce up the company image.
12. It was made of soft lumber, spruce by the look of it.
13. My lookout tree is a red spruce.
14. When the evening comes the female spruce budworm moth rises up on warm air currents.
15. The small russet cones of red spruce are borne only near the tip of the crown.
16. The red spruce and Fraser fir began to recolonize the cut-over areas.
17. Gradually I descended the spruce tree and slowly crept toward the feeding birds.
18. The spruce branch fell to the floor and the ivy wound itself around her neck like some pagan wreath.
19. He needed his wife's presence to spruce him up and to take both him and the cottage in hand.
20. This eight-engined monster is made of spruce and has a wingspan of almost 100 metres.
21. There will also be a £1billion drive to spruce up deprived inner-city areas.
22. Whatever way they sliced the statistics, the mortality of the red spruce was dramatic and frightening.
23. Then it dashed to the ground near me, dug under a leaf, and pulled up a damp spruce cone.
24. It also makes specialty parts and accessories, which can be used to spruce up the performance and appearance of existing automobiles.
25. The snow comes a little earlier and stays a little later up on the spruce ridges than it does below.
26. Candles burned on the window sills, among fragrant boughs of spruce and pine.
27. Overhead, we lose count of eagles in singles and pairs, swooping along the tops of cedars, hemlock and spruce.
28. Hub Vogelmann can tell you two stories about the future of red spruce.
29. There are many designs of tripod varying from interlocking A-frames to simple uprights made from the tips of larch or spruce trees.
30. The borough council has earmarked more than £80,000 to spruce up properties on Newport Road, opposite the bus station.
1. He looked spruce in his best clothes.
2. Paul went upstairs to spruce up before dinner.
31. They also introduced the Sitka Spruce to the Lake District soon after its introduction to this country, 1825-30.
32. By 1988 this had dropped to about 15 percent of spruce, and other species such as pine and fir showed similar improvements.
33. Groves of old-growth lodge-pole pine and aging spruce fir exploded into flame like toothpicks be-fore a blowtorch.
34. They'd passed beyond the deciduous woods, and the trees on either side were conifers - larch, spruce and pine.
35. The trees on this bog were bonsai-like black spruce, red maple, and occasional scrawny larch covered with lichens.
36. Volunteers in Knapdale, in south Argyll, have helped to remove sitka spruce and invasive rhododendrons from oak woods.
37. The wings had spruce spars and ribs, with ailerons on the top wings only.
38. Something to enlist the support, the complicity, of the fields, the plantations of spruce.
39. Did he take Policemen and Bishops Inspector Spruce placed his notebook on the polished mahogany table and waited.
39. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
40. Then, rather abruptly, I came into the red spruce belt that is near the top of all the mountains around.
41. Tree-ring studies have revealed severe infestations of spruce budworms even in pre-settlement days.
42. The fuselage was of welded steel tube, faired to an oval section, with spruce formers, and fabric covered.
43. Seeing double - identical twins, Georgina and Rachel Spruce 20, from Walsall.
44. The mechanism which Roberts proposes might be expected to work anywhere that spruce is grown.
45. The red spruce decline was continuing though it was statistically leveling off, since most of the spruce were already dead.
46. The remote Sylvan Lake Lodge overlooks a striking man-made lake and spruce forest.
47. Spruce trimmings from forestry plantations are cheap, and with the heavy wire triangles make a strong and effective structure.
48. Larch and spruce shelter nature's own rock garden with the forest floor carpeted with many species of wild flowers.
49. High above, curved oak, spruce and chestnut grew beside giant magnolias.
50. When the great spruce tree burns, its cones explode, and the seeds of a new forest are planted.
51. This is particularly noticeable in conifers such as yew, spruce or fir, where it makes the canopy increasingly lace-like or transparent.
52. He skirted the spruce plantation and supposed that at some point he should tell Sara about it.
53. I can do experiments in the greenhouse that show that red spruce are harmed by ozone and acid deposition.
54. In a few weeks' time this year's peacocks, immaculately spruce, would emerge from pupae.
55. The wings had solid spruce spars, and consisted of a centre section and outer panels, with spruce and plywood ribs.
56. A further factor complicating the story is the trend towards monoculture of timber trees such as spruce.
57. But of course it was easy to be indifferent about them herself when she could count on Helen to spruce things up.
58. There were dark green spruce sentinels, ideal for black-throated green and myrtle warblers.
59. All of it flowed to a field of satellite dishes surrounded by spruce trees a few hundred yards from the Baltimore-Washington Parkway.
60. The woods on the other side slope up toward the spruce and then the bare ledge summit of Mount Bald.
61. By 1984, half the supply of spruce, pine, beech and oak had some degree of unnatural damage.
62. A lot of what exists in these woods can not be seen from my red spruce.
63. These and other shrubs were interspersed with small, scraggly larch and black spruce trees.
64. The mountain at his feet was seamed with deep canyons and clothed with forests of pine and spruce.
65. There are also maple, spruce, pine and balsam fir saplings, and patches of wild raspberries and blueberries.
66. So much, thought Spruce, for the cultural life of a Norfolk village at the end of the twentieth century.
67. It was surrounded by spruce trees and bougainvillaea, with a high bank leading up to the front door.
68. Spruce up your house for Spring.
69. You really must spruce up a bit(), Albert.
70. The growth of spruce and fir needles is determinate.
71. The use of Sitka Spruce is certainly not limited to aircraft construction.
72. The birch, pine and spruce logs, branches and leaves from long ago are remarkably well-preserved, and it's easy to see that they don't match the hardy scrub growing in the Arctic today.
73. Within the Kanas Nature Reserve, grow pure forest of stone pine as well as mixed forest of stone pine with spruce or stone pine with fir.
74. Conifer tree style such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, juniper, etc.
75. Or search for elegant and decorative plant stands that match your decor, and bring to life a beautiful and scented herbal garden to spruce up your kitchen counters.
76. Located in West Virginia, the cool climate and prevailing winds greatly influenced the "flagged" shape of the red spruce trees found here.
77. You can now spruce up your handset with number of third party applications.
78. Soil samples were collected from spruce, hemlock and pine forests in central Taiwan.
79. Those thousands of new homebuyers will need to spruce up their castles.
80. Natural Spruce - FirStand was the most universal forest type in temperate zero and Frigid Zone in China.
81. A larva of several tortricid moths, especially the spruce budworm , that devours plant buds.
82. Although the Norway spruce is considered the oldest tree in the world, the Fortingall Yew is still considered by many as the oldest tree in Europe.
83. At Young Chang, we craft our soundboards from Solid Sitka Spruce found only in the coastal forests from Northern California to Alaska.
84. This is the base of the 8-ton, 72-foot-tall Norway spruce that will soon delight scores of holiday visitors in New York.
85. The parameter adaptive law is formed, we adjust the parameters to make sure the density of spruce aphides and their predator track the ideal trajectory, the stability of the system is guaranteed.
86. Just prior to World War I, Sitka Spruce was discovered by aircraft builders and found to be very well suited to their needs.
87. The needle blight disease of spruce, which is new to china, is described in this paper.
88. As I mentioned earlier, use of Sitka Spruce prior to and during World War II depleted large forests of the wood.
89. Sitka Spruce is the preferred type of wood for aircraft construction.
90. The building a composition of Finnish pine, spruce and birch, and a testimonial to their special.
91. Child bedroom wall cannot paste is too beautiful spruce wallpaper, lest discomposure, be agitated.
92. As lacteal source increasingly close spruce, raise milk cow hot.
93. The "state tree" for Nebraska is cottonwood, for Alaska is Sitka Spruce.
94. Its newish management is trying to cut costs and spruce up its business at home.
95. To further complicate the issue, several forests of spruce are protected from cutting by environmental issues such as preserving the spotted owl.
96. The issue is no less critical for the Great Bear Rainforest, a wild stretch of western red cedar, hemlock, and spruce forest that runs 250 miles down British Columbia's coast.
97. The most common construction woods are Douglas fir, hemlock, spruce, pine, and some cedar.
98. About 45 percent of disposable chopsticks are made from trees like cotton wood, birch, and spruce, while the remainder are made from bamboo.
99. Blue, or Colorado spruce (P. pungens) is used as an ornamental because of its bluish leaves and symmetrical growth habit.
100. Despite less sensitive to mild drought stress in jack pine than in black spruce, stomata was more sensitive to moderate and severe stress in jack pine than in black spruce.
101. Spring Festival eve, if want to look for a homemaking personnel to help, meet probably open-eyed at " hour " labour is close spruce.
102. Aspen pulp is the weakest of the commonly used hardwoods strong as spruce.
103. This is adapted from his keynote address to 150 global business leaders at the Spruce Meadows Round Table in Calgary last week.
104. Major tree species in the southwest include the dragon spruce, fir and Yunnan pine, as well as teak, red sandalwood, camphor, nanmu and padauk.
105. Spruce up your image.
106. Spruce Tree House is the easiest cliff dwelling to visit.
107. Light to moderate losses of pine and spruce cones are occasionally caused by squirrels.
108. Competition is driving the major hotel brands to spruce up.
109. For this reason it is my opinion that manufacturers will tolerate more color variation in Sitka spruce than in the whiter spruces such as European or Engelmann.
110. Sitka Spruce is found mainly along the Pacific Northwest, particularly along the Alaskan coast.
111. They argue about the wood, because they want Brazilian rosewood all the time and German spruce.
112. Untouched wilderness is everywhere in Alaska. Spruce trees on Kodiak Island are almost entirely covered in soft moss.
113. It's the ideal time to spruce up for the coming season.
114. Fir : The price is about same to that of hemlock spruce.
115. Drag onto the page to add a conifer tree, as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, or arborvitae.
116. Wood tracheid morphological features and their radial variation of Korean spruce plantations are studied and compared with those of natural forest.
117. Common species throughout most of northern North America are black spruce (P. mariana), a source of spruce gum, and white spruce (P. glauca), a source of good timber.
118. Before we were in sight of the Newcombes' buildings, we climbed a bank on the opposite side of the road, where there was a thick growth of sumac bordering a planted windbreak of spruce.
119. Soon a dark wall of trees—red spruce, balsam fir, beech, hemlock—surrounds you, and there's a sudden stony persistence.
120. There are abundant wilding plant resources including cypress, poplar and spruce.
121. Paper birch is the best of the hardwood, often running in bursting strength up to 80% and in tearing strength up to 90% of spruce pulp.
122. Softwood pulp: Pulp made from softwood ( coniferous ) trees, e . g. fir. pine, spruce . As distinct from Hardwood pulp.
123. The Obamas and the spectators counted down from five, and the red and yellow lights came alive on the 40-foot Colorado blue spruce growing on the Ellipse, just south of the White House.
124. The changes to the fences include new plastic cores beneath the spruce dressing, and increased levelling at four fences.
125. Among the many passengers on this boat, both male and female, was a spruce young dandy.
126. Under the canopy of the pioneering trees oak maple linden elm and spruce regenerate.
127. The result shows that hackmatack, koyama spruce and elm have a better capability of detaining dust.
128. For the Back Shelf , we are using the premium yeddo spruce materials piecing together by advanced machine.
129. The regional spruce forest-tundra vegetation of the creek has had little change since the eruption of White River ash at 1230 yr B. P.sentence dictionary
130. Spruce Tree House is the third largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde National Park.
131. In person Dr. Proudie is a good - looking man, spruce and dapper and very tidy.
132. A northern North American spruce ( Picea mariana ) having blue - green needles and small egg - shaped cones.
133. Groves of stunted red spruce, huckleberry, blueberry, mountain laurel, mountain holly, speckled alder, and cranberry bogs, show combinations of colors throughout the year.
134. The mast, which was a solid spruce spar, bent like a bow, and for a moment I thought we were going to lose it.
135. Conditions in these moundsare conducive to the development of distinct vegetation -- lichen, shrubs, and black spruce -- that make them easy to spot in the field.
136. Spruce yourself up a fit - you look a mess.
137. A week or so later Drouet strolled into Fitzgerald and Moy's, spruce in dress and manner.
138. Some even scoff at the store's efforts to spruce up its image.
139. Four species, White Spruce (Picea glauca), Engelmann Spruce (Piceaengelmanni), Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta), and Alpine Fir (Abieslaciocarpa) comprise the spruce-pine-fir species group.
140. Conifer tree style such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, arborvitae, etc.
141. Accordingly, commodity value is due configuration of two kinds of existence: Extensive pledges spruce nobelium sends old man? is vivid labor configuration another kind.
142. The use of Sitka Spruce was carried into post-war construction in many aircraft.
143. The dusts-removing abilities of four types of evergreen trees are ranked as: spruce, needle juniper, Sabina chinensis, and pitch pine.
144. There are abundance wilding plant resources including cypress, poplar, spruce etc.
145. Pulp made from softwood ( coniferous ) trees, e . g. fir. pine spruce . As distinct from pulp.
146. S. temperate rain forest, the Hoh River Valley is part of Washington State's Olympic National Park. Its trees include big leaf maples, western hemlock, and Sitka spruce.
147. This paper reports in vitro rejuvenation and vegetative propagation of plus Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) trees.
148. The finely twined baskets are made with young, pliable spruce roots.
149. China emits a blue glow from the DVD player and glitters in the lights and glass balls on the drooping spruce in the corner of the living room.
150. European Spruce and Maple for musical instruments. Red Cedar tops, Mahogany, Zebrawood and many more.
151. Of or relating to the forest areas of the northern North Temperate Zone, dominated by coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, and pine.
152. Southern Tai Jialin basically is Shan Yang of mixed forest of pine, spruce and birch, Europe.
153. Four years ago, my father drove all the way from Denver to Topeka, with an eight foot Colorado Blue Spruce in his trunk, so that my husband and I could have a part of Colorado growing on our land.
154. Spruce Tree House is the easiest cliff dwelling to visit. The path curves down into the valley and then up to the ruin.
155. The main species are pine, spruce, fir, Cheng Chi, Euptelea , Cercidiphyllum, and so on.
156. The result shows that hackmatack, koyama spruce, bird cherry, and elm have a better capability of detaining dust.
157. The three commercially important spruces growing in British Columbia are Engelmann spruce ( Picea engelmanni), Western white spruce ( Picea glauca), and Sitka spruce ( Picea sitchensis).
158. The spruce bark beetle is the major tree - killing insect pest of Alaska spruce forests.
159. Look upon it as an opportunity to spruce up your existing site and start afresh!
160. Eccentric millionaire Howard Hughes sits at the controls of his 200 ton flying boat named the "Spruce Goose".
161. Park vegetation mainly mountainous coniferous forests, subalpine forest and Citigroup pine needles, white spruce, Picea , and so on.
162. Sitka Spruce comes from the Pacific northwest and today is the most commonly used wood for guitar tops.
163. Conifer tree style such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, cedar, etc.




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