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单词 Evasive
1 Paul's being a bit evasive about this job.
2 Her manner was always very evasive; she would never look straight at me.
3 He was evasive about the circumstances of his first meeting with Stanley Dean.
4 She gave an evasive answer.
5 His evasive reply prompted me to ask another question.
6 He was evasive, to the point of secretiveness.
7 Both pilots took evasive action and a collision was avoided.
8 The pilot had to take evasive action to avoid a mid-air collision.
9 The pilot took evasive action to avoid a collision with the enemy aircraft.
10 The Minister was her usual evasive self,[] skilfully dodging reporters' questions about her possible resignation.
11 At least four high-flying warplanes had to take evasive action.
12 John, normally so honest, was now being evasive in the extreme.
13 If the bullets start coming this way, take evasive action.
14 Tessa was evasive about why she had not been at home that night.
15 All their questions were met with vague, evasive answers.
16 Courtroom observers described him as alternately charming and evasive.
17 And these narrative solutions are invariably negative or evasive.
18 She's quite vague, even evasive about it.
19 The residential workers found him evasive in the account he gave of his actions and feelings.
20 And the bird's standard evasive tactic is ill-suited to the airport.
21 But fiery activism or evasive quiescence are the poles of choice and the poles are notoriously uninhabitable.
22 Skalsky is evasive about her position, claiming her recent vote only expedited the annexation process.
23 We did try to pin him down on his plans for the swimming pool, but he remained evasive.
24 Stephen didn't want to see his sister, so he quickly took evasive action and hid under the bed.
25 By the time the pilot realised how close the plane was to the building, it was too late to take evasive action.
26 He says they picked it up on the radar and had to take evasive action.
27 Without the suit, supersonic flight was an impossibility, high-speed evasive action out of the question.
28 As a witness, courtroom observers described him as alternately charming and evasive.
29 If the Nations Air crew had been alerted, it might not have had to take evasive action.
30 All of us realised that there was nothing we could do, no evasive action we could take.
1 Paul's being a bit evasive about this job.
2 He was evasive about the circumstances of his first meeting with Stanley Dean.
3 She gave an evasive answer.
31 Press him too closely about his family, though, and he becomes oblique and evasive.
32 The alarm call stimulates other nearby blackbirds to take evasive action.
33 It had been a strange conversation: Riverton was nervous, evasive.
34 Blood had been spilt this time despite all the evasive tactics and diplomacy.
35 Mickeen Gavan, the porter, had been unusually quiet, his eyes evasive.
36 He has been similarly evasive in answering questions about his marital fidelity and marijuana use.
37 Minatom remains evasive on the question of how the new storage sites will be financed.
38 The military experts taught her how to take evasive action and speed away from danger.
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39 He poised himself, blade weaving defensively before him, ready to take instant evasive action.
40 The Clinton administration has been evasive about this problem because there is no good solution to it.
41 He could neither move to attack nor take evasive action.
42 There are no more six-page effusions-only brief notes, and those evasive.
43 When we asked him where his wife was, O'Hare suddenly became evasive.
44 And all creatures who hear it in time take their own appropriate, evasive action.
45 When the current recession gripped, they decided to take evasive action.
46 Not bad for a graduate in literature and one who normally took evasive action at the sight of a screwdriver.
47 Julie Worden and Charlton Boyd meet in a skittish duet, marked by sudden departures, near misses and unexpected evasive leaps.
48 To begin with the voyage seemed a form of evasive action, a form of flight.
49 A party of puffins had to take evasive action as they nearly flew into the side of the ship.
50 Instead of adopting one or other of these policies, they have tried to hide their difference beneath an uneasy and evasive compromise.
51 "That was an evasive answer," Matt said.
52 If the enemy attacks, take evasive action.
53 Pilots are taught to take evasive action.
54 Give me not this evasive answer.
55 Daily requests led to evasive answers.
56 He was evasive and noncommittal.
57 She made some evasive reply.
58 Direct questions would almost certainly result in evasive answers.
59 His eyes gleamed with a smart, evasive light.
60 The German Foreign Office was evasive.
61 Fan Po - wen gave a silent and evasive nod, but Wu Chihsheng pressed him further, " Really alone? "
62 By using the nonlinear programming theory, a optimal impulse satellite evasive trajectory planning model considering earth oblateness perturbation had been established.
63 He seldom appears in public circumstance, he begins the quest of sedulous and evasive media.
64 Choosing standard money of charge to an account is business accounting of accounting of industry of condition foreign enterprise cannot evasive problem.
65 The research object in the present study is the deliberate use of evasive answer in interview conversations.
66 As the shuttle zoomed past, the third Scrim turned to fire at it, but Rem 's evasive piloting frustrated it.
67 The British Admiralty had warned the Lusitania to avoid the area and to use the evasive tactic of zigzagging, but the crew ignored these recommendations.
68 Is ah, evasive in the stands before the threshold, full of photographs of children on the desire and pursuit of eyes, there is a great penetrating power,[Sentencedict] you can see the hearts broken!
69 SYDNEY: Using high-speed video footage, bioengineers have discovered the key to the evasive manoeuvrability of flies – and found the best strategy for swatting them successfully.
70 The corner of the eye spills over the evasive tear up.
71 Is the suicide a kind of disengagement still gives him an evasive view?
72 It is an unable evasive problem that the resistance stuff has descended of college girl students.
73 But many doctors woefully evasive in talking with their patients.
74 He too evasive action but took late in a avoiding the crash.
75 Coessential change an appearance more serious it is current building materials product hard an evasive problem.
76 The answers they receive from admission professionals often sound evasive disingenuous, and even haughty.
77 In Arkansas, when asked generally if I had ever used marijuana, I had given an evasive answer, saying I had never broken the drug laws of the United States.
78 Evasive action was not taken, so the process was allowed to go off - spec or shut down.
79 Balaam's donkey sees an angel and takes evasive action to protect Balaam.
80 I discover, actually Chen Rui is a very conservative man, I am evasive thing more he is to want to know more, and these gradually things make he becomes anxiety-ridden.
81 But from information of collect of client side tiring-room, the protection of individual privacy is cannot evasive problem.
82 Yossarian was the best man in the group at evasive action, but had no idea why.
83 Whenever or wherever I see you next time I won't be timorous or evasive.
84 LL: To give someone a runaround means to be deceptive and evasive to someone.
85 What he said was, to the American people, that he did not have sexual relations and I understand you're not going to like this congressman because you will see it as a hair-splitting evasive answer.
86 AI will now perform evasive maneuvering in close combat to mitigate damage unguided munitions ( micro ).
87 Modern standard is modern academic research in very important and cannot evasive task, modern standard and system of national economic accounting are having close connection.
88 The elusion that is no matter how it is, evasive results all take success as price.
89 He was evasive about the circumstances of his first meeting with Lucy.
90 There was much tragicomedy in the contest between England's thought police on one hand, and the evasive powers of Tyndale, or rather his canny Dutch, German and English friends, on the other.
91 On November 11 M Maisky brought to me Stalin's chilling and evasive reply to this message.
92 Adopting the new microstep to subdivide algorithms makes cutting high quality while cutting at a high speed, the curve is smooth and more evasive.
93 We say, in France, "answering like a Norman, " which means to give an evasive answer, neither yes nor no.
94 Evasive maneuver is one of key problems a surface ship faces while releasing suspended depth charge to intercept a torpedo.
95 If be in a bad way, patient but because of horror evasive friend, isolate with the society and maintain a contact with domestic person only, lose working ability even.
96 As for a political settlement in Laos, the North Vietnamese leaders remained evasive.




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