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单词 Curlew
1 For the curlew, protection came too late.
2 Curved white patch on rump narrower than Curlew Sandpiper's.
3 No moor land is complete without its curlew overhead.
4 A curlew called out as it rose above the waters, then came to rest alongside its mate among the rushes.
5 Below the wood, a curlew started from the grass and winged beneath us, its mate calling from across the dale.
6 Scrubland birds such as reed bunting and curlew breed here.
7 She must be like the curlew(), and concentrate all her energy on those who needed her.
8 This would deprive wading birds such as curlew and snipe of an ideal breeding sanctuary.
9 The last great flight of curlew landed on Cape Cod two decades later.
10 New World curlew that breeds in northern North America.
11 He could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din.
12 A curlew called and a tern fished the estuary; house martins were gathering, preparing for migration.
13 He could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din ( Henry Kingsley ).
14 However, nationally important numbers of Curlew,[] Redshank and Golden Plover were also recorded.
15 The related memoir showed that before the big curlew moves from Australia to China, has set the record of more than 6400 kilometer flight records.
16 In all probability these late reports confuse the species with the Hudsonian curlew.
17 I could see a heron standing motionless, and a curlew dabbling by the shore.
18 As we taxied to a halt on the coastal grassy runway, we disturbed parties of curlew, sandpipers and grey plover.
19 Sometimes you hear them in the call of the curlew across the vast open moor.
20 Old World sandpiper with a curved bill like a curlew.
21 The species included the wren, nuthatch, starling and also waterbirds such as the oystercatcher, curlew and redshank.
22 Similarly, my Irish relatives took the head of Sir Conyers Clifford in the Battle of the Curlew Mountains in 1599.




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