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单词 Desalinate
(1) Jordan plans to desalinate sea water from the Gulf of Aqaba to the south, then pump it to population centres in Amman, Irbid, and Zarqa, using its nuclear-derived energy.
(2) So why don't we desalinate more to alleviate shortages and growing water conflicts?
(3) The reform and development of journals require to desalinate this criterion.
(4) They desalinate wars, beautify hardships and portray the life of soldiers with a poetic flavor.
(5) Calera plans to desalinate the leftover water and sell it.
(6) First, folklore make a space that can desalinate the times background.
(7) It helps resorts desalinate seawater for drinking, car washes provide spot-free rinse water,() aquariums and water parks achieve chemical-free disinfection.
(8) Energy and the technology to desalinate water are both expensive, and this means that desalinating water can be pretty costly.
(9) The system can desalinate up to 600 liters of brackish water a day.
(10) Course content will desalinate inherent concept, carry out modular teaching.
(11) They are copying functional systems found in nature to provide cooling, generate energy and even to desalinate water.
(12) Various chloasma, cyasma, black spot, sun spot, low-grade peeling spot, various biogliph, anti-sallow, desalinate the low-grade freckle , and those have symptoms of melanin formation.
(13) Nuclear reactors can be used to generate electricity – but they can also be used to desalinate water.
(14) As the result of the joint function with economy change, desalinate of culture ideology and the rapid development of electronic intermediate, mass culture has sprung up.
(15) I try to run the fish out by Saturday night if possible and maybe desalinate some salted fish for Sunday if we have it to hand.
(16) GUSTAVO KRONENBERG: I don't think there is any reason today, if it's possible to desalinate water, to say to the people: "there is not sufficient water".
(17) To make fresh water, more cities are burning fuel to desalinate seawater, but that helps push up the price of oil.
(18) So, among all of us, we must decide to regenerate, reutilize, desalinate and save to have more water.
(19) That means it's still almost always cheaper to use local freshwater than to desalinate seawater. This price gap, however, is closing.
(20) So a nanotube membrane that allows both sodium and chloride ions (which are negatively charged) to flow out of seawater could become a cheaper way to desalinate water.




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