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单词 snobbery
释义  snob·be·ry /ˈsnɒbəri $ ˈsnɑː-/ noun [uncountable]  PROUDbehaviour or attitudes which show that you think you are better than other people, because you belong to a higher social class or know much more than they do – used to show disapproval 势利 行为[态度],自命不凡〔含贬义〕 intellectual snobbery 知识分子的自命不凡 → inverted snobberyExamples from the Corpussnobbery• Another Bloomsbury hallmark was witty conversation and upper-class snobbery, which has made Bloomsbury reviled in some circles.• You mean we could have just sat on the couch and watched reruns to get the same level of cultural snobbery?• Polls suggest that cultural snobbery is largely confined to intellectuals.• This thought now struck him as too simple and certainly unpleasant in its snobbery, and he tore it up.• One supposes that sort of snobbery is behind us.• That seemed to me to be daft, bordering on snobbery.• Was this snobbery or some more mundane consideration of copyright?• There was snobbery, and attitudes formed by social and educational background.snob·be·ry nounChineseSyllable  think are which attitudes or show Corpus behaviour you you that




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