单词 | Comic |
例句 | 1 The novel is comic and tragic. 2 The comic scenes in the play were overdone. 3 The play is both comic and tragic. 4 This comic was a swop that I got from Nick. 5 She can always be relied on to provide comic relief at a boring party. 6 A faintly comic figure,[] he fears ridicule above all else. 7 This comic was a swap that I got from Nick. 8 Our comic play was a burlesque of a Shakespearean tragedy. 9 His accident with the microphone brought some welcome comic relief to a very dull party. 10 A timeless comic actor—his simplicity and his apparent ease are matchless. 11 Grodin is a fine comic actor. 12 She prefers to play comic roles. 13 The scene provided some comic relief for the audience. 14 He is a popular TV comic. 15 He collects back numbers of comic magazines. 16 The ending of the play is comic. 17 Chaplin's comic genius is preserved on celluloid. 18 Woody Allen is a comic genius. 19 Most of these trips had exciting or comic moments. 20 There was little comic relief in his speech. 21 He underplayed the comic elements of the opera. 22 I saw the child reading a science fiction comic. 23 The book read like a black comic burlesque. 24 He makes a living as a stand-up comic. 25 The punchline was delivered with perfect comic timing. 26 Shakespeare created many comic characters. 27 The poem's comic allegory was transparent. 28 The speech had several comic touches. 29 The song provides some comic relief from the intensity of the scene. 30 He wore a red nose and novelty glasses for comic effect. 1 The novel is comic and tragic. 2 The play is both comic and tragic. 3 This comic was a swop that I got from Nick. 4 She can always be relied on to provide comic relief at a boring party. 5 He wore a red nose and novelty glasses for comic effect. 6 A faintly comic figure, he fears ridicule above all else. 7 This comic was a swap that I got from Nick. 8 Our comic play was a burlesque of a Shakespearean tragedy. 9 His accident with the microphone brought some welcome comic relief to a very dull party. 10 A timeless comic actor—his simplicity and his apparent ease are matchless. 11 She prefers to play comic roles. 12 He is a popular TV comic. 13 The ending of the play is comic. 14 I saw the child reading a science fiction comic. 15 Shakespeare created many comic characters. 16 Beside Shakespeare, Marlowe strikes us as an immature dramatist, especially in his comic scenes. 17 The comic skIt'sent up the foolishness of young men in love. 18 The entertainment consisted of comic songs, dances and acrobatic performance, and wound up with a screamingly funny farce. 31 His jokes provided some comic relief in what was really a dull speech. 32 Beside Shakespeare, Marlowe strikes us as an immature dramatist, especially in his comic scenes. 33 The comic skIt'sent up the foolishness of young men in love. 34 Many of the scenes in the book are richly comic. 35 The comic skit sent up the foolishness of young men in love. 36 'Modern Times' is a classic comedy starring Charlie Chaplin, the grandaddy of comic film actors. 36 try its best to collect and build good sentences. 37 His words provided some comic relief in what was really a dull speech. 38 The entertainment consisted of comic songs, dances and acrobatic performance, and wound up with a screamingly funny farce. 39 The Incredible Hulk is a character in a comic who turns from a scientist into a two-metre tall monster. 40 The BBC is moving into virgin territory by producing comic programmes of this type. 41 The children usually asked for comic or sporting annuals for Christmas. 42 Her TV programme is made up of a series of comic sketches. 43 The atmosphere after Wednesday's debut was as darkly comic as the film itself. 44 Few of these strip cartoons were actually comic. 45 She threw out my comic books, too. 46 Both are larger-than-life comic actors. 47 Trudeau regularly lampoons the president in his comic strip. 48 And me-what was I there for? Comic relief? 49 The speech is rich in comic sensitivity. 50 The dance provided a delightful comic interlude. 51 Kinison was known for his screaming, foul-mouthed comic routines. 52 The comic backchat is often crude and indecent. 53 Cold people shake Comic Relief canisters. 54 About half hit the comic mark. 55 Here are some Marvel comic characters. 56 It does not make for your typical comic fare. 57 Did you raise money for Comic relief? 58 Some comic examples spring to mind. 59 In texture the new novel is comic. 60 I had a ton of comic books, too. 61 UnbreakabLe is a movie partly about comic books. 62 Earlier, an almost surrealistic comic chaos attended royal occasions. 63 He was, and he remained for the time being, a figure of comic relief. 64 The pleasant musical score, which is not very challenging, fits the comic mood of the piece perfectly. 65 Constantly overwrought, sometimes embarrassing in her alcohol and pharmaceutical-induced sorrows, Leo could have been a typical Almodovar comic heroine. 66 You may know him as the talented creator of that incisive Tucson Weekly comic strip[/comic.html], Staggering Heights. 67 Dons were no longer the comic derelicts that flit through Victorian fiction or the novels of Evelyn Waugh. 68 Now though, in the great tradition of comic actors, he wants to be taken seriously. 69 A beer-drinking dog provides the comic relief in this violent action movie. 70 The show is a darkly comic look at medicine, money and morality. 71 Philip Seymour Hoffman blows them all away with a scene-stealing black comic turn as Dickie's awful preppie buddy. 72 A leaning toward chemistry and chemical engineering was no doubt kindled in some way by a Mickey Mouse comic strip. 73 Between 25 to 50 means you could scrape a living as a comic with appalling taste in T-shirts. 74 In many ways, it's the story of Enfield's whole comic career. 75 Her beauty was so startling that it mysteriously approached the comic. 76 Peter Barkworth's dainty but needling school principal is another candidate for the comic hall of fame. 77 This is one of the best things on your local comic book stores shelves. 78 It's one of those rare books of comic genius that imprints itself on the brain and can never afterwards be eradicated. 79 The dog provides most of the comic relief in this tedious sitcom. 80 The girl rose, put her comic down, and walked the length of the car to the toilet. 81 She danced with zest, sang sweetly and had a fine sense of comic timing. 82 For many years Jack Benny had a comic character on his programs named Mr Shlepperman-a timid, weak-kneed character. 83 In both cases, the comic tends to act as a mere distraction from the main activity of drinking or dancing. 84 Joe Shuster, cartoonist who developed the original Superman comic character, died Los Angeles, aged seventy-eight. 85 Bristol calls it Red Baron after Snoopy's nemesis in the Peanuts comic strip. 86 Like all first-rate comic writers, Shaw was fascinated by the gulf between appearance and reality. 87 And then there's this garish white comic poster of Rosie O'Donnell in a baseball mitt. 88 The only thing was that now, it was more like a comic strip. 89 Junior Cox, an apple- faced cartoon character, appears in adventures in the comic inside the box. 90 No doubt there are many humorous possibilities in the comic plight of a primitive boy in a modern major city. 91 The dance is a comic interlude, quite short and making no great demands on technique. 92 Streep provided one of the best comic performances of her career. 93 So Superman, once the most recognized and revered hero in comic books, was sent back to the drawing board. 94 He is wonderfully avaricious, devious and a genius at avoiding parting with even a sou, all to great comic effect. 95 Thomas Pynchon has also shown a consistent fondness for slapstick effects in his novels, drawn partly from comic cinema. 96 She is one of the most gifted comic actresses on television. 97 In Shakespeare's Henry 1V,[] the character of Falstaff provides us with a little comic relief. 98 Six monologues and a comic song to finish with had the audience roaring with laughter. 99 Bonita Friedericy, Natalie Schafer Award for an up-and-coming comic actress. 100 It is profitable, but it leaves the comic muse high and dry. 101 Whatever the case, all the performances clicked into place as the actors relaxed and found their comic footing. 102 This is not to say that it does not contain many magnificent passages, some comic, some sublime. 103 He ran in a comic manner, lifting his knees high,() his elbows pumping furiously. 104 In the credits, this was a nice comic moment, underpinning a scene of domestic bliss. 105 Brooke-Rose was generally thought to have overdone the serious aspect of her tale to the detriment of its comic potential. 106 So they've launched a nationwide fundraising campaign using a comic featuring wildlife. 107 Mind you, it was not all plain sailing for the Merseyside comic making her Liverpool debut in the role. 108 Unfortunately, I am no longer able to maintain the schedule demanded by a daily comic strip. 109 Jack Firebrace told a series of jokes in the style of a music hall comic. 110 But the comic form he has chosen is too brittle to contain his appalled indignation. 111 The comic opera of Gilbert and Sullivan is a regular feature on the Alexandra's varied programme. 112 She describes the horrors of matrimony with vivacious comic indignation, dazzling wit and choice of expression, and with breathtaking eloquence. 113 The schedules also include the return of comic Dave Allen. 114 But I do so like having you in the game. Comic relief, you know. 115 Interspersed between tragic stories are a few songs supplying pointed but comic relief. 116 Roy won fame in 1954 when he signed for Tiger comic and starred in his own publication from 1976. 117 Rose had previously worked with the programme's host Des O'Connor and also with comic Mike Reid. 118 The only saving grace was Robert Downey Junior's performance as the comic genius they said. 119 I raised £7.41 for comic relief by eating jelly with chopsticks. 120 The Unabomber, like a comic book super-villain, seemed to be a criminal genius at the top of his form. 121 She was able to take centre stage, providing comic relief while Zephyr shared intimate moments with her special friends. 122 Tyrone Guthrie was a great one for comic business, and it was amazing to see how Michael picked it all up. 123 Urquhart looked to the ceiling in a gesture of comic despair. 124 She has an extraordinarily mobile face and an infectiously comic manner. 125 You can use the programs to edit photos and create greeting cards, certificates, comic books, labels and other goodies. 126 However, as a compensation, I tend to draw comic devils playing fiddles. 126 try its best to gather and create good sentences. 127 Such titles and ornamentation can create the effect of bathos, or comic undermining of what you do achieve. 128 In short, the comic poet is invading the territory of the tragic muse. 129 Telephoning Jonathan to break off the engagement had almost been a high point of comic relief. 130 You will go through our comic, existential garden with your shears and you will never water the lupins. 131 I doubt it too; it is simply too good comic opera to be true. 132 Music by Scott Joplin then helped him to create his light-heartedly comic Elite Syncopations. 133 All we can say is that, between them, the team eventually raises £3,450 for Comic Relief charities. 134 And then I would be overcome with a hilarity which made everything I saw comic, two-dimensional[], utterly without significance. 135 There is no text that can be read, such as there is even in a children's comic. 136 It's known as Fat Albert after a comic strip character. 137 Many medieval manuscripts have decorated borders filled with comic animals and birds and people. 138 Alcohol, comic books and mouthwash all bask under the superior reputation of the market. 139 Like all comic writers, Shaw was fascinated by the gap between appearance and reality. 140 Life has a way of giving a comic a funny face which ultimately starts to pay for itself. 141 The game had colorful pictures, the covers of comic books, it even had a picture of Earth! 142 Children growing up in the 1950s and 1960s were fortunate enough to enjoy the Eagle comic every week. 143 The adults are mostly just comic fodder, slow on the draw and endlessly bothered that Patti only dresses in black. 144 Ten brave folk did a bungee jump to raise funds for Comic Relief. 145 Social Blunders, which follows the romantic misadventures of 33-year-old Sam Callahan, is a darkly comic romp through heartache. 146 It's proof ITV wouldn't know a great comic if they saw one. 147 They starred in comic strips and branched out into radio. 148 I mean, he was a comic genius, yet he still wanted to be something he wasn't. 149 The evolution of the comic book continued on its varied path, developing new ideas and throwing up new characters. 150 He combines a little of Clark Gable with a whisper of Cary Grant's early incarnation as a vaudevillian stage comic. 151 A novel about novel-writing, which handles its tricky subject with a light comic touch. 152 A big woman, Wilkens uses her bulk to exquisite comic advantage. 153 A fine comic creation but entirely without a sense of humour. 154 Then Gertie got up on the stage and delighted us all by singing a comic song. 155 A comic gives children the opportunity to retreat into their own world; it is a very private thing. 156 Unfortunately, popular folklore eventually romanticized the leader and his tribe, reducing them almost to comic book caricatures. 156 try its best to collect and make good sentences. 157 It's a comic book sort of thing, doing everything in your power to present yourselves as greater than your audience. 158 He also had unusually heavy, drooping eyelids which could make him look comic or sinister, benevolent or supercilious. 159 Whitehead appears as a smarmy stand-up comic without the charisma or patter to carry off his narrative duties. 160 The stories had the melodramatic plot lines of comic books or soap operas. 161 It demands complicated puns, archaic semantic associations, and other comic turns of phrase. 162 And there was this old comic called Jack Daw, who'd missed the boat on account of booze. 163 Not the comic book characters, soup cans, flags and targets, of course. 164 The band works with great arrangements, great sensitivity to the singers and with costume changes and even a couple comic bits. 165 This is more of the same, a comic novel about the difficulties of being different. 166 What I did was to provide him with some comic relief. 167 A dwarf bicycled on his hands and a standup comic shouted like a moustachioed demagogue at the furniture. 168 There's a certain type of movie about comic books that's been made over and over. 169 The chippy comic brought real menace to the part of killer builder Larry Harmless. 170 Next,'s friends and colleagues dressed up as cat burglars and prowled around Telford town centre collecting money for Comic Relief. 171 He gets some good comic mileage out of a stuffed swordfish in the opening sequence, and handles one-liners well. 172 Children think in black and white, good and bad, and the comic has a powerful influence on shaping attitudes. 173 His attempts to write his own screenplay are deliciously comic depictions of fervent banality. 174 He went to Eastbourne secondary school before carving out a comic career in London. 175 It isn't every comic genius who would undertake to send his talent into such painful places. 176 No comic actress working today is funnier or more versatile. 177 Sally Jo Bannow makes even Edith the housemaid into a major comic character. 178 You can't fault Ayckbourn's production but, for once, his comic vessel has problems carrying such emotionally heavy cargo. 179 He introduced feeling, compassion and pity to compensate for the loss of the comic element. 180 The comic euro is low because it can not, and will not be taken seriously by the world nations. 181 The melancholic king and his lustful comic consort are out of love, but not so Peter and Emilia. 182 There was a bench at one side of it with empty tea cups on it and some comic papers. 183 This crew is embodied by a builder turned speculator who marries Fonty's daughter in a marvellously comic wedding scene. 184 Gazzer could see Tony going into the lighted ticket-booth to read his comic. 185 Cimbelina en 1900 y pico is a comic farce composed of six short acts, a prologue and epilogue. 186 In person, the Esquire columnist and author of four books is hyperactive, edgy and funnier than any stand-up comic. 187 It is said that there is now a comic for everyone and indeed the gay and black communities have thriving titles. 188 If they had been drawn by a cartoonist, the effect would be comic, but they were not. 189 The show itself contained the sort of comic stuff of which Woody Allen would have been justly proud. 190 But the who-dun-it tug is not the only resource you have in writing comic crime fiction. 191 His role has been rather like that of a stand-up comic warming up the audience for the main event. 192 But no artist seems to have taken over the comic strip format whole until Art Spiegelman came along. 193 Danny relied on a dopey and familiar joke to produce a comic dialogue about deflating muscles. 194 Their footsteps rang hollow in the register office like a bad comic going off stage. 195 Gerald Ford, as a speaker, was the exact opposite of a stand-up comic. 196 Emergency Comic Relief was set up primarily in reaction to the famine in 1984. 197 Officers found duct tape that looked like it might have been used to bind somebody as well as pornographic comic books. 198 The personal appearance of Stan Lee, the creator of Spider-man, the X-Men and other comic book heroes. 199 Word spread widely and quickly, through the networks, even through underground comic books where the illiterate could read them. 200 He bought a comic, several candy bars and a bag of liquorice all-sorts. 201 Is not Mao, even now, widely seen as a benign or at least a faintly comic figure? 202 The sole outstanding feature comes in Richard Suart's scintillating interpretation of the two chief comic roles. 203 For comic relief, obviously; but we also suspect a topical reference worth considering as evidence in the dating game. 204 Cartoon capers Champion is a new comic which helps to educate newly diagnosed diabetic children about their condition. 205 A sense of comic character and timing are the main requirements, and John carried it off successfully. 206 So the bargaining takes on a nouveau comic tone, and we all become role players in the funny business. 207 Tex Avery cartoons of comic book bodies and slapstick violence. 208 I am going to buy a comic book. 209 Miss Ley waved her arms with comic desperation. 210 He gets a kick out of a comic book. 211 It is often an ungainly, comic endeavour. 212 Charlie Chaplin is a comic actor of universal appeal. 213 You really like comic book, do not you? 214 TVGB: Great news if you love the StarCraft mythos and comic books. 215 Learn what types of layouts are available to make better comic books in this free instructional graphic art video. 216 Opera "The Marriage of Figaro" and "The Barber of Seville" the two most classical works in comic opera, and there are just some links between them. 216 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. 217 The artwork used also suggests a strong comic book influence. 218 You ever stop to think that maybe I am the plucky comic relief? 219 Huang Kai's comic - panel color woodcut prints depict playing with his friends as a child. 220 His flow of comic verse always enlivened festive occasions at the White House. 221 Then mother lets each of us buy a comic book about animals or children. 222 In closing, I'm just pleased as punch that comic relief has joined the Space Superpower frat house. 223 Comic - book superheroes have an alter ego, and so do immigrants in the United States. 224 A Romanticist reading comic books under the tree, loves to be in a daydreaming. 225 The comic opera aspect of Berlusconi that so exasperates critics invites comparisons with Mussolini, but the real similarity is that both men promoted a kind of "anti-politics." 226 Based on Robert Kirkman's comic book, the series is one of the more odd yet complex dramas on television today. 227 Each concentration stories are based on popular raunch culture, black in the movie adaptation, drama and comic story site and will set in extremely excitant scenes. 228 However, in'The Pajama Party ', there is a comic and down - to - earth family setting. 229 His co-writer on the series is his third wife and fellow comic improviser, Suki Webster. 230 Friendly as all get-out, Latino stand-up comic Paul Rodriguez was born in Mexico but raised in East Los Angeles. 231 Hello feed, bathe, grouch..." happy " pet make impromptu comic gestures and remarks, garrulous speaks all is perfectness, raise differently to you absolutely bestow favor on an experience. 232 Wonderful hand - painting, perfect color - matching, rarefied costumes, all of these construct a China - style comic. 233 Frizzy - haired , friendless , neurotic a collector of comic books, Seth broke the mold on modern day protagonists. 234 At least the bride and the groom didn't try to doll up themselves to look like the comic baby pink cat. 235 In his hands, comic jargon and dialect became a finished literary weapon, unemphatic, visual. 236 What was that prejudice that Aristophanes ? this comic poet had created? 237 Create a mini - comic book relating a chapter of the book. 238 “Woman on the Beach” (2006, Hong Sang-soo): A filmmaker dramatizes, with a scathing and comic self-deprecation, the egocentric romantic turbulence on which his art is nourished. 239 That a paper of such stature should stoop so low as to have a colour supplement. Why, it was nothing more than a cheap, nasty comic. 240 When they split up, they both claimed to be the rightful owner of the comic book. 241 In the following comic, which presents him as a womanizing blood-thirsty devil far younger than sixty-one years old, his fate is rather different. 242 Praising Comedy is, in essence, a false proposition, which is against artistic discipline and comic spirit. 243 She has carved a niche for herself as a comic actor. 244 There's an old show business warning, usually attributed to the comic actor W. C. Fields, about never working with small children because they are natural scene-stealers. 245 In film, television, still photography and the comic strip medium a - frames a person or an object. 246 "There's these other people who don't come into the comic book store, who come into it now because of Black Panther, " boasts Hudlin. 246 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day! 247 In the last installment, we wrote a SOAP.py client that accesses a toy Web service that returns curses by Captain Haddock (ever popular to Tin Tin comic fans). 248 The extant comic texts are the works of Aristophanes, so I choose them as my main research objects. 249 This French comedian turned to the cinema in 1905, creating the first widely popular comic character "Max", an aristocratic, skirt-chasing boulevardier. 250 Reference he makes to a comic poet yes a comic poet an unequivocal reference to the playwright Aristophanes whose name I have put up on the board. 251 Comic master Steve Martin stars as the clueless detective in The Pink Panther. 252 Mock epic: A comic literary form that treats a trivial subject in the grand heroic style of the epic. A mock epic is also referred to as a mock-heroic poem. 253 Filmed in tezuka osama adaptation of medical comic peak "BLACK JACK", describes the requirements but high reward of practicing medicine without a license BLACK JACK active performance. 254 Once you create an account, you go through four steps to create you own comic strip. 255 The first season ends like this: We zoom down, into a lonely room. There sits a guy who has lost an ability he's always had: can easily find a pithy way to end a comic piece of writing. 256 The allusion to Aristophanes and the comic poet is a part of what Plato calls in Book X of the Republic the old quarrel between philosophy and poetry. 257 The Italians like soap operas today. Their most successful literary genre is comic. 258 The hybrid imagery crafted in the style of comic grotesque subverts the positivist epistemology and classification, and emanates a strong dynamic and pleasure of anthropomorphism. 259 "I get pretty groggy, " I said, "It's like a comic opera today. 260 In 2006 Zhang Yang directed a black comedy Getting Home acted by comic star Zhao Benshan. 261 Comic relief was provided at this moment by the meandering goats. 262 Astutely observed and delightfully delicate comic drama about a Swedish hippie commune in the Seventies. 263 Comic faces demonstrate a desire to be the centre of attention. Child-like doodles of faces suggest neediness. Profiles indicate you're an introvert. 264 At the concert, though Mr. Momus sang his most stunning comic songs, and asked his most astonishing riddles, never did a kind smile come to visit Foker's lips. 265 PG Wodehouse, England's greatest comic writer, lived for a few years before World War I in Emsworth, near Chichester. 266 According the condition of international animation and comic market, there are three market strategy, brand market strategy, distributing channel strategy, promotion strategy. 267 Lower - class character are included either as comic butts or faithful forelock - touching adjuncts of the main characters. 268 To misquote the great comic genius Spike Milligan: the last time I edited a book I swore I would never do another one. 269 Comic strips starring a hooded crusader, Iodine Man, rescuing a slow-witted student from an enraged teacher were handed out across the country. 270 But there was also something comic in her chosen image for man's transience—the indestructible trope of the doomed mayfly. 271 The terrifically surreal sets in this comic and touching film are wonderful. 272 In one scene featuring comic actor Steve Martin in a white shirt, the computer reproduced his white torso and rough shape, but was unable to handle details of his face. 273 Donald was even the star of a daily newspaper comic strip that began in 1938. 274 There's the cliche of the curmudgeonly comic – grouchy, aloof, a bit passive aggressive – and there's the one who can't switch off[Sentencedict], and craves laughter like you or I need oxygen. 275 Dad comes up from the basement in his gimpy comic trot, concerned, takes a bullet in the chest, drops to his knees, takes one in the head, and that's that. 276 Among his immediate rivals was Arnold Matters, probably his superior in comic roles. 277 Rereading Thurber, I find his mask of comedy less comic than I did years ago. 278 But the comic opera has meanwhile crystallised doubts about the quality of his leadership. 279 One of a troupe of entertainers made up in blackface and presenting a comic variety show. 280 Robert Downey Jr received acclaim, and an Oscar nomination, for his pitch-perfect performance as the great silent movie era comic Charlie Chaplin in Richard Attenborough's sprawling 1992 film. 281 In Wang Guowei there, "Drama" is a relatively broad concept, including song and dance drama, comic opera, but also "real drama. 282 New characters (comic characters) of the seige has been revealed in this article from esthetics , a series of phantasmagoric happenings and artistic methods of comedy . 283 Donald Duck comic were banned from Finland because he doesn'yt wear pants ! 284 Instead, in the bright drawing - room, all seemed serene , anti - climactic, and slightly comic. 285 I love , English, Japenese, Cantonese, Jewelry, Chinese comic dialogue, drawing, cooking, sewing, Chinese medicine, sciential news, and eco-awareness. 286 These were early indications of dramatic art that no doubt were of benefit to me, above all when I began to draw comic strips before I learned to write. 287 We put two and two together and got four, which can only mean that the Trek trailer will be playing in front of select prints of the Zack Snyder comic book adaptation. 288 Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: Remember that silent movie scene where the comic hero, Harold Lloyd, dangles outside a building, clinging to the minute-hand of a giant clock? |
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