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单词 Doctrine
1, Some religions include a doctrine of personal immortality.
2, The document expressed some ambivalence over the doctrine of predestination.
3, They were all committed to the doctrine of social equality.
4, He expounded traditional Calvinism with its high doctrine of church order .
5, Their doctrine allows the use of violence.
6, The advocators of this erroneous doctrine are falling away.
7, He erected a new doctrine of precedent.
8, the philosophical doctrine of pluralism.
9, This belief was irreconcilable with the Church's doctrine of salvation.
10, Thompson reconciled the doctrine of heat with that of mechanics in 1851.
11, The doctrine had a far-reaching, devastating impact.
12, Yet company law doctrine has failed to acknowledge this.
13, Astrology was condemned as the doctrine of demons.
14, With the advent of liberalism, it became a doctrine.
15, Let it be agreed that the doctrine is anomalous.
16, The doctrine convinced its adherents that natural selection worked.
17, There is therefore this temptation to argue against doctrine.
18, And this is a damnable doctrine.
19, Groups were continually dividing over minor points of doctrine.
20, That runs right against orthodox doctrine.
21, If Rawls' theory is based on a doctrine of neutrality it is a doctrine of comprehensive neutrality.
22, It is important that the springboard doctrine be understood in its context.
23, The Church welcomed all who were considered sound in doctrine.
24, A hundred years after Confucius died,[http:///doctrine.html] Mencius taught and expanded Confucian doctrine.
25, The president said he would not go against sound military doctrine.
26, Its prestige also had a basis, as a political doctrine, in the liberal idea of self-determination.
27, An optimistic theory of evolutionary progress was surreptitiously beginning to replace the pessimistic doctrine of universal decay.
28, Dodds' argument from silence asserts the existence of a doctrine not substantiated by available evidence.
29, Now, in a healthy exercise of democracy and the idea bazaar, the tower of economic doctrine is quivering.
30, He also purported to apply the conventional collateral fact doctrine but reached a different conclusion from that of his brethren.
1, Some religions include a doctrine of personal immortality.
2, The document expressed some ambivalence over the doctrine of predestination.
3, They were all committed to the doctrine of social equality.
4, A hundred years after Confucius died, Mencius taught and expanded Confucian doctrine.
31, The Caspian basin, which is rich in oil and gas reserves, is central to his new foreign policy doctrine.
32, He surrendered all he had fought for, accepting even the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation and the existence of Purgatory.
33, Tolkien, in his history of the elves, would not wish to go against what he accepted as doctrine universally true.
34, The caveat emptor doctrine has been mitigated by the implied terms as to quality.
35, It has been a radical rallying cry ever since Lenin laid it down as doctrine.
36, The whole doctrine of res judicata was based on considerations of judicial policy, was of great importance but was not paramount.
37, The doctrine of the internality of relations gives an affirmative answer to both these questions.
38, Secondly, the courts developed the doctrine of fundamental breach of contract.
39, This doctrine is illustrated by a New York case where a student teacher was injured while participating in a donkey basketball game.
40, So much for the doctrine that life begins at conception.
41, He must therefore demonstrate this rational content without appealing to church doctrine.
42, A doctrine of creation could give coherence to scientific endeavor in so far as it implied a dependable order behind the flux of nature.
43, It preaches the doctrine that individuals should be allowed to do anything they wish unfettered by social conventions.
44, The restraint of trade doctrine is relevant to both types of provision.
45, And this, the archdiocese believes, is sometimes done at the expense of Catholic doctrine.
46, Thus far, Gould has provided a restatement of the collateral or preliminary fact doctrine.
47, Even ethnically united communities are deeply divided on points of doctrine.
48, They disowned his doctrine.
49, This doctrine was acceptable where two powerful companies were negotiating a contract in a free market, but contractually weaker persons suffered.
50, In the Introduction to the Principles, Berkeley spends a considerable time arguing against the doctrine of abstract ideas.
51, We shall return later in this chapter to the doctrine of precedent.
52, Within company law doctrine this idea has no real impact.
52, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
53, There are many examples of an incongruence between legal doctrine and commercial activity.
54, The major difficulty with this contract-based approach is the doctrine of privity of contract.
55, The doctrine of precedent is bound up with the need for a reliable system of law reporting.
56, But traditional catholic moral doctrine would oppose this on the grounds of the legitimacy of the state qua state.
57, The evidence suggests, then, that the direct influence of religious doctrine on individual reproductive decisions is weak.
58, The railway industry had a propaganda purpose in the streamlining of outlines and in the new doctrine of modernism in these years.
59, Butler gave what have often been considered decisive arguments against the doctrine of psychological hedonism.
60, The House of Lords applied the restraint of trade doctrine.
61, In the face of the current crisis in contract doctrine, however, recent studies have partially overcome this disciplinary isolation.
62, Nature conservation runs against the grain of current political doctrine.
63, No neat distinction between legal doctrine and political principle can be sustained at this level of adjudication.
64, Karl Llewellyn spent a great part of his life seeking to reconcile legal doctrine and commercial activity.
65, Longobardi had also stressed the remarkable accord on points of doctrine to be found among authors of the literati sect.
66, Here, then, at the opening of the modern era, we have a quite well developed doctrine of popular sovereignty.
67, They like the Pope's policy of conservatism on religious doctrine.
68, The doctrine is unchangeable.
69, A clear, authoritative statement of the new doctrine evolving is yet to be announced.
70, The Court of Appeal applied the restraint of trade doctrine and found that the agreement was reasonable.
71, General Booth's Salvationist doctrine was a notable example(), recommending mass emigration from the city slums to virgin colonial territories.
72, Galileo's view contradicted Church doctrine of the time that the earth was in a fixed position.
73, Both the positive and the negative aspects of the Monroe Doctrine were often repeated and reaffirmed in later years.
74, This statement represents the old doctrine in regard to obtaining property by false pretences, to which I shall advert presently.
75, Though a statement of Catholic doctrine, it has received widespread acceptance.
76, On the one hand, we labored to perfect a new tactical doctrine for a sea engagement against the enemy carrier force.
77, Yet, once the doctrine of consideration has been abandoned, the central dilemma of choice theories becomes even more obvious.
78, This calls for complete reversal of former security doctrine based on strategic military considerations.
79, I am sure that the House will have noted the hon. Gentleman's invention of a new doctrine - cost-free pay.
80, In the United Kingdom the doctrine of legislative supremacy dictates that Parliament has power to legislate on constitutional matters.
81, Its doctrine was self-sufficiency and the Fabian socialism that Nehru's generation imbibed during the struggle against colonialism.
82, The dissenting judgment of Geoffrey Lane L.J., which had applied the traditional collateral fact doctrine, was approved.
82, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
83, And they are unlikely to, because of their unfamiliarity with legal doctrine.
84, The doctrine of manifest destiny was distinct from the imperialist dynamic that flourished around the turn of the century.
85, In this sense, the legal doctrine of sovereignty is the most fundamental of our constitutional conventions.
86, The doctrine of the origin of domestic races from several aboriginal stocks was once carried to absurd extremes.
87, They preached the pure doctrine and pure life that Puritans had cherished ever since they formed under Elizabeth and chafed under James.
88, Justification is, as I have said, a declarative doctrine that we are sons and daughters of a heavenly Father.
89, Many of the old cases could indeed be subsumed within the new doctrine, but it does not cover them all.
90, Give to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself - that is my doctrine. Thomas Paine 
91, This is the doctrine of the nominalist party.
92, One who believes in the doctrine of predestination.
93, The "doctrine of ownership transfer with conditions for suspension" is a better explanation of the legal nature of ownership reservation.
94, A comparative study on the legislative and judicial experience in applying the doctrine in Japan, Germany and China may be helpful toward a perfect discretionary nol pros in China.
95, It's the most Christological of the Gospels, it's the most divine rather than simply being human and so it's very important for doctrine, and for theology,and for faith.
96, Some come up with a kind of so-called mixed civil procedural model, that is to focus mainly on the party doctrine litigant mode while to take the authority doctrine litigant mode as supplement.
97, Hence, English company law has made the doctrine of ultra vires otiose by means of an express general clause.
98, Taiping Scriptures takes the theory on Yin and Yang as the philosophic base of Taoism, and expounds the theology and religious doctrine with it, implying lots of brilliant thoughts on woman rights.
99, In clarifying orthodox Christology (the doctrine of Jesus Christ), the Council of Chalcedon (A.D. 451) laid the foundation of Western liberty.
100, Equitable subordination doctrine is a legislative exploration about whether the controlling company's claim should be subordinated when the subsidiary is bankrupt.
101, The belief in the corporeal assumption of Mary was formally declared to be dogma by Pope Pius XII in 1950; Roman Catholics must therefore hold the doctrine as true.
102, As for Jeremy Bentham, who launched utilitarianism as a doctrine in moral and legal philosophy, Bentham died in 1832 at the age of 85.
103, Universal creationism - the doctrine or belief that the universe was created by God out of no pre-existent entity.
104, After the argumentation of jurisprudence authority of the doctrine of privity of contract, the text gives the wide coverage to probes into the exception to privity of contract.
105, A religious-philosophical doctrine that originated in Persia in the third century and reappeared throughout the next 1300 years.
106, Successive redaction of the Psalms they readily admit, provided the doctrine of the inspiration of Holy Writ be not impugned .
107, Businessmen he lectures to do not even know the rudiments of doctrine.
108, Why this doctrine was so popular in the civil law domain of non-monopoly capitalism time has its profound economical root and special political background.
109, It is to neoconservatism's credit that this doctrine is consistent with extant work on how best to respond to the zombie menace.
110, The doctrine traces far back and generalizes worldwide, to U.S. home territory as well.
111, The evolution of the public trust doctrine is well illustrated by three cases from California.
112, Ultra vires doctrine has shown the tendency of decline in the course of legislation and judicial practice.
112, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
113, The debate would come to an unhappy close, with the Christological questions keeping the Reformers apart on the doctrine of the Eucharist.
114, However, it is my belief that theodicy ought to go still one st ep further to start its discussion from the problem of suffering, and this suffering-based doctrine may be called"neo-theodicy".
115, A statutory marital property system with common-law property system as its fondation and the doctrine of community property system as a complement is more suitable for China's Marriage Law.
116, That belief is a religious doctrine of a much later age.
117, The Truman Doctrine effectively stopped communists from taking control of Greece and Turkey.
118, In Theravada doctrine, a person may awaken from the "sleep of ignorance" by directly realizing the true nature of reality; such people are called arahants and occasionally Buddha's.
119, He's so much indulged in the religious doctrine that people can find the reflection of the God almost everywhere in his works.
120, The doctrine of Mary's Immaculate Conception was a matter Unclothed of dispute throughout the Middle Agbs.
121, Greek Christian theologian and founder of Arianism , a doctrine that led to his condemnation as a heretic.
122, Meanwhile, the marriage bed with its bright red curtains evokes the physical act of love which, according to Christian doctrine, is an essential part of the perfect union of man and wife.
123, A variety of philosophical doctrine, are subordinate to certain social classes created by the people, these people's consciousness, but also historically been a certain degree of social life to be.
124, As a cross of philosophy and divine Platosophy, Plato s doctrine of reminiscence has theological form.
125, Free argument, economic proceeding, and bona fide doctrine lay the theoretical basis for self-admission rule.
126, I see clearly the distinction between the poor doctrine of mundane science and our sacred, all-embracing teaching.
127, The premise of divisibility of public prosecution establishment is the doctrine of prosecuting discretion, which allocates prosecutor red-pros discretionary.
128, They are above and beyond any particular religious doctrine or method.
129, This policy of aid, popularly known as the Truman Doctrine, was an American challenge to Soviet ambitions throughout the world.
130, The doctrine of the most significant relationship is a new theory in current private international law.
131, Tibetan Buddhist doctrine including non - Buddhist Indian elements and elements of preexisting shamanism.
132, You don't,for example,have papal infallibility declared as a doctrine until the early twentieth century.
133, Calvinism---Strict theological doctrine of the French Protestant church reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) and the basis of Puritan society.
134, So our Saviour tells us, that "if any man do the will of God, he shall know the doctrine whether it be of God" (John 7:17).
135, In the early part of the seventeenth century Arminius introduced a new system of doctrine in the Reformed churches of Holland.
136, WE DENY that inerrancy is a doctrine invented by scholastic Protestantism, or is a reactionary position postulated in response to negative higher criticism.
137, Second was the failure of the recent Truman Doctrine – an outspoken scheme to help Greece and Turkey fight Soviet pressures – to indicate a constructive way forward for all.
138, Part of the Cold War policy developed by John Foster Dulles to contain expansion of the Soviet sphere of influence, the doctrine continued pledges made under the Truman Doctrine.
139, They recorded miscellaneous kinds of Confucius' talks in honor of his teaching for good. To commemorate his doctrine immortally, his students recorded and wrote ...
140, Buddhist and hindu doctrine of nonviolence expressing belief in the sacredness of all living creatures.
141, There have three theories with regard to the valid basis of inculpatory act of rescue: subjectivism doctrine, the benefit weight doctrine, and the laissez faire behavior doctrine.
142, Hobbes in the Hobbesian doctrine of sovereignty, or the Hobbesian sovereign,[http:///doctrine.html] to have a complete monopoly of power within his given territory.
143, Judged from the types of fairness, there still exist many problems concerning the fairness doctrine of tax in China exposed both in its guiding principle and its specific system.
144, The first half of this article discusses the insights of the earlier Yogacara Buddhist thoughts, including the elaboration of the doctrine of trilaksana and the doctrine of the Yogacara middle way.
145, At the state level, these quasi - property rights are defined by the public trust doctrine.
146, As the elite, Akhund is not only the inheritor and disseminator of Islam, but also the elucidator and defender of Sharia and Islam religious doctrine.
147, The doctrine of the material efficacy of prayer reduces the Creator to a cosmic bellhop of a not very bright or reliable kind. -Herbert J.
148, The doctrine states that a patentable invention must be nonobvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention is made.
149, Although Shamanism spreaded in the qidan society, systemic and complete classic and doctrine had not formed.
150, Ultimately, the doctrine allowing pre - emption of long - term threats has the potential to be enormously destabilizing.
151, The doctrine of sovereign immunity originated with the maxim that the king can do no wrong.
152, Mercy spirit runs through the religious doctrine of the whole of Buddhism as the basic spirit of China's Buddhism.
153, Meanwhile, in accordance with the principle of honesty and fairness, the doctrine of prosecution history estoppels and plea known technology shall be taken as the exclusion principle.
154, The third section of the article review oversea doctrine of exclusion of prejudgment.
155, Some classical liberals make the rule of law their central doctrine.
156, Fine, but if preemption is to be adopted as a doctrine, it has to encompass more than one rogue state.
157, Buddha says: Is cultivate according to a religious doctrine , demon is heart demon.
158, Buddhist and Hindu doctrine of nonviolence expressing belief in the sacredness of all living creatures.
159, The philosophical doctrine that every event, act, and decision is the inevitable consequence of antecedents that are independent of the human will.
160, His doctrine of reification is derived from the doctrines of the Marx, Max and Georg Simmel.
161, I suppose every struggler in loneliness can see to it as a doctrine, as well as me.
162, In the Confucian Doctrine, propriety a concept of the political theory, and benevolence, the ethical system.
163, Natural law doctrine and social contract theory are different theory models in western political culture tradition.
164, We indeed willingly concede, if any discussion arises over doctrine, that the best and surest remedy is for a synod of true bishops to be convened, where the doctrine at issue may be examined.
165, Their literatures showed the primal localize to Christianism. We would try to prove that the way they absorbed the different culture is the absolutely Chinese way called The Doctrine of the Mean.
166, This exposition gives an account of the outline of doctrine from which our summary statement and articles are drawn.
167, In order to understand the Reformation doctrine of sola Scriptura we must understand the historical context more accurately.
168, The doctrine of Mary's Immaculate Conception was a matter of dispute throughout the Middle Ages.
169, In China, neither priority doctrine nor equal doctrine and compromise doctrine are adopted in the settlement of money obligatory right by concurrent execution.
170, These all were the shows of male sex center doctrine actually, and it influenced the literature creation of our country deeply and lastingly.
171, Religious doctrine was taught in Catholic schools because parents wanted it, she said.
172, Furthermore propelled by intense historical consciousness, Dilthey tended to construct a doctrine of Weltanschauung during researching the history of thought naturally.
173, Weishaupt soon infiltrates the Continental Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine and establishes lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters.
174, There are two main doctrines on the legal character of securities counter. purchase:doctrine of collateral loan and dextrine of conditional sale.
175, It plays an important role in offsetting the shortcoming of argumentum and disposition doctrine.
176, Five hundred years later in the first century of Christian era, the religion was introduced into China,(Sentencedict) and the Chinese people accepted the doctrine almost immediately.
177, Robinson's triumphs in the face of bigotry evoked a sense of pride among black people and forced the rest of America to consider anew the doctrine of white supremacy.




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