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单词 Contractor
1, The style of house the contractor builds depends partly on the lay of the land.
2, It criticises the main contractor for seriously erring in its original estimates.
3, The Tokyo contractor was asked to kick $ 6000 back as commission.
4, A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.
5, It is inadvisable to involve more than one contractor on a project.
6, We'll need to employ a building contractor to do the work.
7, Raytheon is a defense contractor and engineering concern.
8, Have the house inspected by a qualified building contractor.
9, It does not entitle the contractor to additional money.
10, Her father, Nicholas Bojaxhiu, was a building contractor.
11, The contractor is to meet the full cost.
12, The contractor approached me with obvious caution.
13, Its main feature is that the chosen contractor offers a comprehensive package comprising the site and a completed building.
14, Often we use a contractor to make use of the most-up-to-date machinery around.
15, Contractor recordable and lost time accident rates were also a fraction of the industry average.
16, The space agency and its contractor switched supplies to comply with environmental regulations.
17, That of the contractor is to ensure a profit in doing so.
18, She and Joe Greenspun, a building contractor,(http:///contractor.html) married in Detroit in 1951.
19, It is the world's largest defence contractor and definitely not on the brink of going out of business.
20, Mike Sollers, an independent contractor with an electronics firm, was edgy the afternoon we met.
21, In the standard form the contractor must pay to or allow the employer the liquidated damages.
22, According to local folklore the contractor, who went bankrupt, was the first inmate detained for non payment of debts.
23, Alternatively the contractor may sub-let the work to a domestic sub-contractor with the written consent of the architect.
24, My boss has given me a free hand in deciding which outside contractor to use.
25, The contract defines the apportionment of risks between employer and contractor.
26, Epp noted that the film had been processed by a private contractor.
27, Many labour-only subcontractors have grasped the opportunity to expand initially to a labour and material sub-contractor and subsequently to a general contractor.
28, Each of these stages would be examined against records of the client, equipment supplier and main contractor.
29, What are the arrangements if you retire from the organisation as a salaried employee but become a retained consultant or contractor?
30, Here, as elsewhere, hospital cleaning services were won by a private contractor.
1, The style of house the contractor builds depends partly on the lay of the land.
2, It criticises the main contractor for seriously erring in its original estimates.
3, The Tokyo contractor was asked to kick $ 6000 back as commission.
31, For the environmentally minded contractor, several lumber companies in California are now marketing ethically chopped tropical rain forest timber.
32, When this is done by a private government contractor, the impropriety is obvious.
33, Later we hope to be the first offshore contractor with a competent core crew accredited to national standards.
34, Claims are frequently of great importance both to the contractor and the client.
35, In the meantime, Parkside is being maintained by a crew of former pit men working for a private contractor.
36, The main contractor is not responsible for the selection of nominated subcontractors.
37, The specialist contractor offers a complete service of diagnosis and repair, with guarantees.
38, The contractor also removed the second story of a sunken houseboat and barged it to shore.
39, The main contractor has to plan for subcontracted work just as seriously as for his or her own work.
40, A structural engineer or knowledgeable contractor can advise you on that.
41, Losing an independent contractor case can cost you more than payroll taxes; it can cost you your pension plan.
42, George Karadanis, a California general contractor who also owns two hotel-casinos in Nevada, is the project builder.
43, It can be used with or without quantities, and either the architect or the contractor produces detailed drawings.
44, Rusk follows his two couples through developing their designs, hiring a contractor, beginning construction and ending the project.
45, The contractor may subcontract out much of the work(), but the contractor is where the buck stops in terms of responsibility.
46, FinancingA lender, often working in concert with the contractor, arranges financing through a home equity loan.
47, Perchance I was speaking by telephone this afternoon to a building contractor who specialises in this type of work.
48, The Shore Porters' Society of Aberdeen, founded as a haulage contractor in 1498, is still in business.
49, The company is in a dispute with the main contractor and with a sub-contractor.
50, You simply pay an independent contractor what you agreed to pay him.
51, The site inspection sheet, shown above, has provision to insert a reminder as to how and when the contractor was notified.
52, Perhaps as a general contractor, to acquire and organize the material elements needed to put such a mission together?
53, We hired a local construction contractor, and within three weeks the school looked as good as new.
54, Just down the road at Shalford, electrical contractor Schupke collapsed with debts of £100,000 and the loss of 21 jobs.
55, The contractor negotiates with an insurance company which agrees, for a fee paid by the contractor, to provide the bond.
56, Is the client entitled to be relieved of responsibility on the basis that the contractor would have been late anyway?
57, The contractor is paid for the actual costs he incurs plus a previously agreed lump sum for his overheads and profit.
58, Neither wants to accept responsibility for the repairs needed since the previous contractor went into liquidation.
59, It is thought that the independent contractor is not covered.
60, The contractor had bought and planted six small trees for the schoolyard.
61, What power does the voter have over a local contractor who is one further stage removed from public control and accountability?
62, Similarly, repairs and maintenance should only be carried out by a specialist mastic asphalt contractor.
63, Within a year of this change virtually every unionized contractor had established spin-off companies.
64, Nearly every government contractor befriends and hires Pentagon employees and bends the rules wherever possible.
65, Construction shares also jumped more than 1 percent as a group, led by shares of general contractor Taisei Corp.
66, In addition, the continuing discussions between architect, contractor, and tenant might reveal the need for other changes.
67, The Contractor will be required to provide his own supply for drinking water etc.
68, We have no automatic right to Group work but we do try to be the preferred contractor.
69, For instance, the telephones at 3Com are answered by people who work for an outside contractor.
70, A contractor could use the actual performance when not working under claim conditions to establish what should have been foreseeable.
71, Similarly, a small business that hires a marketing consultant must determine whether the consultant is an employee or an independent contractor.
72, The National Science Foundation, which was footing the bill, decided to hire an independent contractor to complete the project.
73, Gary was an electrical engineer for a defense contractor in the Washington area.
74, The contractor was a tall man with a beer belly and a cowboy hat.
75, Bragg, 30, of San Marcos,() who works as an independent contractor for a mortgage bank.
76, The Pittsburgh-based Westinghouse is sharply reducing its longstanding role as a military contractor in order to strengthen ties to the entertainment industry.
77, Contractors would then be invited to tender for the work, or a price could be negotiated with a single contractor.
78, Digital Systems, a government contractor, has yet to explain how t will succeed where Opus failed.
79, The relationship between each group and management was akin to that of contractor and client.
80, As a former building contractor, he had an eye for a sound investment in bricks and mortar.
81, For example, a job surveyor must know the areas where he is free to issue instructions and give guidance to the contractor.
82, The paper soaks overnight, then the contractor comes back and scrapes the walls clean.
83, The state parks department has chosen a new contractor, Park.
84, The contractor himself became a valued member of a Cheyenne bank and was on the bishopric of the church.
85, The more risk the contractor is required to take, the more expensive the price is likely to be at the outset.
86, We all know how difficult it can be to arrange for a contractor to carry out repairs to our home.
87, A main contractor will be appointed next March to move on site in April.
88, In Lezhe we found a contractor who had just completed a couple of impressive apartment buildings.
89, In that case the contractor sought to sue the engineer for losses arising from alleged under-certification of the amounts due to the contractor.
90, Probably this work should be done by direct order to a local plant contractor.
91, With technical work, the appointment of a competent contractor may be sufficient to discharge the duty.
92, Or the architect, contractor and 27 subcontractors and their crews who transformed a gutted firetrap into a glowing gem?
93, It is usually the responsibility of the engineer to approve the alternative offered by the contractor or to suggest a possible solution.
94, Posing as a Good Samaritan, the contractor would alert the homeowner and try to make a deal to repaint the house.
95, The independent contractor may not be within the reach of the paragraph.
96, However, events which entitle the contractor to an extension of time may also entitle the contractor to recover extra costs.
97, Architects, engineers and other construction professionals certify amounts due from the owner to the contractor under construction contracts.
98, Landowners could hire a contractor at, say, £110 / acre and keep £90 / acre.
99, Generally, a contractor is the firm under contract to provide specialized construction services.
100, He was an employee of DynCorp, a technical services contractor based in Reston, Va.
101, The conflicting interests of client, contractor and subcontractor have provided the basis for numerous court cases.
102, The main contractor for this study is the Department of the Environment.
103, That means hiring a private contractor to plow and making sure the contractor is paid.
104, We had planned for him to just be the contractor, to do the work.
105, A final construction cost has yet to be set and negotiations with the contractor are still continuing.
106, First, a release of one joint contractor releases the others.
107, "JACK", BUILDING CONTRACTOR There would be no construction.
108, Rheinmetall is the main contractor for the protection system.
109, Inspectors nominated by the Contractor shall absolutely comply with the Contract provisions.
110, FREMONT, Calif., 18 May 2008. dB Control won a contract from a major defense contractor to provide coupled-cavity Traveling Wave Tube (TWT) amplifiers to be used for radar applications.
111, However, when it does so, it must make sure that they will pay all the money they get from it to their workers. No government contractor should profit in any way by such government compensation.
112, Buying a defense contractor would lower EADS's exposure to that industry.
113, Contractor shall deliver the completion report for the Repair Service to TES together with the Results.
114, "Supplier" in these regulations refers to the provider or the contractor who may conclude or have concluded a procuring contract with the procurer.
115, The Contractor shall warn his staff and Labour of the dangers of bilharzia and wild animals.
116, "China's Eximbank acts as an investor (providing) loans," Magauov said. "Sinopec Engineering is a contractor."
117, Second place went to a dune buggy retrofitted by engineers at Elbit Systems, an Israeli military contractor.
118, As the prime contractor, Raytheon will integrate new electronics, computer hardware and mission software to upgrade the existing two-faced, phased-array antenna facility at the remote site.
119, Finally, there are the cyberspies who want to steal military secrets from a defense contractor like Lockheed Martin or financial data from the IMF.
120, The architects and engineers are American and the main building contractor is South Korean.
121, Analysing the probability of getting the bid, determine the potential profits of the contractor, and calculate the best tender price of the tender on the basis of the open tender invitation.
122, Managing contractor cares about construction cost as well as owner's investment cost.
123, When contracting or sub-contracting is applied in the construction and installation business, the main contractor shall withhold and pay Business Tax on behalf of the sub-contractors.
124, Engineering construction contract is the agreement that owner and contractor decide to mutual right obligation concerns.
125, The follow-on contract calls for the contractor to provide bandwidth and systems engineering, operations and maintenance support for the Army's Trojan satellite communications.
126, A cost-plus contract provides that the owner will reimburse the contractor for all construction costs and pay a fee for his services.
127, This rework cost the contractor about 1 million (Saudi Riyals ) for both demolition and re-construction and delayed the project schedule for three (3) months.
128, Provisional Acceptance Certificate as per Appendix 11 the Contract signed by the Buyer and the Contractor.
129, For the contractor, the bid estimate is usually regarded as the budget estimate, which will be used for control purposes as well as for planning construction financing.
130, Long Term Contractor --- Contractor who has signed the Long Term Contract with DSPC, and will continue to do the job on a regular basis until the termination of contract.
131, The total sum paid to the Contractor shall include only such amounts, for the work, supplies or services to which the Provisional Sum relates, as the Engineer shall have instructed.
132, The contractor provided all the necessary records including time and payroll records.
133, In one of the first cinematics, he is shown taking over a Clawhammer Defense Industries compound, a fictional defence contractor , presumably to steal something or just destroy it.
134, Defense contractor SAIC (SAI) reported that first-quarter earnings exceeded expectations, the unit will be expected to rise today.
135, A San Francisco building contractor, for example, secured a passel of holiday presents by trading for them with his services via the International Monetary Systems network, according to the Times.
136, The congressional committee will check into the financial dealings of the government contractor.
137, Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor for the VH-71, which is based on the European EH-101 helicopter developed by AgustaWestland.
138, The parties intend that an independent contractor - employer relationship will be created by this contract.
139, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Sunnyvale, Calif., is the AEHF prime contractor and system manager, with Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, Redondo Beach, Calif., as the payload provider.
140, If supervision engineer issued a directive, contractor should change by supervision engineer change instruction execution.
141, The test, conducted by the Missile Defense Agency and Lockheed Martin, (NYSE: LMT) THAAD prime contractor and system integrator, occurred at the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Hawaii June 29, 2010.
142, The series of tests, held this spring at the Army's Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, included engineering, contractor and government acceptance testing.
143, If you wish, we can also act as main contractor and supply you with a turnkey logistics solution on time.
144, Decide whether you want to be an employee or independent contractor.
145, The building contractor team should have structural engineers who are able to undertake the planning and safety aspects of the design to ensure that the finished product is up to standards.
146, If the Principal is needed to handle, the Contractor shall bear all costs arising from this, including but not limited to retaining fee , translation fee and survey fee arising from handling disputes.
147, Whether you're a building contractor or a project manager, you need the tools to help you achieve your goals.
148, A energy-saving anti-electric shock AC arc welding machine replaced SCR by contractor in energy-saving switch is advanced.
149, Global service and the contractor list shall provided by Supplier.
150, Provide the maintenance contractor monthly payment review and audit, payment tracking and forecast.
151, In their eyes, he has reached covert deal with contractor, that is the contractor bribed him underhand so as to get the contract to build the city roads and bridges. 6.A cat may look at a king.
152, Africa's main contractor works of art, jewelry, collections such as the scope of the auction business.
153, The Contractor shall then complete this work before issuing a further notice under this Sub-Clause.
154, The Employer shall indemnify the Contractor against all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses in respect of the matters referred to in the exceptions defined in Sub-Clause 51.2.
155, Responsible for the progress control, cost control , quality control, contractor evaluation, selection and supervision.
156, As the role of the master builder narrowed to that of a designer the general contractor took over construction.
157, MCI, in an effort to distance itself from the accounting scandals that plagued the company when it went by the name WorldCom, on Tuesday named a defense contractor veteran as its chief ethics officer.
158, We, at the request of the General Contractor, are ready to furnish security to you as surety in respect to General Contractor's obligation to make the project payment under the Master Contract.
159, But as winter melted into spring and no replies came, a disappointed Bracy went to work for his dad, a building contractor.
160, The Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer whenever any work is ready and before it is covered up, put out of sight, or packaged for storage or transport.
161, The Contractor-shall carry-out the Tests on such day or days within that period as the Contractor may fix and of which he shall give notice to the Engineer.
162, When the commissioner accused the road builder of bribery, the contractor said the pot was calling the kettle black.
163, Raytheon Systems, the defense contractor, has spent $100 million and 14 years figuring out how to adapt the military's thermal imaging technology to civilian autos.
164, A fourth team short-listed by the MoD for the trials failed to provide vehicles after prime contractor Babcock withdrew at the last moment.
165, An independent contractor is not regarded as an auxiliary for the purposes of this Article.
165, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
166, Company shall pay to Contractor a commission of six percent of gross sales.
167, Omega is an aircraft tire contractor specialising in tire leasing programs. We are also in the aftermarket spares business stocking spares in Asia, to meet with the rising requirements in Asia.
168, Minimum 1 international industry project experience on Lead Field Engineer or Project Engineer's role in EPCm Contractor or Construction Contractor's Team.
169, They enlisted a local building contractor to help, and since they had no funds to pay him, offered him free ice cream for life—or at least for as long as they stayed in business anyway.
170, Consider setting up a panel discussion featuring representatives of different, but related, vocations — for example, a city planner, an architect, and a building contractor.
171, BAE Systems has been awarded one of four prime contractor positions on the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) Operations Support Contract.
172, CONTRACTOR shall not mortgage, hypothecate, encumber or convey title to any of the equipment or materials in the performance of this CONTRACT.
173, No claim for additional payment shall be allowed for any error or misunderstanding by the Contractor in the Bill of Quantities.
174, In this paper forest management characters, forest bilateral contract commodity producer's identity for the contractor are summarized and analysed respectively.
175, By law, we can't use contractor help during our evaluation unless it is specifically spelled out by Air Combat Command.
176, COCE is an overseas building contractor ranking the first in china with a galaxy of talents good at international project administration and international bids as well as inviting of bids.
177, The Employer may deduct this amount from any moneys due, or to become due, to the Contractor.
178, For the purposes of this clause "solicit" means the soliciting of such person with a view to engaging such person as an employee, director, partner, sub-contractor or independent contractor.
179, As the contract is carried out, the quantities actually used are measured by a quantity surveyor and the contractor is paid on the basis of these amounts.
180, If the adjustments indicate an underpayment by COMPANY, COMPANY shall pay Contractor the amount of underpayment subject to verification thereof.
181, You're a sub-contractor, and you say to your general contractor, "I know you requested 60-day terms, but at this price, we'd need payment in 30 days."
182, As one defense contractor put it, too many bosses' idea of talent assessment amounts to nothing more than "a lick-and-sniff dog test.
183, This centre, the main treatment facility for chemical waste, is operated by a government contractor, recovering part of its running costs through a user direct-charging scheme.
184, Lawo also manufactures matrix systems and audio networks, carries out project engineering and acts as a main contractor for radio OB vans.
185, Seal leakage test on the inlet valve under a hydrostatic pressure equal to maximum static head. The leakage shall not exceed the amount guaranteed by the Contractor.
186, Notwithstanding the foregoing, COMPANY shall be entitled to deduct any amounts of overpayment from payments due to Contractor.
187, During the contracting term the contractor shall, in the first quarter of each year, submit to the joint venture risk guaranty money, letter of guarantee or risk deposit.
187, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
188, The Contractor shall, upon award of the Contract , enter into a sub-contract with the approved Paint Supplier(s) for the supply of paint under his domination.
189, Prime contractor Harris and its team partner BAE Systems Inc. are building the Ku-band Common Data Link Hawklink system for the Navy's Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System (LAMPS) helicopter.
190, As the prime contractor, Boeing supplies the air vehicle -- a derivative of SDB I -- as well as the network data link system.
191, A contract clause that refers to how much contract or license area a contractor must surrender or give back to the government during or after the exploration phase of a contract.
192, Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor for the THAAD system.
193, Engineering guarantee warrantee is not only an important means of risk transferring in construction engineering, but also an important tool of credit insurance between proprietor and contractor.
194, The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer so to do, copy to the Employer all accounts sent to the Engineer pursuant to this Sub-Clause.
195, Any vicegerent, contractor, or the third party that provide us with administration, telecommunication, computer, payment or other service related to our company's operation.
196, Slid Wire and Track of Overall Lifting Device will be supplied by the Contractor.
197, Mix epoxy using a tongue depressor that can be throw away with insight from a remodeling contractor in this free video on home repair and maintenance.
198, From three stages' analysis, discussion is made on the relationships among the owner, contractor and consultant during the construction process of international bidding for higher level roads.
199, To date, Boeing has been the prime contractor for the GMD program, overseeing and integrating systems developed by other major defense subcontractors, including Raytheon and Northrop Grumman.
200, Exhibitors are requested to coordinate with the Standfitting Contractor and Freight Forwarder for their work schedule.
201, The warranty shall apply to manufacturing defects and other defects caused during transportation, installation and commissioning caused by the Contractor or its nominated sub-contractor only.




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