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单词 Uncertainty
1. He had an air of uncertainty about him.
2. Times of great change are also times of uncertainty.
3. There is considerable uncertainty about the company's future.
4. Her comments will add to the uncertainty of the situation.
5. They are facing some uncertainty about their jobs.
6. It was a time of terrible uncertainty.
7. Around every corner lurked doubt and uncertainty.
8. Uncertainty again hangs over the project.
9. We live in an era of religious uncertainty.
10. Uncertainty is a discouragement to investment.
11. Uncertainty darkens the future of radio and television.
12. Is there any uncertainty at all about the way she died?
13. She went through a period of terrible uncertainty and indecision.
14. The uncertainty is unbearable!
15. There is a great deal of uncertainty about the company's future .
16. There's considerable uncertainty as to whether the government's job creation strategies will work.
17. After six weeks of uncertainty , the strain was beginning to take its toll.
18. Nothing is ever decided, and all the uncertainty is very bad for staff morale.
19. The policy changes have caused great uncertainty for the workforce.
20. His sharp ears had picked up the uncertainty in her voice.
21. They hoped the waiting and the uncertainty would wear down my resistance.
22. Her comments will add uncertainty to an already complicated situation.
23. The commission's report has dispelled much of the uncertainty that has enshrouded the telephone industry since the Telecommunications Act was signed.
24. Given the uncertainty over Leigh's future I was left with little other choice.
25. One area of uncertainty remains: who will lead the team?
26. Such uncertainty could deter potential private freight operators.
27. As people grow older,[] they begin to ruminate on the uncertainty of life.
28. Her confidence was merely a pose to hide her uncertainty.
29. The only thing to do is to fling caution to the winds and make a decision,right or wrong;anything is better than uncertainty.
30. Recession in the country has run its course and left an aftermath of uncertainty.
1. He had an air of uncertainty about him.
2. Times of great change are also times of uncertainty.
3. There is considerable uncertainty about the company's future.
4. Her comments will add to the uncertainty of the situation.
5. As people grow older, they begin to ruminate on the uncertainty of life.
6. After six weeks of uncertainty , the strain was beginning to take its toll.
31. It may therefore produce greater uncertainty about aggregate demand.
32. Looking into the future brings a message of uncertainty.
33. Her brush strokes mimic the uncertainty.
34. Regulatory law is permeated with uncertainty. 2 2.
35. Periods of punctuated equilibrium are periods of extended uncertainty.
36. The greatest uncertainty concerns Nelson Mandela's health.
37. Uncertainty attends the future of the industry.
38. Tlere was also that uncertainty about the train fare.
39. Mr Kabila's sudden departure leaves huge uncertainty.
40. They reduce uncertainty and hence anxiety about the future.
41. The price range reflects the uncertainty involved in the novel technology that will be needed to build large syn-gas plants.
42. Please, however, do not think that I hold you responsible, in any way, for my own uncertainty.
43. Levels of uncertainty escalate enormously in periods of punctuated equilibrium.
44. But the regents' decision still leaves much uncertainty on campus, which has seen enrollment decline significantly during the turmoil.
45. A period of uncertainty such as an election causes people to be either optimistic or pessimistic.
46. Confusion and uncertainty are the major characteristics of the permissive society according to the conservative-historians.
47. These quantitative measures of uncertainty will then be entered in a number of investment formulations to see how they perform.
48. This is true, whether or not quantum uncertainty is a fundamental feature of physical reality.
49. The uncertainty manifests itself above all in the volatile perceptions of the two candidates.
50. Children are also sensitive to stress caused by anxiety, uncertainty and economic hardship.
51. Second, the elimination of exchange rate uncertainty will stimulate the manufacturing sectors of member countries.
52. No other material illustrates more vividly the political consternation and diplomatic uncertainty attendant on the accession of a new king.
52. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
53. Real togetherness Einstein licked his wounds after his long drawn out battle with Bohr about the uncertainty principle.
54. The doctors must explain the uncertainty of the outcome when seeking permission to include some one in the study.
55. Initially, Ishmael is completely optimistic about this endless journey, affirming both the motion and the endless uncertainty associated with it.
56. The first point to make is that dividend policy and share valuation take place under conditions of uncertainty.
57. Shiona told herself with just a flicker of uncertainty, changing into second gear as she rounded a bend.
58. The uncertainty taken in isolation will be called the modifiability and the conditional terms will be the independence terms.
59. The uncertainty principle also predicts that there will be similar virtual pairs of matter particles, such as electrons or quarks.
60. Quantum mechanics depicts space as a seething foam of uncertainty, with unimaginably short-lived elementary particles appearing and disappear ing.
61. Now, it is important to say that an intelligent expression of faith will still convey some sense of uncertainty.
62. The bank merger introduced a period of uncertainty in the financial markets.
63. But we know it can not be quite right because it doesn't incorporate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.
64. There is a large degree of uncertainty about the extent to which women worked underground in the eighteenth-century coal industry.
65. It minimises uncertainty and helps to anticipate changes for example in demography, social factors, values and employment levels. 3.
66. Its downward trend was disturbed only by the uncertainty of the First World War and a sharp but transient post-war baby boom.
67. In this chapter it has been argued that the uncertainty map can be of great help in managing such a portfolio.
68. When intensive care or emergency surgery are used inappropriately doctors sometimes offer as an excuse their uncertainty about the law.
69. The hostages described life in the prison camp as a nightmare of fear and uncertainty.
70. Some countries have drifted towards dollarisation as a result of suffering from political and monetary uncertainty.
71. Last year they faced uncertainty over their jobs when the Lewis's group went bust and called in the receivers.
72. On top of this comes the extra uncertainty from the new compression of the primary season.
73. I think the editors of Cinema Nuovo are partly responsible for what you call our uncertainty.
74. Perception is biased towards recognition and each successful achievement reduces uncertainty.
75. Other authorities have held back before embarking on such highly desirable projects because of that uncertainty in the law.
76. This was the way in which uncertainty asserted itself in Heisenberg's original formulation of quantum mechanics.
77. And that's no different from the uncertainty over winning the multi-million contract with Tashenu's.
78. My own uncertainty in defending my position at the time made me that much more adamant and angry in response.
79. The security of a government-funded human services position had been an improvement over the uncertainty of a solo carpentry business.
80. The formality of reading allows her to interact with me without uncertainty and anxiety.
81. It is precisely because such a code does not exist, that we live in a period of uncertainty and experimentation.
82. The widespread adoption of floating exchange rates increased the uncertainty and risk associated with international trade and investment.
83. Although frightening and painful, the actual violence is generally less terrifying than living in a constant state of uncertainty and threat.
84. The microscopic quantum world is imprecise; it is the domain of Heisenberg uncertainty.
85. In practice, however, uncertainty is often dealt with through the simple mechanism of assigning higher discount rates to riskier projects.
86. This cycle causes considerable market uncertainty affecting the occupiers, developers, investors and planners involved in new building.
87. They will expect you to bottle up your inner uncertainty, whatever it is about.
88. A large body of theory and no small degree of controversy exist relative to the treatment of uncertainty.
89. There were so many little tasks that she would have to master, she realized with a sickening lurch of uncertainty.
90. That is what the uncertainty created by the Prime Minister's opt-out will cost us.
91. That uncertainty urges us to look beyond the present, with a faint hope to control our future.
92. However, a definition of the current state of understanding and uncertainty should also serve as a diagnosis to guide future research.
93. But as in all aspects of forecasting the greenhouse world, the task of prediction is clouded by uncertainty.
94. Another area of uncertainty is the treatment of exceptional items.
95. However, the Panel will not allow an offeror to rely on a pre-condition indefinitely as this creates uncertainty in the market.
96. Mr Keating is being urged to act quickly to avoid years of uncertainty while new claims are fought through the courts.
97. They must deal creatively with uncertainty instead of futilely trying to eliminate it.
98. Given this uncertainty it is probably safest for the drafter to assume that s3 will be given its widest possible interpretation.
99. Fourth, the elimination of exchange rate uncertainty is likely to yield benefits in terms of higher growth rates of intra-union trade and investment.
100. This uncertainty was reflected in unprecedented levels of argument within the government, conducted in the full glare of public attention.
101. Perhaps the most important characteristic of an expert chess player, however, is flexibility when uncertainty arises.
102. Given the short period to maturity, there may be little remaining dividend uncertainty.
103. The limited empirical work on the importance of uncertainty as a variable affecting investment decisions yields some support for this argument.
104. It is currently going through a bad patch of such uncertainty.
105. Exchange rate uncertainty places small and medium-sized firms at a special disadvantage.
106. When she left her job she faced a period of uncertainty while she tried to prove that her idea had potential.
107. The solid lines of certainty gave way to the broken lines of uncertainty.
108. The main area for uncertainty in constructive dismissal cases concerns an apparent breach of an implied term of your contract.
109. The uncertainty of this utterance is indicated strongly in Stoppard's stage directions.
110. In addition, uncertainty as to future interest rate movements has encouraged bank borrowing rather than debt financing. 2.
111. Some investors buy gold as a safe haven in times of political and economic uncertainty.
112. The existence of sub-sects such as the Zadokites and the Nazareans has generated considerable confusion and uncertainty among biblical scholars.
113. Improved management information and decision-making processes are required as well as less uncertainty and change.
114. A large quantity of information is needed in order to reduce this uncertainty to an acceptable level.
115. In her is shown most vividly the uncertainty between good and evil which is apparent in every one of the divinities.
116. It is supposed to end the uncertainty surrounding the limits of control of young people in residential care.
117. It was the uncertainty,[http:///uncertainty.html] the thought that all my happiness could be smashed in the blink of an eye.
118. Cognitive social psychologists assume that it is pan of human nature to reduce uncertainty by processing the external stimulus world through schemata.
119. Try the patience of owners as it might, such uncertainty is testament to evolution.
120. That uncertainty means higher interest rates if the pound comes under pressure and has to be supported again.
121. However, continuing financial uncertainty meant that privatisation by means of a share issue to the public was out of the question.
122. The company dealt with uncertainty through a flexible organizational style, aided by a rapidly evolving information network.
123. Vulnerability is not weakness, and the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure we face every day are not optional. Our only choice is a question of engagement. Our willingness to own and engage with our vulnerability determines the depth of our courage and the clarity of our purpose; the level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection. Brene Brown 
124. Uncertainty and scientific dispute is compounded by the fact that radioactive contamination is different from many other types of pollution.
125. If there is any uncertainty about that, a pelvic exam or sonogram may be done.
126. However, our uncertainty about the present average density of the universe is even greater.
127. This theoretical uncertainty was fully supported by the experience of ancient and medieval technology.
128. There have been many recent changes in government intervention programmes causing damaging uncertainty.
129. And they believe that what makes the current situation precarious is the continuing uncertainty over the outlook for sterling.
130. The decision comes after ten years of uncertainty and often acrimonious debate.
131. Most burghers who voted for the right did so to express uncertainty and fear about the looming costs of unification.
132. These are difficult days for students ... financial worries and job uncertainty, as well as coping with life alone.
133. Organizational environments are always uncertain, so departments that can cope effectively with uncertainty can increase their power within the organization.
134. He felt a sudden deep wave of depression, coupled with uncertainty.
135. But, on the basis of currently available evidence, uncertainty remains.
136. A decrease in economic uncertainty allows the C11L curve to become flatter.
137. Personal uncertainty will combine with social pressure to encourage experiment.
138. The volatility / uncertainty of sponsorship prejudices a continuous production flow of excellence.
139. Being in a position to cope with uncertainty will be a source of power under certain circumstances.
140. Considerable margins of uncertainty are associated with the best-fit climate sensitivities identified in an analysis of this type.
141. There followed a period of uncertainty until it found itself with new occupants Savory and Sons.
142. Where they contradicted each other in inessential points there might be room for debate and uncertainty.
142. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
143. Donald's offer on behalf of the company to buy a round of drinks had been ambiguous and caused uncertainty among us.
144. Either will do, but the present confusion has only added to uncertainty in the financial markets.
145. This paucity of information arises from the role that uncertainty has in quantum mechanics.
146. All of this mumbo-jumbo masks a large vacuum of uncertainty.
147. Her father, yelling from the bleachers, only deepened her uncertainty.
148. Much of medicine is uncertain, and the admission of that uncertainty creates the obligation to research the matter further.
149. As mentioned previously, the organization had been in a schizoid state in trying to cope with uncertainty in the marketplace.
150. These pressures both reflect and contribute to an uncertainty about the role of teacher education within higher education.
151. The uncertainty of this metrical contradiction also contributes to the static mood.
152. Events moved quickly, though as Cullingworth's history reveals, not without great uncertainty and confusion in Whitehall.
153. Hong Kong politicians called on Mr Major to end months of uncertainty by immediately appointing a new Governor.
154. Documentary research in the technical literature was undertaken to plan interviews and to identify key areas of technological innovation and technical uncertainty.
155. He wanted the manslaughter charge dropped and says the case is full of uncertainty.
156. It certainly came at an ideal time, given the uncertainty surrounding this team.
157. There was uncertainty in his voice, though, and later Theresa hearkened to this.
158. How to reassure this woman when her question pricked his own uncertainty?
159. Consumer Research and Electronic Commerce Evaluating customer preference is the main uncertainty facing application designers.
160. But perhaps it reveals more of the inherent uncertainty of experimental research than the tidiness which precedes it.
161. But Gallagher does not decide this and only a House of Lords judgment on the point can resolve the uncertainty.
162. The uncertainty in the 12.5 billion year figure is 3.0, which encompasses most previous cosmological estimates.
163. We hope the court proceedings will be concluded quickly, so that the period of uncertainty is kept to a minimum.
164. They take advantage of people's dislike of uncertainty by providing insurance services.
165. There is a great deal of uncertainty about the world's population growth.
166. Mrs Thatcher's later versions of the affair showed much uncertainty over the facts.
167. Yet Einstein never accepted quantum mechanics because of its element of chance and uncertainty.
168. It will come to the floor without any committee consideration, with uncertainty.
169. Uncertainty over objectives has bedevilled public libraries for many years.
170. David Lewis, chairman, said the year started with a considerable amount of uncertainty and despair in the travel industry.
171. It was the uncertainty that was so infuriating, not knowing where she was.
172. In addition, there is some uncertainty about how to calculate discounted future income for the representative household.
172. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
173. The discovery of atomic structure and the uncertainty principle put an emphatic end to that.
174. The development of mathematical models to represent the uncertainty characteristics of digital map databases; 2.
175. Refugee situation Political uncertainty and economic hardships led to a continued outflow of refugees, particularly from the minorities.
176. There are eight long rays emanating from the head; but without a text, uncertainty remains as to their precise identification.
177. But among feminist researchers and practitioners, these concerns with uncertainty have limited currency.
178. Providing information that reduces uncertainty is a second way a department can increase its power base.
179. First, the elimination of exchange rate uncertainty will enhance the efficiency of the price mechanism as a resource allocator.
180. In the context of post-war uncertainty it is relatively easy to relate existentialism to abstract expressionism.
181. During periods of punctuated equilibrium everything is in flux, disequilibrium becomes the norm, and uncertainty reigns!
182. The deadlock also reflected the general feeling of uncertainty on the international stage engendered by events in the Soviet Union during August.
183. Under these circumstances the future details of a transaction can be settled only when uncertainty is resolved by the passage of time.
184. After years of uncertainty, the new management says the Roses Theatre now has a bright future.
185. Uncertainty over performances at the South Bank Centre in London ended yesterday when management and unions agreed a pay deal.
186. Main reasons seem to be persistent low profitability among farmers and their uncertainty about the future.
187. That feeling of uncertainty did not last long, I found a new pathway and the bewilderment soon went.
188. The country was on the brink of war, and fear and uncertainty permeated every aspect of daily life.
189. The country was on the brink of war; uncertainty permeated every aspect of daily life.
190. The uncertainty of such stop-go policies arguably reduced business confidence and discouraged investment.
191. These activities are performed to solve problems involving complexity, uncertainty and/or ambiguity that require intelligence and decision-making.
192. Einstein's general relativity is what is called a classical theory; that is, it does not incorporate the uncertainty principle.
193. After this encounter Einstein gave up his specific attempts to undermine the uncertainty principle.
194. We have to live with uncertainty and we have to a far more adaptable than previous generations.
195. Often the initial struggles of such programs show a passionate commitment which somehow overcomes many an uncertainty and lack.
196. I now attempt to narrow and adjust this range of uncertainty.
197. The faces and bodies of the three black women express various degrees of grief, uncertainty and pain.
198. There is, accordingly, an element of uncertainty about the educational processes in higher education.
199. Sometimes there will be two candidates who are fairly evenly matched and there may be uncertainty about which should be appointed.
200. The regulatory procedures, which will govern oil to coal conversion, are still a matter of uncertainty.
201. That uncertainty arose after a $ 10 million budget shortfall surfaced in July, days before the start of the school year.
202. I recognise that companies are under considerable pressures and that we face a period of uncertainty.
202. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
203. Instead, the voters have presented the best possible result - one which eliminates uncertainty.
204. Nothing, she told herself, could be worse than this uncertainty, this sense of impending disaster.
205. Future trends in marital status Future trends in marital status are subject to some uncertainty.
206. Chafee also proposed a five-year delay in setting specific limits for fine particulates, or soot, citing scientific uncertainty.
207. This uncertainty argument in favour of fixed exchange rates is based upon the apparent instability of capital flows.
208. Will the investment in new wagons be justified by private operators or leasing companies given the uncertainty of the market?
209. Do you really have the ultimate overview - or is your confidence a cover-up for fundamental uncertainty?
210. There were a number of dairy farmers whose uncertainty about milk quotas was reflected in their responses.
211. When we calculate the uncertainty in position, Ax, we use formulae for resolving power which are derived from wave optics.
212. The long silence that followed would become a familiar feature of night raids filled with uncertainty and pregnant with disaster.
213. Like most modern literature, the new narrative reflects the ontological uncertainty of contemporary man.
214. The preceding months of wrangling were the cause of a great deal of economic uncertainty.
215. Pearson uses the concept of uncertainty to offer a matrix which directs attention to characteristics that might reduce the risks of innovation.
216. Uncertainty of Sample Mean and Standard Deviation.
217. Questions involving the environment are particularly prone to uncertainty.
218. In actual measurement for departure from flatness, the uncertainty of measurement result is usually not given.
219. In this paper, the uncertainty and detection of the status of non-metallic inclusions in steel is discussed.
220. Quine's skepticism to "meaning" is just the concentrated reflection of uncertainty of meaning.
221. The algorithm makes use of fuzzy-rough sets theory to describe its uncertainty degree and carries through its pre-processing with traditional methods according to the image's visual property.
222. The non-probabilistic reliability index is adopted to evaluate safety of structures and taken as a design constraint so that the optimum design can resist a given level of uncertainty.
223. In parallel, revivalist and Pentecostal churches have proliferated in many parts of Africa, offering spiritual stability in times of uncertainty.
224. We assume that agents can only live safely for the first two periods and face uncertainty as to whether they will survive to the third period.
225. The confidence level and uncertainty limit of sum of normal R.
226. Because of the complexity and uncertainty of drilling process, it is proposed that the prediction and diagnosis of drilling accidents are carried out by artificial neutral network.
227. Quantum key distribution technique is a popular research subject in information security field, which is based on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and no-clone theory.
228. A flexible inference rule in belief networks is designed and quasi-information filtering provides a new approach to studying uncertainty in decision analysis and A.
229. Political uncertainty, both provincially and federally, may continue to weigh on the currency, analysts said.
230. It showed by the results that the uncertainty was mainly caused by the titrant volume.
231. Result: Uncertainty in each ponderance were analyzed and put forward combined standard uncertainty resides of the method.
232. This paper introduces the evaluation of measurement uncertainty of cesium atomic beam frequency standard, and gives its calculation process and expression method.
232. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
233. Ambiguity refers literally to doubtfulness or uncertainty in expressive meaning of the text. An expression may contain multiple meanings, and this is an important technique of poetry.
234. Using possibility theory to deal with this kind of uncertainty, one of the vital points is constructing reasonable possibility distribution.
235. This paper deals with the inference for uncertainty of precision instrument.
236. Delay uncertainty problem may happen in the transferring process of the distributed relay system which takes substation Ethernet to be communication networks.
237. It is difficulty to calculate subentry of uncertainty in nanoindentation because there are many factors.
238. This paper, firstly analyzes the affect caused by the uncertainty, then studies the statistics and time series based method for spectrographic oil data processing and wear diagnosis. An example ...
239. This paper discusses our method to evaluate the uncertainty components of chilled mirror hygrometer during calibration process, and also a few possible influencing factors we are interested in .
240. I decided not to say that her original instruction had been imprecise to the point of incomprehensibility and her anger an inappropriate response to uncertainty.
241. The new research, published this week in the journal Science, deals with two of the theory's most important and mind-bending properties: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and nonlocality.
242. Uncertainty of load growth with respect to both geography and time, the probability of new invention or technological development.
243. As we enter what is sure to be a long period of uncertainty—a gantlet of lost jobs, dwindling assets, home foreclosures and two continuing wars—the downside of stress is certainly worth exploring.
244. The types of highway construction site lie on the physical geography condition and the geological condition of terrane whose basic parameters are fuzzy and uncertainty.
245. Some will be justified and some bogus, but unless you know the relative proportion of each, you don't know whether your overall uncertainty is mostly justified or mostly bogus.
246. The end of the paper introduced the judgement in con-sideration of uncertainty, of the results of testing and calibration.
247. Consist of self - organization, Opposite to each other closure property, Uncertainty, Not stability, Quality being dependent on.
248. Loss contingencies are similar to estimated liabilities, but may involve much more uncertainty.
249. However, in some special cases, the uncertainty of the space configuration illustrated in V? H? W three-plane projection drawing is neglected.
250. Beirut, Lebanon. Despite the uncertainty in the air and armed troops on the streets, the city clings tenaciously to its sybaritic appeal. Photo: AFP.
251. Rough set theory is a new mathematical tool to deal with vagueness and Uncertainty problem after probability theory , fuzzy sets, mathematical theory of evidence .
252. By the time the higher elevations are reached, such strange notions as Einsteinian curved space-time and the quantum uncertainty principle, heavy meals indeed, seem not so difficult to digest.
253. Uncertainty about the economy. Gold, like stocks and bonds, will probably continue to bounce around, so don't overplay your gold card.
254. With his resistance to McCarthyism and quantum uncertainty, was Einstein disillusioned at the end?
255. The rough sets reduction model is established by integrating rough sets theory with ID3 algorithm based on statistics, uncertainty fuzzy data set information can be processed with the model.
256. When uncertainty was from the liquidation value, debt was uncorrelated with pricing decision-making.
257. In view of the uncertainty of the price movement, we deem it advisable to withhold offering.
258. Then, test the uncertainty decision-making difference between existence of the principal-agent and inexistence of the principal-agent by designing the decision-making questionnaire.
259. Uncertainty is still inhibiting investment, but business capital spending increased at a solid annual rate of about 17 percent.
260. In particular, the impact strength and direction from expected performance uncertainty are contingent on the consumer's risk preference and length of purchase experience.
261. Thirdly, except for considering uncertainty of the coefficients of a linear optimization model, we also incorporate implementation error of the obtained solution into the model.
262. The results of the simulation experiments have proved that the controller has strong robustness to model parameter uncertainty and system disturbances.
263. The challenge of uncertainty is the fun of doing the job in the first place – and where overachievement lies.
264. These are the true unknowns, where uncertainty lurks hidden in the future,[http:///uncertainty.html] unperceived by everyone until it strikes and delivers its surprise impact.
265. At present, as the range of Non Pros Discretion is too narrow and the affiliated mechanism is not yet perfect, the discretion of non prosecution still has lots of uncertainty in our country.
266. She says there is an approximately ten-fold uncertainty in the estimate of the number of deaths and a one- to two-fold uncertainty in the number of infected cases in the study.
267. Adaptive neural network iterative learning control is proposed considering repetitive action, uncertainty and nonlinearity system.
268. That lingering uncertainty cast a pall over stock and bond markets.
269. This article classifies the uncertainty as essential one and uninformative one in term of its origin. The latter results from incomplete information and need more attention from economics.
270. Based on entropy uncertainty relation, the concept of entropy squeezing has been formulated.
271. As to the "one to one perspective" it tells something about industry relevance, the divisibility of the target resources, management costs, synergies persistence and transaction uncertainty.
272. They introduce new factors with a lot of statistical uncertainty, and we cannot be confident that their risks are manageable.
273. A complicating factor is uncertainty surrounding the choice of axisymmetric exhaust nozzle geometry and ventral strakes in the long term.
274. Macroscopic factor that is the result of uncertainty of the society environment change and illegibility of accountant acknowledgement measure will result in accountant information distortion.
275. No matter be which kind of agreement forms, it is to reduce people to be in trade the uncertainty in the process and trade cost, implementation resources is configured effectively.
276. The principle and technical characteristic of GPS based frequency standard is presented, and the uncertainty factors and calibration methods of GPS based frequency standard are also provided.
277. The country's scientists hesitate to draw inferences when there is uncertainty, she says, instead preferring to play it safe and be cautious in their words and assessments.
278. The evaluation of the output noise temperature and the uncertainty assessment are discussed in detail.
279. If your uncertainty is apparent, you may end up buying the model with the most add-on equipment, the highest sticker price and, of course, the most profit for the dealer.
280. The certainty model of the risk of tender for engineering construction, bid cost comparison and tender probability on uncertainty measure is established.
281. Young people grow up in tightly structured childhoods, Wuthnow observes, but then graduate into a world characterized by uncertainty, diversity, searching and tinkering.
282. Low-yielding currencies such as the yen tend to attract flows during periods of uncertainty as their low interest rates reflect the capital surplus of their respective countries.
283. The extent of a person's reservation price range is posited to be positively related to his or her level of performance- and preference-related uncertainty.
284. Legal uncertainty also is mirrored in Yahoo brand policy and Gu Ge above disparate fact.
285. The diverseness and conflict of the fusion information are managed effectively; meanwhile, the uncertainty, non-integrality and indefiniteness are degraded.
286. Even those banks that are in good shape may want to hold back amid uncertainty over capital-adequacy requirements and accounting rules for off-balance-sheet assets.
287. Thus, time domain simulation under uncertainty is transformed to the solving of interval differential equations, which needs a certain interval integral method.




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