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单词 Currency
1 The bank will supply and buy back foreign currency.
2 His ideas enjoyed wide currency during the last century.
3 She commuted some foreign currency to domestic.
4 There was a thriving black market in foreign currency.
5 He admitted possessing and delivering counterfeit currency.
6 Britain converted to a decimal currency system in 1971.
7 Nigeria has just devalued its currency .
8 Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation.
9 Runaway inflation has depreciated the Russian currency.
10 The bank can supply you with foreign currency .
11 The report gives an update on the currency crisis.
12 They don't have access to a convertible currency.
13 He bamboozled me into exchanging the foreign currency.
14 The government is running short of hard currency to pay for imports.
15 Investors and currency dealers were caught completely unawares by the Bundesbank's action.
16 Communism enjoyed considerable currency in the U.S. between the World Wars.
17 The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets today to try to stabilize the exchange rate.
18 You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.
19 The government devalued the currency to try to revive the flagging economy.
20 She says she will resist a single European currency being imposed.
21 The currency was tied to the gold standard.
22 The dollar has been revalued against all world currency.
23 Don't mention the single currency?it's political dynamite.
24 The country devalued its currency by 5 percent.
25 Send £20 or the equivalent in your own currency.
26 British currency went metric in 1971.
27 You can convert sterling into the local currency.
28 This belief has general currency.
29 Many countries charge departure tax in US dollars rather than local currency.
30 You pay for the car by banker's draft in the local currency.
1 His ideas enjoyed wide currency during the last century.
2 There was a thriving black market in foreign currency.
3 He admitted possessing and delivering counterfeit currency.
4 Nigeria has just devalued its currency .
5 Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation.
6 The bank can supply you with foreign currency .
7 The report gives an update on the currency crisis.
8 They don't have access to a convertible currency.
9 The government is running short of hard currency to pay for imports.
10 Investors and currency dealers were caught completely unawares by the Bundesbank's action.
11 Communism enjoyed considerable currency in the U.S. between the World Wars.
12 Many countries charge departure tax in US dollars rather than local currency.
13 You pay for the car by banker's draft in the local currency.
14 The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets today to try to stabilize the exchange rate.
15 You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.
16 The government devalued the currency to try to revive the flagging economy.
17 She says she will resist a single European currency being imposed.
18 The dollar has been revalued against all world currency.
19 In the face of a severe crisis relating to international reserves, the government devalued the currency twice.
20 The Cambodian currency was effectively devalued by 25 per cent.
31 The UK metricated its currency in 1971.
32 How did the idea gain currency?
33 Words like 'spliff' and 'blunt' have become common currency.
33 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
34 Europe is moving steadily towards a single currency.
35 The purchasing power of the local currency has halved.
36 The news has already acquired currency.
37 Many informal expressions are gaining currency in serious newspapers.
38 The term 'post-industrial' now has wide currency.
39 Its currency is pegged to the dollar.
40 The currency slumped to a record low.
41 There are no charges for currency conversion.
42 You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent.
43 There are moves towards a single currency in Europe.
44 The dollar has weakened in international currency trading.
45 The qualification has gained currency all over the world.
46 Huge imports were draining the country's currency reserves.
47 He made his millions on currency deals.
48 She had £50in foreign currency.
49 Most slang has short currency.
50 A flood of currency issued last year.
51 Interest rates are a major determinant of currency trends.
52 Marxism began to gain currency .
53 US dollars are considered common currency in international transactions.
54 The argument has received wide currency .
55 The hotel insisted that we pay in hard currency.
56 The idea was common currency in European political life.
57 The government have devalued the currency.
58 The disappointing profits are due to unfavourable currency translations.
59 The local currency is the Swiss franc.
60 Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency.
61 The currency was devalued 20% overnight.
62 Inflation has turned the rouble into a toytown currency.
63 Tourism is the country's biggest foreign currency earner.
63 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
64 When will the single currency be operable?
65 The currency has devalued at a rapid rate.
66 They make money by speculating on the currency markets.
67 You can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel.
68 Surging imports will add to the demand for hard currency.
69 When the new currency measures were announced there was a run on the bank .
70 The bank charges a commission on all foreign currency transactions.
71 The value of our currency has sunk to almost nothing.
72 In order to combat inflation, the government imposed strict controls on foreign currency.
73 In times of currency crisis interest rates can raised as a sign that a government is in command.
74 In the face of a severe crisis relating to international reserves, the government devalued the currency twice.
75 What benefits might flow from having a single European currency?
76 The value of the coffee becomes significantly higher when expressed in foreign currency.
77 If you travel frequently, find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into another.
78 In April 1992 the Greek drachma was the only Community currency not yet part of the EMS exchange-rate mechanism.
79 There has been a marked change in attitude towards the European single currency.
80 Take some foreign currency to cover incidentals like the taxi fare to your hotel.
81 The country needs to raise enough hard currency to pay for its oil imports.
82 The story that she was trapped in a loveless marriage became common currency.
83 A stable currency means that your savings do not diminish in value.
84 Developing countries which are anxious for hard currency can rarely afford to protect the environment.
85 Many countries place restrictions on the remittance of currency abroad.
86 The ripples of Europe's currency crisis continue to be felt in most of the member states.
87 There are currency restrictions on the sums allowed for foreign travel.
88 An overwhelming majority of the committee members went in for the currency reform.
89 Rafsanjani has been considering various ways of introducing some sanity into the currency market.
90 The source of the problem resides in the fact that the currency is too strong.
91 The old currency will have been phased out by 1990.
92 A division has opened up between the two ministers over the single European currency.
93 The country's currency went down in value by 3.5 per cent.
94 Britain changed to a metric system of currency in 1970.
95 The demand for foreign currency depreciates the real value of local currencies.
96 Trade was halted because of a hard currency shortage on the island.
97 The issue of the single currency has divided the country.
98 The maintenance of a firm currency plays an important part in the battle against inflation.
99 The currency has lost so much of its value that barter has become the preferred way of doing business.
100 The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months.
101 Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance.
102 Repeated interventions on the currency markets have failed to prevent the value of the currency falling.
103 A decision by the Finns to float their currency sent a shudder through the foreign exchanges.
104 The Cambodian currency was effectively devalued by 25 per cent.
105 "Loop" is one of those computer words that has gained currency in society.
106 The standard unit of currency in the US is the dollar.
107 The coins were only ever used for ornament, not as currency.
108 More people favour a single European currency than oppose it.
109 Anything bringing hard currency into the island is welcomed.
110 We soon got used to using Italian currency.
111 This currency exchanges at par.
112 The dollar is now the overwhelming world currency.
113 This will lead to an inflow of foreign currency.
114 One of these is, of course, the single currency.
115 What's the local currency in Malta?
116 The local currency is the cruzeiro.
117 Each year, without fail, a new set of alienating words and phrases is put into currency.
118 If there were a single currency without convergence, it would have several serious effects on the smaller countries.
119 This unexpected situation will not facilitate the first steps of the single currency.
120 Her first example was a company which enters a foreign exchange contract to protect itself against changes in currency rates.
121 As a general point banks in many countries were highly regulated in relation to deposits and lending conducted in their own domestic currency.
122 A lot of the food grown in Mexico is exported to earn hard currency.
123 Local banks give better rates for converting your traveler's checks into foreign currency.
124 I shall invite them to join us in putting the pound,(http:///currency.html) franc and lira into a new currency bloc.
125 The market also contains around 10-12 foreign exchange brokers who link buyers and sellers of foreign currency.
126 They cultivated work of sorts, trading in hashish, black market currency, and smuggled radios and other consumer goods.
127 Using quantitative analysis and charts of past currency movements, he predicts the dollar will rally briefly in the first quarter.
128 We must abolish the green currency system and the MCAs altogether.
129 An importer might be able to make payment in his own domestic currency if this is acceptable to the exporter.
130 In future, enterprises using foreign capital would be allowed foreign currency accounts in the State Bank or a foreign bank.
131 That would get back at them for their currency chicanery which cost us so dear.
132 The import element of such schemes can be financed by foreign currency bank loans.
133 It was in these conditions that Marxist ideas began to gain currency.
134 But many critics claim the policy of a strong currency has decisively contributed to sluggish growth and record unemployment in both countries.
135 Over the coming months the looming introduction of euro notes and coins is bound to add to pressures on the currency.
136 This is not the case when a national currency is replaced by a foreign currency.
137 The figures also show the fact that the growth of foreign currency business has been primarily located in the wholesale banking sector.
138 Foreign currency receipts must be converted into the domestic currency in use in the exporter's country.
139 The aim of the measure was to stem the outflow of foreign currency and to stop profiteering.
140 Its interests run to hotels, construction companies and dabbling in currency futures.
141 The dollar was therefore the key currency under the adjustable peg system.
142 Kumar was arrested on Saturday last week, charged with violating foreign currency laws.
143 Foreign currency profits translated into tuition for the progeny of the high command.
144 These comprise the dividend yield or coupon rate and expected capital gains, including currency gains from exchange rate revaluations.
145 He figured the currency hedge cost Tomkins 4 million pounds on its bottom line in the first half.
146 Trading was comparatively light in both currency and equity markets, but the collapse in confidence seemed widespread.
147 The reader should ascertain the position regarding his own domestic currency.
148 Words are the coins making up the currency of sentences, and there are always too many small coins. Jules Renard 
149 Other rip-offs in the past have centred on everything from gold bullion to currency trading.
150 Legalizing marijuana is a concept that has gained currency in recent years.
151 A similar argument can be made for currency boards, on which Schuler had enthused earlier.
152 The idea of time travel enjoys wide currency in 20th century fiction.
153 But Schro der's leftwing government adopted a less rigid stance on foreign currency.
154 The crisis and the government's decision to abandon its currency controls hit the already fragile banking system hard.
155 Does that mean that every Opposition Member who supports the amendment tonight is fully in favour of a single currency?
156 They were bartered for Western currency,( ) sold by families desperate for money to buy food.
157 It is almost as if there is an orchestrated campaign to take hard currency out of the market-place.
158 But carrying large amounts of foreign currency to settle the bills is anything but a joy.
159 Predictably, as Table 3.4 confirms, their liabilities are overwhelmingly in foreign currency and are heavily weighted towards time deposits.
160 Derivatives are contracts whose values are tied to an underlying security, such as a foreign currency or a bond.
161 He resigned as chairman after an external audit criticised the way Lauda Air handled foreign currency transactions.
162 It simply agreed a timetable for producing a single currency by, at the latest, 1999 - with or without Britain.
163 It gained currency during the period of national reawakening in the nineteenth century.
164 And it should be leased, not bought, and the purchasing agreement should be protected against swings in currency.
165 Yet there could be no more symbolic act of defiance than a currency with a separate exchange rate against the rouble.
166 We sometimes bill shipments in currencies other than the local currency - US$ would be an example.
167 The main areas of growth have been in inter-bank deposits, certificates of deposit and the foreign currency markets.
168 But they have been reawakened by a pummeled currency and stock market, business collapses, soaring unemployment and rising consumer prices.
169 These are combined to give an overall requirement which is grossed up for tax and converted into the local currency.
170 When the dollar rises, yen-based investors benefit from both the appreciation of their investment and the currency.
171 The restrictions were initially adopted as a temporary measure designed to slow down the flight of foreign currency reserves from the country.
172 Located in prominent positions, and as official monuments lacking avant-garde credibility, they have little artistic currency.
173 The full benefits of a single currency will come through, which will benefit Britain and the entire Community.
174 These include the need for foreign currency and the attraction of foreign companies and their interests in developing economies.
175 This currency could be accumulated by holding, for example, the proceeds of foreign trade sold for foreign currency.
176 Nevertheless the suggestion that structuralism and poststructuralism have denied history is a persuasive one which now has wide currency.
177 Like many corporations, Hewlett-Packard also guards against wild currency swings and huge losses on overseas deals by using cautious trading strategies.
178 Linked to the Mafia he was also behind counterfeit currency scams and drug trafficking.
179 But then, of course, I knew how that idea had gained currency.
180 Membership also provides extra ammunition to defend the pound if currency markets take fright at the election result.
181 From its exports it can earn foreign currency, and begin to pay off its huge debts.
182 Second, it attracts hot money into the country to finance the current account deficit because investors perceive no currency risk.
183 This belief gained wide currency among Sinhalese of all social strata in the twentieth century.
184 Any company or bank conducting business outside of its domestic currency zone must have access to international capital.
185 The chronic shortage of currency for the acquisition of contemporary foreign publications has been cited as justification.
186 There was always a difficulty in obtaining enough currency, a major barrier to trading with the west.
187 Lower rates hurt a currency by making bank deposits denominated in it less attractive.
188 Currency crisis A government order banning the sale of luxury items was extended on Nov. 18.
189 The Eastern bloc desperately needed Western goods but had no hard currency to pay for them, even if they were available legitimately.
190 Banks also make other currency advances to traders, multinational corporations and sovereign governments.
191 To lower admission standards would be, in effect, to devalue the currency in which their diploma had been issued.
192 Trust the people, but not to vote in a referendum on entry to the single currency.
193 This process involved the establishment of international laws and regulations covering prices, currency dealings and banking systems.
194 To reach an accord, the government will likely have to devalue its currency, which would help boost exports.
195 I'm sorry, we can't change foreign currency. We're only a small branch, you see.
196 The stabilization of the currency overnight was a remarkable achievement.
197 These are key ideas in the dominant ideology of patriarchy which have much wider currency and impact than in penology.
198 The murderer managed to elude the police and, changing his criminal activities, took to counterfeiting currency.
199 While a strong currency has some virtues, officialdom is probably a little too complacent.
200 More advanced services include stock and mutual fund brokerage or trading services, currency trading, and credit or debit card management.
201 The standard economic answer to both these questions is that the price of foreign exchange should be raised in terms of the domestic currency.
202 Perhaps in two or three years we will have a convertible currency.
203 The price can be set below the competitors to attract foreign buyers who have to pay in hard currency.
204 It doesn't cost much to be happy if the currency of your heart is the blowing of the breeze and the swaying of the trees. RVM 
205 S. currency after its early drop following the suspension of U. S. budget talks, traders said.
206 To convert foreign currency into sterling divide the amount by the rate of exchange.
207 Analysts said the euro's resilience was a bullish signal for the currency.
208 Mr Greenwood, who was the main architect of the currency link, thinks the present rate is about right.
209 Oral tradition was written down and gained a wider currency than ever before.
210 It is this prospect that has prompted trade union leaders with a public-sector contingent to be wary about the single currency project.
211 The devaluation or revaluation of a currency against the dollar was permitted only when a country faced a severe economic crisis.
212 Concert offers a single, customized network that allows, for example, billing in a single currency.
213 During the 1880s Marxism began to gain currency among the revolutionary intelligentsia.
214 Moreover,( ) the reform process itself is part of the currency of political debate.
215 Last year, delinquent debt overshadowed the total currency in circulation almost 5 to 1, Imaz says.
216 There is still no mobile phone system, no credit cards and no convertible currency.
217 As support funds are exhausted, more funds are deployed in protecting positions against the currency.
218 Pavlov's allegations contradicted earlier official statements which portrayed the currency confiscation as an attack on black marketeers and excess money supply.
219 It is clear that for the banking sector as a whole, foreign currency business predominates.
220 In the rest of the world inflation accelerates when currency values fall.
221 Czechoslovakia still insists on an inflated hard currency exchange rate which reflects its closed economy.
222 Moreover, ideas and assumptions circulate in disguised and concealed forms, once they have achieved a certain currency.
223 Requiring a central bank to support a flagging currency will remain a bad idea after the union is formed, Tietmeyer said.
224 Two misconceptions about the Treaty of Maastricht have been allowed to gain currency.
225 It earns foreign currency by selling Pitcairn stamps, which used to be popular with collectors.
226 One definition is exchanged for another, semantic currency is taken from one discursive economy and converted into the currency of another.
227 Tulip said it was faced with an exceptionally strong erosion of prices and margins in 1992, aggravated by currency movements.
228 It poses the question of whether it is advisable to adopt a single currency in the course of a regional integration process.
229 He has argued for the introduction of a convertible currency parallel to the existing non-convertible rouble.
230 But developing countries are still dependent for all their foreign currency earnings upon the fluctuations of commodity prices on the world market.
231 Whether there would continue to be a single currency was, however, unresolved.
232 Selling forward means selling the foreign currency today for delivery at the time you expect to receive it from your customer.
233 They also need to know what the local currency is, the exchange rate and the rate of inflation.
234 You can argue about the single currency but you can't opt out of the European Single Market.
235 This argument has received wide currency, in part because it again presents Gloucester as the victim of circumstances rather than their manipulator.
236 After his retirement, he chaired the committee on currency and foreign exchanges and served on the cabinet committee on indemnity.
237 A country is required within 3 - 5 years to repurchase its drawings through buying back its own currency with foreign currencies.
238 This market constitutes the Eurocurrency market plus deposits in domestic and foreign currency held by non-residents.
239 While it survived, it served a useful function in obtaining agreement on some economic questions such as currency convertibility and capital transfers.
240 Such economic nationalists favored import-substitution strategies that reduced the need for foreign currency by producing vital goods domestically.
241 Falling U.S. yields will keep Japanese capital at home, while falling stocks will also boost the currency, he said.
242 When asked about a possible Greek exit from the common currency bloc, Draghi said such an option was not in the treaty.




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