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单词 Chaos
1. I lost my bag in the ensuing chaos.
2. He avers that chaos will erupt if he loses.
3. Snow and ice have caused chaos on the roads.
4. The burglars left the house in chaos.
5. The country was plunged into economic chaos.
6. A runaway bus/horse caused chaos on the streets.
7. A serious road accident caused traffic chaos yesterday.
8. His sudden departure threw the office into chaos.
9. Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
10. The chaos in his house was starting to get him down.
11. A strike would plunge the country into chaos.
12. Chaos reigns supreme in our new house.
13. Emily remained completely unruffled by the chaos.
14. Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads.
15. The city has restored order out of chaos.
16. Bomb hoaxers brought chaos to the city yesterday.
17. The situation disintegrated into chaos.
18. There was total chaos on the roads.
19. The strikes are expected to bring chaos.
20. The wintry weather has caused chaos on the roads.
21. The kitchen was in chaos.
22. For a while, chaos and confusion reigned.
23. The chaos at the airport defies description.
24. The game ended in chaos.
25. The nation was urged to pull together to avoid a slide into complete chaos.
26. The president's untimely death has thrown the country into chaos.
27. Without rules, people would live in a state of chaos.
28. The day will fall so big people, first Zhi, the labor of their bones, their body skin hunger, tough, line whisk it was chaos, so the spirit, increasing it not beneficial.
28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
29. They recognized that the country would revive only if it thoroughly disengaged from the chaos of the old regime.
30. That's a sure recipe for destroying the economy and creating chaos.
1. I lost my bag in the ensuing chaos.
2. He avers that chaos will erupt if he loses.
3. Snow and ice have caused chaos on the roads.
4. The country was plunged into economic chaos.
5. A runaway bus/horse caused chaos on the streets.
6. A serious road accident caused traffic chaos yesterday.
7. His sudden departure threw the office into chaos.
8. The nation was urged to pull together to avoid a slide into complete chaos.
9. Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
10. The president's untimely death has thrown the country into chaos.
11. Without rules, people would live in a state of chaos.
12. The chaos in his house was starting to get him down.
13. They recognized that the country would revive only if it thoroughly disengaged from the chaos of the old regime.
14. That's a sure recipe for destroying the economy and creating chaos.
15. After the overthrow of the government, the country was in chaos.
31. The country was brought to the brink of chaos.
32. Our office is in a permanent state of chaos.
33. The country was descending into chaos.
34. The airport was in chaos during the strike.
35. Union officials made no apologies for the threatened chaos.
36. The government collapsed and chaos reigned.
37. His brave leadership has created order out of chaos.
38. The country is sliding into economic chaos.
39. Following his death, the Empire lapsed into chaos.
40. The house was in chaos after the party.
41. The situation has descended into total chaos.
42. Chaos broke out when the fire started.
43. We're in the throes of moving to a new office, so the place is in chaos at the moment.
44. The running of Welsh rugby was left in chaos yesterday after a vote of no confidence in the game's overlords.
45. After the failure of electricity supplies the city was in chaos.
46. A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
47. Fighting had broken out and all was chaos and confusion.
48. His life seems to be in a constant state of chaos.
49. The government's political and economic reforms threaten to plunge the country into chaos.
50. Papers and books lay around the room in complete chaos.
51. The world's first transatlantic balloon race ended in chaos last night.
52. His study is in chaos; it takes long time to put his papers in order.
53. Teachers were not fully prepared for the major changes in the exam system, and chaos resulted.
54. In its absence China would retrogress into division and chaos, and modernization would become impossible.
55. Her office was an oasis of peace and sanity amid the surrounding chaos.
56. I admired her serenity in the midst of so much chaos.
57. The transport industry has been thrown into chaos by the strike.
58. It wouldn't surprise me if there was such chaos after this election that another had to be held.Sentence dictionary
59. Their bombs are always placed in strategic positions to cause as much chaos as possible.
60. She attempted to impose some order on the chaos of her files.
61. The soldiers rampaged through the town centre, leaving chaos in their wake.
62. He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.
63. Today's fighting is symbolic of the chaos which the country is facing.
64. The local government was taking emergency measures to rectify the state of chaos.
65. The restaurant was very busy, and the kitchens were organised chaos.
66. Many editorials express their anxieties about the economic chaos in the country.
67. Ever since our secretary walked out, the office has been in a state of total/utter chaos.
68. A huge bomb blast brought chaos and devastation to the centre of Belfast yesterday.
69. The country was thrown / plunged into chaos by the President's death.
70. On a bad day chaos reigns and nobody can predict when a plane will leave.
71. We're in a state of complete chaos here and I need a little time to sort myself out.
72. Doctors worked day and night amid scenes of utter chaos.
73. The chaos may have contributed to the deaths of up to 20 people.
74. It's only a short step from this disorder to complete chaos.
75. It is one of the functions of art to bring order out of chaos.
76. After the overthrow of the government, the country was in chaos.
77. If consensus breeds academic complaisance, chaos does the opposite.
78. Urgent talks after flash flood causes chaos.
79. I mean there was total chaos.
80. As we entered, complete chaos greeted us.
81. Cracking up ... bridge closure causes traffic chaos.
82. If chaos ensues nothing will maintain value....
83. What would that do except create chaos?
84. Except by change, learning can not occur amid chaos.
85. When the crossings resumed, chaos ensued.
86. Lewis, through collective bargaining, brought order out of chaos.
87. The chaos and confusion was indescribable.
88. Everywhere,[http:///chaos.html] the atmosphere is one of controlled chaos.
89. Soon the system was in total chaos.
90. Sing Sing seems constantly on the cusp of chaos.
91. It will still create administrative chaos.
92. The West End suffered traffic chaos.
93. At that time, East Germany's economy was in chaos.
94. Under water:Flash floods and blizzards bring winter chaos.
95. Diverted traffic has been causing chaos on roads.
96. He kept our family in total chaos.
97. Change without unity would lead to disruption and chaos.
98. The earthquake caused widespread chaos throughout the region.
99. Both conveyed an unmistakable impression of a just-barely-controlled chaos.
100. The donors themselves help to create the chaos.
101. But thousands more gatecrashed the party amid rain-lashed chaos.
102. Additionally, many students have brought with them to school the chaos that surrounds their life outside school.
103. But then the disenfranchised men waged war and the ensuing chaos is with us still.
104. I closed my eyes, trying to make the chaos outside a dream.
105. Thousands of pounds worth of smoke and water damage reclaiming the family home from chaos.
106. To his supporters, Rawlings remains an incorruptible savior and pragmatist who kept the country from plunging into chaos.
107. Or they might shelter piratical degenerates who had become creatures of Chaos.
108. Zbitski said the reform coalition must find a way to steer the country out of its political and economic chaos.
109. He was reading a newspaper, apparently oblivious to the contribution he was making to the traffic chaos.
110. Tolonen stood in the centre of the chaos, looking about him.
111. Such people often see their lives more effectively framed by the reality metaphors that modern quantum physics and chaos theory provide.
112. Unhealthy organizations, however, use cost justification as an after-the-fact means of tidying up economic chaos.
113. But dad John Watts makes sure all his 12 children take their turn and controls the chaos.
114. Human beings have themselves been responsible for bringing chaos and pain back to a world of ordered beauty.
115. For a moment, until the old men had been dragged back to the barricade, all was chaos.
116. With her catapult and her shop lifting, Jake causes chaos.
117. However, on a bad day chaos reigns, and nobody can predict a likely departure time.
118. They are immigrants who travel across the world breaking down the moral order,[http:///chaos.html] bringing chaos to organized society.
119. Much of the poverty, chaos and disease of the East can be directly attributed to its religious beliefs and ideologies.
120. Behind the scenes ... chaos ... smooth operators ... and hairdressers everywhere.
121. He also added that Moore had never asked them to forgive her for throwing their lives into grief and chaos.
122. Creating a living wonder at the scale of Bio2 could only be described as an experiment in sustained chaos.
123. Britain's in for five years of total chaos and the middle-classes will soon be taking to the streets.
124. When they replaced the ten-minute peak-hour ferry services with 20-minute sailings, in 1975, it was chaos.
125. A catalogue of misconceived ideas has preceded our descent into chaos.
126. If too much new material is released from the unconscious, then chaos ensues.
127. One 200-strong theatre audience who found themselves trapped in the chaos on Tuesday were given an impromptu hour-long concert by Tom Jones.
128. The choice of ordinate arises from the empirical observation that A2B 1 is required for chaos.
129. To all the critics who have predicted traffic chaos Labour councillor Jim Skinner has the same reply.
130. Antonio plays a character whose life is thrown into chaos by Angelina's femme fatale.
131. If your regular antagonist has a Chaos army and favours daemons then a Daemonslayer will do the business very nicely.
132. They especially object to the insistence that the polling be nonpartisan, saying this will lead to chaos and excessively personalized competition.
133. In extreme cases the search for order among the chaos can become too difficult for the human eye alone.
134. The consequent revaluations would cause mayhem, chaos and huge bills for those on the receiving end.
135. To a degree(), the chaos is more apparent than real.
136. At that time, management sent an executive committee to observe the rumored chaos on the sales floor.
137. These guidelines keep hawa in check, for when the community is threatened, it can drag the ship down into chaos.
138. A more ruthless woman would have let the whole place slide into chaos until he learned to do things for himself.
139. But when she entered the house, she was confronted by a scene of utter chaos.
140. Many people are afraid that if more than one important thing is going on, chaos will ensue.
141. What he saw was a new form of human organization emerging amid the chaos of breakdown in the feudalistic order.
142. World heavyweight boxing ends the year much as it started this year and almost every other year - in total chaos.
143. This unstable region of Ulthuan has a strange other-worldly quality more akin to the realms of Chaos than to mortal lands.
144. His thoughts were in turmoil and his open guileless face reflected the chaos in his mind.
145. A big blow came last summer, when Fortune magazine predicted legal and financial chaos for Hong Kong after 1997.
146. We are at least half way through the looking glass, on our way to utter chaos.
147. Fed up, Harrison walked out and the sessions ended in chaos.
148. But some fear it will cause chaos in the town centre and disrupt local trade.
149. Already struggling, the Browns slipped into chaos,[ ] losing six in a row and finishing 5-11.
150. He briefly dissolved Congress in 1992 to successfully fight two guerrilla insurgencies that had thrown the country into chaos.
151. They've talked about Mondo 2000, virtual raves, about smart drugs and new psychedelics, about chaos theory and fractals.
152. The Callaghan government never recovered from the sense of ungovernability and social chaos heralded by the winter of discontent.
153. The service came under fire as scores of roads across the province were clogged with snow, snarling traffic and causing chaos.
154. Contemporary chaos theory talks about so-called strange attractors, which are the ordering principles within such apparently random patterns.
155. Emergencies were declared in 12 states and transport links thrown into chaos.
156. The classroom to which he had been assigned was filled with chaos, screams and shouting all day long.
157. He cast down monsters and destroyed Chaos warriors with a word.
158. The Witch King and his fellows would draw on the power of Chaos and become like unto gods.
159. Corbett and Ranulf, riding abreast, stopped and gazed at the chaos.
160. The parasite has been nurtured by abject poverty, intermittent political chaos and, some charge, international indifference.
161. Chaos struck Llandudno Hospital as the freak storm resulted in incredible scenes of havoc and distress.
162. This not only causes chaos, but is also a waste of water and causes pollution.
163. Nor was he the only one to see hope amid chaos.
164. The crawling and wriggling carcasses had been the innocent victims of the chaos taking possession of their world.
165. My life, as usual, is too busy, too near chaos.
166. Since those times the Tzar of Kislev and the Emperor have forged a common alliance against the threat of Chaos.
167. They never thought how close the ceremony was to chaos.
168. Flooding and snow cause chaos Flooding and snow have caused chaos in much of the Central South area.
169. He folds his arms over his chest and appraises the chaos.
170. As the dark days of winter engulfed the Old World the Chaos armies struck.
171. Concentrating on the trapped defenders, the Chaos army was ill-prepared for this fresh assault from Magnus's army.
172. He accepts that Skinnergate should be pedestrianised to stop the traffic chaos.
173. She pushed her inner chaos to the back of her mind and tried to concentrate on the coming day.
174. Apparently Merton College had refused to take northern students and Oxford had been plunged into chaos and riot.
175. Attempts by the UK government to prop up the pound on the exchange markets degenerated into chaos.
176. The right faction wants to create tension and chaos, said Karem Korbanzadeh.
177. The Bible beginning is a beautiful, purposeful design, bringing order out of chaos.
178. One saw rescue from chaos through engagement with and commitment to life's processes.
179. Slaughtering of this magnitude is nothing short of a criminal act, indicating incompetence in policy and management chaos.
180. An index with cards for species brought order to impending chaos.
181. A freedom is generated which has its phases of indiscipline, licence, chaos.
182. Fractals, quarks and chaos theory share space with morphic resonance, channelling and UFO-lore.
183. Nun: primordial deity of the waters of chaos, depicted in human form.
184. Here, such is the pace of change, it seems rather that wholesale chaos occasionally results in selective progress.
185. Here and there amid the chaos, delicate things have survived by chance.
186. The half-solution created electoral chaos, with some black representatives voting against it.
187. He lived a very wilful life, and the fear of chaos had always haunted him from childhood.
188. I caused chaos, too, in the Houlton Silver Band, who were hoisting their instruments prior to marching off.
189. This results from the fact that it is so difficult to distinguish deterministic chaos from highly random behavior.
190. Your generation is very selfish. They don’t want India for its Ganga, but for their economic pride and self-respect. I’m hopeful because the chaos and crisis has reached a saturation point. This is our only chance. If it goes down a little bit more, then there is no scope. The youngsters have to realise that things are in their hands now. Gulzar 
191. Passengers spoke of complete chaos as the fire spread through the ship.
192. More and more men were transformed by the mutating power of the great clouds of Chaos magic drifting from the poles.
193. As teams of temps struggled to cope with the mounting chaos, Jackson tried to keep the Equal Opportunities flame burning.
194. Underlying the disquiet was a strong current of belief that the act of going tieless was tantamount to social chaos!
195. This allows healthy growth whereas imbalance creates illness and chaos.
196. Her nerve-ends in total chaos, Robbie could hardly believe this was really happening, this shivering delight.
197. With the last of the Kislevite armies defeated, the Chaos hordes advanced upon Praag and laid siege to the city.
198. Jason Carr s music, with its bells and chimes, evokes a kingdom in which concord is constantly threatened by chaos.
199. The servants of Chaos were hunted down in the forests, and many wild and long-abandoned lands were re-settled.
200. Soar above glacial peaks and swim underwater through the icy caverns submerged within the Chaos Glacier.
201. Bookings, reservations, staffing ... just about everything, they claimed, was in a state of total chaos.
202. Bill Clinton's policy-wonkish preferences plunged his first year in government into organisational chaos.
203. His surprise attack routed the Chaos forces in the woods around the White Tower.
204. Casting themselves into chaos, hoping to adhere to higher consciousness, to be washed up on the shores of truth.
205. Gaza descended into chaos and pitch black as the power went out.
206. Another possible place of chaos in genetic diversity generation is in the origin of life.
207. Her eight-year-old son, Scott, was turning her life into chaos.
208. For the purpose of analyzing the functional significance of chaos it is not necessary to make this distinction.
209. Her frustration over the chaos that became the Cleveland controversy is palpable.
210. In London the chaos took three seconds to get into full gear.
211. If jobs are not created to take up the people who are coming off of welfare, social chaos is the result.
212. Their true story spans chaos theory, something called strange attractors and the inner marvels of microprocessors.
213. These are relatively inexpensive and can help to restore order to superficial chaos.
214. She sat on the bed looking at the utter chaos around her.
215. When McNamara got the job, the department was in chaos.
216. His message was to strike, disrupt, riot, and create chaos until the Shah was forced to abdicate.
217. He argued that by helping Men protect themselves against Chaos they would create an invaluable bulwark against the forces of darkness.
218. They had taken the brunt of battle during the war against Chaos and yet they were reviled by their fellows.
219. And double trouble from a Double Gloucester.The cheese roll that caused chaos.
220. Similarly, neither the Titans nor Dionysos are destroyed or annihilated by Zeus' thunderbolt; they, as Chaos, persist.
221. That hallucinatory chaos had been distressing, but the solid thing it had concealed appalled him more.
222. Such parliamentary chaos is not a symptom of underlying social disorder.
223. I arrived home unexpectedly and found the house in chaos.
224. In a country that has seen six presidents in five years, political chaos is taken for granted.
225. With large groups, however, this method can cause chaos at the reception desk. 2.
226. His brief has converted him into Labour's chaos and disaster spokesman.
227. These myths justify male control as necessary to prevent the supposed chaos that results when women take control.
228. If I choose abstraction over reality, it is because I find it the lesser chaos. Robert Brault 
229. Or perhaps chaos theory provides a more effective meaning-making metaphor.
230. He is busily carving slices of meat from the carcass of a multi-legged Chaos Spawn.
231. Above all, I remember the overwhelming sense of defeatism and moral chaos that pervaded public discourse.
232. Outdated computer systems and the failure to help judges to implement the reforms were adding to the chaos.
233. As for Hellinck and Lupi(), their work is a chaos of dubious attributions but motets bulk largely in it.
234. The present situation in Skinnergate and High Row was one of absolute chaos.
235. It is a dark and brooding pine forest thick with raiders, bandits, and Chaos warbands.
236. Elsewhere thousands of commuters avoided traffic chaos by staying at home.
237. The executive transporter bay was a chaos of foam and whirling shapes which might or might not have been armed troopers.
238. One entire flank of the Witch King's army was held by Chaos Knights and their bestial retinues.
239. Gnarled old men ignore the chaos sipping coffee and chatting with fishermen as they untangle their nets.
240. Fernandez was hired to end 20 years of chaos caused by decentralising New York's huge school system.
241. Economic chaos of the first period of freedom nearly destroyed education and social services that had been taken for granted.
242. As I try and fail to cross the street, it occurs to me that even the chaos is ruled by convention.
243. Secondly the standard routes to chaos imply the existence of a well-defined onset of chaotic behaviour.
244. This precedent, if strictly honored in 1984, would throw the legal system into chaos.
245. Hundreds of thousands of people travelling home or heading out for the evening were caught up in the ensuing chaos.
246. This is a ploy by the Chaos Warrior, which uses its tentacled legs to straddle above the doorway and evade detection.
247. Well, it was absolute chaos when I went down to the Press reception before the Women of the Year lunch.
248. It looked like utter chaos to me, but organised chaos.
249. Currently highways authorities and main services providers are allowed to cause chaos by digging up roads whenever and wherever they wish.
250. The back row, from about the third day of classes on, teetered on the brink of chaos.
251. Chaos is all around us now, but the leader knows that chaos is the beginning, not the end.
252. It was chaos, everyone was just grabbing drinks from behind the bar.
253. Drastic, unprepared liberalisation can lead to economic chaos, as in the Ivory Coast in 1988.
254. Now the ruling, which could open the way for new prosecutions, has thrown the issue into chaos.
255. The city was in chaos and we were afraid that armed men would attack us.
256. It is not known when Napoleon managed to extricate himself from this chaos.
257. On the other hand, the experiments in which particular routes to chaos have been identified required very precise experimental techniques.
258. For centuries it has been a buttress against the onslaught of Chaos from the wastes to the north.
259. The most popular story concerning her conception was that a golden egg tumbled out of Chaos in the beginning of the world.
260. I went to rejoin the train and it was utter chaos.
261. We've just moved into the new office and I've no idea where anything is - it's chaos!
262. Upon reflection, we might wonder why such an economy does not collapse in complete chaos.
263. Fenna is chaos as well as order, and brings, on fiery dragon breath, the full danger of the chasm.
264. The missiles were military equipment and confirmed that the army had descended into chaos.
265. What is discipline? Discipline means creating an order within you. As you are, you are a chaos. Osho 
266. Of course there will have to be a register: otherwise, the system will be thrown into chaos.
267. No one was seriously injured, but M4 Westbound was closed bringing traffic chaos.
268. He must bear primary responsibility for the chaos that descended upon the White House when such disclosure did occur.
269. All magazines and newspapers are a kind of conjuring trick - they put a gloss of coherence upon chaos.
270. Warriors of Chaos, human outcasts from the wars, flocked to join the Beastmen and other creatures of Chaos.
271. Chaos Grunt: You are the human's lapdog !
272. Because the spatiotemporal chaos system has huge key space and was sensitive to the initial parameter, this method shows great security.
273. It is possible that the Senoussi tribe will emerge from Benghazi's chaos and reassert its historic overlordship of eastern Libya.
274. The circuit parameter was changed, and the way of simulation was adopted to analyze the phenomenon of bifurcation and chaos of the converter.
275. Angele: I modify my mass-recognition program to scan the photographic reconstruction of the crime scene to find areas of comparatively less chaos.
276. Initial condition sensitivity is the key characteristic of deterministic chaos.
277. The algorithm used natural number coding method with dynamically adjustment for the probability coefficients of crossover and mutation,[http:///chaos.html] and used chaos optimization method as the mut.
278. But the improved small-data method may lead to false identification of chaos.
279. A numerical calculating formula, the method and the results of correlation and memory functions of chaos motion for one-dimensional unimodal map are given, and both physical graphs are analysed.
280. And the chaos phenomena of the locomotion of the "double turbination " chaos attractor is described with the help of the phase chart and time domain chart got from simulation experiment.
281. The natural tightly connection between chaos and fracture is due to the infinite similarities of strange attractor of chaotic dynamic system.
282. The standardization of forms and ethical about marriage was developed by Church, it also endues marriage with dignity, so that the marital status towards chaos to orderly at the time.
283. In all the chaos of a galactic pile-up, plenty of gas should get funneled toward the center and gobbled up, astronomers reasoned.
284. It means letting go of being a control freak and instead embracing the chaos that's inherent in open world design.
285. Either it is a well-arranged universe or a chaos huddled together, but still a universe. But can a certain order subsist in thee, and disorder in the All?
286. Americans saw the chaos and the grief, and the vigils and the funerals, and we have shared in the sorrow of the Spanish people.
287. The strange attractor like helmet in Logistic mapping digital-flow chaos generator is found by simulation.
288. The results show that the chaos can be restrained by superposing a periodic vibration.
289. In this paper, chaos behavior of two - dimensional differentiable homeomorphism is discussed. A sufficient condition which is easy to check is given.
290. The investigations about chaos, attractor and strange attractor are main subjects in non-linear analysis.
291. The Pseudo Tracing Property closely related with the system's stable theory and the chaos theory, was played the vital role in qualitative theory of dynamic system.
292. In the chaos-based communication system, the synchronization of the chaos is the key, especially the hyperchaos synchronization.
293. Only ready to find an alien, let it again on earth cause chaos, and then playing transform into a shading horse will beat, being the savior, thereby further in the world implement zebra time.
294. Put forward a planner permutation network by using the ergodic and good relativity of Chebyshev-map chaos sequence, and the time complexity and analyzed permutation character of permutation network.
295. Further, by numerical methods, the road to chaos of a non_autonomous system is presented in the end.
296. The collapse of the government left the country in chaos.
297. It was from the chaos and outlawry of this time that the legend of Robin Hood was probably born.




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