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单词 Withered
1) The grass withered because there was no water.
2) The flowers withered in the cold.
3) Grass had withered in the fields.
4) Their support had simply withered away.
5) When he went into retirement,(http:///withered.html) he visibly withered.
6) Flowers withered up soon after they were cut.
7) The crops withered up because there was no rain.
8) She withered him with a glance.
9) She withered him with derision.
10) The hot sun had withered all my plants.
11) She withered him with a look.
12) The grass withered under a scorching sun.
13) The fairest rose is at last withered.
14) The flowers in Isabel's room had withered.
15) Their hopes gradually withered away.
16) The business withered and eventually died.
17) The thief withered under the stare of the policeman.
18) All our hopes just withered away.
19) The flowers near the wall withered.
20) The drought withered the buds.
21) His cheeks looked shrunken, like withered apples.
22) His fridge was bare apart from three very withered tomatoes.
23) She has one slightly withered leg, noticeably thinner than the other.
24) All her former pity had withered up through bitter experience.
25) The berries had long ago withered on the tree.
26) Grass has withered in the fields.
27) Suddenly his withered features crumpled into a surprising smile.
28) It is a fairy wood that has never a withered bough in it. 
29) The leaves of this tree have become dry and withered.
30) The plant may recover ; it's very dry and withered, but there's still life in it.
1) The grass withered because there was no water.
2) The flowers withered in the cold.
3) Grass had withered in the fields.
4) Their support had simply withered away.
5) When he went into retirement, he visibly withered.
6) Flowers withered up soon after they were cut.
7) The crops withered up because there was no rain.
8) The leaves of this tree have become dry and withered.
31) But his clipped tone withered Sylvester.
32) The parties' grassroots connections, once the key to their political strength, have withered away.
33) Old steamboats with their scrollwork more scrolled and withered by weathers sat in the mud inhabited by rats.
34) Fresh green growths should not be cut down, but any stems that have yellowed and withered can be cleared away.
35) But he just stood still and gazed at some withered autumn flowers.
36) The fame of Anacreon had withered to nothing with the decay of the times.
37) Only then would he hang the burden of his shield upon a withered branch.
38) He watered the vines so little that the leaves drooped and the tendrils withered.
39) That as the State withered away, so would sexism, racism and all other unpleasant social evils.
40) And Basho: On a journey, ill, and over fields all withered, dreams go wandering.
41) Denied food and other care, the targeted children withered and died.
42) Boils and sores burst out over his flesh, his body becomes hunched and arthritic, his skin aged and withered.
43) And behold, he shrivelled and withered under their eyes, and became a small handful of grey dust and glass powder.
44) Of our initial 20 rather withered carnations, 18 were carried off into the distance by bewildered or gracious lasses.
45) Her skin felt dry and rough; her hands, lying on the counterpane, were withered and light as dead leaves.
46) I should be a silent shell, wealthy and withered and bored.
47) Many other groups of specialists have also withered away in the face of data processing.
48) Their withered skeletal bodies lie in half-opened coffins beneath sheets of glass.
49) Then, too, repeated visits to cultural monuments doubtless palled in time, natural curiosity withered by sheer surfeit.
50) A withered tree protruding from the pavement cast a shadow across the bay window.
51) Even with all this, the hollow cheeks, the scalp withered, you could still see how handsome Hugh had been.
52) He gestured with a long, withered arm for her to follow him up the stairs.
53) Yellow, withered bean leaves rustled on the plants and flapped around on the ground.
54) Dogmas that could not withstand scrutiny withered, while those that accommodated observations and questioning prospered.
55) The family was one of the most prolific in the parish, but in the end the male line withered.
56) The Elle-men are stooped and old, and are happiest when lying in a pool of sunlight to warm their withered limbs.
57) They grow flowers, but the male anthers are stunted or withered: Seed but no pollen is produced.
58) In that gray place the three women lived, all gray themselves and withered as in extreme old age.
59) A withered leaf like static from frost snow crystals.
60) She withered him with a scornful look.
61) Gradually the bloom withered, love fire is not extinguishable.
62) The gardener put the withered flowers in his wheelbarrow.
63) Wow! If you said it's a withered leaf.
64) He was withered, wrinkled,(http:///withered.html) and loathsome of visage.
65) Tom withered him with derision!
66) This narcissus has already withered due to careless attention.
67) And immediately the fig tree withered.
68) The flowers withered, foretelling the dawn of autumn.
69) The stick insect is an insect primarily found in tropical and subtropical areas. It is good at disguising itself as a withered branch or bamboo shoot.
70) Remedial arthritis has what secret recipe , or law of cubic meter of earth also goes, withered!
71) Darkness swallowed millions of planets like tidewater. Mass sunflowers withered, flocks of migratory birds attending the funeral.
72) I still had a misty recollection of a phoenix tree which was swaying its silhouette on a moonlit night seeming to tell the hurry of time and its withered yellow leavers was falling one after another.
73) The withered oak leaf in the book here recalled the friend, the schoolfellow, who was to be his friend for life.
74) When the cutting edge of human civilization and encounter the evil guns, instantly withered green olive branch in the war and political disputes and fight in this changed world history.
75) If successful, the image also takes the shape of withered arborization .
76) Bouquet: It has a rich and persistent perfume, with violet, withered rose and goudron scents.
77) Today, the quarter in the spring with a heavy heart withered.
78) Jesse got up and looked around again before walking through the withered broomsedge and joe-pye weed.
79) The withered stalks of last year's cotton had to be removed to make way for this year 's seeds and the balky horse, unaccustomed to the plow, dragged unwillingly through the fields.
80) The skin is extremely withered, the musculature is flabby and the adipose tissue is hardly present.
81) With withered leaves they weave their boats and smilingly float them on the vast deep.
82) And this is why I sojourn here Alone and palely loitering Though the sedge is withered from the lake, And no Birds sing.
83) Play-bills and snapshots, a withered boutonniere, old report cards that stung me with pride; a stack of homemade thank-you cards from the second-grade Spanish class Jeff volunteered to teach.
84) There was little ancient road except yellow sand, withered grasses and the occasional crow flying homewards.
85) My hands reached out , catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.
86) With withered leaves they weave their boats and smilingly float them on the vast deepsea.
87) This paper also deals with the design principle, value evaluation, standard system, utilization of withered tree landscape species competition and contrariety between protection and utilization.
88) She plucks the withered leaf from the balsam, and looks at the grass-covered rampart, on which many children are playing.
89) The alias of Semen Leonuri is Spica Prunellae in records, and the withered Semen Leonuri after the summer solstice is also Herba Lagopsis.
90) A report is made of the study of chemical components of the odor with luring activity from withered black poplar leaves.
91) She seemed to have powdered her face again and the lamplight gave it a grey-green tinge, rather like a black withered leaf covered with frost.
92) My hands reached out, catching nothing a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.
93) But the reason that withered black poplar branches attract Helicoverpa armmigera is not clear. The article study on the reason in behavior and physiology .
93) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
94) The mortician was surprised to find scars from wounds and a withered leg.
95) Shout of brisk cold wind vigorously, the withered leaf fireweed on the ground is blown so that all over the sky flutters .
96) Improperly dealing makes a person low-spirited , withered and his academic study will fall fast behind.
97) Hair is withered and yellow , lusterless forebode incomplete iron and be short of vitamin B.
98) The coating that uses deep palm draws a few withered truncal, with fresh cacti combination rises, it is the picture of an arid region, but birdie is worn in Lin Zhongfei dance, had life immediately.
99) Village, the youngest of the two wives, hair wearing a white paper flower . In a withered.
100) B6 of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin, calcic , iron, zinc, Selenium is weighed that to human body should, especially dot? Withered, be urgent!
101) If the conelet scales have grown shut or the stigma have withered, receptivity is probably past.
102) A long drought withered the crops in the fields and only the arrival of a supply ship saved the colonists from starvation.
103) My Narcissus , during my absence, had bloomed and withered, without an audience.
104) Small chip at the bottom of a few leaves, like a flower blooming out, listening to adults say it is Apple's open flowers, the withered gradually formed.
105) Withered and yellow is squashy orange just was picked on the tree that orange is yellow.
106) Spring spring back, romantic passion, but long ago withered away and no longer distributed delicate fragrance.
107) A fire of withered pine boughs added sociability to the gathering.
108) Even as consumer incomes have withered in this recession, the government has helped stabilize take-home pay.
109) Piece of the withered, flying eaves, across the glabella, product red silk thread landing numerous, thousands of.
110) At times his hatred of the Railroad shook him like a crisp and withered reed.
111) In the morning as they went along they saw the fig tree withered from the roots.
112) The gaoler nodded grimly, laying his withered hand on the shoulder of the miserable Toad.
113) No love in the life and soul of the woman is withered, enchase the deck is pale, leaving regrets.
114) Will you harass a wind - driven leaf, or pursue a withered straw?
115) They have thin lips and papery eyelids, box jawbones, prominent Adam's apples and withered hearts.
116) The tender shoots and the expanding flowers are nipped and withered, and of a vine that yearned to stretch its tendril round the world there is left but a sapless stump.
117) Treat individualism like the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves.
118) Not enough plentifulness in the resources of water of today, so my throat is withered.
119) The practice of subagency withered away, and disclosure rules were put into place.
120) The withered leaf of ground also took advantage of an opportunity to clime to his top of head, really say distress, have much distress.
121) Therefore whenever the cold wind raids, receives the injury is the delicate bilabial first, even shed skin withered, causes the pars labialis to lose former days the brilliance greatly.
122) As withered trees bear no fruit, so empty words have no value.
123) But it had a withered body, it was tiny and shrivelled wings.
124) Like memories of childhood, Chong Erfei, Chong Erfei, you miss who stars in the sky tears, the ground rose withered, cold wind, cold wind...
125) But the effect is lower than the effect of withered black poplar branches. Both single compounds and mixed compounds can not increase the attracting effect of sex pheromone.
126) I have watered the red huckleberry, the sand cherry and the nettle-tree, the red pine and the black ash, the white grape and the yellow violet, which might have withered else in dry seasons.
127) Darkness swallowed millions of planets like tidewater. sunflowers withered, flocks of migratory birds attending the funeral.
128) My hands, catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.




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