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单词 Tactical
1. The police were forced to make a tactical withdrawal.
2. I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time.
3. Her withdrawal from the contest was a tactical manoeuvre.
4. The coach showed considerable tactical shrewdness.
5. It was a tactical vote.
6. He was given tactical command of the operation.
7. Two players were substituted for tactical reasons .
8. The Kenyan athlete made a tactical error in starting too fast.
9. The campaign was widely criticised for making tactical mistakes and for a lack of coherence.
10. They have removed all tactical nuclear missiles that could strike Europe.
11. He had made a humiliating tactical error and he had to go.
12. The team's manager made a shrewd tactical switch in defence.
13. One problem relates to a tactical blunder by Swapo.
14. Even short-range nuclear missiles are tactical.
15. Even as a tactical decision, it was a risk.
16. She wanted tactical call signs, authentication codes, radio frequencies.
17. And we're in a lousy tactical position.
18. The tactical advantages to the defendant are considerable.
19. Tactical voting is given as one explanation.
20. Forbes's unexpected emergence points to intriguing tactical questions.
21. There were strong tactical reasons for this.
22. But the evidence for tactical voting is patchy.
23. Beneath this umbrella of deterrence are tactical weapons.
24. In the tactical contest Wilkinson emerged on top.
25. It's not yet clear whether the Prime Minister's resignation offer is a serious one, or whether it's simply a tactical move.
26. Telling your boss you were looking for a new job was a tactical error .
27. He had a nose for trouble and a brilliant tactical mind.
28. Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?
29. In their long lives, Marx and Engels faced many different contexts and drew necessarily different tactical conclusions.
30. I suppose it was just my managerial instinct coming to the fore, but I decided to make a tactical substitution.
1. The police were forced to make a tactical withdrawal.
2. It's not yet clear whether the Prime Minister's resignation offer is a serious one, or whether it's simply a tactical move.
3. I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time.
4. Telling your boss you were looking for a new job was a tactical error .
5. Her withdrawal from the contest was a tactical manoeuvre.
6. The Kenyan athlete made a tactical error in starting too fast.
31. They stand as the essential interface between strategy formulation and tactical decisions.
32. In Manchester, for example, a permanent Tactical Aid Group of seventy-four specially trained officers was set up in 1976.
33. However, when you tack it should be for tactical reasons.
34. Because he was still ideologically sound, strategic and tactical mistakes could be forgiven.
35. All agreed that the tactical decision on whether to go east or west at Cape Finisterre had been the key to success.
36. The next level, the tactical level,(http:///tactical.html) is involved in negotiating junctions and situations such as overtaking.
37. In August the bank chairman, Vadim Hetman, demanded a tactical retreat from the coupon and a return to the rouble.
38. However, by two grave tactical errors, they frittered away this supremacy without ever realising its value.
39. Neither approached the tactical nous of cricket's most famous cravat wearer, Douglas Jardine.
40. The decision to cut 100 of the 256 political jobs at Commerce also appears to represent a tactical move by Daley.
41. The amount of uranium in the belt is about four billion tons, enough to make roughly a trillion tactical nuclear weapons.
42. These writers were faced with a fundamental tactical problem in the development of democratic theory.
43. No one thinks more attentively about the tactical political options.
44. Tactical information Marketing mix item Type of research Product policy decision Qualitative research to generate ideas for new products.
45. Shevardnadze also proposed a halt in nuclear testing and cuts in tactical nuclear weapons.
46. There are tactical reasons that a prosecutor might make that choice.
47. And the last congressional election demonstrated that the tactical politics of Mediscare and Gingriphobia are inadequate.
48. Furthermore the Gore camp seems to have underestimated the down side of his surprise tactical move.
49. Its huge majority was the result of Labour / Lib Dem tactical voting against Tories.
50. Conflict initiated by management can also be a tactical response in changing circumstances.
51. The marketing mix is a central feature of an organization's tactical plan for a particular market.
52. It was generally accepted that this was best achieved by attacking enemy tactical aircraft on their airfields.
53. The police did not only employ the law of criminal procedure in their tactical battle against the striking miners.
54. And Cohen is adamant about the need to modernize tactical aviation, the analyst said.
55. James in particular, the man earmarked as the lynchpin in the tactical plan, was not living up to expectations.
56. But these women also employed medical definitions of physical and mental weakness as an effective tactical weapon in the battle with men.
57. The tactical model leads from a political position to pseudo-research, where facts are ignored because they might tend to obscure argument.
58. However, tactical considerations may dictate that some conditions and definition terms are omitted from the vendors' draft of the heads.
59. This distressing situation served to bring out the fact that Nagumo had been assigned two tactical missions which were essentially incompatible.
60. In this competition, while a strategic advantage lies with what exists, all tactical advantage is with the acceptable.
61. The tactical mistakes made in attempting to implement this program were manifold, but more important was the strategic error.
62. No brilliant tactical moves to draw attention from the players.
63. His government, he suggested, had empowered the military to make all tactical decisions necessary to resolve the conflict.
64. Gradually, he confounded everyone with his burgeoning vocabulary and tactical nous.
65. The possibility of using it as a tactical weapon against the king-duke was too valuable an asset to be abandoned.
66. Without him,() Duke lost not just tactical expertise but a master motivator and personnel manager.
67. A number of important tactical questions may need to be answered.
68. Vestey undertook with the Society - misguidedly - to play no part in the election campaign for tactical reasons.
69. Mr Kinnock is correct to insist that fundamental changes in the voting system should not be undertaken for short-term, tactical reasons.
70. In Britain there is a preference for a tactical step-by-step approach against a background of traditional consensus.
71. He spent some time expressing his preference, for tactical reasons, for smaller neutron bombs before developing his argument.
72. Could this have been a major tactical error on my part?
73. They tackled their political, tactical and strategic problems swiftly and directly; and, incidentally, their poll ratings rose strongly.
74. Your mission is to boldly go about the galaxy destroying the Klingon forces which possess many new tactical weapons and abilities.
75. If the achievements of the Thatcher years were not to be consigned to oblivion, then a tactical retreat was necessary.
76. When Heseltine launched his campaign on the following day he made a shrewd tactical switch.
77. The Producer would still be in overall charge, but his or her role was now far more strategic than tactical.
78. Were the odd shorts some sort of tactical move, Les?
79. There are also a large number of tactical decisions to be made as you sail upwind.
80. That this was clearly a tactical decision quickly became apparent.
81. Denis Healey was again in the forefront of the efforts to devise satisfactory guidelines for the use of tactical nuclear weapons.
82. No tactical advantage then in Ulster, Eire, or in Westminster.
83. However, there were psychological and tactical advantages in forming a new organization.
84. On the one hand, we labored to perfect a new tactical doctrine for a sea engagement against the enemy carrier force.
85. But most of all he must be a tactical genius able to out-manoeuvre the opposition at a moment's notice.
86. This highlights a crucial tactical problem for new groups or those whose demands are seen as in some way unconventional.
87. The Hammers' victory allied skill to discipline and tactical nous.
88. Less reliance on power bases is found in managers who have the tactical and interpersonal skills to concentrate on the essential objectives.
89. His temperament and lack of tactical nous made him a bad choice from the start.
90. Their tactical decision was equally clear: to borrow money from the International Monetary Fund.
91. On balance, the evidence does not support this tactical scenario, although it may well have occurred to de Gaulle.
92. Chiefly for tactical reasons, a clause was inserted in the women's suffrage bills of 1874 expressly excluding married women.
93. There was little doubt that tactical support and reconnaissance for the land battle would still need piloted machines.
94. Not only were they very receptive from a tactical viewpoint, they also kept their cool under pressure.
95. We will conclude with tactical considerations of network design, performance evaluation, and network management and security techniques.
95. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
96. They have agreed to close the business as a tactical move to avoid public criticism.
97. He decided to resign, not as a tactical manoeuvre, but because he did not have sufficient support to carry on.
98. As well as realism, tactical prudence restricts the number of candidates they present.
99. Many political commentators and opposition leaders see his move as a tactical retreat-a typical Haider trick.
100. The change in the tactical momentum was evident in the nonstop com-bat during the spring of 1969.
101. But computer designers are still divided over GaAs's tactical value in world of digital computers.
102. At this point the police had the tactical and psychological advantage.
103. First, he made the tactical error of blaming the civil war on the ethnic groups in the north of the country.
104. Our own best tactical concepts, skillfully turned against us.
105. He can and should delegate tactical responsibility.
106. The police tactical unit must follow other forces quickly.
107. to have a tactical advantage.
108. To strategically semidefinite. to pick from the tactical measures.
109. As a militarist, he must have tactical awareness.
110. Tactical nuclear weapons have shorter ranges.
111. Most of the unit's soldiers are tactical counterintelligence agents.
112. Scott Stewart, Vice President of Tactical Intelligence for the Austin, Texas-based Stratfor global intelligence company, follows the Mexican drug wars closely.
113. This paper introduces tactical performances, applications, primary characteristics and development trance of foreign long-rang passive jamming equipments.
114. You might have to swallow hard, but if a hung parliament introduces a fair system of proportional representation, this will be the last tactical vote you'll ever have to cast.
115. In 1953 the first tactical missile using a storable propellant (nitric acid and carbon-hydrogen fuel), the R-11, was created with a range of 270 km.
116. Under the one - year cost plus fixed fee contract, the company will develop and demonstrate a prototype tactical network that uses both free space optical (FSO) and radio frequency (RF) links.
117. Pakistan's generals say their new tactical weapons will meet a threat from India's Cold Start doctrine, adopted in 2004, that calls for rapid, punitive, though conventional thrusts against Pakistan.
118. The paper proposes some typical decision models of tactical activities in two-vs-two engagement: the cooperation of leader and wingman, defense and offense, weapon launch etc.
119. The four tactical armies , into which the ground forces were divided, varied in numerical strength.
120. Tactical Technologies Collective (TTC) is a new NGO building a network for other NGOs to learn about and apply OSS.
121. Under the contract, AAI will provide simulators and multimedia instruction for National Guard operation of RQ-7B Shadow Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
122. Based on tactical and technical performance of aviation homing torpedo, a basic model for torpedo underwater movement is given in this paper.
123. In military terms, an exit strategy is ideally incorporated into the original plan: "Once we take the city of Boise and the state of Idaho falls, we'll make a tactical movement to Portland."
124. Decentralized management control with Area Vice Presidents ensuring tactical implementation of sales strategy in regional offices.
125. Tactical information of the certain air target can be used to improve the performance of the tracking filter.Sentence dictionary
126. The helmsman on the racing boat is the same as the commander of an army, who has to meet tactical challenges as well as being athletic.
127. Seen as overly defensive in his tactical outlook, stubborn and unadventurous.
128. The Allied Expeditionary Air Force, comprising the British 2nd Tactical Group and the USAAF 9th AAF, was set up almost a year before the actual landing.
129. The stand-off missile is a kind of model construction, accurate guide and air-to-surface missile. It has special tactical properties.
130. Indicators are metrics used to evaluate performance against tactical and operational goals.
131. In addition, Synovus' Architecture and Development team has a governed Configuration Control Board (CCB) that is used for tactical and strategic SOA governance.
132. Both sides built up tactical weapons as well, including, for example, atomic field artillery and nuclear depth charges.
133. I think it might have been a technical and tactical decision, as they either have another transfer target or opted not to bring in anyone for that left flank.
134. Rosetta Technology simplifies the complex business of sensor and data link management on the battlefield and provides the critical situational awareness picture for successful tactical operations.
135. They were in many cases career officers and served many of the important administrative tasks of the Legion, but still served in a full tactical command function during engagements.
136. It was a nice tactical problem, whether she should ever ask him.
137. The security forces had made a tactical withdrawal from the area.
138. They were a series of tactical day - to - day deviations from White House policy.
139. When a tactical air strike struck the building beside it, experimental failures were propelled into the ventilation shaft; apparently killing everyone inside.
140. They play nonstop tactical and strategic games in a zero - gravity space station.
141. In the tense and tactical contests he could, like Solskjaer, be a specialist substitute who can winkle out a goal.
142. Radar seeker is a key part of the tactical guided missile of active homing type. It detects a target and guides a missile to fly at it, so its' performance affects missile's efficiency greatly.
143. The technology of autoclave moulding was studied to eliminate the ditches on the inner surface of extendible nozzle exit cone for some tactical missile engine in this paper.
144. The A400M is Europe's biggest defense program, bearing hopes of breaking U.S. industry's lock on strategic and tactical military airlift with the C-17 and C-130J.
145. The application of tactical blinding laser weapons need to know about the effects of laser induced retinal damage, mainly discussed the thermal effect and photochemical effect in detail.
146. Once he was launched on a course, Nixon's determination was equal to his tactical resourcefulness.
147. In the United States, Rosetta Technology is fielded in the U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Close Air Support System (CASS).
148. Featuring a Serpentine Tactical Missile Rack, the Evensong is effective out to medium ranges, but does relatively light damage, necessitating several shots to defeat a target.
149. In this paper, proposes and proves a new method of estimating communication range of tactical radio set through analyzing the results of experiments of the VRC-8000 radio station in suburb areas.
150. For tactical missiles, the US military services have expressed interest in ramjets burning a storable solid fuel.
151. Raytheon's Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System provided integrated fires support and command and control capabilities.
152. In the MTS vest-based configuration, the Tactical Mission Controller (TMC)—a low-profile processing platform, peripheral controller and power manager—is carried on the rear of the plate-carrier.
153. Several experiments directed toward sharing information between tactical operations centers (TOC) were initiated prior to General Shinseki's selection to serve as the 34th Chief of Staff of the Army.
154. Several Shadow systems under this contract have been ordered with two new capabilities — a laser designator and a tactical common data link (TCDL).
155. The goal of the project is to maintain nondeployed combat vehicles,() tactical vehicles and various other items of equipment in a combat-ready condition.
156. From the Lucy Ring reports and tactical intelligence from prisoners and deserters , Zhukov knew almost to the hour when the German assault would begin.
157. Tactical counter-offensives, such as our repulse of the enemy's "mopping-up" campaigns in southeastern Shansi, are not only possible but absolutely necessary.
158. Wherever the small force goes, it is a touchstone for grand strategy, shocking joint fires and tactical overmatch.
159. In short, large goals required farsighted policies, not tactical maneuvering.
160. The TEWS (Tactical Electronic Warfare System) is positioned in the upper right corner of the instrument panel .
161. Fix for AI hangup while targeting for Artillery and Tactical Missile Launchers at extreme range.
162. In order to satisfy special transmission requirement caused by heavy network traffic, a tactical message traffic manager(TM) is designed and presented.
163. Other options would be to approach cloud computing as a tactical or one-off solution, which is what most people do today.
164. By researching the biodynamics and actual match, It is that a tall player have proved adequate to a three marks'ball, his tactical value is more satisfactory.
165. The company's Falcon family of software-defined tactical radio systems encompasses manpack, handheld and vehicular applications.
166. The model could be described as a function, which includes operation task, battle task of commander, tactical data unit in interest area and time.
167. Air - to - ground missile ( AGM ) provides intuitionistic observation plat for AGM tactical application and coordinated operation.
168. The Tactical Order Select system also effects the power meter and its stocks.
169. GMT, January 21, 2010 FMV, the Swedish Defense Materiel Administration(), has placed an additional order for Sectra's crypto for secure tactical radio.
170. Symbols on the tactical display appear green if the aircraft"s sensors or off-board assets determine these objects are friendly."
171. As a tactical troop transport, the Z-9B has the capacity to transport 10 armed soldiers seated in two rows behind the pilot seats.
172. The SDB II Weapon Data Link (WDL) will connect the munitions to tactical networks, allowing operators to engage moving targets on the ground even after a munition is launched.
173. The tactical planning has the task to implement the maintenance strategy and minimize maintenance costs.
174. Throughout this bloody history, replete with tactical and strategic blunders, Rajavi and Maryam have remained the absolute leaders of MEK.
175. At the same time, the intelligence community and the U.S. Armed Forces have honed the integration of tactical intelligence and operations to a deadly knife's-edge.
176. The over-the-horizon radar is mainly used for strategic early warning and long range tactical warning information radar systems.
177. The enhanced CGS systems will provide the service with improved ways to receive, process and share intelligence data in a mobile, tactical environment.
178. The XM8 is of modular construction and barrels of different lengths and weights can be interchanged to meet tactical needs, producing carbine, compact carbine, sharpshooter, and ?
179. Making the actual entry once a signal has been generated is an important tactical decision.
180. Furthermore, the Chinese advantages in tactical maneuver, infiltration, and stealth lost their value.
181. It typically forms a part of the Tactical Electronic Warfare Suite (TEWS) on F-15 fighters.
182. In the morning the brigade lost its communication center destroyed by a tactical Iraqi missile.
183. In the new RSAF structure, the UAV Command will provide tactical support for operations conducted by the SAF.
184. The application technology of the tactical Internet is one of the main supporting technologies for digital army tactics command control system.
185. Missions are based on actual games and even the AI'knows'the reality - based tactical playbook.
186. One could argue that until recently, military art and science has aimed at building,(http:///tactical.html) training and using tactical formations as the primary expression of ground combat power.
187. In a few hours the tactical problem began to fall into shape.
188. Today's war is not the existence of pure strategy, there is not a purely tactical.
189. Different platforms and characteristic of tactical messages result in different requirements for network resource in tactical data link(TDL).
190. In the meantime, the flight personnel have also deepened their understanding of tactical theories as well as technical performance of the weaponry and equipment.
191. Russia has successfully test-fired a new intercontinental ballistic missile and a tactical shorter range cruise missile.
192. Trajectory stability problems of intercepting tactical ballistics missile guidance are investigated by the Lawes Criterion.
193. DRS' Tactical Systems unit in Melbourne, Fla., will provide more than 1, 700 systems and more than 4, 500 hard disk drives.
194. Atmospheric duct influences the performance and tactical use of electronic equipments.
195. When coupled with the devastating deep interdiction of UN air forces and the lack of maneuver space, these deficiencies imposed a tactical ceiling on CCF operations.
196. I could observe how a huge German staff car with tactical marking of the German Army commanding general stopped near the house and a tall man, wearing a fur cap, left the car.
197. Bolo can bring character, experience and tactical knowledge to the team.
198. The USAFE WPC provides operational and tactical level training for exercises that require the use of classified data.
199. The NGC2P system is a tactical data link (TDL) communication processor that provides warfighters with critical real-time information about friendly and enemy activity during combat operations.
200. Without tactical experience the US Navy had to rely heavily on war - gaming.
201. The IMPI device can also be used with Tactical Radios through the Inline Data Communication Unit (IDCU) from Saab, which can also be customized for specific radio functionality.
202. JPALS works with GPS to provide accurate, reliable, landing guidance for fixed and rotary wing aircraft and supports fixed-base, tactical, and shipboard applications.
203. In this paper, essential feature of tactical digital information link J message is primarily discussed, also some related regulations are introduced and analyzed in detail.
204. Like how it is in Shogi or Chess, "Able to take strong opponent at 1 on 1" is merely one of many choices in tactical point of.
205. The PES Productions team has worked to recreate the pace and tactical approach of a top-flight game, with mature skill and vision needed to create space and scoring opportunities.
206. The prince is a member of a group called Joint Tactical Air Control, or JTAC. He holds the rank of cornet -- equivalent to a second lieutenant -- and serves as a forward air controller.
207. The UZI Tactical Pen is made from high-grade aircraft aluminum and is available in Black Gunmetal Gray.
208. Reason again simple, Arab League peaceful not strange to the Arab League Germany's tactical system!
209. This paper gives a model for Tactical Data Link (TDL) based on set theory. With the TDL model, the influence of DC in agility and damage resistance of the system are discussed.
210. Strategically deployable joint forces must be able to conduct operational and tactical maneuver.
211. The poll network mode has a great influence on the communication performance of tactical data link(TDL) for helicopter.
212. This system is used for off - axis symbology for tactical maneuvering.
213. TADIL-A/LINK11 is a tactical digital information link employed by US Navy and Air Force. To disturb and demodulate LINK11 signal is an important task in the Electronic Warfare.




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