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单词 Orthodox
1. He challenged the orthodox views on education.
2. His ideas are all fairly orthodox.
3. Most orthodox doctors however dismiss this as complete nonsense.
4. We would prefer a more orthodox approach/solution to the problem.
5. These people are predominantly Russian Orthodox by religion.
6. Orthodox economists believe that a recession is now inevitable.
7. He is very orthodox in his views.
8. Her ideas are very orthodox.
9. I am not a very orthodox kind of counsellor.
10. This is the strictly orthodox view.
11. His ideas are very orthodox.
12. In Orthodox Europe, mass religion seems to have decayed less.
13. She is a cancer sufferer who has rejected orthodox medicine and turned instead to acupuncture, aromatherapy and other forms of alternative medicine.
14. They are orthodox Jews.
15. It doesn't sound exactly orthodox, if I may say so.
16. It's complementary to orthodox medicine.
17. The Orthodox, however, are unimpressed by such arguments.
18. Pathans are very very orthodox and sometimes religious fanatics.
19. Orthodox medicines tend to be palliative rather than curative.
20. Austin has two main Orthodox churches.
21. That runs right against orthodox doctrine.
22. The Orthodox Church is composed of 23 self-governing churches.
22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
23. This interpretation of Karma is rejected by orthodox Hindus.
24. It reads as a profession of orthodox Stalinism.
25. Lacan soon found himself in conflict with more orthodox psychologists.
26. This is all grist to the mill of orthodox social democratic analyses of crime.
27. The Orthodox institutions, in turn, were pressuring the umbrella bodies.
28. The theory challenges the assumption of orthodox welfare economics that the existence of market failure is sufficient reason for governmental intervention.
29. Many of these ideas are now being incorporated into orthodox medical treatment.
30. The rule of the Czar was sanctified by the Russian Orthodox Church.
1. He challenged the orthodox views on education.
2. His ideas are all fairly orthodox.
3. Most orthodox doctors however dismiss this as complete nonsense.
4. We would prefer a more orthodox approach/solution to the problem.
5. These people are predominantly Russian Orthodox by religion.
6. His ideas are very orthodox.
7. They are orthodox Jews.
31. Any genuinely orthodox unionist would have been a member since late adolescence!
32. The rest, hewing to more traditional belief, remained Orthodox; the Winslows were among them.
33. I chose the more orthodox route via Lisbon and Sal and arrived safely at my destination at Praia on the appointed day.
34. The present more orthodox incumbent was a tough man as well as an Augustine; accustomed to risky assignments in Cairo.
35. A particular complementary technique may be recognised by orthodox circles in one country but condemned in another; an example is osteopathy.
36. In this respect orthodox medicine may have placed itself at some disadvantage to its complementary counterparts.
37. The board had decided on another candidate, an orthodox pathologist with predominantly clinical and descriptive interests and not an experimentalist.
38. Controversy about essential hypertension has waxed and waned for a century, and what is orthodox today may change with time.
39. An orthodox man is not allowed to hear a woman singing as this is felt to be seductive.
40. With the establishment of the party, the distinction between workers and orthodox Marxist members of the intelligentsia was effectively erased.
41. We think it is roughly correct to say that the orthodox account sees the different factors interacting as in Figure 1.1.
42. Leonard isn't orthodox, thank goodness, or I'd have to shave off all my hair.
43. His resourcefulness and range of sound from an orthodox conga set and assorted percussion props is breathtaking.
44. It has also come under severe attack from the orthodox medical establishment.
45. The Orthodox rabbinate does not recognize those performed by Reform and Conservative rabbis.
46. The repertoire includes traditional chants and much four-part harmony, written by composers within the Orthodox tradition.
47. From the beginning Nizan was quite clearly convinced of the necessity to adopt a strictly orthodox party line.
48. Garlic's reputation for curing colds and lung infections has also gained orthodox medical recognition.
49. Nevertheless, when all factors have been assessed, there still remain effects which can not be explained in orthodox terms.
50. During Lent, in the Orthodox churches, the gospels are read at a single sitting.
51. Clearly, orthodox ministerial responsibility could not be extended to them without undermining the arm's length principle.
52. In future the only option is partisan struggle, Nizan was not simply playing the role of orthodox sectarian militant.
52. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
53. I perceived that the orthodox view of Time, as gradually established in the Western world, was a mistaken one.
54. It would also create a community in which the Orthodox were far more influential than they are today.
55. But it went unheard by the intensely hostile and suspicious Orthodox hier archy.
56. Why is the word regarded with some revulsion among the orthodox religions?
57. For the main misconception that many people have is that orthodox women are regarded as inferior to men.
58. Did he perhaps introduce some teachings from the past that were not wholly orthodox into his woodland classes in the Ardennes?
59. He had been invited to attend the Easter celebrations by the Orthodox Church.
60. The Orthodox Church is composed of 23 self-governing churches that emerged from the Byzantine Empire.
61. Harassment of religion will only tarnish the orthodox church's reputation, while steeling the resistance of persecuted faiths.
62. He certainly represented an important segment of the Orthodox community, with a prodigious capacity for fund-raising and vote-getting.
63. Having addressed themselves to the army and the treasury, the authorities turned to the Orthodox Church.
64. All theories have difficulties to overcome, and there is certainly no need to abandon the orthodox view.
65. The Orthodox, in particular, barred marriage with Hicksites or even attending their weddings.
66. The Almoravids attempted to bring Africa back to orthodox Islamic practice.
67. Ironically, the observations of Captain FitzRoy, the orthodox Creationist, had been proved right.
68. The bulk of the crowd had joined the Orthodox antigovernment rally.
69. I suppose one can't blame the regular officer trained in peacetime for being orthodox and cautious.
70. A direct challenge to the orthodox test arose in two cases decided in 1987.
71. Orthodox Christianity teaches that Jesus was raised to life three days after he was crucified.
72. In the Balkans the burden fell most heavily on the Slavs of the Orthodox community.
73. He can't be guaranteed to take the orthodox Anglican view, is what they mean.
74. Mary Teresa Epstein, what kind of name was that for a good Catholic girl, orthodox to the core?
75. But there are more fundamental reasons why unity with either Rome or the Orthodox is still a long way off.
76. It is orthodox doctrine that the Archbishop of York ought not to hold exactly the same opinions as the Archbishop of Canterbury.
77. He challenges the orthodox view that elderly people turn to formal agencies for help only when informal support is absent or inadequate.
78. Do seek the guidance of a qualified and accredited practitioner - holistic or orthodox.
79. Many practitioners of orthodox medicine boggle over the accuracy of reflexology's diagnoses.
80. Middlesbrough manager Lennie Lawrence will include Slaven in a more orthodox formation.
81. The first, and most orthodox, of these was the 11-18 comprehensive school.
82. Women from orthodox families told me that they were not allowed to wear them.
82. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
83. This difference in approach constitutes the fundamental difference between the homoeopathic and orthodox systems of drug use.
84. And some of the more orthodox farcical confusions are well managed.
85. The Uniates practised Eastern Orthodox rites but recognized papal authority.
86. The monks of Valaam could be regarded as the future of the orthodox church.
87. Many areas in which the new buildings are going up already have Orthodox churches with a shortage of parishioners.
88. One could try to modify the orthodox account to accommodate these factual discrepancies.
89. He himself never used his pigments in other than a most orthodox manner.
90. Like the orthodox account, they locate the crisis specifically within the prison rather than in the penal system as a whole.
91. This humanistic attention to the subjective interpretation by prisoners of their situation marks a distinct departure from the orthodox account.
92. More orthodox scholars are inclined to scoff at such theories.
93. And conversions of the kind Mantzur wanted for his wife and daughter also must be approved by the Orthodox rabbinate.
94. And if we do not have the right drugs for a particular adjustment, research on orthodox lines will often find one.
95. Negotiations with Moda'i Initially, Peres directed his efforts towards winning the support of small orthodox religious parties.
96. Orthodox Paska does not always fall a week after Easter.
97. Avon Health 89-90 is believed to be the only local guide in the country to both orthodox and complementary health.
98. This trial was an attempt to use the orthodox model, comparing a single remedy with placebo.
99. At the same time the conservative and pacifying influence of the Orthodox Church began to weaken markedly.
100. Like all Orthodox churches it was divided into three sections.
101. There were no improvements in the placebo group despite the fact that the patients were on full orthodox first-line treatment.
102. We therefore should aim at integration rather than separation from orthodox medicine.
103. This is possibly correct where the interpretations of those two terms are consistent with orthodox religions.
104. Articles were written which could be construed as orthodox,() but still interpreted by sympathisers in their intended subversive sense.
105. It also endorsed the hostility which many of those radicals felt for the orthodox left.
106. Having discarded as inadequate our orthodox rationalisations for meat's culinary centrality, the question remained: why is it so important?
107. The orthodox account of scientific practice represents a marriage between the two traditions just outlined.
108. Bateson had a most orthodox Oxford education and a most unorthodox career.
109. The breakdown led to renewed Orthodox demands for legislation against the non-Orthodox streams.
110. Just the kind of thing a team without a more orthodox identity would try.
111. Equally satisfactory results can be obtained using more orthodox treatments.
112. The Orthodox agreed to cooperate, but balked at merging the two efforts.
112. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
113. Orthodox wooden construction is still being used today for fishing vessels, minesweepers and yachts of up to four or five hundred tons.
114. As a result, most of these countries have switched to orthodox fiscal and monetary policies to curb inflation.
115. Like Nietzsche, Feuerbach frequently shows more sympathy for orthodox believers than for rationalizing modernist theologians.
116. The price was high in relation to orthodox equipment but was held to be justified by patient throughput.
117. Struggles aim at power and the imposition of a set of heterodox or orthodox norms and symbols.
118. The Leninist theory of capitalist expansionism is generally considered to be the orthodox Marxist position.
119. Second, the developing study of the biblical documents themselves began to undermine the rather monolithic orthodox understanding of it.
120. In the orthodox view the illness is considered to be the sum total of the symptoms and signs which it produces.
121. Both are sons of prosperous professional fathers, who are devout and emphasized the importance of orthodox religion in the home.
122. A statement was issued finally repudiating the Nestorian position and affirming the Orthodox position.
123. Prior to Sandys the orthodox military priesthood had seen nuclear weapons as being in support of conventional forces.
124. The staff, which was quite orthodox psycho-analytically, became more and more uncomfortable.
125. So far there is little here that would run counter to what would be considered orthodox Marxist views.
126. An orthodox Hindu must not touch an untouchable or anything an untouchable touches.
127. Ivan founded a monastery at Cetinje, and it was from the monks who lived there that the orthodox bishops were chosen.
128. Back then, he said, most Orthodox Christians still adhered to strict fasting rules during the 40 days before Pasak.
129. The Great Schism splits the Catholic and Orthodox churches.
130. And you would call yourself an Orthodox Jew. -Yes.
131. Payne gained a reputation for sound, if orthodox, views.
132. All Christians believe the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity.
133. In an intellectual way, Syme was venomously orthodox.
134. What are the sources of the orthodox church?
135. Nor was Moscow confining its efforts to orthodox channels.
136. The orthodox Thanksgiving dinner includes turkey and pumpkin pie.
137. Other families have chosen a less orthodox path.
138. What is the official name of the orthodox church?
139. The government's intent was reconstitute orthodox communism.
140. Russia and the States, art student and Orthodox Jew.
141. The beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
142. About 6.93% belong to Lutheranism and 4.1% are Greek Catholic, Calvinism has 2.0%, other and non-registered churches 1.1%, such as Eastern Catholic and some 0.9% are Eastern Orthodox.
142. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
143. A vast majority of people in Greece belong to the Greek Orthodox Church.
144. Can there be a Russia without a vibrant Orthodox Church?
145. In the process of the cultural development in Russian, relations between Russian mentality and the Eastern Orthodox Church have become the center of attraction.
146. This paper deals with orthodox semirings whose additive idempotents satisfy permutation identities.
147. George Stephanopoulos, the son of a Greek Orthodox priest, was a Rhodes scholar who had previously worked for my friend Father Tim Healy when he ran the New York Public Library.
148. 2A cross hewn for Epiphany in the ice of Maine's Kennebec River by parishioners of St. Alexander Nevsky Russian Orthodox Church commemorates the baptism of Christ.
149. The Hinayana Sectarian Buddhism Vinaya-pitaka is only the orthodox religion text, but also the narrative literature characterized by widely employed oral-formulas.
150. Implication : liberalism, neo - orthodoxy and neo - evangelicalism are NOT orthodox.
151. In 2007 Ashery joined a demonstration of Anti Zionist Orthodox Jews in central London.
152. John Frame : Increasingly difficult to determine whether a scholar's hermeneutics is orthodox.
153. Istanbul's Hagia Sophia was a former Orthodox patriarchal basilica before being converted to a mosque, but is now a museum since being secularized in 1934.
154. In fact, as far as both Christian theology theories and Russian history are concerned, Russian social process could not be described without consideration of the Orthodox.
155. The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Bible includes additional Jewish writings called the Apocrypha.
156. Saint Basil was a leader of the early Greek Orthodox Church. Stories say he would come in the night and leave presents for children in their shoes.
157. In 1589 tsarist authorities, headed by Boris Godunov, succeeded in naming their own patriarch as head of the Russian Orthodox Church for the first time in Russian history.
158. The vocalists of the world most nation bel canto is a orthodox method.
159. In clarifying orthodox Christology (the doctrine of Jesus Christ), the Council of Chalcedon (A.D. 451) laid the foundation of Western liberty.
160. The St. George Chursh is the oldest Greek Orthodox church in the middle east.
161. Palm Sunday is a moveable feast in the church calendar observed by Catholic, Orthodox, and some Protestant Christians.
162. Greece's National Statistics Service says more Greeks are opting for civil wedding ceremonies, apparently seeking to avoid the high cost of traditional ceremonies held at the Greek Orthodox Church.
163. Still, the pathogenic theory of schizophrenia runs counter to years of orthodox thinking that schizophrenia is a congenital, organic brain disorder.
164. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, it is often called the Entry into Jerusalem, and is the beginning of Holy Week.
165. Religion: Most inhabitants of Moldova profess the Orthodox Eastern Church.
166. I will never forget a visit I made to Ilana, an old friend who had become an Orthodox Jew in Jerusalem.
167. It provided Jews with a direct approach to God, a notion regarded as heretical and pantheistic by Orthodox Judaism.
168. It would seem unusual for an orthodox Jew such as James, as he has been shown to have been by Robert Eisenman, et al.
169. Like the majority of Christians in Bethlehem , his parents are Greek Orthodox.
170. It covers an area of 130 square miles (336 square kilometers). Athos itself, the holy mountain of the Greek Orthodox Church located at the tip of the peninsula, rises 6,417 feet (1,956 meters).
171. MOSCOW (Reuters) - Sitting behind the wheel of his vintage Volga car next to the bearded chief of the Russian Orthodox church, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin wore a proud grin.
172. In fact,Paul's letters are kind of problematic from a good orthodox theological point of view because Paul seems to assume what we would later call a subordinationist Christology.
172. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
173. The former is said to come within the realms of orthodox descriptive cataloguing.
174. Statement The video feature Ashery dressed-up both as an Arab man and an orthodox Jewish man. The two characters are bound in an endless repetition of acts and the power of inertia.
175. "Our goal is to come up with a tea variety that would neither be like the normal cut leaf or the big-leaf orthodox teas. It would be something truly exotic, " he said.
176. Ms. Shteynshleyger's life has been largely defined by her separateness: as an immigrant in America, a religious Jew in the art world, a single parent in the Orthodox Jewish community.
177. Hence, while the influence of orthodox Christianity upon the Koran has been slight, apocryphal and heretical Christian legends, on the other hand, are one of the original sources of Koranic faith.
178. Religion: Predominantly Russian Orthodox , There are also Catholic, Protestant, Moslem , Old Believer , and Jewish minorities.
179. The Russian Orthodox Church was rising everywhere from the ashes of the Soviet era, and millions of Russians were rushing to be baptized .
180. Asia is in orthodox territory , balancing well - trodden trade - offs between growth and inflation.
181. In the Protestant and Orthodox side of the ecumenical movement, which took institutional form in the World Council of Churches in 1948, there were two main strands.
182. In general, Danji is neither orthodox ethnic nor smarty-pants fusion.
183. Khomyakov always compared ideal Eastern Orthodox Church with Catholicism and Protestantism in reality.
184. Kremlin artisans would sew the most valuable of these fabrics into ecclesiastical garments for leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church.
185. A left seminormal orthodox semigroup is an orthodox semigroup whose idempotents form a left seminormal band. We deal with natures of a left seminormal orthodox semigroup with an inverse transversal.
186. Karouzos's poetry shows a profound preoccupation with the Orthodox Church.
187. Our key partners are local residents of the Old City as well as others who own properties there, such as the Greek Orthodox Church.
188. After 1054, the Church was divided into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.
189. The Russian Orthodox Church is the dominant Christian religion in the Federation.
190. Religion: Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox are the predominant religions in Latvia.
191. Rowling, has proved a controversial figure in Russia where some Russian Orthodox priests have said the Harry Potter stories encourage satanism and undermine Christianity.
192. Although this idea has been alienated into mundane monastic idea in the Western Christian World for a long time, but it continues to exist until present time in the World of Eastern Orthodox Church.
193. Do like this and then will seem to be some not orthodox tradition, peculiar get some dangerous, soliloquize for a person of elephant.
194. Most Bulgarians (82.6%) are at least nominally a member of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, the national Eastern Orthodox church.
195. An Orthodox Jew investigates the scene of a Palestinian rocket attack.
196. The Greek Orthodox Church forbids funeral services for suicides unless the deceased was mentally ill.
197. Religion: most people believe in Eastern Orthodox , while a minority believes in Islamism.
198. On Friday, a bomb explosion caused minor damage outside a Greek Orthodox church in the Gaza Strip.
199. A cleric ranking just below a priest in the Anglican , Eastern Orthodox, and Roman churches.
200. There are also several denominations in the East that come under Eastern Orthodox Christians.
201. However, more orthodox physicians have started to criticise Yang's authoritarian approach.
202. There was a large Greek community, which included a Greek Orthodox church and Angelo's, a restaurant just around the corner from Clinton Buick.
202. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
203. Michael Howard, the Conservative leader, gave a speech that began as a panegyric to Britain and ended as an orthodox recitation of Conservative plans.
204. Recently I stumbled across a little old Orthodox synagogue in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, no wider than the brownstone I grew up in.
205. Meaning naturally orthodox , incapable of thinking a bad thought?'.
206. The idea of transmigration was never adopted into orthodox Judaism or Christianity.
207. The beaming tourists bear Russian names and the women wear the scarves of Russian Orthodox believers.
208. The Greek Orthodox Church in Cyprus said it would not bury people taking their own lives, declaring suicides "the greatest sin."
209. The Greek Orthodox Church is wrangling in the courts over its ownership of a further 325, 000 acres.
210. The most important factor should be the Confucianism orthodox tradition law thought.
211. It was the center of the orthodox caliphate until 661, when the Umayyad caliphate, ruling from Damascus, took over.
212. A lot of orthodox Christology was set at least, at one of the main periods,at the Council of Nicaea.
213. And as an orthodox Jew, I was ahead of even other young men of my own age group.
214. But his speech on the economy was that of an orthodox, hard-line right-winger.
215. This was the first time a pope had visited a predominantly Eastern Orthodox country since the Great Schism in 1054.
216. The master equation of the single electron triple barrier tunnel junction(TBTJ) model is developed based on the orthodox theory.
217. Once Khubilai ascended the throne and established the Ytlan Dynasty, his general and special policies appeared a tendency to establish the orthodox position of Mongol culture.
218. Orthodox Lutheranism appears to have rejected Reformed covenant theology because they saw in it a confusion of Law and Gospel.
219. Religion: Predominantly Russian Orthodox, There are also Catholic Moslem , Old Believer, and Jewish minorities.
220. Haven from brigands and the siren world, the monasteries of Meteora in central Greece still uphold the Orthodox tradition of monasticism, once the chaste soul of a gilded Byzantium.
221. Genuine emotion peeps through, only to be squeezed back by some orthodox piety.
222. Since the early part of the 20th century, many Haredi and other Orthodox Jews have worn black fedoras and continue to this day.
223. Of the remaining people, about 180,000 are members of the Eastern Orthodox Church and about 7,300 are Jewish.
224. An Orthodox priest surveys the remains of his church in Zacharo on the Peloponnesian Peninsula, Greece.
225. This unusual date is because the Russian Orthodox church uses the old " Julian " calendar for religious celebration days.
226. Baselios Mar Thoma Paulose II, the Catholicos of the Orthodox Church based in Kottayam, warned the government of dire consequences if the bill is passed.
227. A left seminormal orthodox semigroup is an orthodox semigroup whose idempotents form a left seminormal band.
228. Then I became a priest in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Eventually, in 1989, we came to America, and I am now working as an associate pastor at the First United Methodist Church in Nederland(), Texas.
229. In the midday sun, the allure of a golden-globed Orthodox church was matched only by the three blue spires atop the straight-backed cathedral.
230. I can't characterize my music as religious, although religious music is very close and dear to me, " says Kancheli, a devout Orthodox Christian."
231. This permeated not only the Russian Orthodox Church, but it permeates the Catholic Church as well.
232. Gnosticism is an esoteric religious movement that flourished during the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD and presented a major challenge to orthodox Christianity.
232. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
233. Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, the head of the Orthodox Hesder Yeshiva in Petach Tikva, said, "I'm very disappointed by this book.
234. To the chagrin of her secular parents, she embraced Orthodox Judaism.
235. The orthodox church consider it essential in considering a person for canonization as a saint, and the Roman Catholic Church consider it as sign of sainthood but not a necessity.
236. The larger group of protesters marched to the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sava, where a huge outdoor prayer service was held.
237. A bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church ranking immediately below a patriarch.
238. The great Christian army diverted its forces and attacked the Eastern Orthodox Byzantine Empire instead.
239. His memoirs, written at the end of his life, proclaimed a fervent and orthodox Marxism-Leninism. His career was often different.
240. Ming orthodox 2002 ( 1437 AD ) Krupp Jing Wei , a population of only precise records.
241. A commonly used Eastern Orthodox variant of the cross of Lorraine has an additional crossbar diagonally placed near the base.
242. The Manchu Dynasty resists garden- Summer Palace and the North Seas, can also taste Peking of the orthodox school to roast duck, rinse the mutton.
243. Hagia Sophia is a former Orthodox patriarchal basilica, later a mosque, and now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey.
244. The heaven in this poem is so far from being the incorporeal - the spiritual heaven of orthodox Christianity that you have an image of an actual orgy, the festal orgy raging under the thyrsus .
245. Three of them, a Catholic, an evangelical Christian, and an Orthodox Jew, were devoutly pro-life.
246. Several ambassadors—powerful Greek merchants—brought gifts for the patriarch from Istanbul's Greek Orthodox Church.
247. All four schools accept these principles as the basis of the Shari 'ah and regard each other as orthodox.
248. The Russian Orthodox Church, which has become a significant voice in the country's political affairs in the past decade, has also expressed strong opposition to such preventative measures.
249. Smaller Slav Churches are the Polish and Czechoslovak Orthodox Churches.
250. She is also one of the most highly venerated saints in both the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Church; several major feast days are devoted to her each year.
251. Considering the two orthodox calculations take truth function, individuality truth function as object of study, they fall into the category of discrete mathematics.
252. After touring Africa and the Middle East for two months, during which he made the hajj, he returned to Harlem an orthodox Muslim, a man in flux.
253. On Saturday, standing above the underpass and a red smear of modern cars stretching into the Moscow night, Russian Orthodox Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin makes the sign of the cross.
254. Karl Llewellyn , in his early writtings, was a spokesman for orthodox realist theory.
255. That is how narrow-minded scientism's orthodox position happens to be.
256. Denial of this is considered heretical by Catholics and Eastern Orthodox ( and Evangelicals ) alike.
257. Why can't you find an orthodox Mahayana place when you first start to practice?
258. Karl Llewellyn, in his early writings, was a spokesman for orthodox realist theory.
259. The practical or ritual dimension is less pronounced in Buddhism than in faiths of a strongly sacramental kind, such as Judaism and Orthodox Christianity.
260. Associatoin with the Orthodox Union, which is a non-profit communal organization.
261. Confucianist's orthodox ideas may not be contaminated unavoidably frequently in theirs dramatic work, inevitably takes into them to the lower level life performance in.
262. Orthodox eastern church got into Harbin along with the building of Mid - east railway.
262. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
263. Some of the attackers said they were members of the Russian Orthodox Church.
264. For example,the Nicene Creed, that proclaims that the doctrine of the Trinity becomes orthodox.
265. Boasting an old and well-known family background, Hou received orthodox Confucian education and was later influenced by the sociopolitical cliquism in late Ming Dynasty.
266. A: Getting causes of death may be simpler than achieving full registration of deaths, because most people who die in poor countries will not have access to an orthodox health-care worker.
267. All those elements that would end up becoming orthodox Christianity,orthodox Christology, those can be found in the Gospel of John.
268. The depth of Sufi mysticism arouses fear among orthodox Muslims, generating hostile criticism.
269. M, a 12-year-old boy, was refused admission to JFS – a school in North London which describes itself as having "a religious character in accordance with the principles of Orthodox Judaism".
270. Q . Was this the orthodox Jewish Temple or the Essene Temple?
271. MercatorNet: The Russian Orthodox Church has often claimed to be at the heart of Russia's self - identity.
272. Bass - voiced Orthodox priests beseeched God to forgive the sins of Russia's first president.
273. The Roman's governing was considered legitimacy, and rulers with the title Roman Emperor were regarded as orthodox and licit ones.
273. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
274. An orthodox Anabaptist sect that separated from the Mennonites in the late17th century and exists today primarily in southeast Pennsylvania.
275. Today, 98 percent of Greeks Greek Orthodox Church, and religion is woven into their everyday lives.
276. The financial crisis in the Orthodox Church we are living a sober and rational wisdom.
277. Rabelais ' aesthetics in Pantagrue and Gargantua, based on the humanism, overturns the Christian orthodox idea and reconstructs the humanist outlook on life and value.
278. It was an obvious reaction to the Orthodox strictness of her home.
279. The modeling styles of orthodox academic school steadfastly construct the narrative space.
280. Her father, an influential owner-editor murdered four years ago, was Greek Orthodox, her paternal grandmother a famous Druze poet.
281. Some of the hermits were great scholars known as "Father of the Church", whose work is generally considered orthodox.
282. For every church is orthodox to itself; to others, erroneous or heretical.
283. The Russian Orthodox Church has also a school of "Sophiology" to explore the theology of Sophia without contradicting the Russian Orthodox theology.
284. Daly, Who is well-known for his aculeate criticism on orthodox economic growth theories, is a famous ecological economist of America.
285. However, their comments with a more orthodox feudal ideas and nit pick disease.
286. Religion: Most Christians adhere to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church a substantial minority of Muslims.
287. As to orthodox belief, I am an Episcopalian, like my family before me. I can repeat the Creed without asking too much margin for personal interpretation.
288. We get a good view of the capital's 13th-century city walls and turrets and the onion-shaped dome of the Alexander Nevsky Russian Orthodox church as we drive in along the coast road.
289. Indeed, there is one maintained in the Russian Orthodox Church.
290. The majority of Russians consider themselves as Christians and belong to Russian Orthodox Church.
291. The Russian Orthodox Church influenced the development of cities, private and monastery gardens in 11 - 17 centuries.
292. This is less true of children brought up in an orthodox faith.
293. A Cossack and passers-by watch Patriarch Alexy II, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, leaving a polling station during the presidential election, 1996.
294. This evolutionary approach in understanding a policy change is an alternative to the cost and benefit analysis adopted by orthodox neo-classical public economists.
295. Diving for the cross is done in several Orthodox countries to mark Theophany, also known as Epiphany, a Christian feast day in January.
296. A movement embracing old - world Orthodox Judaism is alive and thriving in New York City.
297. The second largest Christian group is the Greek Orthodox Church.




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