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单词 Chancellor
1, The Chancellor is trying to smooth things over.
2, The German Chancellor was anxious to assert his government's commitment to further European unity.
3, The Chancellor of the Exchequer is expected to announce tax cuts in this year's budget.
4, Helmut Kohl became the first Chancellor of a united Germany in 1990.
5, They warned the Chancellor that raising taxes in the Budget could choke off the recovery.
6, He was regarded as the most successful Chancellor of modern times.
7, The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the minister in charge of finance in Britain.
8, The chancellor bluntly warned the Cabinet to axe public spending or face higher taxes.
9, He was Lord Chancellor from 1970 until 1974.
10, They submitted their reports to the Chancellor yesterday.
11, The Chancellor is a man of caution.
12, Churchill was installed as Chancellor of the university.
13, The Chancellor has hiked interest rates again.
14, Speakers called for clearer direction and savaged the Chancellor.
15, The Chancellor of the Exchequer deals with taxes.
16, He's set up for Lord Chancellor.
17, The Chancellor is deeply unpopular with voters.
18, The Chancellor has withstood the criticism and held firm.
19, The knives are out for the chancellor.
20, The Chancellor was forced into a humiliating climbdown on his economic policies.
21, The chancellor has stabilized the economy through strict fiscal discipline.
22, The Chancellor will try to claw back £3.5 billion in next year's Budget.
23, The Chancellor of the Exchequer says that economic recovery is just around the corner.
24, The Chancellor of the Exchequer will take the floor for his Budget speech at 3.00 p.m.
25, The opposition plucked the Chancellor down from his high position.
26, The Chancellor is at loggerheads with the Prime Minister over public spending.
27, The chancellor was sending out smoke signals about the new budget proposal.
28, This year's Budget looks set to be a precarious high-wire act for the Chancellor.
29, Something approaching a lynch mob has been gathering against the Chancellor for even daring to consider higher interest rates.
30, The running of internal affairs was given over to the Chancellor.
1, The Chancellor is trying to smooth things over.
2, The German Chancellor was anxious to assert his government's commitment to further European unity.
3, Helmut Kohl became the first Chancellor of a united Germany in 1990.
4, This year's Budget looks set to be a precarious high-wire act for the Chancellor.
5, Something approaching a lynch mob has been gathering against the Chancellor for even daring to consider higher interest rates.
6, They warned the Chancellor that raising taxes in the Budget could choke off the recovery.
7, He was regarded as the most successful Chancellor of modern times.
8, The chancellor bluntly warned the Cabinet to axe public spending or face higher taxes.
9, The Chancellor of the Exchequer deals with taxes.
10, In Britain the Chancellor of the Exchequer deals with taxes and government spending.
11, The Chancellor of Exchequer will present his budget to Parliament tomorrow.
31, The chancellor may try to soften the blow somewhat with a cut in interest rates.
32, The old chancellor who had offended against the emperor was relegated to the distant boundaries of the country.
33, The Chancellor is boxed in by inflation targets and sterling.
34, Despite the increasingly hostile sideswipes at him, the Chancellor is secure in his post.
35, The Chancellor announced that the economy is in good shape.
36, The Lord Chancellor has said legal aid work is for juniors when they start out in the law.
37, In Britain the Chancellor of the Exchequer deals with taxes and government spending.
38, The Chancellor is reported to have been delighted with the progress of the first day's talks.
39, One of the minority parties had withdrawn its support for Chancellor Kohl.
40, The chancellor knows that the principle of subsidiarity must be guaranteed and shown to work.
41, The Chancellor is on record as saying that the increase in unemployment is 'a price worth paying' to keep inflation down.
42, The Chancellor of Exchequer will present his budget to Parliament tomorrow.
43, The new Chancellor has the guts to push through unpopular tax increases.
44, Now is the time for the Chancellor to take the bull by the horns and announce a two per cent cut in interest rates.
45, By broadening the tax base the chancellor could raise more revenues.
46, A former politician has been appointed Chancellor of the university.
47, The Chancellor will be able to parade his cut in interest rates as a small victory.
48, The Chancellor could face a rough ride unless the plan works.
49, The Chancellor emphasised his determination to promote openness and transparency in the Government's economic decision-making.
50, The old king reposed too little power in the young chancellor.
51, The Chancellor is expected to claw back £2.8 billion in the budget.
52, Last month's rise in inflation was described by the chancellor as only a blip.
53, The Chancellor is looking to lower interest rates(), when economic conditions permit.
54, The Lord Chancellor has three constitutional roles.
54, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
55, The proposal was warmly welcomed by the German Chancellor.
56, The Chancellor did his best in the autumn statement.
57, In May of 1156, Barbarossa appointed a new chancellor.
58, A dunce's cap for the Chancellor?
59, The chancellor is clearly no stickler for fiscal purity.
60, The chancellor fully indexed personal income-tax allowances.
61, The Chancellor is not without fault.
62, The Chancellor has set a ceiling of £250,000.
63, He was a Lord Chancellor with a limited range.
64, Out went Norman Lamont, the unpopular chancellor.
65, Chancellor Nigel Lawson's Tory conference speech had little impact.
66, The Chancellor is not a man for formal meetings.
67, At first, the new chancellor had his successes.
68, Financial policy, which deviated increasingly from monetarist orthodoxy, also pursued a more distinct course with Nigel Lawson as Chancellor.
69, What he did not know until late on was that his former Chancellor was to make a statement on his resignation.
70, Mr John Smith, the shadow chancellor, won comfortably in Monklands East.
71, Thomas Cardinal Bourchier, former Archbishop of Canterbury and chancellor, was appointed to head the deputation.
72, There is no reason to believe that a new chancellor would make Britain richer.
73, They only returned after Strauss resigned, his hopes of becoming Chancellor shattered.
74, The outgoing chancellor said he has no plans to assume any other political posts.
75, The Chancellor had loosened his tie and was breathing heavily.
76, Any request for costs would have to go to my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
77, And happy returns ... Lady Thatcher becomes Chancellor of the University she opened.
78, Resignations, both of ministers and of admirals but not of the Chancellor, were threatened.
79, For these reasons, if none other, the Lord Chancellor, is more than a nominal head of the judiciary.
80, My right hon. Friend the Chancellor and his counterparts ably negotiated amendments in the documents on economic and monetary union.
81, The Chancellor will also announce a set of more generous tax breaks for companies granting share options.
82, At this point Wilson's chancellor would have been outlining spending cuts, not increases.
83, It's good news for the Chancellor ahead of the budget.
84, The award for the parliamentarian of the year went to shadow Chancellor Mr John Smith[sentence dictionary], who won it in 1986.
85, The resumption has shaken the Green party, the junior partner in Chancellor Gerhard Schro der's coalition.
86, And Chancellor Norman Lamont was last night accused of sunning himself as the economy sinks into deeper gloom.
87, The chancellor, meanwhile, directed unmatched fund-raising and helped enhance the graduate studies' program.
88, Chancellor Norman Lamont has bowed to pressure and will impose only a small rise on drinkers and smokers.
89, The chancellor has got to be tough and keep government spending down.
90, But the Chancellor also announced a reform in the way the tax for company car use is applied.
91, In accepting the honor, Nicklaus knelt before a vice chancellor of the university, a man named Watson.
92, When he was Chancellor of the Exchequer he started the orginal debt initiatives.
93, Less positively on property, the Chancellor introduced further reforms to capital gains tax.
94, A big step up came when the Lord Chancellor took over criminal legal aid from the Home Secretary in 1980.
95, Rules are to be drawn up by the Law Society, subject to approval by the Lord Chancellor and four senior judges.
96, It reminded them of when Labour Chancellor Denis Healey turned back at the airport in 1976 over a sterling crisis.
97, And now Lord Chancellor Lord MacKay has warned that spending cuts are likely to severely restrict the amount of aid available.
98, There was no attempt to liken any Conservative minister, or downtrodden Chancellor, to Baldrick or anyone else.
99, His greatest ambition was to be Chancellor of the Exchequer.
100, The man who hopes to be Chancellor next week can not surely be preparing a leap in the dark.
101, As Prime Minister he accepted the resignation of his Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1958 rather than agree to modest public expenditure cuts.
102, But tomorrow, with just a few words, the Chancellor could deal the company a body blow.
103, Helmut Kohl, chancellor from 1982-98(), has been castigated for flouting the party finance laws he enacted.
104, Surely the Lord Chancellor should have issued guidance to justices on the tariff for sentencing in such cases.
105, Is it just coincidence that the previous chancellor was fond of a spritzer?
106, The legal profession has already put forward alternative proposals which would save the money the Lord Chancellor requires to save next year.
107, Meanwhile Baroness Thatcher has become Chancellor of the private university at Buckingham and hands out her own honorary degrees.
108, Chancellor Norman Lamont will today begin hauling in bank bosses one by one to give them a roasting.
109, A Chancellor of the Exchequer who had failed to prevent thieves penetrating his treasury was summarily beaten to death.
110, In May 1989, a registrar admitted a drink-driving charge and was severely reprimanded by the Lord Chancellor.
111, The Chancellor complains that people with an income of £500 per week will pay more tax under Labour.
112, All must seek leave to appeal from the special adjudicator who is to be appointed by the Lord Chancellor.
113, You may recall that for years the chancellor was helplessly in thrall to Prudence.
114, Treasury sources said that the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, believes child poverty is one of the most serious problems affecting Britain.
114, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
115, They regarded the ditching of a widely respected Chancellor, in somewhat undignified circumstances, as the lesser of two evils.
116, The outlook for sterling is clouded by confusion about whether the Chancellor has set a new floor for the pound.
117, On one hand, the Chancellor increased the number of people paying the reduced 20 percent rate of income tax.
118, He cheered Tory backbenchers, but they predicted that the Chancellor could also face a rough ride unless the plan works.
119, If the candidate obtains an absolute majority, he is appointed Chancellor by the Federal President.
120, Some specific functions can only be conferred by an order made by the Lord Chancellor.
121, The Chancellor, an experienced man, knew an opening of consequence when he heard it.
122, To judge from the polls, he was failing to persuade voters that he was chancellor material.
123, Because of other demands on his time, the Chancellor will not usually be a leading participant on a regular basis.
124, Nevertheless, she did give outright support to the stand taken by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
125, Even so Adenauer was only elected Chancellor by a slim margin - 202 votes out of 404.
126, As my hon. Friend knows, fiscal matters are for our right hon. Friend the Chancellor.
127, Mr Major and his Chancellor Norman Lamont were fighting for their political lives last night in the greatest crisis they have faced.
128, Few would have predicted that a radical, reforming Lord Chancellor would begin an assault on the restrictive practices of barristers.
129, Mr Lamont has also put his mark on Tory budgets for the next three years, regardless of whether he remains Chancellor.
130, Then the Chancellor helped the industry by abolishing car tax in his Autumn Statement.
131, The Chancellor also signalled he did not favour an early cut in interest rates.
132, Combined with domestic problems, the Chancellor s economic framework will be stress tested to the full.
133, Ministries send in monthly reports which are annotated and submitted to the Chancellor via the state secretaries.
134, When as Chancellor he was preparing to enter in 1985, he said, tacit agreement had been reached with the Bundesbank.
135, Once again, in his autumn statement yesterday, the Chancellor of the Exchequer was forecasting an economic upturn.
136, With Chancellor at the wheel, they had left enfamille to do the shopping.
137, At present the Chancellor has nine days' prior warning of the crucial retail price figures.
138, I was going to ask the Chancellor whether his views about defeating inflation apply to house price inflation.
139, When a Chancellor resigns between elections, the government political parties decide who shall be his successor.
140, The Chancellor spent yesterday making substantial stylistic changes to the speech but the main elements were left untouched.
141, The reputation of the chancellor of the exchequer, Nigel Lawson, was at its zenith.
142, In its provisions dealing with the Chancellor, the Basic Law differs markedly and consciously from its Weimar predecessor.
143, An annual report will be presented to the Lord Chancellor and will be laid before Parliament.
144, The only way to avoid that would be for the Chancellor of the Exchequer to give the health service an open-ended budget.
145, The war will rage until Chancellor Norman Lamont spells out his plans for economic recovery on Thursday in the traditional autumn statement.
146, The chancellor must convince students that the inquiry was thorough and fair.
147, However,[] in the 1988 Budget the Chancellor abolished the tax relief on all inter-personal covenants except those made for charitable purposes.
148, Why, even the Chancellor of the Exchequer is said to be worried at that.
149, The former chancellor questioned the prime minister's ability to govern.
150, Dealers now hope the Chancellor will slash interest rates again in next week's autumn statement.
151, Chancellor Norman Lamont is being urged to boost the moribund housing market in his autumn statement on November 12.
152, President Gorbachev, with whom Chancellor Helmut Kohl had been in frequent contact, clearly gave his approval.
153, In 1987 he argued for a beefed-up Neddy with the council meetings chaired by the industry secretary rather than by the chancellor.
154, The bill gives four senior judges and the Lord Chancellor a veto over rules for solicitor advocates.
155, Gordon Brown, the shadow chancellor, called last night for emergency measures to bring unemployment down.
156, As the new Chancellor, he was already in a position of considerable influence.
157, The chancellor got an earful when he asked the students for feedback.
158, The major change in the central administration was the removal of Rotherham as chancellor.
159, No doubt the chancellor, Gordon Brown, will give it a boost just before the election.
160, Shaking a little at first but gradually warming to his theme, the sacked Chancellor dealt John Major a devastating blow.
161, The only advice for a Tory chancellor in this position is, don't ever get into this position.
162, Mr Major and his chancellor, Norman Lamont, still have the lowest poll ratings since the second world war.
163, The obvious proximate cause was last week's trade figures, and these spell serious trouble for the Chancellor.
164, Whether these three informed the Lord Chancellor that they intended to speak on these lines is not known.
165, The Chancellor has taken this on board, despite his predominantly male core of advisers.
166, Mr Hombach is a former close adviser to Gerhard Schro der, who was elected chancellor in October 1998.
167, The Chancellor said he wanted talks with the opposition immediately after the Easter holidays.
168, In his autumn statement on 6 November, my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced his public expenditure plans.
169, Traditionally the Chancellor of the Exchequer relents in relation to some minor aspects of the tax proposals in the Budget.
170, Beneath the Treasurer, the Chancellor of the Exchequer came to exercise an effective supervision both of receipt and of audit.
171, The chancellor tied the abolition of duty to the planned arrival, in 1991-92, of the London stock exchange's Taurus.
172, There is much more effective consultation between the Lord Chancellor and the Bar.
173, The bill also allows the Lord Chancellor to restrict the automatic right of appeal to the Court of Appeal.
174, Every hour we are paying for the services of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, at an annual salary of £63,[]047.
175, Of even greater strategic importance to the review was a condition set down by the Chancellor at the very beginning.
176, The study is an embarrassment for the lord chancellor, who insists that appointments are made purely on merit.
177, The Chancellor says that give conditions have to be met before the UK joins the Euro.
178, That is the prescription of Stephen Bragg, a former vice chancellor of Brunel University.
179, In the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries this jurisdiction was abandoned by the Chancellor and passed to the Court of Star Chamber.
180, The Liverpool lecturers are calling on vice chancellor Peter Toyne to join them in putting pressure on the government to end underfunding.
181, But Chancellor Norman Lamont may try to soften the blow with a cut in interest rates.
182, But the Left claims that the Chancellor is simply pandering to the far-Right by tampering with the asylum laws.
183, Nevertheless Chancellor Helmut Kohl remains firmly opposed to a delay on the grounds that it could endanger the project.
184, After 1987 she publicly disagreed with policies of her Foreign Secretary and Chancellor.
185, The Chancellor had totally failed to come up with an industrial strategy to move Britain out of recession, Mr Brown said.
186, She knows, too, that representations have been made to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
187, The Lord Chancellor set his face against growing criticism over his behaviour.
188, The Chancellor revealed yesterday that public borrowing has ballooned to £37 billion, and is growing fast.
189, Globke was the closest confidant and adviser of Adenauer, who could stand in for the Chancellor.
190, All that remained was for the Lord Chancellor by statutory instrument to appoint a day for s9 to come into effect.
191, The Chancellor needs to raise indirect taxes by over £2b to deliver a job-spinning statement.
192, Mr Mandelson was rebuked by colleagues and told to clear future speeches on the subject with the Chancellor, Gordon Brown.
193, Take Chancellor Adenauer, in 1970, at the site of the former Warsaw ghetto, laying a wreath.
194, It was revealed last night that the Lord Chancellor wants a report after complaints about the judge from other women staff.
195, Ministers prepare for cuts Government ministers have been meeting to prepare major spending cuts ahead of Chancellor Clarke's Budget speech next month.
196, The backbenchers' unrest was underlined by the rousing ovation they gave to Chancellor Nor-man Lamont at a private meeting yesterday.
197, A glance at the television monitor showed that the Chancellor was on his feet, replying to the brief debate.
198, Chancellor Norman Lamont and fellow finance ministers began hammering out the final draft in Edinburgh yesterday afternoon.
199, These are the most outrageous in a long line of similar remarks by the Home Secretary and the Lord Chancellor.
200, Chancellor Kohl has placed the heaviest burden of paying for unification on the average wage-earner.
201, The introduction of local income tax would allow local authorities to undermine the budgetary plans of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
202, The Treasury now enjoyed the advantage of a strong Chancellor, respected throughout Whitehall as Wood had not been.
203, She generously donated a seat in the memory of our late and much loved Chancellor, Sir Monty Finniston.
204, Greyhound racing claims the Chancellor earmarked the windfall for the tracks in his March Budget.
204, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
205, For a new chancellor, presenting a budget for an unpopular government, it was the best he could do.
206, The Chancellor has made some substantial moves towards boosting the economy.
207, Nobody, least of all the chancellor, one suspects, is banking on this.
208, It will publish final recommendations to the Lord Chancellor next week.
209, The Chancellor said he would cut income tax by 2 pence in the pound.
210, A straw-poll of representatives yesterday showed support for the Chancellor is remarkably resilient.
211, The Lord Chancellor, Lord Mackay, concurred with allowing the taxpayers' appeal on the grounds of statutory construction alone.
212, The hopes of Nigel Lawson, Chancellor of the Exchequer, for financing the trade deficit are partly pinned on this ability.
213, His days are now numbered as Chancellor, but who the Hell cares about Norman Lamont?
214, The Chancellor has also cut back tax relief on relocation packages for employees.
215, The Chancellor should be wary of the argument that the deficit does not matter because it is in the private sector.
216, In addition, the Chancellor plans to restrict the married couple's allowance to the new low rate.
217, The Chancellor is, however, unsympathetic and safety-first will be his watchword.
218, He is assisted by two or more technical assessors also appointed by the Lord Chancellor.
219, The 59-year-old former banker said he will be succeeded as chancellor and party chairman by Finance Minister Viktor Klima.
220, Yet the vocabulary the chancellor uses is still closed in, tight and restrained.
221, The President's position is merely ceremonial; it is the Chancellor who holds real power.
222, By 1254 he was a canon of Exeter Cathedral, and we soon learn that he had become chancellor of the cathedral.
223, In later years(), the post developed into an early version of that we know as Chancellor of the Exchequer.
224, This is making Chancellor Helmut Kohl's government think about a new immigration policy.
225, She concluded by saying she was proud to be Chancellor of Salford.
226, Concerts included a series in memory of our late Chancellor, Sir Monty Finniston.
227, Chancellor Cuno's government proclaimed a policy of passive resistance, which entailed unlimited subsidies to the population of the Ruhr.
228, He eventually became Lord Chancellor, the most powerful position in the British legal system.
229, There was no discussion between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor for two days.
230, In the 1980s the Chancellor reduced the rate of corporation tax companies paid but also reduced the allowances on new investment.
231, But with the tax collectors anxious to get their hands on every ha'penny, the Chancellor can not afford to be generous.
232, The dependence of the Reich Chancellor on coalition support sharply restricted his prerogatives.
233, The Chancellor also announced some minor changes to Personal Equity Plans.
234, The Chancellor will try to sell his Budget to the business community as one geared towards promoting enterprise and investment.
235, The embattled Chancellor had been hoping for a public show of loyalty from the Prime Minister.
236, After a winter of crisis in Britain's hospitals the Chancellor brought forward part of his planned summer spending round.
237, I shall ensure, however,[] that my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer is made aware of his comments.
238, Turning to Britain's educational system, the vice chancellor of Salford adopted a different perspective.
239, More than a hint of the attack which is coming was dropped yesterday by Norman Lamont, the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
240, He held the post until November 1922 - the longest period for which a Weimar Chancellor had yet survived.
241, Alan Watkins, who was awaiting the arrival of the Chancellor himself, gave Amaranth his approving eye.
242, So warm were the tributes that the Chancellor finally started to smile and nod his thanks.
243, She has been an excellent academic vice chancellor, and I think she is widely respected.
244, The Chancellor conducts the business of government in accordance with the rules of procedure adopted by it and approved by the Federal President.
245, Mr Major has let it be known privately that the chancellor will not be moved in the New Year reshuffle.
246, The Chancellor had a narrow tightrope to walk and he managed to please a variety of people.
247, In England, judges are appointed by the lord chancellor.
248, The chancellor granted a doctor's degree to her.
249, Gorbachev joins German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Poland's former president and labor hero Lech Walesa at a 2009 ceremony to mark the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
250, Last week, the House of Lords voted against an attempt by the former Lord chancellor Lord Falconer to relax the law on assisted suicide.
251, An Anglican diocesan court presided over by a bishop's chancellor or commissary.
252, George Osborne, Britain's new chancellor of the exchequer who is readying his country for fiscal frugality, crowed that the G20 had come round to his way of thinking.
253, At this year's commemoration of the German attack on Gdansk, Chancellor Angela Merkel was warmly welcomed by officials and ordinary Poles alike.
254, West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl has hailed the decision to open the Wall as "historic" and called for a meeting with East German leader, Egon Krenz.
255, I feel a satisfying sense of reality which at once turns the two Archbishops and the Lord High Chancellor to the shadows of shades.
256, Britain's chancellor imposed a supertax on bankers' bonuses in Britain.
257, Ever since he was chancellor, Mr Brown has been an articulate expositor of ideas for a new global financial architecture.
258, The German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, has told US President BillAnti-missile missile launch Clinton that he is worried about US plans for a new anti- ballistic missile defence system.
259, Engineering, nursing, IT specialists, care-workers and semi-skilled workers are among those most needed according to a white paper prepared for Chancellor Merkel by eight ministries last month.
260, ANGELA MERKEL, the German chancellor, owes her seat in the Bundestag to voters in her constituency in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.
261, Lexi Dio, an extra seen in Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's office during Obi-Wan's report from Geonosis, was played by Nicole Fentl.
262, A convinced social democrat, she shocked friends by inviting Chancellor Helmut Kohl to her home in Berlin's grungy Prenzlauer Berg.
263, Ms. Merkel, Germany's latest Iron Chancellor, has set her face against any of the measures that might stem the tide that is about to engulf the euro.
264, They are pressing the Chancellor to reduce excise duty on beer.
265, Above all,[] Mrs Merkel has stayed popular—more consistently so than any chancellor since Konrad Adenauer. And she has accomplished this in the teeth of Germany's worst recession since the war.
266, The German Chancellor and the French President have come out in favour of direct financial aid.
267, This was ignored in the post-communist epoch, when financial gurus babbled about new paradigms and a Labour chancellor in Britain proclaimed that he had abolished the cycle of "boom and bust".
268, Once touted as "Frau Germania" and the recipient of glowing comparisons to Margaret Thatcher and even Otto Von Bismarck, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, has definitely lost her mojo lately.
269, You will not be surprised that as vice chancellor of the University of Cambridge, I see education as one of the key ways of delivering this aspiration.
270, They were German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Prime Minister of Australia Girard, Argentine President Cristina and the newly elected President of Brazil Rosoff.
271, This almost-unthinkable result is a big blow to Angela Merkel, the chancellor and CDU leader, who has lost the party’s crown jewel.
272, After the Second World War, Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, had rejected the national division and worked hard for the reunification.
273, The Lord Chancellor recommends the High Court and circuit judges.
274, Each Lord Chancellor of the Federal Supreme Judicial Court is nominated by the U. S. President and approved and appointed after the hearing of the Senate.
275, The aim is to show that German-American relations are back on track— thanks to a new chancellor, Angela Merkel.
276, "The prevalence of American open classes reflects the spirit of sharing, " said Yu Xinke, Vice chancellor with the Continuous Education School of South China University of Technology.
277, This boom has been engineered by the Chancellor for short-term political reasons.
278, The announcement came Monday from 2 Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown.
279, This time the chancellor was restricted to finding small pockets of extra revenue to finance modest but eye-catching tax breaks or subsidies.
280, Chancellor Angela Merkel, once the euro zone's "Madame Non," led a push to assemble the new Greek bailout program.
281, This proposal won an immediate and enthusiastic response and positive support from German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer.
282, By a similar stage of Gordon Brown's time at the Treasury, he had earned the nickname the "iron chancellor".
283, In Germany Obama toured the Buchenwald concentration camp with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel, who survived internment in the camp.
284, But "subprime is a straw man", counters Edward Chancellor, fund manager at Boston-based GMO.
285, Central responsibility lies the Lord Chancellor the Home Secretary and the Attorney General.
286, Chancellor Helmut Kohl was the leading cheerleader for German unification.
287, Wulff praised the former Federal German Chancellor Willy Brandt kneeling is a great historic gesture of reconciliation.
288, Auckland University's Pro Vice Chancellor Christopher Tremewan said the Auckland University Confucius Institute is the first Confucius Institute established in New Zealand.
289, That history lesson will not be lost on Chancellor Angela Merkel. But the stakes today are immeasurably higher, both for Germany and the world economy.
290, Russian President Yeltsin and German Chancellor Kohl chaired the troop withdrawal ceremony and delivered speeches.
291, We refer to our president as vice chancellor, in the English tradition.
292, Ah! my boy, you are flying high. It is difficult to become a Lord Chancellor.
293, The Chancellor could use the Budget to bring in taxation reforms.
294, Mr. Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel last week proposed tighter policy coordination between euro-zone countries, in a quest to reassure markets about the survival of the currency bloc.
294, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
295, Greece has suspended international air mail for 48 hours after several parcel bombs were sent on Tuesday, including one to German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
296, Reason for fear: As a child, Chancellor Merkel wasbitten by a dog, instilling her deep fear of canines.
297, In 1617 he acquired his father's office of Keeper of the Great Seal, and in 1618 he became Lord Chancellor.
298, The Chancellor has opted to plough on with policies that could run his coalition on to the rocks.
299, The Lord chancellor , ie the highest judge ( and chairman of the House of Lords ).
300, By the time I was Vice Chancellor, Senate had become a much larger and a much more democratic body.




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