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单词 Nonsense
1) Cut short the nonsense and return to one's muttons. 
2) His response was full of pretentious nonsense.
3) He said that dowsing for water is complete nonsense.
4) I've had enough of your nonsense.
5) Most of his theories are arrant nonsense.
6) The idea is an economic nonsense.
7) Most orthodox doctors however dismiss this as complete nonsense.
8) It's nonsense to say they don't care.
9) Reports that he has resigned are nonsense.
10) The suggestion is sheer nonsense.
11) This so-called translation is pure nonsense.
12) He spouts a load of pretentious nonsense and people are stupid enough to believe him!
13) Whatsoever nonsense the newspapers print,[http:///nonsense.html] some people always believe it.
14) It is a nonsense to say we have untrained staff dealing with emergencies.
15) The committee will need to winnow out the nonsense and produce more practical proposals if it is to achieve results.
16) This report is nonsense and nothing but a waste of paper.
17) That's complete and utter nonsense!
18) You mustn't chatter nonsense on serious diplomatic occasions.
19) Forgive me for saying so , but that's nonsense.
20) Her clever speech reduced the speaker's argument to nonsense.
21) He rejected any affection as namby-pamby nonsense.
22) Stop that nonsense, children, and get into bed!
23) The new teacher won't stand for any nonsense.
24) " Don't talk nonsense ", she said sharply.
25) I've never heard such unadulterated nonsense in my life!
26) Ministers have dismissed the rumours of a bribery scandal as nonsense.
27) If you ask me, these modern teaching methods are a load of nonsense .
28) She left out three words when she copied the sentence and the result was nonsense.
29) She told me that the moon was made of cheese. What nonsense!
30) She is fascinated by algebra while he considers it meaningless nonsense.
1) His response was full of pretentious nonsense.
2) He said that dowsing for water is complete nonsense.
3) I've had enough of your nonsense.
4) Most of his theories are arrant nonsense.
5) The idea is an economic nonsense.
6) Most orthodox doctors however dismiss this as complete nonsense.
7) It's nonsense to say they don't care.
8) Reports that he has resigned are nonsense.
9) The suggestion is sheer nonsense.
10) He spouts a load of pretentious nonsense and people are stupid enough to believe him!
11) Ministers have dismissed the rumours of a bribery scandal as nonsense.
12) Whatsoever nonsense the newspapers print, some people always believe it.
13) If you ask me, these modern teaching methods are a load of nonsense .
14) It is a nonsense to say we have untrained staff dealing with emergencies.
15) She left out three words when she copied the sentence and the result was nonsense.
16) The committee will need to winnow out the nonsense and produce more practical proposals if it is to achieve results.
17) She told me that the moon was made of cheese. What nonsense!
18) She is fascinated by algebra while he considers it meaningless nonsense.
19) This report is nonsense and nothing but a waste of paper.
20) That's complete and utter nonsense!
21) Look, you've typed " do " as'so " , and made nonsense of the whole sentence.
22) It's possible to throw the computer program out of joint by typing in nonsense.
31) Did you ever hear such nonsense!
32) He had better cut out the nonsense.
33) My father was spouting his usual nonsense!
34) The new teacher won't stand any nonsense.
35) I think it's absolute nonsense.
36) This, of course, is utter nonsense.
37) We must not fall for such nonsense.
38) What he said is palpable nonsense.
39) The whole speech was platitudinous nonsense.
40) I'm ashamed of the babyish nonsense I write.
41) I'm not buying any of that nonsense.
42) All this talk of the president resigning is nonsense!
43) He was talking utter nonsense as usual.
44) To 'my mind, it's all a lot of nonsense!
45) I've never heard such thickheaded nonsense!
46) The government's housing policy is a nonsense.
47) You don't believe that superstitious nonsense, do you?
48) He had been unwittingly deluded by their mystical nonsense.
49) By 1832 the idea had become an economic nonsense.
50) Computer programs look like complete nonsense to me.
51) His statement is palpable nonsense.
52) He won't stand any nonsense from the staff.
53) The article was just so much nonsense.
54) I'm not having any of that nonsense.
55) You can't fool me with all that nonsense!
56) The child repeated the nonsense syllables 'boo di doo doo'.
57) The idea that people plan their radio listening is nonsense; most tune in impulsively.
58) He fuzzed up the plot line with a lot of emotional nonsense.
59) Whatever nonsense the papers print, some people always believe it.
60) Her grandfather's in his second childhood and talks nonsense most of the time.
61) He was gabbling nonsense.
62) I think there is a limit to how much of this nonsense people are going to put up with.
63) Never in all my life have I heard such nonsense!
64) He talked a lot of nonsense when he stepped onto the platform.
65) The fighting made a nonsense of peace pledges made in London last week.
66) I have never in my entire life heard such nonsense!
67) Stop this nonsense! Do you think you can play me for a fool?
68) Is it just me or was she talking nonsense in the meeting?
69) Having the army still in power makes a nonsense of last year's elections.
70) Surely it is an economic nonsense to deplete the world of natural resources.
71) A girl's place is in the home,[http:///nonsense.html] not gallivanting around and filling her head with nonsense.
72) Look, you've typed " do " as'so " , and made nonsense of the whole sentence.
73) I've never heard such nonsense in all my born days.
74) It is nonsense to say that mistakes are never made.
75) Go along with you! What you say is all nonsense!
76) The papers were full of the most blatant propagandist nonsense.
77) Stuff and nonsense! You don't know what you're talking about.
78) You're to stop that nonsense , do you hear me?
79) The unemployment figures make nonsense of talk of an economic recovery.
80) This decision makes absolute nonsense of all our hard work.
81) It's hard to believe anyone would try to pass this nonsense off as literature.
82) She won't stand any nonsense from the kids in her class.
83) Stop talking nonsense, man!
84) What's all this nonsense about you giving up your job?
85) It's possible to throw the computer program out of joint by typing in nonsense.
86) Stop that nonsense, children!
87) Most of the translation he did for me was complete nonsense.
88) You mustn't upset your sister with any more nonsense about ghosts.
89) We should stop the nonsense of taxpayers trying to finance new weapons whose costs always overrun hugely.
90) His repeated lack of promotion makes nonsense of the theory that if you work hard you'll be successful.
91) She's a strong woman who stands no nonsense from anyone.
92) There he goes , blah blah blah, talking nonsense as usual.
93) In a loud, hectoring tone, Alan told us that he wasn't going to waste time discussing nonsense.
94) Just stop this nonsense of refusing to talk to anybody.
94) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
95) I'm not going to stand any more of this nonsense.
96) The accusations are nonsense.
97) People are talking a lot of nonsense about him being the new Michael Jordan.
98) He always shows his wife up with sheer nonsense he tells.
99) When I asked her why she was late, she just came out with a load of nonsense.
100) Nonsense/Don't talk nonsense! She's far too ill to return to work!
101) 'Brillig' is a made-up word used in a piece of nonsense verse by Lewis Carroll.
102) A good few people dismiss the idea as sheer nonsense.
103) If people can bribe police officers, it makes a complete nonsense of the legal system.
104) None of your nonsense!
105) The translation of the instructions was so poor they were just nonsense.
106) I can't wait for this nonsense to end so that we can all be friends again.
107) I think that a lot of poetry published today is obscurantist nonsense.
108) That feud is a lot of nonsense.
109) The Commission's proposals on beef are absolute nonsense.
110) We get stale old nonsense like Office Gossip.
111) The flag nonsense violates First Amendment free speech protections.
112) The whole thing was nonsense from start to finish.
113) She cleared her head of Rory, all that nonsense.
114) And children love poetic rhythms, alliteration, nonsense mutations.
115) That makes a total nonsense of conservation policy.
116) Forgive me my nonsense as I also forgive the nonsense of those who think they talk sense. Robert Frost 
117) The argument is nonsense because it fails to take into account the way women are treated as a matter of course.
118) It stands for nonsense that is called by fancier names.
119) Once, multiplying or dividing by zero had terrifying results, reducing orderly arithmetic to instant nonsense.
120) To say that church schools hinder the ecumenical movement is a nonsense.
121) Now that names no longer get the tax breaks that were long the market's main attraction, it is an outdated nonsense.
122) This no nonsense guide is good for those wanting to go on an interesting selection of gentle walks.
123) His talk about not wanting her had been nonsense, stuff handed out by a man salvaging a bruised ego.
124) It is economic nonsense to suggest that nations are engaged in a mercantilist fight to the death.
125) Edward Lear's wonderful nonsense.
126) Talking nonsense is the sole privilege mankind possesses over the other organisms. It's by talking nonsense that one gets to the truth! I talk nonsense[http://], therefore I'm human. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
127) I say nonsense. Show your commitment through a careful description of your concern.
128) Accelerating violence and horror eventually hit maximum velocity and warp into nonsense, no matter how erudite the script.
129) They were fragments, broken pieces of some nonsense puzzle, adding to nothing.
130) In this context their role is not negative, even though you get a bag of nonsense with that good service.
131) That's when I realised that I couldn't go on with this free agent nonsense.
132) Statement E: Racism as rational self interest I think that's absolute nonsense.
133) He's talking arrant nonsense.
134) A voice whispered that the work was nonsense, too far removed from the interests of the age to be of value.
135) Sid and John were on their own now(), right out there on the border between sense and nonsense.
136) Uncaused motion was nonsense for Aristotle and axiomatic for Newton.
137) No psychiatry nonsense, no mumbo jumbo about theories and the other paraphernalia of the fiction writer.
138) If you want a lot of nonsense about Southern chivalry, go to Gettysburg.
139) You may well be ashamed to see me after your noise and nonsense.
140) Mr Menem applied such nonsense in the state of La Rioja, where he is governor; it has gone broke.
141) Next we get the usual nonsense: wordless dialogue, optical semaphoring, gauche laughter, ear-splitting silence.
142) If you make a habit of reviewing your fading dreams upon awakening, you can memorize quite a collection of nonsense.
143) They omitted from their calculations two factors which were to make a nonsense of their plans.
144) But there was no enchantment of music or painting, or simple gaiety or just plain nonsense.
145) This was patent nonsense.
146) Nonsense, Watson; the electromagnetic forces between the atoms stop you.
147) He mumbles some nonsense about clowns being the cause of peace - perhaps the money for the convention is the peace dividend?
148) Nonsense, flashed back Jack Sandner, the chairman of Chicago's Merc.
149) This quality time nonsense also accounts for the boom in soccer for kids ages 4 to 7.
150) I've never heard such a load of nonsense.
151) They wrote their philosophical nonsense beneath the French original.
152) The closet is full of broken toys and other nonsense.
153) Ku's head shook like a child's hand rattle as he replied , " Nonsense!
154) He could talk good sense and airy nonsense at discretion.
155) A lot of nonsense was talked, under the guise of philosophy.
156) It makes nonsense of our own rules governing laws of adoption in this country.




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