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单词 Accent
1. He mimicked her southern accent.
2. He speaks in his broad accent.
3. He speaks with a strong southern accent.
4. Accent the word "woman"on the first syllable.
5. Sergeant Parrott normally spoke with an upper-crust accent.
6. He's always mocking my French accent.
7. Her foreign accent was barely perceptible.
8. She found his accent virtually incomprehensible.
9. He had developed a slight American accent.
10. The kids all put on a phoney American accent.
11. She had a pronounced Scottish accent.
12. He's got a strong French/Scottish accent.
13. His accent repels me.
14. They were all copying my accent and pissing themselves laughing.
15. I'm told I have a very pronounced English accent when I speak French.
16. Many celebrities develop a working class accent to increase their street-credibility.
17. Accentuate the word " accent " on the first syllable.
18. He noticed that I spoke Polish with an accent .
19. He speaks with a British accent,(http://) but that is just an affectation because he's not British.
20. He used to rib her mercilessly about her accent.
21. He speaks with a broad/heavy/strong/thick Yorkshire accent.
22. The voice was patronizing and affected[], the accent artificial.
23. She speaks with a pronounced French accent.
24. He had a pleasant, lilting northern accent.
25. This is a secondary accent.
26. The accent of the report is on safety.
27. Everybody laughs at my accent.
28. She spoke in a soft mid Atlantic accent.
29. The children have picked up the local accent.
30. His accent was unmistakably British.
1. He mimicked her southern accent.
2. He speaks with a strong southern accent.
3. Sergeant Parrott normally spoke with an upper-crust accent.
4. He's always mocking my French accent.
5. Her foreign accent was barely perceptible.
6. She found his accent virtually incomprehensible.
7. He had developed a slight American accent.
8. She had a pronounced Scottish accent.
9. He's got a strong French/Scottish accent.
10. His accent repels me.
11. They were all copying my accent and pissing themselves laughing.
12. I'm told I have a very pronounced English accent when I speak French.
13. Many celebrities develop a working class accent to increase their street-credibility.
14. Accentuate the word " accent " on the first syllable.
15. He noticed that I spoke Polish with an accent .
16. She speaks with a pronounced French accent.
17. This is a secondary accent.
18. His accent argues him to be a foreigner.
19. Her posh accent is pure affectation.
20. Please accent the first syllable.
21. He's got a broad Scotch accent.
22. The room was quiet and neutral in colouring , but it was given accent by bowls of bright flowers.
31. She spoke English with a faint Dutch accent.
32. A poet sometimes falsifies accent.
33. At university he affected an upper-class accent.
34. His accent is quite special.
35. His accent argues him to be a foreigner.
36. Use make-up to accent your cheekbones and eyes.
37. His accent should improve with practice.
38. He spoke with a soft Irish accent.
39. She told me her story in broken accent.
40. His accent identified him as a Frenchman.
41. She speaks French with an atrocious accent.
42. He is putting the accent on military readiness.
43. Her accent betrayed her working-class origins.
44. She spoke in a broad Midlands accent.
45. He spoke with a Scots accent.
46. The man spoke with a Cockney accent.
47. They gave him a ribbing about his accent.
48. The Cockney accent was put on for effect.
49. You have a perfect English accent.
50. The accent falls on the third syllable.
51. His accent was impossible to place.
52. His accent betrayed the fact that he was foreign.
53. Their accent was strange to her ears.
54. He spoke in a flat Midlands accent.
55. He put on an American accent.
56. His accent proclaimed that he was a southerner.
57. She affected a foreign accent.
58. The women accent their eyes with make-up.
59. In all our products the accent is on quality.
60. Sue speaks with an American accent.
61. There's no way you can disguise that southern accent.
62. He lost his northern accent after moving south.
63. They are always ragging the teacher about his accent.
64. He spoke with a broad Australian accent.
65. Her accent betrays her a Londoner.
66. Canape has an accent on the 'e'.
67. His accent proclaimed that he was Irish.
68. Judging from his accent, he must be from Hunan.
69. It is her American accent that distinguishes her.
70. She was constantly ribbed about her accent.
71. In 'today' the accent is on the second syllable.
72. The accent falls on the final syllable.
73. He's got a real midlands accent.
74. His accent proclaimed him a Scot.
75. He spoke with an exaggerated New York accent.
76. They often ribbed her for her accent.
77. You can tell southerners by their accent.
78. Steven has a Glaswegian accent.
79. I didn't notice anything beyond his rather strange accent.
80. She has a broad cockney accent.
81. Can you do a Welsh accent?
82. She was speaking with a fake German accent.
83. He tried to disguise his accent.
84. She spoke with a phoney Russian accent.
85. He speaks with a strange accent.
86. Her posh accent is pure affectation.
87. Petra's lost all trace of her German accent.
88. I'm sure he exaggerates his Irish accent .
89. His accent proclaimed him to be a Scot.
90. He used to affect a foreign accent.
91. Please accent the first syllable.
92. He's got a broad Scotch accent.
93. She spoke with a strong Australian accent.
94. Andre speaks English with a thick Russian accent.
95. His accent made his speech incomprehensible to me.
96. In the word 'dinner' the accent is on the first syllable.
97. The way she puts on that accent really irritates me.
98. They were amazed that I was talking in an Irish accent.
99. In any advertising campaign, you must accent the areas where your product is better than the competition.
100. I thought I could detect a slight West Country accent.
101. Her Irish accent, after thirty-odd years in London, is undiluted.
102. Using a false accent over the phone is a sign of inferiority.
103. The room was quiet and neutral in coloring,but it was given accent by bowls of bright flowers.
103. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
104. RP is the accent most commonly taught in language schools.
105. People are always trying to take the mickey out of him because of his funny accent.
106. The other boys used to tease him because of / about his accent.
107. His accent proclaimed him a Scot [ that he'was a Scot ].
108. The woman had a strong accent, and I couldn't understand what she was saying.
109. In the word 'table', the accent falls on the first syllable.
110. a slight Scots accent.
111. Mid-fifties, short black hair, grey moustache, distinctive Russian accent. Need I go on?
112. She put on a posh accent when she answered the phone.
113. The room was quiet and neutral in colouring , but it was given accent by bowls of bright flowers.
114. She adopted an upper-class accent to give herself a veneer of sophistication.
115. She put on a passable imitation of a Scottish accent.
116. We arrived at a place where accent and manner were rusticized.
117. "Good, Mr Ryle," he said in English with a strong French accent.
118. He spoke English with a suggestion of a French accent.
119. Kim adopts a southern accent when speaking to family back home.
120. Her accent is classless.
121. Joe had a low, guttural voice with a mid-Western accent.
122. He took elocution lessons to try to make his accent sound more genteel.
123. Years of living in England had eliminated all trace of her American accent.
124. A woman with a very posh accent telephoned for him earlier.
125. Her English accent is so good, you would think she was a native speaker.
126. Her French was excellent, without a trace of an accent.
127. "I was hot," I could still hear Charlotte say with her delicious French accent.
128. Her accent is northern.
129. She's French but she speaks with an impeccable English accent.
130. I've tried to pass off my accent as a convent school accent.
131. She has a foreign accent that I can't quite place.
132. His accent is so thick you could cut it with a knife I can hardly understand a word he says.
133. Her accent is so thick you could cut it with a knife— I can hardly understand a word she says.
134. Li blends right into the crowd of teenagers. Only his accent sets him apart.
135. He spoke with a cockney accent and dropped his aitches .
136. When she heard my accent,() she adopted a warmer tone.
137. This season the accent is definitely on long, flowing romantic clothes.
138. He answered our questions in English but with a thick accent.
139. She speaks English without the slightest trace of an accent.
140. He had an unidentifiable accent.
141. Maria speaks Spanish with a Mexican accent.
142. Her companion had a broad Australian accent.
143. Her genteel accent irritated me.
144. It was his voice and his northern accent.
145. She spoke with a distinctly upper class accent.
146. That was clear from the soft, seductive accent.
147. The accent was on lifting restrictions on individual liberty.
148. Jackson mimicked a foreign accent to make his point.
149. It is a new accent on the day.
150. Her Polish accent is very pronounced.
151. She's really good at imitating our teacher's Scottish accent.
152. Alex spoke Portuguese with a Brazilian accent.
153. Her acquired accent sounded suddenly very strong.
154. There had been some sort of slight accent too.
155. That's a crummy attempt at a French accent.
156. He spoke with an aristocratic accent.
157. I had a different accent and vocabulary.
158. This is characteristic of a Cockney accent.
159. She could put it on, like a posh accent, but it didn't come naturally to her.
160. Anyone with a foreign accent, including refugee children, were labelled as potential saboteurs.
161. He supposed that the man with the Northern actorish accent had given her all the advice she needed.
162. He has short, dark, spiked hair and speaks with a local accent.
163. Some definitions Accent: the way in which people from different places pronounce words and sentences.
164. Underpants on the head -- Since boxers became an external pants accent, briefs have gone the way of spats.
165. Dialect, accent, lexical choice and grammatical structures are all interpreted by speakers and addressees as signifying status.
166. There's a lively accent on finance; but don't be too extravagant.
167. We do not, however, see it as the school's place to enforce the accent known as Received Pronunciation.
168. The youth ordered a beer in a New York accent and drank it with a pill.
169. It was a country voice with a soft accent which was an intonation more than a dialect and was hard to place.
170. Harvey, with his public school accent and laid-back manner, was a different kettle of fish.
171. The attacker was described as 30 years old with short dark hair, slight build and a Cockney accent.
172. All living rooms need a mixture of light: background lighting; local light for working by; and decorative accent lighting.
173. Skillful use of make-up can accent your cheekbones and hide small blemishes.
174. Her accent was unmistakable.
175. The only way to perfect your accent is to go and live in France.
176. I put on an accent I slip into something more comfortable I turn nasty.
177. His accent, always strong, has grown much more Germanic with age.
178. And heaven forbid that you should be served by some one in a chain coffee house with a regional accent.
179. This is the ordinary, all-purpose staccato with no implication of either accent, emphasis or special sharpness.
180. She's probably upset because her boyfriend doesn't want to go out with her on account of her amusing adenoidal accent.
181. But they are also a zingy accent in a neutral room.
182. There gas Sam, short for Samanthagray-green eyes and a Southern accent.
183. My mum says he can kip on her sofa because she likes anyone with a Manc accent.
184. Captain Robins was a Yorkshireman in his fifties who had long since lost his accent amidst the welter of a dozen dialects.
185. A few days passed without the accent being mentioned again.
186. Pillars Lounge Accent is on comfort when you step in for a relaxing drink.
187. She speaks with a London accent, though her father knows the Royal Family.
188. This is realized phonologically as a tone group, with the peak of prominence or tonic accent falling on the new element.
189. Kim adopts a southern accent when she speaks to her cousins.
190. Mimicking the President's familiar accent, DJ Rogers told his listeners that aliens had invaded.
191. Choose your phony accent, your affectation, the Stetson of country or the hoodie of rap.
192. For collectors and aviation enthusiasts the early autumn of 1992 produced no less than four major auctions with an accent on matters aeronautical.
193. You can usually spot Reeves on the programme by his larded-on northern accent.
193. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
194. The accent is again on fish, including seafood platters of king prawns, crab and whitebait.
195. Because the original speaker's words are stored the personal characteristics remain, even the accent is readily detectable in some cases.
196. Pitt, managing a consistent and credible Belfast accent, brings tremendous sympathy to a character dedicated to killing.
197. In Minnesota and states of the northern Midwest a Scandinavian lilt is apparent in the local accent.
198. Worse, I Was a slow runner and had a Northern accent.
199. His accent was so strong that I couldn't understand a word he was saying.
200. A slight but unmistakable accent suggested that his name was not Leblond.
201. Her immigrant father with his thick mustache and accent and three-piece suit would only bring her more ridicule.
202. It was the peculiar accent that puzzled me before; it made Alice's words sound garbled, nonsensical.
203. A pleasant-looking woman with a pleasing Seoul accent greeted my father as he entered the gate.
204. Lydia had always been very conscious of her foreign accent.
205. Call a grunting double coo, with accent on second syllable.
206. It was hard for me to understand her - her accent was very strong.
207. If you get tired of tiger stripes you can always recover an ottoman or buy new accent pillows.
208. He was wearing a green suit and spoke with a local accent.
209. He has a trendy haircut and wears a dangling earring, but his accent is like his father's.
210. He speaks with a public school accent and looks every inch the business executive he, of course, is.
211. Oh, I see what you mean about Jane's accent being strong.
212. A new girl called Laura is in my class she has a real cockney accent and she's hilarious!
213. He was gormless, spoke in a funny nasal accent and looked as if he could do with a kick up the backside.
214. As soon as I heard de Niro's accent I laughed.
215. But I pointed out that Sergei's Southern accent had been perfect.
216. The accent is on participation and members of the audience are invited on stage to help illustrate songs.
217. He telephoned Yorkshire Television to seek explanations and advice, demanding plaintively in a guttural accent.
218. With the Royal Philharmonic, the accent is on the positive.
219. With his thick accent, Lygizos should get a stall in the Sharks locker room.
220. A tall, fast-talking southerner whose accent still lingers despite her years in the north, Porter does not suffer fools gladly.
221. Despite the accent on tradition, modern technology has simplified some tasks.
222. Margy comes from Newcastle and speaks with a Geordie accent.
223. Some are very monastic, with the accent on contemplation and little talking, others are more lively.
224. Sharp featured, with a Cockney accent and a biting wit, Mr Bowles was a gifted teacher.
225. My bus driver, in the morning, spoke in a guttural Derry accent.
226. Do not correct any regional accent he may have. 4 Give him time to look at the word.
227. According to Warhurst and Dickson, employers now rely more on appearance and accent than on qualifications.
228. He can get away with his accent but he could do a lot to improve his tone.
229. The play is set in a seedy northern beauty contest(), which gives Paula the chance to use her original Mancunian accent.
230. The strange thing was that he spoke to everybody with a different accent.
231. He had a ginger moustache, and a Geordie accent to boot.
232. He can even recite a prayer in the language of the Sioux, albeit with a Wiltshire accent.
233. A car-driving, home-owning, polytechnic lecturer with a fake northern accent, was a bleating guilty liberal, not a socialist.
234. The Picketts dance deftly, two-stepping through songs not made for a southern accent.
235. Only five feet seven tall, he spoke in a high pitched drawl, a public school accent he often emphasized abroad.
236. I knew from his accent that he was from the South.
237. She spoke Galactic with an exotic accent and in a voice that was strong, melodious and full of authority.
238. There were the Pacifists, with an accent on the fist, as was once said.
239. It is annoying when she tries to affect a British accent.
240. The taxi nosed its way back into the traffic as she introduced herself with a soft Cockney accent and a shy manner.
241. She's taking classes to rid herself of her Southern accent.
242. It was Sid, the Commando with the Cockney accent who had worked in the Kent coalfields.
243. Start with front man Pauly Fuemana, a New Zealander whose vocal style is almost as difficult to place as his accent.
244. John, of course, had long since lost his northern accent and took delight in his appearance as the well-heeled businessman.
245. I was glad to hear the accent, for it reminded me of my exciting days in Northern Ireland, recounted elsewhere.
246. Not merely that, I was putting my strongest accent on the syllable that wasn't!
247. Accent on lively oral communication but language practice and writing also included.
247. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
248. Same country accent: I tried practising it in my head, pretending I was a rosy-cheeked barmaid serving cider.
249. This creates a very strong impression of a foreign accent, and is something that should obviously be avoided.
250. The accent on non sequiturs and non-linear thinking echoes the Ono sensibility and much else in determinedly avant-garde circles.
251. He doesn't have a strong French accent, but then he's lived here for twenty years.
252. I felt that the other kids despised me for having the wrong accent and the wrong colour skin.
253. She has good looks, a knack for conversation, and an endearing New Yawky accent and perspective.
254. An archer with the guttural accent of a native of Reikwald forest agreed with the fanatic.




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