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单词 Ancestor
(1) Many species have diverged from a single ancestor.
(2) This machine is the ancestor of the modern computer.
(3) She has worshipped her ancestor.
(4) The three species evolved from a single ancestor.
(5) The two species share a common ancestor.
(6) Babbage's invention was the ancestor of the modern computer.
(7) The ancestor of the modern bicycle was called a penny farthing.
(8) Lions and house cats evolved from a common ancestor .
(9) This wooden instrument is the ancestor of the modern metal flute.
(10) The direct ancestor of the modern cat was the Kaffir cat of ancient Egypt.
(11) Man was evolved from an ancestor that was probably arboreal.
(12) All these breeds descend from some wild ancestor.
(13) Aeneas is the pater, the ancestor, the proto-Roman.
(14) The ancestor of every action is a thought. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
(15) Cain becomes an ancestor, and Abel does not.
(16) Pre-Columbian ancestor worship finds expression in prayers to the saints.
(17) Just one lone ancestor standing in the spotlight without anyone or anything else the current generation can blame.
(18) The wild Rock Dove is the ancestor of the Domestic Pigeon, with its varied plumages.
(19) Folk-song is the direct ancestor of lyric poetry, and the simplest artistic form that unites the Apolline and the Dionysiac.
(20) Like his rebel ancestor, Buchanan is fighting a lost cause with prideful determination despite overwhelming odds.
(21) The builder of the manor house is a direct ancestor of the present owner.
(22) Humans and other apes followed separate lines of descent from a common ancestor.
(23) A lot of the people there are descended from a common ancestor.
(24) After all, these islands have been steeped for centuries in everything from witchcraft to ancestor worship.
(25) Ray was knocking them down one by one, unlike his tragic ancestor who only knocked himself down.
(26) All she is fit for is to suckle a baby, that ancestor woman, that white ghost.
(27) They also amused themselves with the speculation that their ancestor had escaped from the Titanic in women's clothing.
(28) A gene has only one criterion by which posterity judges it: whether it becomes an ancestor of other genes.
(29) All plants and animals are, with hindsight, the same because they all descend from an ancestor three billion years old.
(30) Professor Sykes has asserted that the skeleton, which was said to be man's first ancestor, is in fact a fake.
(1) Many species have diverged from a single ancestor.
(2) The builder of the manor house is a direct ancestor of the present owner.
(3) This machine is the ancestor of the modern computer.
(4) She has worshipped her ancestor.
(5) Man was evolved from an ancestor that was probably arboreal.
(31) There had been twelve of the chairs originally, made in 1750 for an ancestor of ours in Jamestown.
(32) The sacred, the past, ancestor worship seem to be the chosen grounds in most cases.
(33) Amongst the term's more specialized medieval uses, however, is a sense that it shares with its Latin ancestor fabula.
(34) The nearest common ancestor of man and the modern great apes died out about 30 million years ago.
(35) The red jungle fowl is the ancestor of the domestic chicken.
(36) Naturally the baobab is revered as the ancestor among trees.
(37) Genesis 36 reminds its readers that Esau was the ancestor of the Edomites.
(38) It is the direct ancestor of the organization Daley inherited.
(39) This form developed bipedalism and other adaptations to the newly opening arid savannah landscape and eventually became the ancestor of man.
(40) There is no clearer case of ancestor worship in the Western world.
(41) Then, widening our focus, we looked at Lugbara witchcraft and the ancestor cult which complements and completes it.
(42) His ancestor had been Gia Long, the emperor whose cause had been helped by Pigneau de Behaine.
(43) How, he asked, could this be-unless each had diverged from the same ancestor?
(44) The chances of survival for any ancestor are small indeed.
(45) What is the chance that this particular mutant will be the ancestor of all the genes in the later population?
(46) As descent always involves modification, resemblance decreases as a shared ancestor recedes into the past.
(47) When he jokingly referred to the story that he was descended from the Devil he meant no disrespect to his ancestor Woden.
(48) Lineages of descent from a female ancestor are thus prime substructures composing a macaque troop.
(49) Each is derived, no doubt,[http:///ancestor.html] from some ancient shared ancestor.
(50) I even had a picture of the evolutionary sequence of bodies leading up to my insects by slow degrees from a dot ancestor.
(51) This is the object-oriented concept of inheritance, that is, characteristics received from an ancestor in a class hierarchy.
(52) Monkeys and apes are so similar that it is reasonable to say they have a common ancestor.
(53) It was favourably received and I felt that I had done my hitherto neglected ancestor proud.
(54) He had no human ancestor and he was himself only half human.
(55) Such as nature worship and ancestor worship relationship.
(56) Is Metasequoia ancestor of Sequoia sempervirens?
(57) According to the linguistic family tree theory, which is commonly used in Altaistic, all modern Altaic languages have developed after their division from the Altaic ancestor language.
(58) A wild pig (Sus scrofa) of Eurasia and northern Africa, having dark dense bristles. It is the ancestor of the domestic hog.
(59) The liberty which we are supposing may be most completely given to them in the form of such a power as is said to have been possessed by Gyges the ancestor of Croesus the Lydian.
(60) For example, the Banpo people cultivate millet , is from the north common ancestor Setaria nurture formed.
(61) The Buddhism boundary named Damo for the "primary ancestor" of China Buddhism Zen and the Shaolin temple had named the "ancestor court"of Zen by praiseful.
(62) The newest member of the Royal family, and the novelist are 11th cousins, six times removed.They share a common 15th century ancestor: Henry Percy, who was the 2nd Earl of Northumberland.
(63) You don't know nothing for Hungarian. They can't accept their ancestor was the wild Turki from asia.
(64) Instead, they are the result of what happens when you fuse an ancient chordate with the ancestor of a sea urchin .
(65) Totem: An animal, a plant, or a natural object serving among certain tribal or traditional peoples as the emblem of a clan or family and sometimes revered as its founder, ancestor , or guardian.
(66) Fossilized bones that show evidence of human ancestor stone tool use and meat-eating push the earliest dates for those activities from about 2.5 million to 3.4 million years ago.
(67) The transferee or heritor of shares shall succeed the rights and obligations of the transfer or ancestor.
(68) The content of the original worship of the Tartar was really rich, including nature worship, animal and plant worship, ancestor worship, number worship, Shamanism and other forms of worship.
(69) The wolf remains the best general all-rounder, but some breeds of dog have evolved so they are now far better at certain things than their ancestor.
(70) Taxonomy reveals a great deal about the evolutionary relationships among organisms. A clade is a taxonomic unit whose members are derived from a common ancestor.
(71) The origin of vertebrates has always been a core question in evolutionary biology. It is well accepted that vertebrates and invertebrate chordate derived from a common ancestor.
(72) Use indoor illume for a long time, virtually disturbed the ancestor dials good biological clock for people, as a result changed the physiology pattern with inherent human body.
(73) This was clearly the work of Homo Habilis, our tool-making ancestor.
(74) For instance, it appears the ancestor of brainless starfish and sea urchins had a brain.
(75) Descendants of the intestate to the remotest degree stand in the place of their parent or other ancestor, and take according to their stocks the share which he or she would have taken.
(76) In one instance, a diviner patiently made 70 individual oracle-bone cracks in order to determine which ancestor was responsible for a living king's toothache.
(77) Nature worship, spiritual worship and ancestor worship played a leading role in the formation of Chinese nature worship system.
(78) Shakespeare was born in central England that the river Avon Stratford town a wealthy family,[sentence dictionary] Ancestor is the farmer.
(79) The process from nature worship, Totem worship to ancestor worship is continuously strengthening humans.
(80) People have been searching for the wild ancestor of lager yeast for decades.
(81) Such a pattern likely arose in the common ancestor of birds, dinosaurs, and alligators--called archosaurs--during the Triassic period, 251 to 199 million years ago.
(82) At least one of the devoured primates, an early ape called Proconsul, is thought to have been an ancestor to both modern humans and chimpanzees.
(83) Hellcat says: "Because of your do evil mostly, ancestor blame comes down, turned your man into the sheep."
(84) The ancestor of these miniature electronic devices is the vacuum tube.
(85) The horse is a large, hoofed mammal. Its earliest ancestor was a small animal with several toes on each foot.
(86) The problem with Ada 95 is that it only permits a derived type to have one immediate ancestor.
(87) Primitive religion includes worship of natural, totem and ancestor, Manitou concept, witchery, taboos, religion festival and folk tales.
(88) The study shows that the earliest ancestor of human being was probably a toothy little cannibal.
(89) Generally, this clustering diagram coincides with the distributing geography of the 13 chicken breeds. The paper also thinks that the red jungle-fowl is the matriarchic ancestor of Dulong chicken.
(90) Eskimo and Aleut have enough similarities to justify the theory that they are descendants of a single ancestor language.
(91) By default, all parent and ancestor nodes above the current context node are displayed.
(92) Oryza rufipogon Gruff. , known as the ancestor of Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L. ), is an important germplasm for rice improvement.
(93) Scientists now know that this common ancestor, 'the first eukaryote', was a lot more sophisticated than any known bacterium.
(94) Mitochondrial Eve is the female counterpart of the Y - chromosomal Adam, the patrilinear most recent common ancestor.
(95) After stomach ache root governing skill, duodenum remnant end leakage pathology report: The stomach capital department more ancestor and the Run dry fluid knee is dense.
(96) Others, including Charles Lyell and Alfred Russel Wallace, thought that humans shared a common ancestor with apes, but higher mental faculties could not have evolved through a purely material process.
(97) Photo of the Day: Best of April 2008 A baby alligator snapping turtle in a Florida swamp perches on the outsize skull of a record-breaking ancestor.
(98) This article also thinks the slogans and imprints of Kazak nationality are symbols of holy totem and embodiment of the life-force of totem ancestor in real life .
(99) In contrast, the very fact of an ancient ancestor like Boskop, who appears un-apelike and in fact in most ways seems to have had characteristics superior to ours(), was destined never to be popular.
(100) The ancestor of the modern bicycle only be seen in the picture.
(101) That’s when the first skull of a human ancestor was unearthed in Africa: the Taung child, now recognized as a member of Australopithecus africanus, which lived about 3 million to 2 million years ago.
(102) An Iron Ancestor is a reanimated and iron - forged dead body possessed by a ghost.
(103) The apical cell and basal cell act as the ancestor cells of frond and rhizoid .
(104) By utilising paleographic and representational evidence Childs-Johnson puts into perspective for the first time that Shang belief was not limited to the worship of royal dead ancestor spirits.
(105) Shaoxing winter practices - ancestor worship, eating rice and winter wine, light a fire Cong.
(106) Classical religion covered an extensive range of the belief in spirits and nature gods, ancestor worship, totemism, divination and various forms of magic.
(107) The anthropomorphized spiritual images in the Chinese petrous pictures can be classified into three types: spirit of nature worship, spirit of ancestor worship and spirit of procreation.
(108) This trait, along with the group's deep branching in the tree of life,[http:///ancestor.html] has lead to the belief that the last common ancestor of life may be a thermophilic autotroph growing in a hydrothermal system.
(109) In addition, several copies of conserved syntenic regions exist in Brassica, which supports the hypothesis that of the Brassica diploid species are evolved from a hexaploid ancestor.
(110) Methods for determining the ancestor nodes priority number of the expanded node and selecting effectively the ancestor nodes by means of the priority number are also given.
(111) For example, any subclass of java.lang.Throwable or java.awt.Component inherits serializability from its ancestor.
(112) Dakouzun's shape originated from the imitation of virilia, which was a result of ancestor worship.
(113) A monkey-like animal seen as an ancestor of monkeys, apes and humans was not as brainy(1) as expected, according to scientists who analyzed its nicely preserved 29-million-year-old skull.
(114) The cognition of the villagers at Guanlin about the godship of Ancestor Spirit and Guardian Spirit has deep meaning. But their cognition of regarding Guanyu as the God of Wealth is larruping.
(115) This ancestor screamed and pounded the walls, and no one came.
(116) The domestic dog is working on the same genetic tape as the wolf ancestor.
(117) There are 23 species of wild ancestor of Gramineae cultivated forage in Inner Mongolia. They are: Agropyron cristatum (L. ) Gaertn.
(118) This ancestor will hold key records you require to fulfill upon your ascension in this lifetime.
(119) I tried to find the famous cliff and the ancient pine on Mount Tai , where my ancestor had sought shelter from rain, regrettably to no avail.
(120) Selects all the ancestor nodes of the current node that have the specified local name and namespace URI.
(121) In other words, a long-ago ancestor species that spent its time in the trees moved to the ground and began walking upright.
(122) He did not know from which part of Africa ancestor had come.
(123) Because of the similar morphological traits between bonobos and humans, some anthropologists consider the bonobo to be the best living prototype for the common ancestor of humans.
(124) It seems to have a predilection for young adults, as did its notorious ancestor, the 1918 Spanish influenza.
(125) But the fact that an ancestor of an important modern pollinator existed back then could help scientists explain the rapid expansion of floral diversity in the early to mid-Cretaceous.
(126) Yet, proto-Indo - European is believed to be the ancestor of most European languages.
(127) The way to reproduce an outbred ancestor is to mate two individuals that mimic the appearance and pedigree of the ancestor's parents.
(128) The unveiling of Ardipithecus ramidus ("Ardi") in the fall of 2009 flooded the paleoanthropological world with new data about this 4.4-million-year-old early ancestor.
(129) Like ancestor in XPath, descendant has a descendant-or-self for those special cases where the selected node might match what you're looking for (see Figure 3).
(130) China rose:a Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis) having mostly red, pink, or white flowers. It is an ancestor of many cultivated hybrid roses.
(131) These compartmentalised cells are called 'eukaryotic', and they all share a common ancestor that arose just once in four billion years of evolution.
(132) Darwin's grandfather Erasmus believed life evolved from a single ancestor.
(133) As soon as the Chinese before dining, lights before the ancestor spirit tablet burns a joss stick, burns several paper moneys , for the steaming hot food, then dines.
(134) In this novel, Morrison reproduces and rewrites the myth of flying Africans through depicting the flights of Black ancestor Solomon and his great grandson, Milkman.
(135) In the developing mammalian brain, for example, neurons migrate up into the cranium, using much the same kind of amoeboid movement that our deep ancestor employed to capture bacteria.
(136) For two thousand years the people of Shaanxi Longxian have been taking up the tradition to celebrate the Earth God and the Fire Ancestor in the Shehuo Carnival by parading in opera disguise.
(137) Moreover, each red ant has the characteristics that pertain to each of its ancestor categories. For example, red ants have six legs, which is one of the defining characteristics of the class Insecta.
(138) Genealogical tables are records in old days of the descent of a family from an ancestor generation by generation. They are important materials for the study of dynastical history and local history.
(139) Therefore the pope suggested the ancestor place church member committee prepares the world youth date activity.
(140) Xinjiang wild apple(Malus sieversii)is very similar to cultural apple species in shape and quality. It is the direct family ancestor of the cultural apples.
(141) Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis) having mostly red, pink,[] or white flowers. It is an ancestor of many cultivated hybrid roses.
(142) Sibship between 29 sugarcane cultivars and 12 ancestor species was analysed with RAPD .
(143) The vibrant reds, whites, and yellows—meant to mimic the colors of the bird of paradise, revered as a tribal ancestor—are achieved with a mix of ocher and mud.
(144) The formulation of witch culture in Yi district, is based on the folk primitive faith of Yi, an organic whole of worshipping the ancestor, nature, totemism and efficacious things.
(145) Heis also an ancestor of William Howard Taft, Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks and the father and son Governors of Vermont Erastus Fairbanksand Horace Fairbanks.
(146) The Spanish team has provisionally assigned the newfound fossil to Homo antecessor ('pioneer man'), a species that they suggest could be the last common ancestor of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens .
(147) US University of Chicago postgraduate candidate Laura · Polo said that "the very possible all dinosaur are evolve from the carnivora dinosaur ancestor come."
(148) We can say today that this university is a direct ancestor of the platonic republic of Plato's Academy.
(149) The great-great jelly bean ancestor first appeared in the 1800s, but jelly candies of one kind or another have been around for thousands of years.
(150) Further research, carried out by the German brothers Grimm and others, later revealed that most European languages and some Indian ones have a common ancestor, now known as Indo-European.
(151) Selects all the ancestor nodes of the current node that match the selection criteria.
(152) An Shifang Songs which was used for ancestor worship, Jiaosi Songs which was used for Taiyi worship, the earth god festival rural ceremony.
(153) In the last lifetime, this initiate's ancestor was a hard working farmer.
(154) This possibility allows for lifetimes to be reviewed and ancestors forgiven without the necessity of reliving or re-experiencing yet again a similar circumstance to the ancestor.
(155) This ancestor will hold key karma that you are working upon in your current phase of ascension.
(156) It may take years to confirm exactly where Ardi fits in the history of human evolution. One possibility is that she is a direct ancestor of Lucy's species, Australopithecus.
(157) As with the field calls, the first two variants return information for public methods that can be accessed through the class -- even those inherited from an ancestor class.
(157) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(158) The immediate ancestor of Polynesian culture is referred to as Lapita, a complex culture extending from the Bismarck Archipelago to Tonga and Samoa.
(159) Three times Old Gardener struck the ancient treasure, a gift to their beloved ancestor from a fellow Senior Wrangler.
(160) Our revered ancestor Frederick Douglass said, "Power concedes nothing without demand.
(161) The supernatural is left almost untouched, and ancestor worship can go side by side with belief in a Christian, a Buddhist, or a Mohammedan god.




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