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单词 Withdrawal
(1) UN forces made a strategic withdrawal.
(2) The police were forced to make a tactical withdrawal.
(3) The UN will dictate the terms of troop withdrawal from the region.
(4) If you experience any unusual symptoms after withdrawal of the treatment then contact your doctor.
(5) The UN were faced with an ignominious withdrawal or a long - term military presence.
(6) The army is making a well-phrased withdrawal from the occupied country.
(7) Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops.
(8) The withdrawal of troops from the area has created a security vacuum which will need to be filled.
(9) The general has ordered a partial withdrawal of troops from the area.
(10) Our chief representative's withdrawal was construed as a protest.
(11) Withdrawal is a classic symptom of depression.
(12) The newspaper published a withdrawal the next day.
(13) Her withdrawal from the contest was a tactical manoeuvre.
(14) She was still suffering withdrawal from nicotine.
(15) His withdrawal can only be construed as a protest.
(16) She is showing signs of withdrawal and depression.
(17) They gave him drugs to counteract his withdrawal symptoms.
(18) I got withdrawal symptoms after giving up smoking.
(19) He was suffering from all the classic withdrawal symptoms associated with giving up heroin - inability to sleep, anxiety, sweating and fever.
(20) His withdrawal to the second line of duty crossed up the whole arrangement.
(21) They announced the withdrawal of 12 000 troops from the area.
(22) Marijuana has few withdrawal effects, and this has given rise to the mistaken belief that it is not addictive.
(23) The party is calling for the phased withdrawal of troops from the island.
(24) Doctors demanded the withdrawal of the drug after several cases of dangerous side-effects were reported.
(25) Withdrawal from heroin is actually like a severe attack of gastric flu.
(26) The withdrawal of troops should clear the way for a peace settlement.
(27) The peace treaty clearly specifies the terms for the withdrawal of troops.
(28) The commander-in-chief was given 36 hours to secure a withdrawal of his troops from the combat zone.
(29) He replied that the UN had passed two major resolutions calling for a complete withdrawal.
(30) The delegates outlined what they considered a realistic timetable for troop withdrawal.
(1) UN forces made a strategic withdrawal.
(2) The police were forced to make a tactical withdrawal.
(3) The UN will dictate the terms of troop withdrawal from the region.
(4) If you experience any unusual symptoms after withdrawal of the treatment then contact your doctor.
(5) The UN were faced with an ignominious withdrawal or a long - term military presence.
(6) Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops.
(7) The withdrawal of troops from the area has created a security vacuum which will need to be filled.
(8) The general has ordered a partial withdrawal of troops from the area.
(9) Her withdrawal from the contest was a tactical manoeuvre.
(31) She made a withdrawal of £250 from her bank account.
(32) The Liberal leader has announced his party's withdrawal from the ruling coalition.
(33) The cheque book facility allows for a minimum withdrawal of £200.
(34) Croft argued that a date should be set for the withdrawal of troops.
(35) Her sudden withdrawal from the championship caused a lot of press speculation about her health.
(36) The withdrawal of British troops should be simultaneous with that of US forces.
(37) He gets withdrawal symptoms if he hasn't had his regular fix.
(38) Any ceasefire would be simultaneous with the withdrawal of US forces.
(39) If you take these drugs continuously, withdrawal must be tapered.
(40) Agreement on withdrawal was not reached until early 1929.
(41) No withdrawal symptoms from prime-time fame?
(42) Keep yourself on a very gradual withdrawal schedule.
(43) For withdrawal and replacement by same edition 3.
(44) One day's notice is required for withdrawal.
(45) These deposits require notice of withdrawal.
(46) There is massive equity withdrawal from housing.
(47) This may only cease on withdrawal of the drug.
(48) Therefore the withdrawal of compulsory registration altered the situation.
(49) Management's withdrawal from the negotiations greatly disturbs us.
(50) BSigns of withdrawal have risen to the surface.
(51) There was no time left for anything but withdrawal.
(52) Many of the children suffer drug withdrawal symptoms.
(53) It was more than a forewarning of withdrawal symptoms.
(54) After that, withdrawal from the drug is relatively easy.
(55) More importantly, there is always a withdrawal backwards or turn aside in moments of fear.
(56) With a jolt of self-knowledge Caroline registered the same feeling of dismay as at that cool withdrawal after their picnic.
(57) The local clinic has treated several cases of heroin withdrawal, a problem not seen here before 1997.
(58) This is where the recent history of law's withdrawal from the regulation of private morality provides a useful perspective.
(59) All except the latter unit meant some form of withdrawal from the use of acute admission facilities at either Claybury or Friern.
(60) The reptiles and amphibians of the world began a general withdrawal from existence many, millions of years ago.
(61) This did affect the Croydon area indirectly, by the withdrawal of tram route 12.
(62) The only power a consumer has resides in the power to refuse to buy, a version of withdrawal of labour.
(63) But I am glad that I provoked him into an unqualified withdrawal of his disgraceful unjustified comments.
(64) The cheque book facility allows for a minimum withdrawal of £200, but there is no credit card add on.
(65) If healing loss is sudden, and it is severe or total, the withdrawal of this background information happens instantaneously.
(66) The New York Times described the withdrawal of troops as a resounding defeat for the government.
(67) The Singlaub episode created a political storm, deepening the controversy over the withdrawal plan.
(68) Edinburgh, hauling the daily goods service on the South Queensferry branch before final withdrawal from Bathgate shed.
(69) Income tax thresholds were raised from G$10,000 to G$48,000 with lower tax rates planned to offset the withdrawal of personal allowances.
(70) Kandel and his colleagues began by asking what was the neural circuit which underlies the gill and siphon withdrawal response.
(71) Good collaboration between non-medical therapists and their medical colleagues should mean that the former can suggest the introduction or withdrawal of medication.
(72) Physiological dependence on benzodiazepines can occur and is accompanied by a withdrawal syndrome.
(73) Bingham is keeping his fingers crossed that Gray's withdrawal is the only one.
(74) Second, because its hidden curriculum can be just as undermining to our real intentions as that of the former withdrawal system.
(75) Previously these costs were charged to the provision set up in prior years for the write-down on the withdrawal from property development.
(75) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(76) Without warning, Palmer Golf announced its withdrawal from the Harding restoration project on Jan. 16.
(77) Withdrawal before coming is unlikely to be an adequate safeguard as some secretions will still be exchanged.
(78) This is because the explicit tax rate and the means-tested benefit withdrawal rate exceeds unity.
(79) The sale is part of Unilever's withdrawal from many of its agribusiness operations.
(80) This has the effect of greatly increasing the strength of the withdrawal reflex in response to subsequence stimulation of the siphon alone.
(81) The upshot of the visit was the withdrawal of the Berlin ultimatum in favour of a conference.
(82) Money may be deposited on terms that make early withdrawal disadvantageous.
(83) An enthusiastic letter of recommendation to Krauss would permanently close the door to such a withdrawal.
(84) There was a resolution he tried to get passed every year, condemning the invasion and calling for a withdrawal.
(85) Withdrawal from the Fifi Zaitun, Tangerang and Lahat blocks is anticipated once commitments have been fulfilled by the end of 1993.
(86) Sigsworth had not been receiving any medication at the hospital to help him over his withdrawal.
(87) But a complete withdrawal could trigger a new outbreak of fighting.
(88) But in fact, there were good reasons for his withdrawal.
(89) Rates reached 9% in September 1992 following sterling's withdrawal from the ERM and have fallen further since then.
(90) It marked the end of the possibility of an attitude of withdrawal for the papacy.
(91) These physical effects of withdrawal indicate that the physical body craves for more of the drug and that it is physiologically addicted.
(92) Visitors and holidaymakers who suffer from machine knitting withdrawal symptoms are welcome at the meetings!
(93) The perhaps inevitable consequences were accumulating losses and a withdrawal back to the protected home market.
(94) The final withdrawal without major disaster enabled them to preserve some profit.
(95) The newborn child can suffer from physical dependence, withdrawal symptoms or even serious birth defects.
(96) Relaxation or withdrawal of treatment before mid-childhood has been associated with a further decline in intellectual ability.
(97) It is the withdrawal of this assurance that contributes to the widespread dissatisfaction with home life in a tower block.
(98) They had to overcome engineering problems, a last-minute change of keel, and the withdrawal of their sponsor.
(99) The campaign also reverted to the traditional two-party contest with the unexpected withdrawal of undeclared independent candidate Ross Perot.
(100) Moreover, this enforced withdrawal from social integration can quickly cause the kind of demoralization so often associated with old age.
(101) Withdrawal symptoms appear to be more severe following withdrawal from high doses or from short-acting benzodiazepines.
(102) Dependence Tolerance and withdrawal are the classic signs of physical dependence on a drug.
(103) Often, withdrawal is a straight forward but tragic response of older people to their inability to finance social integration.
(104) In Cairo 14 Arab League countries condemn the invasion and call for an immediate withdrawal.
(105) The Cheshires unleashed between 20 and 30 rounds of rifle fire to cover their withdrawal after they came under attack.
(106) The meeting made it crystal clear that Carter was determined to go ahead with the withdrawal.
(107) If an emergency arises and you need to dip into your savings immediately(), you can make a withdrawal on the spot.
(108) The British army made a strategic withdrawal across the English Channel.
(109) Housing Associations are now responsible for helping fill the gap created by local government's enforced withdrawal from property development.
(110) In total the withdrawal rate for some claimants with incomes above the applicable amount is over 80 percent.
(111) The new findings sharply intensified congressional pressure to halt the withdrawal program.
(112) Britain drew different conclusions - to continue its imperial withdrawal and to avoid any repetition of the UK-USA conflict of 1956.
(113) An explanation from Lipsey for his withdrawal Friday has been hard to pin down.
(114) Any abuse of the Flexible Working Hours facility can result in its withdrawal, in addition to any disciplinary action which may be taken.
(115) A heavy bout of drinking will produce temporary withdrawal symptoms as the brain and body strive to rebalance themselves.
(116) Nevertheless, Richard declared that he had witnesses to prove it and Philip made a tactful withdrawal, secretly plotting with Tancred.
(117) We respond only to invoices from small suppliers and individuals, and to threats of withdrawal of service.
(118) Escapism, or what might be called withdrawal taken a step further, finds a home in several artists' works.
(119) A relatively small withdrawal of oil from the world market in October 1973 was sufficient to precipitate an acute crisis.
(120) Like thousands of other fans I was truly disappointed at his unannounced withdrawal from the Madness gig.
(121) David Prosser, chief executive, said withdrawal from the exchange rate mechanism and interest cuts had greatly improved business prospects.
(122) Sight deposits are, in the main, cheque account funds while time deposits incorporate an element of withdrawal restriction, i.e. notice.
(123) This called for the withdrawal of the National Executive memorandum abolishing the League's national organization.
(124) Again, a substantial withdrawal of allegiance from Aethelred must have occurred.
(125) With long-term use dependence and withdrawal effects can become major disadvantages.
(126) The removal of American nuclear forces brought a corresponding withdrawal of Russian troops.
(127) This is shown vividly when, left finally alone, she strikes a dramatic pose of complete withdrawal from love and happiness.
(128) After the withdrawal of the Taylors in 1852, the Lloyd family bank was converted into a joint-stock company in 1865.
(129) Berating Park, Carter threatened to continue the withdrawal despite all opposition and accused his aides of conspiring against him.
(130) The side effects were, however, mild and did not lead to withdrawal from the study.
(131) Moreover, if the housing market were to weaken, withdrawal of private funds could restrict development.
(132) When you first stop taking caffeine, you may experience withdrawal symptoms.
(133) Their withdrawal, their separatism, was, they said, a sane response to an insane world.
(134) The rate of withdrawal over natural replenishment is now roughly equivalent to the flow of the Colorado River.
(135) Was his withdrawal from the return journey good luck or self-preservation?
(136) Cocaine addiction does not invariably give rise to physiological addiction and there may be no significant physical effects of withdrawal.
(137) Faced with professional and personal frustration(), a few Volunteers reacted by withdrawal.
(138) But not all workers are dependent and prone to inner-directed aggression or to schizoid withdrawal.
(139) Withdrawal from heroin, usually described in lurid nightmare language, is actually like a severe attack of gastric flu.
(140) Not surprisingly, the studies of caffeine tolerance and withdrawal have found wide variations in subject responses.
(141) The Gallipoli campaign ended in dismal and costly failure, with withdrawal from the peninsula commencing on 19 December.
(142) It is not long before their imaginative faculties are reactivated and word-processing becomes a universal withdrawal symptom.
(143) The latter policy could also entail a drastic withdrawal of royal favour from those who did not fit into Edward's plans.
(144) This difference was explained largely by the higher rate of withdrawal for non academic reasons for mature entrants.
(145) There were now violent protests throughout the nation, calling for withdrawal.
(146) As Wilson announced his withdrawal, he offered a glimpse of how he would like to like to see himself.
(147) They fear the proposed withdrawal from 17 May of some stops by ScotRail and InterCity will cause further deterioration in the service.
(148) The emotional relationships can be of aggression, depression and, most of all, schizoid withdrawal.
(149) Only if the benefit withdrawal rate exceeded 100 percent would the individual actually be worse off under such a proposal.
(150) The agreement on troop withdrawal was to be regarded as the basis for a future treaty on the issue.
(151) In particular, it is common for people to oscillate between withdrawal and arrogance.
(152) The Pact would provide for the withdrawal of Soviet forces following the formation of a coalition government in Kabul.
(153) Cutting visible waste would help public relations, but the key thing would be the publication of milestones for measured withdrawal.
(154) Sulaiman Musbah and his brother and some other Zuwaya went to Benghazi to protest about the irresponsible withdrawal of the police.
(155) I have heard therapists say matter-of-factly that in old people, withdrawal, depression, and apathy are normal.
(156) The nervous control of the gill withdrawal reflex is a simple unit of one sensory neuron and one motor neuron.
(157) In each of the cases heard by the jurors, the excuses for the withdrawal of statutory funding was slightly different.
(158) A reaction to these difficulties may be withdrawal, apathy, or acting out behaviour.
(159) Pfizer has had setbacks, such as the withdrawal of its new antibiotic, Trovan.
(160) The magazine publisher will formally announce his withdrawal in Washington Thursday.
(161) Hitherto, the Golan leaders have been reluctant to join forces with the 120,000 West Bank settlers in the struggle against withdrawal.
(162) The hypercalcemia is easily treatable by hydration and withdrawal of the calcium containing antacids.
(163) The weekend talks stalled on United's inability to agree the price for Knighton's withdrawal from the take-over.
(164) In essential schizophrenia the characteristic pattern is of withdrawal from the impacts of experience in the outside world.
(165) The loss of one vehicle and the leading tank's offensive capability was not enough to cause a full scale withdrawal.
(166) Senior officials were quick to recognize that the new findings had tremendous implications for the withdrawal program.
(167) But, of course, this only postpones the final reckoning and leads to more intense withdrawal symptoms later on.
(168) Withdrawal of Soviet personnel from the bases would begin in January 1992.
(169) The amount of caffeine should be reduced gradually, over a period of two to three weeks, to minimize withdrawal reactions.
(170) The thrust forward has more concentrated power than the withdrawal.
(171) Many of these emotions energize greater effort but others negate effort and lead to dissatisfaction, stress and withdrawal.
(172) These fall into a number of categories. 1. For withdrawal 2.
(173) The engine was built at Swindon in 1929 and worked all over the Great Western before withdrawal in 1964.
(174) Intimacy is marked by cycles of encounter and withdrawal which ideally involve trusting in absence, as well as communing in each other's presence.
(175) Withdrawal symptoms then typically taper off, but it usually takes a full week for a return to normal.
(176) This provided for the withdrawal of federal forces from the strategic Prevlaka peninsula overlooking Dubrovnik by Oct. 20.
(177) The primary outcome was time to withdrawal because of lack of efficacy or adverse events.
(178) This was 61312 after withdrawal in April 1962 - a year after our adventures had ended.
(179) His withdrawal from one debate in Iowa forced cancellation of the event.
(180) So it is the woman who will experience the first withdrawal symptoms.
(181) Cannabis may have few immediate withdrawal effects and this again may give rise to the mistaken belief that it is not addictive.
(182) The limit had been imposed on Jan. 22 when the controversial withdrawal of high-denomination banknotes was announced.
(183) This can therefore be treated as a withdrawal rather than a business expense.
(184) It can, however, have severe withdrawal symptoms, including dizziness, nausea, vomiting, panic, anxiety and depression.
(185) Following Bennett's withdrawal a number of other candidates had been unsuccessfully approached until Yeutter was offered the post on Jan. 3.
(186) Officials take heart that the economy has not collapsed since the withdrawal of Soviet aid.
(187) Withdrawal into brooding reclusion
(188) The main protracted withdrawal symptoms were dyssomnia, dysphoria and pain.
(189) I beefed up our forces and set a fixed date for their withdrawal, giving the UN six more months to establish control or set up an effective Somali political organization.
(190) Methods Mental health state of 246 drug addicts was assessed by using Symptom Checklist-90(SCL-90) before and after drug withdrawal.
(191) Therefore, on the first day in office, a constitutionalist can begin the orderly withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq and Afghanistan.
(192) The control group accepted drug withdrawal immediately, while the observed group accepted dose tapering gradually after a 12-week treatment course.
(193) Countermeasures: join waxes cocatalyst so that the ink stick are shorter, withdrawal.
(194) Dependentless antileptic agents such as carbamazepine and phenytoin show their effective effects on some symptoms like withdrawal syndrome and craving.
(195) "In accordance with the security agreement between the United States and Iraq, U.S. combat forces have completed the withdrawal out of Iraqi cities, " he said.
(196) The commercial bank withdrawal in our country is basically of the executive-led, it mainly rely on administrative power to deal with commercial bank withdrawal and the issues related to.
(197) Passbook of time deposits is a method of deposit wITe by lump-sum deposit and withdrawal time deposits in multiple currencies and maturities are not handled in a single passbook.
(198) The eventual denunciation of a failed withdrawal, even after consecutive solicitations from the clients, will be considered as proof with regards to the bank's unsuitability to operate.
(199) He says an Israeli withdrawal from some of the areas gained during the Six-Day War would leave major Jewish settlements in the West Bank outside of Israel.
(200) When he encounters such a withdrawal of collaboration, the theory goes, the malefactor will learn the error of his ways and become a more co-operative individual.
(201) Record the scores of abdominal withdrawal reflex(AWR) and electromyogram of abdominal external oblique muscle on colorectal distensions irritation.
(202) Many Chinese people, especially those in less-developed parts of the country, still rely on withdrawal or the rhythm method for contraception.
(203) Announcements: 1) only use for chicken; 2) withdrawal time is 20 days for ovo-chicken; 3) please misce bene and feeds.
(204) Conclusion: Heavy heroin use, having a history of alimentary canal diseases and sudden and long time natural drug withdrawal likely cause upper alimentary canal bleeding.
(205) Withdrawal bleeding after progestational challenge, along with normal PRL and TSH level,() demonstrate amenorrhea caused by anovulation.
(206) Recently the capital, Lusaka, became the first African city to offer Chinese banking allowing the deposit and withdrawal of yuan.
(207) If Erik has to make a withdrawal at an ATM, for example, he begins with a simple fuckup, such as accidentally selecting the Chinese language option.
(208) You need a withdrawal slip and this is a deposit slip.
(209) A fee paid by an investor at the time of redemption or withdrawal.
(210) The inventorying entertainment world's star withdrawal, many people have chosen "the eldest child marries is the merchant woman" the ancient home to return.
(211) Study on FIA-phosphomolybdate blue spectrophotometric determination of phosphorus in iron and steel, using micro ion exchange column on line withdrawal ferric ion.
(212) Mr. Somchai proposed a joint committee to oversee any troop withdrawal.
(213) Changing classes without formal approval will be deemed withdrawal from a course without formal notification.
(214) Objective:To observe the efficacy of trazodone in the treatment of protracted withdrawal symptoms of heroin dependence.
(215) When this " no-par " stock is issued, the entire issue price is credited to the Capital Stock account and is viewed as legal capital not subject to withdrawal.
(216) The research provided the experimental basis of tea caffeine applied in drug withdrawal.
(217) It is very convenient to do cash withdrawal, accounts checking, cipher amending and funds allocating, etc.
(218) S. - Iraqi security agreement sets a timetable for U.S. troop withdrawal by 2012.
(219) Objective To observe the abnormal rate of EEG in 3-year seizure-free epileptics and to guide drug withdrawal.
(220) Government expenditures influence real exchange rates in terms of resource withdrawal and consumption transfer.
(221) The expression of chemokine receptors, the chemotactic capacities, and adhesion molecule expression was modulated by withdrawal of IL 2 and IL 4 from the culture medium.
(222) ObjectiveTo research the influencing factor protracted withdrawal symptom of heroin addicts.
(223) Although antidepressants are not habit-forming or addictive, abruptly ending an antidepressant can cause withdrawal symptoms or lead to a relapse.
(224) If proceeds are accrued by the reduction (withdrawal) of investment on part of the foreign party, tax payment receipt on withholding income tax shall be presented.
(225) Students who apply for withdrawal should also fill out "NCU Application Form for Leaving School", and return their student ID cards to Section of Registry.
(225) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(226) Sales and import ban, withdrawal from the market and recall from consumers ordered by the authorities.
(227) The depression and fatigue —and the drug withdrawal from nicotine —make people crave another cigarette to perk up again.
(228) Metformin combined with Diane-35 is better that treat the insulin resistance cases in PCOS patients, 6 and 3 months are suitable for the time of therapy and the interval of drug withdrawal.
(229) Fund withdrawal: You have the right to withdraw deposit from your account at anytime. All Electronic Communications are effective and.
(230) Note: Before completing this notice, please read carefully the "Notes on Completion of Notice of Withdrawal of Candidature".
(231) To analyze the characteristics of outpatient prescription drug withdrawal, reduce out-patient drug withdrawal to ensure the safety of patients with medication.
(232) Rooibos tea - It's caffeine-free and relieves nervous tension associated with caffeine withdrawal.
(233) The tenderer's modification o'r notice of withdrawal shall be prepared, sealed(), marked an'd despatched in acco'rdance with the provisions fo'r the submission of tenders.
(234) Waldman said hot and cold sensations are a symptom of Demerol withdrawal.
(235) So Azul offers payments by direct bank withdrawal as well as installment plans.
(236) They often relied on the samemethod Leeuwenhoek used for his studies: withdrawal, or coitus interruptus.
(237) The fear that the country will become a hive of "jihadi training camps" after a withdrawal is based on a basic fallacy.
(238) The military government also allows dollars to be deposited in a state bank for later withdrawal as FEC.
(239) A notice of withdrawal may also be sent by telex o'r telegram, but shall be followed by a signed confirmation copy, postmarked not later than the deadline for submission of tenders.
(240) Conclusion: Both spinal and supraspinal neuronal Phosphoinositide 3-kinase(PI3K) pathway played important role in morphine dependent and naloxone-precipitated withdrawal response in mice.
(241) After 4-week drug withdrawal, we tested 13C-UBT again and extracted stomach mucosa for urea enzyme test, bacteriology, NO content tests in mucosa.
(242) Ihe traditional Ltd. Co. don't permit withdrawal share in theory, but there are suspection in society practice.
(243) The present invention solves the defects of the prior medicine for curing digestive ulcer such as adverse reaction, high price and easy recurrence after drug withdrawal.
(244) She was taking medication, Librium, to cope with alcohol withdrawal and anxiety, and had been reviewed by a psychologist and a psychiatrist last year.
(245) Cash withdrawal except via an automated teller machine or point-of-sale terminal.
(246) Objective To analyze the reasons for outpatient pharmacy drug withdrawal, and explore measures to reduce drug withdrawal.
(247) In opening an account of time deposit of small savings for lump-sum withdrawal, the depositor shall present his or her ID card or other valid credentials.
(248) Except Buy online Levitra cancellation pills without prescription of course, tuition fee paid is not refundable for any withdrawal.
(249) The minimum period for withdrawal is 12 months, upon the policy surrender or until the investment account value is exhausted.
(250) This indicates that the BankAccount class is an abstract class and the withdrawal method is an abstract operation.
(251) After a replaced arbitrator has been selected or appointed following the withdrawal of an arbitrator, the parties may apply to resume the arbitration procedure.
(252) When a depositor cashes a check or makes a cash withdrawal through an automatic teller machine, he or she reduces the amount of deposits and increases the amount of currency held by the public.




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