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单词 tone
释义  Related topics: Textures, sounds, Colours, Music, Linguisticstone1 /təʊn $ toʊn/ ●●○ S3 W2 noun  1  voice 声音 [countable]EXPRESS the way your voice sounds, which shows how you are feeling or what you mean 〔说话的〕语气,口气,腔调in a ... tone ‘You must be Annie, ’ he said in a friendly tone. “你一定是安妮。”他以友好的语气说道。in somebody’s tone There was urgency in his tone. 他的语气中透着急切。 Her tone was sharp with anger. 她很气愤,语气尖刻。 It was obvious from her tone of voice that she didn’t like me. 从她的语气明显听得出来她不喜欢我。don’t take that tone with me (=do not speak to me in that rude or unpleasant way) 别用那种语气跟我说话2  sound 声音 [countable, uncountable]CSSOUND the quality of a sound, especially the sound of a musical instrument or someone’s voice 〔尤指乐器或某人说话的〕音调,音色,音质 → pitch, timbre the guitar’s clean tone 吉他纯净的音色in ... tones They talked in hushed tones. 他们压低声音交谈。 ‘No I didn’t, ’ he said in a low tone (=quietly). “不,我没有。”他轻声说。deep-toned/even-toned/shrill-toned etc (=having a low, calm etc tone) 声音低沉的/声音平和的/声音很尖的等 an even-toned voice 平和的声音3  general feeling/attitude 一般的感觉/态度 [singular, uncountable]ATTITUDE the general feeling or attitude expressed in a piece of writing, a speech, an activity etc 〔作品、演讲、活动等的〕基调,格调;气氛tone of The tone of the report was radical. 报告的基调十分激进。 The meetings were noted for their deeply religious tone. 那些聚会以其浓厚的宗教色彩著称。in tone The article was moderate in tone. 那篇文章语气温和。set the tone (for/of something) (=establish the general attitude or feeling of an event, activity etc) (为某事物)确定基调 Opening remarks are important since they set the tone for the rest of the interview. 开场白很重要,因为它是为随后的访谈确定基调的。4  colour 颜色 [countable, uncountable]CC one of the many types of a particular colour, each slightly darker, lighter, brighter etc than the next 色调,色彩的层次 SYN shade, → tonaltone of different tones of green 深浅不同的绿色 Perhaps a darker tone would be better. 可能再深一点的色调更好。 your skin tone (=the colour of your skin) 你的肤色in tone The dried colour is slightly deeper in tone than it appears when first applied. 颜色干了之后比刚涂上去时要略深一点。 → two-tone► see thesaurus at colour5  electronic sound 电子声音 [countable]CSSOUND a sound made by electronic equipment, such as a telephone 〔电话等电子设备发出的〕声音 Please leave a message after the tone. 听到提示音后请留言。dialling tone British English, dial tone American English (=the sound you hear when you pick up the telephone that lets you know that you can make a call) 拨号音engaged tone British English, busy tone American English (=the sound you hear when you telephone someone but they are already talking to someone else) 〔电话〕忙音6  raise/lower the tone (of something) RIGHT/PROPERto make a place or event more or less socially acceptable, attractive etc 提升/降低…的格调 That horrible building lowers the whole tone of the neighborhood. 那栋丑陋的建筑物降低了周边的整体格调。 Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation (=by making rude remarks etc). 就知道你会降低谈话的格调。7  body 身体 [uncountable] technicalHEALTHY how firm and strong your muscles or skin are 〔肌肉、皮肤等的〕结实程度,强健 A regular brisk walk will improve muscle tone. 经常快走能使肌肉更加紧实。8. music 音乐 [countable] technicalAPM the difference in pitch between two musical notes that are separated by one key on the piano 音程,音级 SYN American English step9  voice level 语调SL [countable] technical how high or low your voice is when you produce different sounds 〔说话的〕声调,语调 There is a falling tone on the first syllable and a rising tone on the other. 第一个音节是降调,另一个音节是升调。n COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2adjectivesconversational (=informal and friendly)I tried to keep my tone pleasant and conversational.conciliatory (=showing that you do not want to be involved in an argument with someone)She used a more conciliatory tone.matter-of-fact (=showing no emotion when what you are saying is exciting, frightening, upsetting, etc )His tone was matter-of-fact, but she noticed he was shaking.measured (=very carefully controlled)He spoke slowly, in a calm and measured tone.clipped tones (=quick and clear, but not very friendly)Davis’s secretary informed him in clipped tones: ‘Mr Davis is not here.’low/quiet/hushed tonesThey sat at the far end of the carriage, talking in hushed tones.somebody’s dulcet tones (=a very sweet and gentle voice – often used humorously to mean the opposite)I could hear Martha’s dulcet tones bellowing that dinner was ready.phrasesa tone of voiceTry talking to the child in a firm but soothing tone of voice.Examples from the Corpustone• I often detect a tone of regret in her voice.• As a whole, body outline and tone show a horse's level of excitement, while other cues indicate the reasons.• The natural color of the clay communicates its earthy source and the smoky black tones on the surface suggest an ancient origin.• When he called at noon, her answering machine emitted a long series of beeps followed by a dial tone.• ''This is Julia'', Jo said, in a friendly tone.• There was a general tone of ill-concealed glee in the reporting of this most spectacular flop in the corporation's history.• Her shabby appearance and the battered portmanteau had weighed heavily against the genteel tone of her voice.• He kept his tone formal.• His tone was hesitant.• Mary ushered her into the church, speaking in hushed tones.• She was speaking in a rather irritated tone.• A lighter tone of yellow would look better in the kitchen.• She was almost hypnotised by his mellow tone of voice.• Swimming improves your muscle tone.• Tony's guitar has a nice tone.• He did not mind being flippant about New York, but disliked to hear any one else take the same tone.• The tone of the play is very a ... tone• In tone and substance, though, both of us remain more or less true to our roots.• The words were bluesy in tone and subject matter, but the rhythms and voices were fresh and new.• The cries changed in tone, rising, terrified.• But despite their close similarity there is a marked difference in emphasis and tone between the two versions.• His speech lasted three and a half hours; most of it he read quickly in an even tone.• On our right rose Kitchen Mesa, shimmering in rich tones of cinnamon, burnt orange and tapioca.• Their names were harsh, aggressive, Vorticist in tone - Scour!in ... tones• Faber-Castell have a similar range of Pitt Artists' Crayons in earth tones, plus black and white.• Most of these recollections are delivered in controlled tones, though clearly not all.• All pluck and pomp, it rang throughout the hall in dulcet tones as never before.• They could hear him making his point in fortissimo Anglo-Saxon tones.• It may be rich in vocabulary, a powerful hypnotic force, of spoken in gentle tones of subtle tone• Although liberal in tone , the 1787 Constitution did not abolish tone• Being a water-based mousse, it's ultra light to apply and blends in perfectly with your natural skin tone.• Above her elbow, the flesh displayed a normal skin tone.• To an outsider, the contrasts of this nation reach far beyond the black and white of skin tones.• It was as though Norman Rockwell had discovered a new, slightly more tan, skin tone.• It seems to be more a matter of personality than skin tone.• The skin tone, the shine on the dark hair, the thick sweep of lashes, were lifelike.• You simply press the touch-pad which corresponds to your hair colour and the one which corresponds to your skin tone.dial tone• When he called at noon, her answering machine emitted a long series of beeps followed by a dial tone.• When he tried to call again, he could no longer get a dial tone.• You should have heard a dial tone, a ringing sound, then burbling tones.• Previous years were ok once you got the sought after dial tone.• An old Bakelite telephone responds with a crackling dial tone.• He lifted it carefully and got no dial tone then saw the plungers were taped down.• You should be able to feel the dial tone burr. 2.• There was a click, but she stood listening to the dial tone, steadied by its urgent drone.muscle tone• They looked fantastic, all appealing muscle tone and clean, well-conditioned hair.• She also pointed out balance, muscle tone, and motor planning problems.• Someday these exigencies will show up as bad skin and collapsed muscle tone.• So the purpose is one, do you want to develop muscle tone.• We are taken to a place where characters have nice little problems and impressive muscle tone.• A baby with low muscle tone has a slumped posture and is slow to sit up.• These can be very helpful in cases where lack of muscle tone is the main reason for incontinence.• Atonic seizures are characterized by a sudden loss of postural muscle tone.• Weight lifting will improve your muscle tone.Related topics: Hair & beautytone2 (also tone up) verb [transitive]  1 DCBto improve the strength and firmness of your muscles, skin etc 使〔皮肤、肌肉等〕更强健,使更结实 Exercise can strengthen and tone muscles. 锻炼能使肌肉更强健结实。 He began to use weights in order to tone up his body. 他开始举杠铃来健身。 a well-toned body 健壮结实的身体2 tone something ↔ down phrasal verb a) REDUCEto reduce the effect of something such as a speech or piece of writing, so that people will not be offended 缓和…的语气 His advisers told him to tone down his speech. 他的顾问叫他缓和演讲的语气。b) CCto make a colour less bright 使〔颜色〕暗淡[柔和] Blue can be used to tone down very sunny rooms. 可以用蓝色使阳光十分充足的房间色彩变得柔和些。3 tone in phrasal verb British English if one colour or pattern tones in with another, they are similar and look good together 与…协调,与…和谐 SYN complement with Choose candles that will tone in with your tablecloth and china. 要挑选与桌布和瓷器协调的蜡烛。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustone• This is not tone 4, it denotes more data present.• Leaning her head back against the sofa, she closed her eyes, trying consciously to tone down her wild agitation.• I find the proof of this use in the general toning down of the color range during the last few years.• It cleanses and tones your skin.Origin tone1 (1200-1300) Latin tonus “tension, tone”, from Greek tonostone1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1tone2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  the are sounds, your voice you how way shows Corpus which




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