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单词 Entropy
1) They therefore have a higher entropy after mixing.
2) The hours slid slowly down the great entropy slope of the universe.
3) Should not the entropy change for the reaction therefore be positive-as required by the second law of thermodynamics?
4) During this spontaneous process, the entropy of the system therefore increases.
5) But how does entropy help us to predict whether a change will take place or not?
6) So how do we calculate the entropy change of the surroundings?
7) The entropy of gases is much higher than the entropy of solids.
8) Thermodynamic entropy draws all chemical reactions down to their minimal energy level.
9) The second law requires that the total entropy of a system and its surroundings increases during a spontaneous process.
10) The entropy density is constant ahead of the shock.
11) The standard heat capacity, entropy,[http:///entropy.html] sublimation enthalpy of graphite.
12) They can adopt conformations which lead to maximum entropy.
13) In the business world, entropy rules.
14) Blear image has lower entropy value.
15) In this paper, a concise and alternative average entropy is introduced, which can be used to analyze entanglement of multipartite pure states.
16) Third, regard relative conditional entropy information beneficial to term words collocation as a feature of translation model.
17) It is showed that the entropy and the rate of entropy production are neither too much nor too little. They must be adapted to the level of ontogeny .
18) Affective entropy is developed to express the specific extent of human emotion.
19) Grasp entropy and exergy analysis method and cultivate the thought to use energy feasibly.
20) Could the future see a species capable of engaging in the defeat of the law of entropy in a final Armageddon?
21) Energy is thus dispersed and so we might expect an increase in entropy and not a decrease.
22) Thus during a chemical reaction there is always an entropy change.
23) This says that in any closed system disorder, or entropy, always increases with time.
24) This state would be less ordered, and hence have more entropy, than the initial state of two separate boxes.
25) Here is supposed to compensate for the lack of a non-combinatorial entropy contribution in the Flory-Huggins treatment.
26) Eventually the limit is reached where no further packing would be possible and where the configurational entropy therefore vanishes.
27) They saw disorder steadily growing, like a baby, and called this entropy.
28) To predict whether a reaction will occur spontaneously or not it is necessary to introduce another thermodynamic state function called entropy.
29) The Gibbs free energy change therefore takes into account the enthalpy change of a reaction system and its entropy change.
30) The Relation Between Elevation of Equivalence Relation, Elevation of Distance, Hypertopology, Quotient Topology and Topological Entropy.
31) A few common periods in the series of residual latitude (O-C) of four stations in China have been found by means of maximum entropy power spectrum, periodogram and least square fit methods.
32) This paper proposed a genetic clustering segmentation algorithm on entropy.
33) Furthermore, if the entropy of the flow remains as a constant, we can have the isentropic Euler system, and if the flow is assumed to be irrotational, we can have the potential flow equation.
34) By using core data, a dynamic weight method which considered the entropy function was designed based on the evaluation characters of uncertainty and the distribution of the fracture growth zone.
35) This indicated that entropy weight-based gray systematic theory can be used in integrated evaluation of oat (Avena sativa L. ) germplasm.
36) This paper puts forward that the Entropy Formula of the Mixed Perfect Gas doesn t apply to pure gas,[http://] and gives a kind of explanation about Gibbs paradox.
37) This paper proves that entropy method provides a very useful analysis tool and thought method for the design of management personnel evaluation program.
38) A new image segmentation method based on grey relational analysis and fuzzy entropy is presented.
39) Use of signal joint probability of directional derivative entropy minimum get the best rotation angle!
40) Entropy encoding is a lossless process , while source encoding is a lossy process. Most multimedia systems use hybrid techniques , which are a combination of the two.
41) A algorithm of image segmentation is proposed based on relative entropy selection thresholding and edge detection.
42) Study the pressure of entropy expansive flows on compact metric spaces.
43) In the system, effective pruning algorithm and useful features are adopted for Chinese dependency tree, semantic role identification and classification are exploited by a maximum entropy classifier.
44) In this paper, fuzzy entropy is applied to clustering validity problem.
45) Based on blind deconvolution using minimum entropy criteria, the method, which starts right with complex phase degraded SAR images, carries out phase errors correction via multidimensional search.
46) Simulation results show that this method improves the convergence performance of the scheme when the entropy of correlated source marginal distribution is high.
47) So, in a metaphorical sense, entropy is arrow of time.
48) The probability of a fuzzy event is the average value of its grade of membership-Its entropy is the negative logarithm of probability.
49) Distance entropy is introduced to explain the relations of the actual output[], desired output and energy function.
50) Topics include Brownian motion, thermal noise, information theory, entropy, and the author's view of Maxwell's Demon.
51) The entropy theory of information provides the foundation to understand investors behavior in the financial market.
52) Objective To investigate of spectral entropy measurement in reflection of depth of anesthesia and noxious stimulation.
53) Referring to the results of grey relation analysis, the results of relative entropy analysis is compared.
54) To present a new application of permutation entropy method for automatic brain consciousness task classification.
55) Results The numerical example shows that fuzzy relative entropy method and maximum minimum closeness method have the same results for fuzzy pattern recognition.
56) In this paper, an existence result of entropy solutions to some parabolic problems is established. The data belongs to L1 and no growth assumption is made on the lower order term in divergence form.
57) A Shannon s mutual information and fuzzy entropy clustering based oil analysis method was presented.
58) The general entropy of ( k, s ) order is introduced and its extremum and mono tony are also demonstrated.
59) In addition, variations in conformational entropy and heat capacity may both be important in stabilizing the folded structures of proteins.
60) Metaphysic Trinity: The universal forces of Stasis, Dynamism and Entropy.
61) Dichotomizing method is proposed for detecting the target velocity based on minimum entropy principle. The calculating flow, and the application of the method in velocity compensation are presented.
62) Maximum entropy model provides a natural language processing method, and proposes a structured program of medical text information combined with standard terminology for health care.
63) The QPNS equations in entropy variables derived in the present paper have the symmetrization and satisfy the second law of thermodynamics automatically that can improve the stability of the solution.
64) In the view of feature signal extraction, the local wave time-frequency analysis and information entropy were used to deal with fault diagnosis.
65) A new contact intensity function is given to consist with protein design research based on the relative entropy.
66) The entropy effect on the Gibbs free energy of 7-thioguanine base is very small and there is little significance for the tautomeric equilibria of the base.
66) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
67) Maximum Entropy Models for Natural Language Ambiguity Resolution . Ph . D . Dissertation . University of Pennsylvania, pp .6 - 18.
68) This paper proposed a genetic clustering image segmentation algorithm on entropy.
69) A heuristic algorithm based on conditional information entropy for knowledge reduction is proposed, and the complexity of this algorithm is analyzed.
70) Based on information entropy and mutual information, we proposed the definition of nonlinear partial autocorrelation.
71) An information entropy based Reduct searching algorithm is proposed to benefit the applications of rough sets theory when it is used to small data set.
72) In this paper, some results are obtained for a continuous self-mapping of topo- logical space with zero entropy.
73) Context-Based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding(CABAC) as an efficient entropy coding is adopted by H. 264/AVC. It is composed of binarization, context-modeling and arithmetic coding.
74) The entropy in all of those states will be lower than the entropy of the fully mixed state.
75) It is by now well known that one of the outstandingly unsolved questions in gravitational theory is the microscopic origin of black-hole thermodynamic entropy.
76) The application of TOPSIS method in seeking the optimum mixture ratio of blended coal is described in much detail by confirming the weight of index with entropy.
77) Taking the entropy generation number of a multi-backpressure condenser as the target function, the optimum structure of a multi-backpressure condenser has been obtained.
78) Relation of two equivalent entropy drop method is conducted, and doing work efficiency of reheater has different choices.
79) Its designation of entropy coding adopts Contextbased Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding(CABAC).
80) We're building up to entropy and to engines, Carnot cycles, etcetera.
81) Entropy of information is firstly used in ultrasonic image threshold segmentation field.
82) In this paper, we study the entropy rate of a random walk on a weighted graph, introduce the entropy rate of a chess about china chess, then compare to the freedom of a chess about china chess.
83) Absolute zero entropy is defined as the state of a pure, crystalline solid at absolute zero temperature. Each molecule is surrounded by identical molecules in a perfectly ordered structure at rest.
84) The second statement -- you can't break even -- means that due to ever-increasing entropy, you can't return to the same energy state.
85) Topics include Brownian motion, thermal noise, information theory, entropy, and the author's personal view of Maxwell's Demon.
86) Firstly, we expatiate the segmentation algorithm theory of two dimension maximal entropy based on inheritance algorithm.
87) This paper presents a new leaning method for radial basis function network, minimum mean entropy difference criterion algorithm is used to get pattern cluster of training sets .
88) The principle of prior information algorithm for maximum entropy spectral analysis is shown in this paper.
89) When the concentration of benzoic acid was high, the adsorption was an endothermal process with the system's entropy increasing, and the increase of temperature did benefit to the process.
90) From the principle of maximum entropy, the radial distribution function of the end-to-end distance was deduced directly, and it is indicated that the function is Gauss-type function.
91) The signal spectrum ise extrapolated basing on the minimum entropy criteria to increase signal resolution.
92) Based on the model of XY type sex chromosome, the entropy variation regularity of sex linked population equilibrium was studied by using the information theory method.
93) It is shown that in this case, the Minimal Martingale Measure also owns minimal relative entropy with respect to P.
94) Nature loves chaos when it pushes systems toward equilibrium, and geeks call this universal property entropy.
95) The second law only allows us to calculate changes in entropy.
96) The less the fuzzy entropy is, the less indefinable the risk grade system is, the more dispersed the subordinated vector is,[] the better the assessment methods are.
97) An ISAR motion compensation method based on the image entropy is presented.
98) In this paper, using the generalized uncertainty relation, we calculated the numbers of quantum state and further the entropy of Vaidya-Bonner black hole was also obtained.
99) The less entropy is, the less indefinability of risk grade system is, the more dispersed subordinated vector is, the better assessment methods are.
100) Scientists explain all of these manifestations of the arrow of time in terms of entropy—loosely, the "disorderliness" of a system.
101) A foundation for studying protein design using the HNP model and the relative entropy was made.
102) The process of selection of multi-level threshold gray based on fuzzy entropy makes the algorithm adaptive and practicable.
103) According to the uncertainty of target condition, a resource allocation plan based on information entropy control is brought forward.
104) Process Entropy is a measurement for the incertitude degree of process.
105) The method defines different member function for the object and background of the image to transform the image into fuzzy domain with maximum fuzzy entropy.
106) The function is called the entropy of the system, and is denoted by S.
107) By analyzing properties of pixels in noisy images, a novel thresholding method based on local fuzzy entropy and Otsu was presented here.
108) Experimental results show that the thresholding method based on relative entropy coefficient in this paper is feasible.
109) In general, events along a closed timelike curve cannot be compatible with an uninterrupted increase of entropy along the curve.
110) It shows that the method of maximum entropy spectral analysis is more accurate and effective comparing with the classical method in random signal processing.
111) A new conditional entropy and knowledge reduction algorithms are proposed.
112) The entropy weight is given through fuzzy interval arithmetic based on level sets and optimistic index , then analyses and evaluates torpedo system according to entropy weight.
113) Limit deviation of relative entropy density is an important problem in Informationtheory.
114) Finally, the temperature relation of configurational entropy and isobaric capacity are described in the glass - liquid transition region.
115) We then describe an entropy penalized AMS learning algorithm on Gaussian mixture.
116) The paper derives Boltzmann distribution law in terms of the principleof maximum information entropy.
117) The experimental results the proposed algorithm are evaluated by using visual perception, mean value, standard differences, entropy, and average gradient, and are found to be satisfactory.
118) Before adopting a fuzzy entropy similarity metric, edge detection, image segmentation and segmentation description are accomplished.
119) Finally, a heuristic algorithm for knowledge reduction is designed and an efficient algorithm for computing conditional information entropy is proposed.
120) The paper offer a new heuristic attribute reduction algorithm based on conditional granularity entropy , thou.
121) This last equation does not contradict the entropy - of - mixing formula.
122) The entropy increase function, we has derived the phase field controlling equations which are thermodynamical consistent.
123) A new entropy dissipator, based on the second-order difference of the numerical solution is given.
124) Based on the theory of information, the method uses images' entropy and invariant moments to capture the shape and spatial information of images.
125) In this paper, the conventional pseudo-random sequence linear complexity is discussed, and a new criterion is proposed, based on the approximate entropy.
126) It is shown that information entropy squeezing is a remarkable precision measure for the atomic squeezing.
127) In this paper we have proposed a Monte Carlo simulation method for calculating the conformational entropy of polymer chains.
128) The final CFV for hypothesis is given based on mean and fuzzy entropy of all CFV.
129) Under fuzzy environment,[Sentence dictionary] the fuzzy extension matrix approach can generate a set of fuzzy rules from examples according to the minimum fuzzy entropy criterion of the path.
130) The results show that, compared with a normal ear, the approximate entropy of TEOAE without CAS was reduced for cochlear hearing loss, while it did not change for retrocochlear hearing loss.
131) In this paper, a dynamic programming model of them-dimensional bottleneck assignment problem is established, also a suitable solution of this model is given based on entropy.
132) By the method of estimating the probability distribution of training examples, a new and simple method of dealing with numeric attribute based on example distribution and entropy is turned out.
133) Comparing with the method based on maximal fuzzy entropy information, the new one is much faster and works well.
134) Boltzmann's microscopic formula for entropy is introduced and used to explain irreversibility.
135) Thermodynamically speaking, this molecular ordering lowers the system's entropy, so the system compensates by heating up as a consequence of energy conservation.
136) Giving a new definition for the rate of entropy production is a proof method adopted in some papers published recent years to guarantee that the rate is non-negative.
137) The theory of minimum entropy production or minimum rate of energy dissipation shows that a river is stable when it is in a relative equilibrium condition.
138) Information entropy theory was introduced into this paper, and multi-joint entropy was used to depict the aero-engine's disorder parameter and evolutive trend.
139) Many models on behavioral finance can be understood from the entropy theory of information.
140) Combining the two essential characteristics of the image, the gradient and the gray level, a threshold segmentation approach using maximum entropy with the gradient boundary control was proposed.
141) New algorithm for solving a maximum entropy problem with linear equi- lity constraint is given in this paper.
142) The degression rule of the administrative efficiency of organizational systems, namely entropy effect, is a universal subject with important research value.
143) She has made empirical analysis and study using factor analytical method, entropy value method and synthesis ordinal number method, and reached the conclusion of practical worthiness.
144) An entropy generation analysis method based on the second law of thermodynamics was used to component level optimization design of aircraft environmental control system in this paper.
145) The relative correlation distance entropy is applied to fault diagnosis and state recognition of aero engine rotor-case system.
146) Experimental results show that the segmentation results are as good as conventional fuzzy entropy method, but computation time decreases remarkably, and segmentation is very fast.
147) No matter how much of a misanthrope you are there is such a thing as entropy and it will catch up with you sooner or later.
148) Based on entropy increase function, we has derived the phase field controlling equations which are thermodynamical consistent.
149) The solvent effects, the compensation of the activation enthalpy , and the activation entropy were discussed.
150) The results show that the voltage is affected mostly by vacancy intercalation energy, and that the configurational entropy has a small effect.
151) In this paper, we further discuss the minimum entropy method, pro- vide the calculating formula and FORTRAN program, and give an example to show where to pay attention during calculation.
152) Rougness, rough entropy, fuzziness, and fuzzy entropy are major methods for measuring the uncertainty of rough sets.
153) An optimum Reynolds number existed over the parametric range investigated for the single tube case at which the entropy generated at a minimum rate.
154) Compared with the evaluation method of entropy and joint entropy, it was shown that mutual information was a good evaluation criterion.
155) Basic principles involved are entropy law, entropy balance equation, phenomenological equations, Onsager reciprocal relation, and minimum entropy production law.
156) The new image scrambling degree evaluation method based on fuzzy entropy theory is proposed.
157) We solve the Riemann problem for C - J model and Z - N - D model under the entropy conditions.
158) In fact, Heisenberg′s uncertainty principle is a special case of entropy uncertainty relation, and entropy can be used to measure the quantum fluctuation of the quadrature components of the field.
159) It is pointed out that partition coefficient, a commonly used clustering validity function, it is equal to a function based on fuzzy entropy.
160) Maximum entropy spectral estimation and LMS adaptive algorithm were proposed to extract the reflection echo signal of laser ranging system.
161) This paper propose an entropy - based Pareto evolutionary algorithm ( EPEA ) for multi - objective optimization.
162) Moreover, the modified rough entropy and the fuzzy entropy based on equivalence relation is extended to the generalized modified rough entropy and the generalized fuzzy entropy.
163) An equation for the activity coefficient expressed by solubility parameters and taking excess entropy into consideration is presented in the payer.
164) There are many kinds of image fusion methods, such as information entropy, mutual information, mean square error, peak signal to noise ratio and mean grads.
165) After being renormalized with the standard scheme, the thermodynamical entropy of the general stationary axisymmetric black hole is found.
166) The new method is superior in many respects to the three corresponding state methods and the functional group method for the evaporation entropy.
167) The method based on the principle of maximum entropy(POME) is applied to analyze the distributions of flood forecasting errors for some typical reservoirs in humid and semi-humid regions.
168) And the associated genotype entropy and interentropy and the information coefficient of correlation among them were defined.
169) Conclusion Fuzzy relative entropy method is more significant for fuzzy pattern recognition.
170) The Crossing Entropy is defined to scale the similar level of two probability distribution.
171) But once the plasmon has strayed from that path—due in part to entropy—making the loop is no longer possible.
172) The author reflects the view from Entropya new weltanschauung, and upholds that the human being should return to the society of low entropy.
173) The uncertain information may be probable, or fuzzy, or have compound uncertainty, and can be measured respectively with probability entropy, fuzzy entropy and hybrid entropy.
174) Approach of fuzzy enhancement based on relative entropy is proposed in this paper.
175) Grasp how to calculate the entropy in a thermodynamic process.
176) Compared with gastrocnemius and soleus muscle, gastrocnemius muscle acoustic signal' approximate entropy increases faster, but Soleus muscle acoustic signal' approximate entropy increase more gently.
177) The conception of relative entropy is put forward, and signification of the entropy conception in life science, is discussed.
178) Entropy was the importance gist of estimating system's evolvement, so it was ver'y necessary to quantize system entropy.
179) And then, a method by which a fuzzy variable can be transformed into its equivalent normal random variable is put forward, and the method follows the entropy conservation principle.
180) With certain caveats, changes in flexibility that occur upon ligand binding, mutation, or changes in sample conditions can be interpreted in terms of contributions to conformational entropy.
181) The relaxation detecting of effective feature segmentation is studied before matching capability of Scene Matching Algorithm of fuzzy entropy similarity metric can be improved.
182) The analysis shows that the entropy, variance, the contrast and mean error will perform better.
183) In this paper two methods to study the transformer diagnosability are presented, one is based in information entropy, the other is based in fault matrix.
184) It should be noted that, the entropy and temperature at the end point of a isentropic process may be calculated when the pressure ratio and initial enthalpy are known.
185) Otherwise, based on the entropy of information principles, to forecast the ability of interference to motivate brittleness.
186) Image entropy calculated, the average code length,[http:///entropy.html] and coding efficiency code tree length.
187) That’s a puzzle: On a closed curve, the entropy has to finish exactly where it started, but the arrow of time says that entropy tends to increase and never decrease.
188) Aim In order to study the application of fuzzy relative entropy for fuzzy pattern recognition.
189) The entropy function is one of the important concepts in physical chemistry.
190) With the method mentioned the entropy of telecommand messages will obviously be increased and the security of transmission enhanced as well.
191) The influences of the intensity of the field, the atomic distribution angle and the dissipation constant on the linear entropy of the field are investigated.
192) Similarly, other faults entropy points in four-dimensional space can be gotten.
193) The channel error control measures applied with the message extension method were also studied. The entropy of telecommand messages would be obviously in...
194) Finally this paper point out application of relative entropy coefficient in pattern recognition.
195) Experiment results indicate that the method of edge extraction in this paper outperform entropy operator.
196) In this paper, some major methods of statistical machine translation are researched and discussed, including source-channel model and maximum entropy model.
197) The initial cut point sets for each conditional attribute based on the entropy are established.
198) Because of its unnerving irreversibility, entropy has been called the arrow of time.
199) The forecasting function is a piecewise model whose complexity is limited by the Shannon entropy of the partition.
200) Context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC) has been a normative scheme of entropy coding in video coding standards such as H. 264, AVS, for its excellent coding efficiency.
201) Secondly, the weighted relative entropy was got by integrating relative entropy of multiple measures with weighted coefficients.
202) The security of the channel is quantified in terms of the relative entropy.
203) Fuzzy entropy describes the degree of fuzziness of a fuzzy set.
204) TSK fuzzy modeling approach based on entropy criteria is presented in this paper.
205) According to multiindex characteristics of appraised design proposals, the rational weight coefficient among them is given by using the comprehensive appraisal value of maximum deviation and entropy.
206) The basic way to use synergetics to study the power system stability is established, including slaving principle, Fokker -Planck equation , information entropy theory and scale-free graph.
207) Based on Shannon entropy in information theory, this paper establishes fuzzy design structure matrix.
208) One way is use maximum entropy to estimate the probability distribution.
209) The results show that the slurry floating process is an open system. When the slurry is in the state of onflow, the entropy value is bigger.
210) The state function, entropy, is introduced by the means of a perfect gas behavior, and the second law of thermodynamics is demonstrated based on the first law.
211) The main achievements of the thesis are as follows. (1) This paper establishes an economic assessment model based on fuzzy entropy.
212) The entropy of a random experiment with disjoint fuzzy events as its results is the average of entropies of each of these fuzzy events.
213) Chapter 5 gives a summary of this paper and shows the prospects in the further study of fuzzy entropy based on credibility distributions.
214) The algorithm is composed of three parts, decorrelation preprocessor, adaptive entropy coder and output memory controlling.
215) By introducing the law of thermodynamic and the concepts of temperature, intrinsic energy and entropy.
216) Based on the convergence of bounds for the entropy rate of binary hidden Markov processes,[] a numerical approach is advanced.
217) Entropy, standard deviation, mean absolute deviation of the PD gray images are extracted and the acquired characteristics are analyzed for five types of discharge pattern recognition.
218) We utilized the combined maximum entropy homotopy method to solve the general nonconvex nonlinear programming problems.
219) Chapter 1 introduces the basic concepts of fuzziness and fuzzy sets, and reviews the research progress of fuzzy measures and fuzzy entropy.
220) Based on entropy uncertainty relation, the concept of entropy squeezing has been formulated.
221) This paper makes research on internal mechanism of regenerator from the view of entropy. The quantitative relation between the loss and the entropy increase is first derived.
222) Finally, according to the sensitive Entropy Theory, utilizing nonlinear optimization method, the probability distribution function of evaluating indicator can be figured out.
223) In order to approach the Carnot efficiency, the processes involved in the heat engine cycle must be reversible and involve no change in entropy .
224) Conditional Entropy of a function integrity of the code can be directly used by the test.
225) A distribution function of droplet volume was derived using the information entropy.
226) By comparing with the average von Neumann entropy established previously, the results show that the entanglement of multipartite pure states can also be measured in this new scheme.
227) It is shown that the algorithm based on entropy of information put forward in this paper can reflect the real cluster's situation objectively and scientifically.
228) So it represents not only a compromise between the power output and the entropy generation rate but also one between the power output and the thermal efficiency.
229) The information entropy theory is applied to transform component test data into system test data.
230) The forth chapter, see the text-matching and maximum entropy as two case explained the algorithm and implementation of role annotation. And give an example of "steal".
231) In the light of the basic principle of unit reliability assessment, the general models of entropy method synthesis are established for system reliability first approximate confidence limits.
232) For an opened Ising chain with an alternating magnetic field, the bipartite entanglement entropy decreases when the strength of the alternating field increases.
233) Provided that the entropy weight decision-making method can used in architecture bidding projects feasibly.
234) Generally speaking, the work of this thesis has made further improvements on the transform, quantization and entropy coding techniques of the AVS video coding section.
235) Based on this, the veracity of the rotor fault diagnosis can be improved through the distance of the information entropy curve chart at the multispeed.
236) In fact, the existing and developing process of the dissipative structure system is the process in which negentropy is realized and entropy increase is suppressed.
237) The approach used in this paper can give temperature and the surface density of entropy at every point on the horizon.
238) By quantizing the knowledge management entropy and dissipative structure negentropy, basic standard to judge the system is established.
239) Total entropy criterion and Gibbs function criterion play important roles in chemical thermodynamics.
240) The attribute weight and weighted support of default regular are defined by using the conditional entropy and a mining algorithm of default regulars are given for inconsistent database.
241) Estimations of the isosteric enthalpy of adsorption, free energy, and entropy of adsorption were reported and the adsorption behaviors were reasonably interpreted.
242) In order to combine the advantages of various models and overcome their disadvantages , this paper proposes a combination model for load forecasting based on conditional entropy.
243) This paper contributes both to the theoretical researches on fuzzy entropy and the applications of fuzzy entropy.
244) Shannon's mutual information and fuzzy entropy clustering based oil analysis method was presented.
245) This paper introduces the proposition of non extensive entropy, and the application in astrophysics.
246) Objective To introduce the ideas of entropy method and to explore its applications in diagnostic test.
247) And that's consistent with other things that we've seen, Remember the whole thing about the perfect crystal at zero degrees Kelvin has zero entropy It's completely ordered.
248) Through fuzzy interval arithmetic based on level sets and optimistic index the entropy weight is given, then the thesis analyses and evaluates maintenance project according to entropy weight.
249) In the paper, we get two method for nonsmooth semi-infinite programming and study the convergence of them which are built on the properties of the Adjustable Entropy Function.
250) In this paper, a combined expression is introduced from the span of a scattering matrix, polarimetric entropy and similarity parameters.
251) Secondly, the paper optimizes the coal distribution logistics system based on the theory of dissipative structure, and makes the entropy of the system keep in a low level.
252) We gave a new equation of state density by the generalized uncertainty relation, studied black hole entropy on degenerate background of sphere symmetry.
253) This paper expounds the importance scientific sublation plays in inducing the formulae of derivation and physical entropy, and examines the interrelation and relevance of entropy in different fields.
254) Estimations of the isosteric enthalpy of adsorption, free energy, and entropy of adsorption are reported and, the adsorption behaviors are reasonably interpreted.
255) Infinitely many convex functions with quality factors better than that of the convex function in entropy were discovered.
256) In this paper, a new method based on entropy and the formant energy of Chinese vowels is proposed and overlapped segmenting scheme is introduced, which can accurately segment the I/F.
257) Information entropy and conditional information entropy are defined to express indispensable of attributes under incomplete information systems.
258) Meanwhile, through the privacy key analysis, the histogram analysis, the information entropy, the average value of gray change and the relevant analysis, the security of this algorithm is very high.
259) This paper introduces a local entropy - based multi - resolution image fusion technique.
260) The phrase segmentation probability model is considered as an independent feature and added into the statistical machine translation system based on maximum entropy model easily.
261) Then according to statistic analysis including interband correlation and entropy, etc. the selection of the optimal bands of TM was discussed.
262) New concepts of the likelihood function and the fuzzy alternation entropy are given based on fuzzy information theory, and their properties are discussed.
263) The laws of thermodynamics involve a concept called entropy for irreversible thermodynamic processes.
264) The entropy adaptative aggregation algorithm is proposed to simplify the computation.
265) An improved method has been proposed for the simple context modeling procedure in the entropy coding in SPIHT.
266) The association between fault characteristics and EMD entropy and EMD singular entropy are illustrated.
267) The paper measures and analyzes change of China's industrial structure from 1987 to 2002 based on an Input-output table cross entropy updating method. We draw the following conclusions.
268) An Automatic Face Recognition Method based on independent component analysis and Maximum Entropy Modeling is proposed in this paper.
269) We looked at pressure change before, actually, in discussing the third law, the fact that the entropy goes to zero as the absolute temperature goes to zero for a pure,perfect crystal.
270) Entropy is a measure of complexity, and if you add complexity now because of a just-in-time solution to a problem, you must pay some price for that for the remaining life of the project.
271) Taking maximum typhoon wave height series observed at Nakagusukuwan Observation Station in Japan, Poisson-maximum entropy distribution is presented to calculate typhoon wave height return values.
272) By the indicators of Industrial sites Gini coefficient, location entropy, regional division of labor index and so on, this article analyze the agglomeration status, diffuse change degree and tendency.




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