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单词 Criterion
(1) Senior managers stipulated work-life balance as their main criterion when choosing jobs.
(2) Academic ability is not the sole criterion for admission to the college.
(3) bacillus, bacilli * larva, larvae * criterion, criteria.
(4) The main criterion is value for money.
(5) By this criterion, very few people are suitable.
(6) Score each criterion on a scale of 1 to 5.
(7) Now the examination score serves as the only criterion for a student's academic performance.
(8) The most important criterion for entry is that applicants must design and make their own work.
(9) Therefore, the main criterion is value for money.
(10) The first-best criterion relates only to allocative efficiency.
(11) This sounds like a criterion for literary language.
(12) Our criterion for assessing the models is simple.
(13) The only criterion is that of mutual comprehension.
(14) The company's criterion for success is high sales.
(15) Like that criterion, it seems very mild.
(16) Simplistic hierarchies do not meet this criterion.
(17) Some line experience appears a main criterion.
(18) Whichever, both entries fulfil my third criterion.
(19) One crucial criterion in justifying a screening programme is that intervention is more effective in presymptomatic disease than after symptoms have appeared.
(20) To be sure, this is not the only criterion: the voices of other Christians may be very confused.
(21) This difference of criterion as to the character of the conflict was reflected in the way power was handled on each side.
(22) This notion of a criterion could be used to show the argument from analogy to be unnecessary.
(23) The use of unemployment rates as a criterion of the effectiveness of regional policies is of limited value.
(24) The criterion is the number of years before the pre-tax cash receipts from the project pay back the capital invested.
(25) In other cases a criterion may be needed, and one frequently used is the payback period.
(26) Success in making money is not always a good criterion of success in life.
(27) This implies two criteria of relevance for the selection of stylistic features: a literary criterion and a linguistic criterion.
(28) This establishes at the outset for both parties the criterion for evaluation of work done.
(29) We shall refer to this as the minimum variance criterion.
(30) Note that criteria, data and dicta are plural words: the singulars are criterion, datum and dictum.
(1) Senior managers stipulated work-life balance as their main criterion when choosing jobs.
(2) Academic ability is not the sole criterion for admission to the college.
(31) Remarks such as these indicate that Lakatos aimed to propose a universal criterion for judging research programmes in particular and scientific progress in general.
(32) Assertions that intention is the sole criterion of validity are few, suspect, and found only in post-classical texts.
(33) The second criterion, a bit more calculating, is the phonetic makeup of the word.
(34) Even reasonably just states claim more extensive authority than they are entitled to by that criterion.
(35) The nationality of the owner was the criterion applied by all the member states of the Community. 39.
(36) In this respect, the basic criterion for normality is not actual occurrence but contextual plausibility.
(37) Landman's Criterion Calm; smoke rises vertically Direction of wind shown by smoke drift but not by wind vanes.
(38) Further experimentation might lead to the identification of other difficulty factors which could be incorporated into criterion statements.
(39) A criterion referenced marking schedule is used to assess the students at each clinical station.
(40) In real life, the criterion for selection is always short-term, either simple survival or, more generally, reproductive success.
(41) The merit of the project in relation to each criterion is assessed in terms of the five classes, ranging from very good to very poor.
(42) The usual criterion for skilled work is the serving of an apprenticeship.
(43) Their hope was that the statement could be used as the principal criterion for selecting an appropriate organization structure.
(44) Thus age should not be the sole criterion for withholding aggressive treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in older patients.
(45) In 1 Cor 12: 2-3, Paul gives the Christological criterion for evaluating any alleged gift.
(46) Frequency rarely seems to be the criterion for adding special circumstances.
(47) Thomas made participation in chapel activities an important criterion for network strength.
(48) Different methods can influence the difficulty of test items and so the precision in the criterion statement may still prove illusory.
(49) So if one picks fourth-wall busting as the decisive criterion, the first big sitcom was also the first postmodern sitcom.
(50) Rather than base my lifestyle on magazine alerts and warnings, I choose to continue with my double-breasted blazer criterion.
(51) A gene has only one criterion by which posterity judges it: whether it becomes an ancestor of other genes.
(52) It is as if the only criterion used for calculating my car insurance premium was the type of car I am driving.
(53) From direct apprehension of truth as object we have gone to a criterion of truth that oscillates between subject and object.
(54) This third criterion is related to whether you feel this new person is friend or foe.
(55) Some criterion must then be devised for dividing these shares between the potentially more than 2 million investor applications.
(56) I am increasingly concerned that validators increasingly fail to use as an important criterion the total experience of a student.
(57) However, apposition is distinguished from co-ordination by criterion B, since the conjunction of co-referential elements is unacceptable.
(58) It would be better to fit a line which met some predetermined criterion.
(58) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(59) Clearly the criterion for survival has little to do with narrative verve alone.
(60) Furthermore, the packets were too costly for the average people to buy, conflicting with the second criterion.
(61) This would have involved giving the criterion of gender identity precedence over physiological criteria.
(62) The criterion moves closer to asking whether the courts believe that the exercise of discretion was reasonable.
(63) Intestinal metaplasia in four or more biopsy specimens was the main criterion for inclusion in the study.
(64) If a child is not able to meet this criterion, then the method is not appropriate.
(65) But the case of Auerbach merely serves to illustrate how ill-founded the criterion is.
(66) But they clearly were not the best of their time, and that should be the No. 1 voting criterion.
(67) Other researchers use less strict criteria and claim to find competence where Piagetians, using their criterion, do not.
(68) The extreme rationalist sees the decisions and choices of scientists as being guided by the universal criterion.
(69) This is in contrast with questions on criterion 2a: association of appropriate units with a length to be measured.
(70) Thus, most of the research they discuss does not even meet the criterion they chose for their review.
(71) Regional policy recommended closure only on the last criterion but there is a discrepancy between national ideology and local educational policy.
(72) Criteria Unless there is a quantitative criterion there is no objective, only a pious hope of better times.
(73) No preference was stated; recent personal knowledge was given as the criterion.
(74) The presence or absence of reflux symptoms was not used as a selection criterion for asthmatics.
(75) Indeed, it is the disinterested character of the reactions which is the criterion for being aware from other people's viewpoints.
(76) There will be no point telling speakers they are using prevaricate wrongly, because usage is the main criterion for meaning.
(77) Such a position is not just a correction of Kant but a fundamental rejection in favor of another and more adequate criterion.
(78) I regard the most important criterion as an improvement in the delivery of patient care by the hospital in question.
(79) Success is not guaranteed by applying this criterion of selection.
(80) The Manhattan Project, which ushered in the nuclear age with all its benefits and horrors, obviously fits this criterion.
(81) The basic criterion for survival is that the crushing strength be greater than the maximum aerodynamic pressure experienced during atmospheric entry.
(82) Every research study needs to be assessed on the criterion of whether it measures up to its own stated objectives.
(83) Are they going to take area rather than population as the criterion now?
(84) Patients catch on to the criterion after a short while and soon are hearing a yes after each card.
(85) Though it no longer has the same resonance, it remains an important criterion.
(86) This sort of response was also noted in the sample task for criterion 1a.
(87) To apply the social efficiency criterion the government needs information on social costs and benefits.
(88) I describe experiments making use of this criterion in the following chapter.
(89) User satisfaction is another criterion which may provide a more global measure to evaluate interactive online catalogues.
(90) Ratifying the Criteria Approval of each criterion by the practitioners is obtained through ratification.
(91) Patients were divided into three groups according to the presence of histological gastritis and evidence of H pylori infection by at least one criterion.
(92) A first criterion might be that the treatment at least has to be considered acceptable to the majority of the local culture.
(93) Second, when they are raised, they are resolved according to the simple criterion of political muscle power.
(94) An objective criterion is a typically social construct and presupposes a degree of inter-subjective understanding and cooperation.
(95) Some of Lakatos's remarks suggest that his criterion of rationality was intended to guide theory choice.
(96) A dot is placed in the appropriate column opposite each criterion and the dots are joined up by a line.
(97) The criterion for selection was mainly that of sufficient coverage in the corpus, as outlined above.
(98) With this criterion in mind she'd picked a neat black cotton dress, short-sleeved and V-necked.
(99) With this criterion Euripides adjusted all the elements of the drama: language, characters, structure and choral music.
(100) It seems better not to include it as a criterion of value, once it is clearly distinguished from probability.
(101) Their utilitarian contribution to our welfare should not, in other words, be our criterion as to whether they survive or not.
(102) A criterion of instant and obvious utility can not be the sole criterion for the inclusion of items in the school curriculum.
(103) These criticisms of stratification theory derive from the known importance of gender as a criterion of social differentiation in modern society.
(104) It can occur when age is used as a criterion for redundancy or early retirement.
(105) Examples of assessment tasks accompanying the criterion statements may help to pinpoint more precisely the domain referred to in a criterion statement.
(106) How few human beings in the entire galaxy could fulfil that criterion!
(107) The problems of criterion validity nicely illustrate the difficulty of finding any solid foundation on which to construct a psychometric measure.
(108) There is no neutral, objective, external criterion for reality or rationality.
(109) The main criterion for subdivision of the detrital rocks is grain size, given as the diameter of the grain in millimeters.
(110) There is no Truth, nor any unambiguous criterion for agreeing upon what constitutes correct knowledge about society.
(111) Criterion B implies that apposition resembles co-ordination in that the units in apposition are constituents of the same level.
(112) A criterion of reasonableness or rational basis is obviously a narrower standard of review.
(113) Cascaded identical sections that meet this criterion are all identically loaded and, therefore, behave identically.
(114) The sole criterion is the market price of the land.
(115) The criterion for a gap junction was a minimum of 20 membrane particles in a plaque.
(116) Population is, of necessity, the starting point for consideration and the controlling criterion for judgment in legislative apportionment controversies.
(117) The yield criterion requires that the highest possible yield be earned that is consistent with the safety and liquidity criteria.
(118) One problem is that we may have no clear criterion for dividing up the workforce into classes and strata.
(118) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(119) Wilson and Connerly also are mulling a ban on using race as a criterion in awarding financial aid, the sources said.
(120) Weber also saw ownership of wealth as an important criterion for distinguishing classes.
(121) Both Nash reversion and Abreu's simple penal codes are subgame perfect equilibrium strategies and so satisfy this criterion of credibility.
(122) Correspondingly, high-level achievements in research all too easily serve as a sufficient criterion for academic excellence.
(123) A valuer who knows what he is doing will value on the basis of one key criterion: available future cash flow.
(124) The place value identification of criterion 1a is required in addition to the distributive law and this combination proved very demanding for low attainers.
(125) Birds are much lower on the evolutionary scale, which is another criterion in determining what we consider cruelty to animals.
(126) The third untruth is that world prices are a valid criterion for deciding the direction that agricultural production should take.
(127) Character as a Criterion Character is the motivation behind right actions: Responsibility is a desirable character attribute.
(128) Age was not the only criterion in his choice of parts.
(129) One criterion for a patient's inclusion in this study was that pyloric stenosis had to be confirmed at surgery.
(130) The main criterion for an effective service must be that it is staffed by experienced professionals who are appropriately qualified.
(131) But many borrowers choose an appealing discount deal as the sole criterion when they take out a loan.
(132) The optimal systems differ according to the criterion chosen.
(133) Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.
(134) This is the final criterion of veterinary practice.
(135) Practice is the sole criterion of truth.
(136) Only social practice can be the criterion of truth.
(137) Criterion stock price keeps present price changeless.
(138) Moreover, the new concepts of ecological optimization criterion and finite time availability are presented.
(139) The criterion of irreversibility is also not decisive for the interpretation of demarcation of developmental homeostasis.
(140) It's unpopularity with their enemies became a criterion of its merit.
(141) In-depth reform must be taken in the admittance criterion, the transaction mechanism, and the interest rate system, as well as the supervision of interbank market.
(142) And its criterion is correspondence in meaning and similarity in function.
(143) His profession was that logic was not the sole criterion of art.
(144) Coherence has been said to be a criterion, but not a definition of truth.
(145) Timeliness is important as it defines the response - time criterion in advance of the system's implementation.
(146) In this paper, the portfolio investment model with probability criterion is investigated.
(147) Establishing criterion for investment of a nation's resources is crucially important for poor countries.
(148) This is the most distinctive criterion for identifying the nature of events.
(149) So the minus volatile as the criterion to judge the unqualified mica paper tape.
(150) The most distinctive criterion for identifying the nature of events is moveout.
(151) The iterative process may be continued until some criterion for convergence is met.




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