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单词 It seems that
1. It seems that the disease is now under control.
2. It seems that they know what they're doing.
3. It seems that light energy will be an important subject of scientific research in the future.
4. Lend an ear to him. It seems that he knows the whole story.
5. It seems that what lay behind the clashes was disagreement over the list of candidates.
6. It seems that the attack was a gratuitous/random/mindless act of violence.
7. I know it seems that only love what you are trained to live up to what extent.
8. It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of hristmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.
9. It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.
10. It seems that loyalty has gone by the board.
11. It seems that the trade gap is widening .
12. She seems to be right/It seems that she's right.
13. It seems that we have missed our chance.
14. It seems that you are lying.
15. It seems that he is drawing up something.
16. It seems that the hospital's days are numbered.
17. It seems that all is not well at home.
18. It seems that we are not welcome here.
19. It seems that all countries decay in time.
20. It seems that the suit has to hang over till its next session.
21. It seems that the armed clash is necessitated between the two countries.
22. It seems that old prejudices are still lurking beneath the surface.
23. It seems that the suitcase has been knocking about upstairs for years.
24. It seems that Tony has left the band for good .
25. It seems that the original suspect is in the clear.
26. It seems that politicians, like ordinary citizens, are conflicted about gambling.
27. It seems that the report is loaded in favour of the developers.
28. It seems that you are letting things get you down.
29. It seems that the '60s era of social activism is all but a dim memory.
30. It seems that the higher you rise, the less time you have to actually do your job.
1. It seems that the disease is now under control.
2. It seems that they know what they're doing.
3. It seems that light energy will be an important subject of scientific research in the future.
4. Lend an ear to him. It seems that he knows the whole story.
5. It seems that what lay behind the clashes was disagreement over the list of candidates.
6. It seems that the attack was a gratuitous/random/mindless act of violence.
31. It seems that he's been knocking about here for years.
32. It seems that some people still believe in sorcery and black magic.
33. It seems that the private lives of movie stars never fail to fascinate.
34. It seems that while the Kiwis are keen to have him, he is still open to offers.
35. It seems that we have a deal, so let's shake on it.
36. It seems that the so-called new theory is likely to sink into oblivion.
37. It seems that the bad weather of last winter will repeat itself this year.
38. It seems that the plane just broke up in the air.
39. It seems that the planes deliberately violated the cease-fire agreement.
40. It seems that the deal was made behind closed doors.
41. It seems that the attack this morning was very carefully planned to cause few casualties.
42. It seems that the Ostler Press is also interested.
43. It seems that someone forgot to lock the door.
44. It seems that laughter needs an echo. Henri Bergson 
45. Nevertheless, it seems that the journey was worth making.
46. It seems that frescoes were also executed on floors.
47. Initially it seems that every waking moment is filled with memories of the relationship that is lost.
48. Indeed, it seems that in some cases an interpretation in terms of emphasis is quite inappropriate.
49. It seems that a new vocabulary was emerging for describing the physical events of women's lives.
50. And it seems that nothing, not even one of Baldrick's cunning plans, can save them.
51. It seems that there are definite survival advantages to believing in free will and responsibility for one's actions.
52. It seems that the only recourse a sufferer now has is to appeal to the landlord.
53. Now, after experiment rather than speculation, it seems that stabilimenta are really early warning landmarks for birds.
54. Once eukaryotes had evolved, it seems that opportunities for genetic exchange would have been severely limited.
55. So it seems that Ras can be activated by merely increasing the total cellular concentration of activator, without requiring receptor-dependent modification.
56. It seems that every time I turn around, he is checking up on me.
57. And as Mike Rowbottom reports, it seems that a trawl around the attic can turn out to be very profitable.
58. Whatever the protests, it seems that Hospital's days are numbered.
59. It seems that if you're after a mini people carrier, this is cheaper to run than all the others.
60. It seems that such a re-investigation may take place without negative implications.
61. In fact, it seems that this chintz was the product of a relationship rather than a society.
62. It seems that new recruits were likely to have been the spies of political opponents or officers of the Special Branch.
63. It seems that anxious people condition most easily and it is thought that irrational fears are established in this way.
64. Suddenly it seems that only certain avenues are considered as suitable options for you.
65. It seems that we no longer take pride in our oral heritage.
65. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
66. In fact, it seems that the best modern art exhibitions are going on out there in various institutions and building lobbies.
67. However, it seems that some additional finance will have to be raised to finance the proposed purchase of property.
68. For quantum systems it seems that once they have met there is never true parting.
69. It seems that while the definition of the word multimedia has changed, the baloney factor hasn't.
70. It seems that our collective wish for this state is so strong that we are quite unable to contemplate the opposite.
71. It seems that the centre flourished and that by the early 1980s it had over 300 pupils and 31 part-time teachers.
72. But it seems that his interest in primitive ritual had led him to place his own stress on life as a ritual.
73. It seems that the symbolic giving of medication has a therapeutic value.
74. It seems that limited settings or subjects are particularly suited to the crime short story.
75. It seems that personal equity plans are here to stay - even if not in the form that Nigel Lawson intended.
76. In all, it seems that Leapor has, at last, been recognized as a poet worthy of serious consideration.
77. It seems that the framers of the Act wanted to update the terminology, but not to change the concept.
78. The more mythological growth hacked through, the less likely it seems that a clearing will ever be reached.
79. At times, it seems that Benson is unable to simply roll the camera and let them do their stuff.
80. It seems that Leapor absolutely rejected the idea of seeking a patron through a dedication.
81. It seems that on human relationships within the prison the long-term effects of the Ruiz decision have been mostly negative.
82. It seems that symmetry is a useful means of combating a dominant force, such as gravity.
83. But it seems that the assumption underlying this method is incorrect.
84. It seems that the issue of friendship is significant in respect to almost every area of Leapor's writing.
85. It seems that our pursuit of happiness is proving to be much more radical than we bargained for.
86. So it seems that evolution has led to increasing intelligence simply because it has led to increasing body size.
87. It seems that the nine-month gestation period has a psychological as well as a physical reality in human life.
88. It seems that he struggled with the robber and got quite seriously hurt.
89. It seems that matters have fallen behind schedule and need to be put back on the rails.
90. Thenceforth, it seems that everything is in ecstatic motion, and the church itself is circling round.
91. It seems that many people find this a difficult position to adhere to in a serious way.
92. It seems that they are not gods exactly, but made of the same stuff as gods.
93. It seems that they matured in age, yet, they did not change with the times of today.
94. But it seems that information technology is affecting human sexuality, too.
95. It seems that George Orwell's doublethink is well and truly alive in Nottingham.
95. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
96. It seems that the ideals of the supposed alternative comedians had filtered through about eight years too late.
97. It seems that they are designed and marketed to challenge the world's top players to the extreme.
98. It seems that the new law can be circumvented by local entities.
99. It seems that one of your students cheated on the test.
100. In general it seems that the greater the learning difficulties, the more didactic is the approach and the more controlling the relationship.
101. It seems that he had reached the depths of despair, and he finally took his own life.
102. It seems that reasonable cars and the black community, at least in the eyes of the police, do not go together.
103. It seems that for every additional piece of knowledge we acquire about human physiology and disease, new questions are raised.
104. It seems that she was fated to be alone in life.
105. She had died during the night, and it seems that Maurice Haigh-Wood telephoned Carlyle Mansions very early in the morning.
106. It seems that people find it easier to find fault with ideas than to build them up into something better.
107. However, it seems that the principle is not confined to such cases.
108. It seems that in the view of some of her acquaintances, Leapor was simply an ugly woman.
109. It seems that the government is prepared to let all our hospitals and schools go to rack and ruin.
110. Now it seems that Mom has her head in the medicine cabinet and divorce papers in her hand.
111. It seems that there is a schism in the ruling party over the plan.
112. It seems that the genuine offspring might gain some protection by becoming part of an enlarged brood.
113. It seems that buying and selling remainders is the lowest form of bookselling, and is often treated as such.
114. It seems that such facts are wholly irrelevant, at least in the standard case of discovery by a party to the action.
115. It seems that it never occurred to Rosa Lee to see to it that her kids had a decent education.
116. It seems that every few decades in this country we have a major battle over divorce law reform.
117. It seems that these patterns are maintained by insider knowledge depending on the extent to which speakers belong to relatively close-knit groups.
118. It seems that primitive peoples ate human flesh for broadly two reasons.
119. It seems that the weight of the evidence is in favour of quantum mechanics and against local reality.
120. It seems that this was their means of asserting their continuing independence of Moscow.
121. From empirical evidence it seems that species that interact freely with others do so with a great number of other species.
122. It seems that every time Robin sets sail in his venerable old craft he picks up some award or other.
123. It seems that in the world of contemporary art a gentleman's word is no longer his bond.
124. It seems that no one had bothered to check with manufacturing concerning how such a fin could be fabricated or installed.
125. Now, however, it seems that the route to success may once again involve going back to basics.
126. It seems that even Toulouse-Lautrec thinks he is in with a chance.
127. Whichever, it seems that Arsenio isn't quite the sort of cultural diplomat I had optimistically pictured.
128. It seems that Dave had come to the conclusion that both he and his firm had reached a sort of crossroads.
129. It seems that the lamp and control gear industries are at odds with each other.
130. Now, however, it seems that even among the top designers, obsolescence is obsolete.
131. Although the position is not entirely clear, it seems that a court construing the terms will take punctuation into account.
132. It seems that on receipt of the documents, potential competitors were able to consider the implications and appreciate the pit-falls.
133. It seems that Freemantle was uneasy about poems which even in the most literal sense made the poet look bad.
134. There are times when it seems that only hostile forces exist, that no helpful ones are about.
135. But if police safety is what we want, it seems that is most easily achieved in a police state.
136. It seems that the remembered visual image replaces input from the retina.
137. So it seems that over the years pandas have learned to enjoy food which was in great abundance.
138. It seems that Hamilton received independent confirmation of how good the School was.
139. It seems that many buildings will soon become unsafe unless there is a big increase in funds available for much-needed work.
140. It seems that everyone in Sierra has been driven mad by the heat.
141. In the Malthusian struggle of cat and bird, it seems that first one prevails and then the other.
142. Within literary discourses, it seems that lyric poetry is the genre least likely to assist us.
143. It seems that these two RHAs were singled out as examples, since elsewhere the pace of change was slow.
144. It seems that medics have not changed much over a hundred years.
145. As in the Reich, it seems that they had gained votes at the expense of the middle-class Centre Party.
146. In this case, it seems that the DoE will decide behind closed doors.
147. On this point it seems that the Literary Digest Poll and others committed two errors.
148. It seems that the staff were inclined to regard the women as light relief from the sombre business of teaching science.
149. But it seems that these profit-hungry hospitals have found a way of practising legalised euthanasia.
150. Don't become despondent just because it seems that your employer is keen to drive a hard bargain.
151. It seems that baby talk is a natural response that babies elicit from adults!
152. It seems that this is a case that will stand or fall on its own particular facts.
153. It seems that he meets with several fellows regularly for an early morning walk.
154. It seems that every police car is brand-new, and Hussein's soldiers sport crisp, new uniforms.
155. It seems that the effect of Pleistocene sea levels may, in fact, be evident on a more modest scale.
156. It seems that the procedure, just outlined, for the creation of new criminal offences has fallen into disuse.
157. It seems that most chairmen do offer a brief explanation of the tribunal's procedures, though these may be rather perfunctory.
158. But it seems that I can not rid myself of this fear of running short of money.
159. It seems that they are still working on how to use their time and some students are falling behind in their work.
160. It seems that the Battler and Rico let fly at somebody who was coming out of the back door of the Regal Arms.
161. It seems that he had a breakdown on the way back and had to walk.
162. Sadly, it seems that he has failed to grasp the relationship between the district council and the board.
163. It seems that the warehouse workers decided to blast it loose with dynamite.
164. From the experiences of foreign countries, it seems that comprehensive policy for the management of the cost of phamaceuticals is necessary for better result.
165. It seems that the sport full with male spirit, but in fact the major is aerobatic exercise. People can unbosom themselves, reduce pressure and keep fit through swing fist, kick and shot.
166. Indeed, it seems that Mussorgsky enshrined the soul of the Russia nation, Delius make people think of the British Gardens of the Word.
167. The cognitive pragmatic approach to metonymy, it seems that(), has complemented the cognitive semantics to a comprehensive and systematical study.
168. It seems that we prefer self-gratification than the quality of life which our children will inherit.
169. They say we tend to view the past through rose-tinted spectacles but it seems that is far from a universal rule.
170. It seems that for some sufferers hypochondria is a way of guaranteeing inviolable privacy; consider Proust laboring in his cork-lined room.
171. It seems that the ideas of both are on contrary. In fact, they happen to be penetrable and agreeable in depth.
172. As we now, it seems that what is so difficult, we lack is the kind of commitment of our bold innovation was to go beyond the conventional model, continuous breakthroughs, look for opportunities.
173. Then it seems that you were the first to use the method of applied mechanics to research microchip structure. Moreover you have unceasingly promoted this kind of research.
174. It seems that the fifth man is one John Cairncross.
175. Flash seems that father has always been the "First One" of the family!
176. It seems that he enjoys the hustle and bustle of life in the big city.
177. It can embed into other software, so it seems that the software has professional encipherment function.
178. Shoe of small crew cut, grey dacron drill, round day, black in rubicund face bestrewed furrow, person of 58 years old has 779 years old however it seems that.
179. It seems that yesterday the character count on the character copy page got a reset, maybe it's just a test, maybe it means we can expect the 2.4 patch on PTRs today.
180. Chinese wholesome clean has manufacturing company, in these year in market competition, the competition between a few tycoons is having inextricability complex with water it seems that.
181. It seems that every week the Chinese media tell of a hospital denying treatment that costs only $50, leading to the death of a poor person who had no cash on him.
182. It seems that it's a trend to release a phone or a tablet without a official release event.
183. However, it seems that fewer and fewer people sleep the optimum number of hours.
184. Now it seems that rockers bring similar comfort to elderly sufferers of dementia.
185. It seems that close to me, on the side yard to a grid, but I always find it.
186. He reached back into Latin and Greek and it seems that the root word for gnome means "earth-dwelling."
187. Apparent, do not have to promote commerce the clear process of additional cost it seems that through can seeing the network shoves a hand this at 3 o'clock.
188. It seems that mergers of satellite galaxies should be the most likely mechanism several giga years ago.
189. Talking about that dragon treble clef pendant, it seems that you especially have luck with dragons!
190. When we see the cane chair, it seems that we see him sitting there, writing quickly in excitement.
191. "It seems that you're capable at full carbohydrate loading of running a 2:44 marathon, " he says.
192. It seems that the patients with corticocerebral infarction response better, but curative effect in 2 patients with cerebral infarction were not satisfaction.
193. Based on differential analysis of the light curve, it seems that the epidermic cell layer could facilitate the averaging light absorbance between different tissue layers within a leaf.
194. When it comes to China, it seems that no proof or evidence is needed to make a judgement as the country is automatically branded "evil", as if no "evilness" exists outside of it.
195. But wait, it seems that a minor confectionary revolution is afoot.
196. It seems that an spanish politician, Giner de los Rios, met V. I. Lenin during a train trip.
197. Ends of the earth, is the most southern Hainan Island landscape with rock groups, Hainan travel itinerary, tourists now, it seems that the world's end.
198. It seems that all the time we spent together is to be remindful. It seems that all my memories are redundant. Undoubtedly, I know, I can barely forget you.
199. What's more, it seems that mucus could be trapping the virus, which is then expelled before it can replicate, says Thijs Kuiken of the Erasmus Medical Centre in the Netherlands.
200. It seems that other tone-deaf people also have concerns about God not understanding their silence in song.
201. It seems that the rank and file of the party hadn't been consulted.
202. It seems that the proof of Pythagoras's theorem comes pretty much from just consulting the ideas of Euclidean triangle(), the exhume of Euclidean geometry and simply doing inferences from those.
203. I never care to borrow books from other people or a library. It seems that books bought can better satisfy my bibliomania than books borrowed.




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更新时间:2025/2/1 5:10:39