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单词 Constructible
1. The associated topology is the constructible topology on X.
2. A constructible definition of the directed acyclic graph was described, and the reason why exists a solution that does not exceed the total execution time of all tasks was explained.
3. A new curriculum reform is to initiate the constructible learning, promoting the educational character.
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4. Sujia Industrial Cluster Land: A constructible land of 1.94 square km is newly planned, with Fengyuan Shoemaking as the head, to take full advantage of land source to develop large projects.
5. The algebraic system, on the other hand, makes up for the loss of elasticity and animation by being immediately "constructible."
6. In the thesis, two constructible definitions for DAG are put forward to make it intuitive and operable.
7. Copy constructible types must be able to be constructed from another member of the type.
8. It is still with restraint in respect of city coverage due to limited amount of constructible land, and the non-subsidence area in particular.
9. A type T might be Cloneable even though it is not Assignable or Copy Constructible.
10. Some new methods or approaches are provided for developing constructible , extensible open software systems.
11. If neither the second nor third option above is a valid option, T must be copy constructible and assignable.
12. It must be convertible to a raw pointer and constructible from a raw pointer.
13. Can be used for types that are neither Assignable nor Copy Constructible.
14. Dedicated to studying the diabolo handicraft, Li Hongkuan has produced re- constructible diabolos, making them very portable.
15. The two functions represent a layer of indirection which is necessary to support classes that are not Copy Constructible by default.
16. He conceived the first proof that the 17 - sided polygon is constructible.
17. Hovering the cursor over either diagram white space or a modeling element causes a bar to appear that contains the icons that represent context specific constructible elements.




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