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单词 Frustrating
1. My job can be very frustrating sometimes.
2. I found the delays intensely frustrating.
3. The current situation is very frustrating for us.
4. It's frustrating to have to wait so long.
5. It was rather frustrating for all of us.
6. I'm pretty desk-bound, which is very frustrating.
7. It was a demeaning and ultimately frustrating experience.
8. This is an immensely frustrating experience for the student.
9. I know it's frustrating, but don't let it get you down.
10. We spent a frustrating five minutes while the pilot warmed up the engines.
11. I find it frustrating that I can't speak other languages.
12. Consultants found the experience frustrating - their reports were only partly implemented, or, worse still, just pigeonholed.
13. The continuing civil war is frustrating the efforts of relief agencies to feed thousands of famine victims.
14. The frustrating thing is, they probably won't even be in when we get there.
15. Nothing is more frustrating to a public servant.
16. This was more frustrating because of the missed opportunities.
17. If the job is frustrating, change to something else.
18. It was all so frustrating, infuriating.
19. They can also create boring, frustrating mechanical jobs.
20. To be a pawn is very frustrating.
21. It was even more frustrating for Harry.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. It's very frustrating being in prison.
23. He was smiling, frustrating Jerome in some mysterious way.
24. The two games previous to this were very frustrating.
25. This was all very frustrating for Keynes.
26. Learning a new language can be a frustrating experience.
27. Choosing the right software can be time-consuming at best and confusing or frustrating at worst .
28. He doesn't listen to what I say and it's so frustrating.
29. I felt sorry for him and his colleagues — it must have been so frustrating for them.
30. Such individuals who take up this role often find life frustrating.
1. My job can be very frustrating sometimes.
2. I found the delays intensely frustrating.
3. The current situation is very frustrating for us.
4. It was a demeaning and ultimately frustrating experience.
31. Everything was so unfair, so bitterly frustrating.
32. That's what makes it so frustrating.
33. As more people log on, they experience frustrating delays.
34. But their frustrating, slow tempo is only half the reason.
35. The Ford stake is aimed at frustrating the proposed deal between Jaguar and General Motors.
36. The basics of searching Searching the Internet for information can be both a frustrating experience and a rewarding one.
37. It was so frustrating because I wanted to please our customers, but! was constantly having to say no.
38. The vagueness of guidelines and frequent and inconsistent ministerial interventions were frustrating for management of nationalized boards.
39. In this case, it was very frustrating because we almost had a jury.
40. But despite the desire, most people still find it frustrating to turn their ideas into actuality.
41. Many callers have had frustrating experiences with customer service lines.
42. The editor then began a long and frustrating effort to obtain permission.
43. One of the most frustrating aspects of the game is its combat system, particularly the process of making soldiers.
44. He finished second to Strike the Gold in the 1991 Kentucky Derby in a frustrating trip from post 15.
45. Of course, there are times when it's frustrating - it can take me twice as long to find anything, for example.
46. What made it so frustrating for us all was that we knew we shouldn't have lost that series.
47. George said he always found it frustrating to play with Robbie because his son rarely seemed interested in playing with him.
48. But it is full of frustrating inconsistencies, with the central auto-da-fe scene standing out in almost shocking relief from everything else.
49. All this is by way of saying the ego of film makers is a very frustrating thing.
50. A lesson had been learned, but not fully accepted im-mediately, and it was enormously frustrating.
51. Most notably, it bans firms from frustrating a bidder by crippling themselves with debt or swallowing poison pills.
51. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
52. Once we're found that favourite shape, there is nothing more frustrating than discovering that fashion has made it obsolete.
53. It is frustrating, confusing and severely diminishes the pleasure the writing could bring.
54. It's bad enough trying to fly with unequal line lengths; having an asymmetric kite can be most frustrating!
55. It did mean that keeping the Seayak on a bearing in a big sea was a somewhat tiring and frustrating battle.
56. The conspiracy succeeded in frustrating the United Nations war crimes investigation.
57. Which is precisely why the new data on women and drinking is so frustrating.
58. Indeed, many of my hon. Friends find it frustrating that regional issues are seldom debated in the House.
59. Of course, this is the most frustrating way to think about school reform.
60. Help at hand Away with vine weevil Pippa Greenwood outwits this frustrating plant predator.
61. This simply slows the flow of traffic and causes unnecessary and frustrating delays.
62. These shortcomings are most frustrating when it comes to the vital question of what to do next.
63. His arrival will be particularly welcomed by Boksic, who endured a frustrating afternoon alongside an embarrassingly ineffective Hamilton Ricard.
64. But winning new sponsorship deals can be extremely time consuming and frustrating for the organisers.
65. She found the job frustrating, and felt she wasn't accomplishing anything there.
66. It's so frustrating not to have a car to get around.
67. It was very entertaining going forward, and extremely frustrating waiting for them to score Goal-Of-The-Century!
68. There are many limitations to Simmel's analysis, the most frustrating being his style and his level of generality.
69. He established Swindon as one of the most skilful sides outside the top flight before a frustrating switch to Tyneside.
70. One of the most frustrating things for me was not ever knowing what we were doing.
71. Yet perhaps the most frustrating incompetence of all is that which is repetitive.
72. But making even a little progress will be less frustrating than making no progress at all.
73. Instead, in one quick trade, they saved themselves endless frustrating efforts.
74. It is obviously very frustrating when something like this happens.
75. One of the most frustrating problems is organisational incompetence, particularly in venues that don't run cabaret regularly.
76. Homosexuality can therefore feel more natural to many men than their comparatively laborious, expensive, and frustrating pursuits of young women.
77. The children are encouraged to use frustrating experiences as a cue to employ the turtle reaction.
78. This was not only frustrating but a hindrance to the spread of the new ideas.
79. Anaxagoras Anaxagoras' view of the universe is so thorough that it is frustrating to hear little of his meteorological doctrines.
80. Mr. Waddicar the caretaker was hobbling across the landing, like an old lollipop man frustrating traffic.
81. Their problems arise because their love lives are as frustrating as their professional lives are rewarding.
81. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
82. Frustrating or what - it had been so faint and so brief.
83. I have no idea why this is happening and it is really frustrating both my girlfriend and me.
84. Kylesku was notorious, and approaching cars raced to be in the front of the queue to avoid a frustrating wait.
85. What followed was for Charlotte a demeaning and ultimately frustrating experience.
86. The 19-year-old Boat Club starlet was struck down by glandular fever last summer, and spent a frustrating time on the sidelines.
87. It was the beginning of a frustrating period for Hunt and his mood swings were on the downturn.
88. The war years must have been really frustrating for the early Rottweiler enthusiasts.
89. From this point on, to stop short will be difficult and frustrating.
90. It was really frustrating for the hawk - cries of anguish spat from his tongue.
91. One of the most frustrating part of travel today is the delay that seems inevitable at all stages.
92. A bit frustrating being the only person who couldn't see it.
93. People ambled along, indulging in the local pastime of frustrating car drivers who had the temerity to attempt a breakthrough.
94. For tourists it is also very frustrating to have make journeys out to the suburbs to shop for food.
95. The most frustrating aspect of this preparatory phase is the waiting period before the attack is triggered.
96. The second, on a blustery Sunday in October, was more frustrating.
97. Equally it could signal obstructions and contradictions of a more frustrating sort.
98. Uphauling in stronger winds, as well as being extremely difficult[], is very tiring and often frustrating.
99. The reality is now, as it has always been, that teaching is a demanding, and at times frustrating profession.
100. Such changes are always difficult to work through and additional constraints would be very frustrating for the association and its members.
101. The most frustrating part has been trying to find a place to locate the business.
102. And, although one part of her found it deeply frustrating, at another level Folly was grateful for his restraint.
103. This way of working is often frustrating for me, of course, and it makes for economic inefficiency.
104. But in a way that time lag, though it could be frustrating, was also a blessing in disguise.
105. After a useless and frustrating meeting on Friday afternoon, he decided to take Barnabas on a long walk.
106. For Dai, John James and others involved, the problem was one of the most frustrating of the expanding years.
107. But with practical help using sign language and sounds, experts say learning becomes easier instead of being frustrating.
108. In spite of a keen desire to reach greater heights, progress is hindered by poor practice methods which make improvement slow and frustrating.
109. It's so frustrating when you're in a hurry and the traffic isn't moving.
110. Instead of allowing this to be a frustrating and pointless event, ask yourself why you created it.
111. It was often frustrating for us, too,(http:///frustrating.html) because we had to interpret for her.
112. And the majority of changes relate to content, more time-consuming and frustrating than an all-red jigsaw puzzle.
113. Work inhibition is so frustrating to parents and teachers that they are bound to feel like exploding.
114. The once great Cavan cross swords with Monaghan at Castleblayney, bidding to end a frustrating losing championship sequence.
115. Aching to know what she truly thought and felt during those months in the Seattle hospital, I found her reports frustrating.
116. Scrambling turned to roped up exploration as the frustrating hunt for anything remotely matching the guidebook description ensued.
117. At another station, they struggled to swing across a series of tires suspended on ropes placed frustrating distances apart.
118. For, never fear, I shall be trying again in the near future to succeed with this frustrating catfish.
119. It is the left that finds the mismatch so frustrating.
120. He lost his cool and kicked out two stumps during a frustrating day when he beat the bat consistently.
121. On top of this, dealing with recalcitrant debtors can be very frustrating, but where do you vent your feelings?
122. Top 20 games are now almost never converted to run on it, which purchasers would find very frustrating.
123. I moan to Mum about the way I look and she finds that very frustrating.
124. What You Can Do Mealtimes can be a frustrating experience with a strong willed preschooler, but trust in the fact they do actually listen to you and pay attention to the foods brought into the house.
125. Though the condition may be frustrating for Romberg, her husband Glenn told "GMA" he was more worried about her than about her voice.
126. Odom is the Lakers'great enigma, perhaps the most perplexing, confounding, frustrating player in the NBA.
127. That wine tasting is a subjective experience is vividly illustrated by this frustrating phenomenon.
128. It does get frustrating fighting so many losing battles, but I never expected anything different.
129. This behavior might be frustrating to users if your application is a text-editing program that they have been using for an extended period of time.
130. Paulsen had grown increasingly bitter of late about the frustrating delays in having plans approved.
131. It must be terribly frustrating to lobby and get absolutely nowhere.
132. Oftentimes,() not knowing how or where to start is frustrating.
133. Axillary malodor ( osmidrosis ) of Asian people, especially in the warm, humid subtropical and tropical south eastern Asia, is a common, troublesome and frustrating problem.
134. Kevin: I am, I've been having a very frustrating day so far.
135. That, he acknowledges, will require a small rocket, like the attitude control jets on the shuttle, to move out of Earth orbit, perhaps frustrating to a purist.
136. The costs continued to rankle with those who thought manned space flight a waste of money, and three decades spent stuck in low-Earth orbit never stopped frustrating those who wanted to go farther.
137. Without these tools, owning a Doberman can be a frustrating and difficult experience.
138. But it's also frustrating not having Darrell Arthur ( pectoral surgery ) here.
139. Cherie: I know. It can be really frustrating at times.
140. Some players just gravitate towards certain mechanics and find others bland or frustrating.
141. For a place with such a grand history (home of William Gladstone, the Beatles and colossal merchant wealth during Britain's imperial period), and such a strong sense of identity,(http:///frustrating.html) it is frustrating.
142. Alonso scored the opener after 70 frustrating minutes last time Liverpool faced Blackburn back in December.
143. "I have trouble remembering names and the most frustrating is when they are names of people I know really well, I just can't bring the name to the surface, " Sabin says.
144. With dizziness insomnia, five frustrating heat, night sweat, apical dishes, pulse counting.
145. If the tongue is tense, that tension will carry over into the embouchure (and vice versa), interfering with vibration of the reed and frustrating the player.
146. I know sometimes it's frustrating to watch them underachieve , but what right have we to blame them?
147. There is nothing more frustrating for a businessman than failing to meet the sales target.
148. For some, I imagine, this would be a disconcerting, frustrating experience, but I quickly got used to this linguistic interzone.
149. Inquisitor Malorum , one of the Emperor's key agents in this period, found Apailana's little gestures frustrating.
150. An SSL VPN that simply denies users access as if they had typed an incorrect password would lead to numerous frustrating helpdesk calls to an already overburdened support department.
151. It can be incredibly frustrating trying to piece together the real message behind the doublespeak, and many people come away with the idea that Chinese people just cannot be trusted.
152. One of the most frustrating experiences in life is to be stranded without proper tools.
153. This all combined to make an experience that I can only define as " Frustrating. "
154. Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to find a place.
155. As millions of individuals and their families can attest, a brain disorder or injury can be frightening, frustrating and ultimately fatal.
156. To engineering - minded biologists, these experiments were energizing but also frustrating.
157. The first sessions on Grove Street were frustrating, as Malcolm spent countless hours praising the wisdom of Elijah Muhammad, and avoided all mention of his own life.
158. What is frustrating about this, says Dr Kristensson, is that more often than not the correct strings of words were recognised, but rejected by the speech-recognition program on statistical grounds.
159. Most frightening, and frustrating, was the dearth of information on this condition.
160. This situation is termed as writer's block and if the writer is not able to get over it quickly, it could easily strip motivation and become very frustrating.
161. You have spent many frustrating hours in search of information on cost, product, process.
162. War was grueling and oppressive and frustrating and uncomfortable, but one had friends.




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