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单词 Beneficial
1. Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind. 
2. Sunshine and water are beneficial to living things.
3. You will find it beneficial in the long run.
4. Some alternative treatments may prove highly beneficial.
5. Unfortunately, pesticides kill off beneficial insects as well as harmful ones.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. I hope your holiday will be beneficial to you.
7. Cycling is highly beneficial to health and the environment.
8. Fresh air is beneficial to one's health.
9. Gentle exercise can be beneficial for older people.
10. They finally came to a mutually beneficial agreement.
11. Exercise is extremely beneficial to health.
12. Using computers has a beneficial effect on children's learning.
13. It will be a mutually beneficial project.
14. The arrangement was mutually beneficial.
15. It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust.
16. Breast-feeding is extremely beneficial to the health of newborn babies.
17. The changes are beneficial in some ways but not in others.
18. While a moderate amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you.
19. A half-hour daily walk can be more beneficial than one hard bout of exercise a week.
20. An aptitude for computing is beneficial for students taking this degree.
21. Privatization is thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition.
22. The money might have been used to more beneficial ends.
23. They have seen the change as unquestionably beneficial to the country.
24. These policy changes could have beneficial side effects for the whole economy.
25. A state which dwarfs its men,in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished. 
26. If you are elderly or physically disabled, massage can be beneficial.
27. The day will fall so big people, first Zhi, the labor of their bones, their body skin hunger, tough, line whisk it was chaos, so the spirit, increasing it not beneficial.
28. From our point of view, we do not see how these changes will be beneficial to the company.
29. The psychiatric team decided that committal would not be beneficial in her case.
30. There's a lot of evidence that oily fish, as distinct from fatty meat, has a beneficial effect.
1. Sunshine and water are beneficial to living things.
2. You will find it beneficial in the long run.
3. Some alternative treatments may prove highly beneficial.
4. If you are elderly or physically disabled, massage can be beneficial.
5. Unfortunately, pesticides kill off beneficial insects as well as harmful ones.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. The revival of the railway service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.
31. The drug has the beneficial side effect of lowering the patient's blood pressure.
32. The revival of the railway service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.
33. Taking this decision will cost us more in the short term, but will be beneficial in the long term.
34. Hypnotherapy can be beneficial for those who wish to give up smoking or to lose weight.
35. A stay in the country will be beneficial to his health.
36. I think it would be beneficial for each committee member to have a copy of the report.
37. Alcohol taken in moderation can be beneficial to health.
38. Let us consider why careful management may be beneficial.
39. The trip was to have beneficial results despite this.
40. This can be extremely beneficial in stress-related cases.
41. This is just as beneficial as having animal protein.
42. The beneficial interests are normally vested in the beneficiaries.
43. The tests often have beneficial results by removing some of the anxiety about the possibility of any abnormality.
44. While analysts applauded the move as beneficial to Tupperware,(http:///beneficial.html) some people questioned where the spinoff would leave Premark.
45. The Humberside Training and Enterprise Council found these particularly beneficial.
46. The twenty-five articles of the decree were far-reaching and generally beneficial.
47. Beneficial anaerobic filter bacteria require oxygen to oxidise nitrites to safer nitrates.
48. Marius could not have any beneficial interest in any part of it.
49. Lawyers, under the cloak of client confidentiality, can mask the beneficial owners of accounts.
50. If exercise is beneficial to health, it must not be left just to Seb Coe or Daley Thompson.
51. Giving the puppies a companion, or playthings, failed to have such a beneficial effect.
52. Cider vinegar is also thought to be beneficial to arthritis sufferers.
53. However, if demand falls collective action poses less of a threat, and may even be beneficial.
54. If I thought it was beneficial to the club... that he should know, then I would say.
55. Fourthly, reference has already been made to the need for cooperation to be perceived as beneficial.
56. The regenerative technologies are beneficial for both farmers and rural environments.
57. Volunteer tutors often help students individually, which can be very beneficial.
58. Can anyone doubt that to achieve these beneficial results was her main aim?
59. Cycling to work is particularly beneficial because it combines physical exercise with an essential daily task.
60. Organised self-help groups also rely on the beneficial effects of talking and discussion.
61. But the beneficial impact of such initiatives will only be felt when the punters start discriminating positively in favour of those taking a lead.
62. Of the forty who had participated in further education, 27 said it was beneficial for what they were now doing.
63. I think that this was more beneficial than continuing my education directly.
64. Even though the medication may have lost its initial beneficial effects, they believe they can not stop taking the pill.
65. They have proved beneficial for plants partly because of their cotton fibre content, which lends moisture.
65. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
66. Open access with a larger number of smaller commercial companies would prove very beneficial to customers in ways not possible today.
67. In such a case, pain and emotion can eventually be contacted, after which therapy is more beneficial.
68. Obtaining frankness within families about the feelings and expectations they have of each other can be mutually beneficial.
69. Antibiotics will. of course, kill all bacteria, including beneficial kinds in the filter, whether this is undergravel or not.
70. An ordinance not limited to the favored topics, for example, would have precisely the same beneficial effect.
71. This creeping classical conundrum could have untold beneficial effects on the population as a whole.
72. To ensure a mutually beneficial outcome it is necessary that both parties be fully informed of all relevant information.
73. The import of the Mallion lines could be considered the most beneficial thing that had happened so far in the breed.
74. Any exercises which use the calf muscles, such as heel raises, hopping, standing on one leg would be beneficial.
75. The havens said instead that they wanted multilateral negotiations to achieve a mutually acceptable and beneficial set of standards.
76. Claims about the beneficial effects of its products on children's intelligence recently landed a company called Larkhall Natural Health in trouble.
77. Here, when the relevant act of bankruptcy occurred, Mr. Dennis was a beneficial joint tenant of the two properties.
78. This quantitative difference may also account for the beneficial effects seen after surgical interruption of the left stellate ganglion.
79. Indeed, it may well have had the indirect, beneficial effect of encouraging the search for better methods.
80. It's often Overlooked but it is probably the single most beneficial part - having a good time.
81. This friction reducing additive may be used in all the engine and transmission of your L.R. with beneficial results.
82. The beneficial interests are attached to the proceeds of sale.
83. Balance chairs are better than conventional chairs but not as beneficial as the Gorman chair.
84. It is very beneficial to work for yourself, but there are trade-offs.
85. I used to attend his classes when I was in high school and that was very, very beneficial.
86. Cleaning symbiosis on the other hand is a true form of mutually beneficial arrangement with both cleaner and host benefiting.
87. Many have proved beneficial to areas such as medical diagnosis, geological prospecting and computer system configuration.
88. Their only assets were their half shares of the beneficial interests in their matrimonial homes.
89. Late opening of an occluded coronary artery may also have some beneficial effect.
90. Articulation of modes of production and dependency theories would view the continued use of these labor forms as beneficial to capitalism.
91. Series books also make having conversations about books more beneficial.
92. The Regional Committees have reported that the presence of a top visiting senior coach proved to be particularly beneficial for the youngsters.
93. Other people can also help by noting the more subtle effects, both beneficial and adverse, of treatment.
94. The increased healing rate in wine drinkers is consistent with other reports that moderate alcohol intake may be harmless or beneficial.
95. But an alliance with AccuTrade could prove even more beneficial.
96. To complete this traditional picture(), it has to be repeated that production was always held to be beneficial.
97. Indeed, in many studies epidural analgesia has been shown to be beneficial.
98. Why not accept that, and play a leading role in creating it in as beneficial an environment as possible?
99. As its provisions will be beneficial to many people, I hope that we shall deal with it expeditiously.
100. However, an agreement did not qualify for exemption if its beneficial effects were only indispensable within a national market.
101. It would be highly beneficial to the natural environment if additions to existing works could also be made subject to planning control.
102. Undoubtedly the most beneficial skills brought to the farm were engineering and building skills.
103. An increasing number of medical experts now agree that moderate consumption of alcohol is beneficial to health.
104. If the latter is the more important, then privatisation of large nationalised industries intact will have little beneficial impact.
105. As mentioned in the discussion of pathophysiology, their beneficial effect is mainly due to the blocking of striatal acetylcholine receptors.
106. The benefits are wide-ranging, and exercise is particularly beneficial to the elderly and the chronically sick.
107. In each case the entire beneficial interest in the deposit belongs to B to the exclusion of A who made the deposit.
108. Community Linking is direct people to people contact which leads to equal, mutually beneficial relationships across cultures.
109. The clean, crisp air of mountainous regions is perhaps the most beneficial of all.
110. Beneficial predators: Insect allies that kill off pests like aphids.
111. Conversion is achieved by transferring the nominee holding to the beneficial owner.
112. Work experience is regarded as beneficial for students of Agriculture and beneficial for those following the Agricultural Science/Economics degree.
113. Under different situations in nature Azolla is regarded to be an undesirable weed or a very beneficial plant.
114. It influences the manager's daily activities and decisions and can have extremely beneficial results for the organization.
115. In the short term, however, the Milan Conference had the beneficial result of placing deaf education on the political agenda.
116. If we appear to be unable to do without families, then they must be beneficial for us.
117. At the same time we expose local people to new developments that may be beneficial to cultural activities.
118. Some of those diets were the result of a mutually beneficial alliance between physicians and food producers.
119. It encourages open communication, and learning about processes of living in mutually beneficial ways.
120. Their appeal to the imagination was felt to be beneficial, as was the appreciation of aesthetic values.
121. They were more beneficial in a disease caused by another Mycobacterium, leprosy.
122. But there are no convincing reasons for believing that this would have a beneficial effect on economic performance.
123. There is no evidence that the diet pills have any beneficial effect on weight loss.
124. They will still meet their contractual obligations but at a time more beneficial to the patients and thus be more cost effective.
125. The improved navigation schemes of the later eighteenth century had been beneficial in stimulating the local economy.
126. So how do we remove the mystery from a potentially highly beneficial technology?
127. The 1995 text addresses the science linking antioxidant nutrients found in plant foods with a potentially beneficial role in fighting disease.
128. The most beneficial case appears to be when the trigrams are used in combination with both factors.
129. In pre-industrial societies philosophers generally asserted that a clear division of labour in political affairs was unavoidable and beneficial.
130. Honesty is an expensive virtue, and no one is really 100% honest. People are by nature half- honest and half- hypocritical, and they naturally choose to be hypocritical if doing so is beneficial to them. There is always a constant struggle between honesty and dishonesty, but nothing can replace honesty in a pleasant, healthy and happy life. Dr T.P.Chia 
131. Elemental diet has been shown to be as beneficial as corticosteroid treatment in children with Crohn's disease.
132. The justification for participating in international arrangements is that they are mutually beneficial to all participants.
133. Although the formal agenda item is always very useful, perhaps even more beneficial is the process of sharing.
134. Not everything that is naturally occurring in sea water is necessary or beneficial to marine life.
135. It is beneficial to learn more about what is around us–so that we are more knowledgeable and open-minded. Dr T.P.Chia 
136. These arrangements tend to be very beneficial to both because of the personal commitment involved.
137. This treatment can be very beneficial, especially to young children.
138. The relationship between the two companies has been mutually beneficial.
139. The beneficial effects and side effects are similar to the other anticholinergic drugs, although the drug also has some antihistamine properties.
140. Propranolol, which is used so commonly in migraine prophylaxis, is not beneficial in most cluster headache patients.
141. The occasional glass of wine is both enjoyable and beneficial.
142. I am sure you will find it extremely beneficial whatever sector of the industry you are employed in.
143. The chapter on comparison of depth profiling methods is likely to be particularly beneficial to the newcomer.
144. A layer of clay particles placed under the gravel layer is beneficial.
145. Like vanity publishing, vanity radio is usually not economically beneficial for those who pay for it.
146. It may be beneficial to have separate exchange and completion.
147. Secondly, the section is concerned with the beneficial interests existing when a payment falls to be made.
148. A specially developed Outward Bound course has also proved to be not only popular amongst staff, but most beneficial.
149. We hope that further studies support these very beneficial effects of support during labor.
150. Each person sees no need to change a system where his individual choices are indeed logical and beneficial for him.
151. What looks like a zero sum confrontation can, with a little goodwill, be transformed into a mutually beneficial nonzero sum game.
152. The most beneficial projects should then be selected until the aggregate resources estimated equal those allocated to new projects in Figure 2.6.
153. Recent studies show that moderate amounts of alcohol are beneficial to health.
154. This may be particularly beneficial for those making a major career move within an organisation.
155. What could be anticipated with confidence was the beneficial results of redistribution(/beneficial.html), for Unionists had expected them for some time.
156. The secret of success here will be the basis of consultation and cooperation which can be seen as beneficial to both sides.
157. Making more concise notes and separating them from the author's comments and observations would have been beneficial.
158. Have sale beneficial result hard otherwise.
159. How beneficial is surgery for cervical radiculopathy and myelopathy?
160. The residual compressive stress is beneficial to fatigue strength.
161. "We wanted to be sure that there was scientific evidence that flash-heated milk was truly free of HIV and immunologically beneficial(), " Israel Ballard told SciDev.Net.
162. Conclusion:This method is simple, fast and accurate, and could be beneficial to control the quality of apomorphine hydrochloride tablets.
163. Murthi says that channeling their knowledge and natural creativity can stimulate economic growth, and produce long-lasting beneficial effects which will have repercussions far beyond their generation.
164. At the same time, the reasonable estimate about the stability of wall rock and timbering parameter supplies designers and builders with the beneficial reference.
165. The thermodynamic characteristic of the mountain histosols was superior to that of dark-brown soil of hillside, which was beneficial for plant growth and nutrient accumulation.
166. I understand and agree that I may not hold a beneficial interest in more than three(3) business centers in my Interush membership.
167. By employing comparative law in the study of editorial science, it is beneficial to overcome parochialism, strengthen logic and workability.
168. Choosing the complex sensitizer, strictly controlling the dosage and the sensitive temperature of the sensitizer are beneficial for producing the stable emulsion explosive.
169. Objective: To investigate the possible beneficial effects of muscle strength and standing balance in subjects with stroke using the FES-cycling ergometer system.
170. Mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity constitutes the economic guarantee for world peace.
171. Temperature higher, the carbonization degree is high , but passes high temperature to be beneficial to sodium hyposulfite generation.
172. Is the beneficial owner or any member of your group of companies a client of Head and Shoulders Securities Limited?
173. The two sides stated that they will continue to advance mutually beneficial cooperation in economics and trade through the mechanism of the high-level Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade.
174. A: I thank it will be a mutually beneficial relationship.
175. The cultivation and internalization of creative thinking is beneficial to the all - round development of students.
176. Furthermore, living ESB3 could enhance the resistant of Eriocheir sinensis to A. hydrophila infection to a certain extent, and heat-killed ESB3 was not obvious beneficial to Eriocheir sinensis.
177. When it comes to memory retrieval, self-testing can be beneficial.
178. I think that online shopping is the establishment of trust among the people in between, a trust will be beneficial to either side Rectifiable.
179. Foreign currency caution money trades while having a lot of beneficial economy effect, it's oneself implication also is burning various risk.
180. Liners are easy to replace which is beneficial to improve running rate.
181. The appropriate biogenic amines are beneficial to normal physiology function of human body, but over absorption of which would have undesirable physiological effects on human beings.
182. Well operated mediacy credit was beneficial to merchants' successful management, and imperfection in mediacy credit might injured the economic interests of consigner.
183. Remote sensing image interpolation will be beneficial to solving those problems.
184. We should develop a pattern of mutually beneficial and win - win cooperation.
185. Boycotting in Islam is only permissible when it has a beneficial impact of exerting pressure on the person to return to the fold.
186. Is Ulnar Nerve Transposition Beneficial During Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Distal Humerus Fractures?
187. And that's going to be beneficial for the gender identity law.
188. Of course, the focus from center line,(/beneficial.html) the situation is still beneficial for many.
189. Besides, it is able to enhance heart and lungs function, strengthen crureus and muscle, stretch ligament of leg effectively, promote the growth of ossature, and then is beneficial to be taller.
190. And deeply studying Wittgenstein philosophy will be beneficial for us to grasp the veining and trend of the modern western philosophic development.
191. Bilberry extract is beneficial in the strengthening of red blood cells and capillaries, specifically around the eyes and in the retina.
192. Not having to be reborn in samsara - vata is beneficial and a source of happiness.
193. The genetic diversity among the ecotype and environmental suitability of these ecotypes are very beneficial for improved cultivars.
194. Higher environmental temperature is beneficial to the growth of Tricholomataceae L1 and its protein synthesis.
195. Therefore, the child often eats the day lily to be beneficial to the healthy brain.
196. This is developed under VC environment Gobang game, very beneficial to our study.
197. Scientific analysis of mutative law on land intensive utilization in central China area is beneficial to the implementation of "Rising of the Central Section".
198. The results showed that the mica is beneficial for improving the brushability of the coating but detriment to removal of liquidized product of foam pattern.
199. Intravenous administration of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator remains the most beneficial proven intervention for emergency treatment of stroke.
200. Following the sale, Peter Hill-Wood has a beneficial interest in, and controls voting rights over, 400 Shares, representing 0.6% of the issued Shares.
201. This pole of the anarchism, the view that the elimination of government would be beneficial.
202. It would be beneficial to keep abreast of developments in Asia.
203. Cellulase-free MnP activity was beneficial to bio-bleaching because the strength of fiber could not be affected.
204. CONCLUSION:Application of hyperoxic Ringer's solution during the early post injury stage is obviously beneficial to the improvement of pulmonary injury.
205. The separated scaling of both scale factor and circuit gains isn t beneficial to mass production.
206. If the Client is not the Ultimate beneficial owner if the Account, please complete the Appendix for Ultimate Beneficiary(ies).
207. For broker transactions or barter exchanges, the beneficial owner is an exempt foreign person as defined in the instructions.
208. Recognition of these characteristics is beneficial to exploring the law of bight r education development, providing helpful historical reference to contemporary higher education reform.
209. The circuit configuration of the SSB ATL is beneficial to miniaturize the circuit size using the folding technique.
210. I hope the research can provides beneficial reference for the reform and practice of track-and-field teaching contents of junior middle schools.
211. The point in the data flow at which the input data set is significantly reduced, usually represents the most beneficial boundary point between federation and WebSphere DataStage.
212. Contains large amounts of allicin and sulphur , both of which are beneficial to health.
213. Light beer drinking seemed to be the most beneficial form of alcohol in reducing the risk of high blood pressure.
213. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
214. In Chinas modernization drive, the misunderstanding on "Middlebrow" is not beneficial to the understanding and the promotion of the core ideology of Chinas traditional culture.
215. Such active way of family nurture as warm and love is beneficial to the cultivation of their children's self-confidence, while passive way as penalty, rejection and disaffirmation goes against it.
216. The review will focus on the role of sleep which is to downscale synaptic strength to a baseline level that is beneficial for learning and memory.
217. It is a very effective way of self-induced ("autogenic") states of very deep relaxation, which can be beneficial for body and mind.
218. Which trade show would be most beneficial for us to attend?
219. This will be rich in protein but not much else and it is hard to see how it could be any more beneficial than, say, rubbing an egg into his ankle.
220. In the fifth year of his reign, he changes his name to Akhenaten—"he who is beneficial to the Aten."




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