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单词 Inherently
1. The world is inherently uncertain.
2. There's nothing inherently wrong with his ideas.
3. There is nothing inherently unacceptable in these proposals.
4. Firefighting is an inherently dangerous occupation.
5. There is nothing inherently improbable in the idea.
6. All business activities are inherently risky.
7. A collapse into new forms of fascism is inherently unlikely in any Western democracy.
8. The judge decided the evidence was inherently weak and inconsistent.
9. Poems of any length are inherently complete in themselves. Gulzar 
10. To many feminists, marriage is an inherently patriarchal institution.
11. But capital values are inherently more volatile than income.
12. Are such truths inherently odious or destructive?
13. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.
14. It is an inherently debatable and changeable idea.
15. If one is inherently harmful, so is the other.
16. There was nothing inherently subversive of royal authority here.
17. Contemporary academic puritans regard studentprofessor intimacies as inherently exploitative.
18. Aeroplanes are not inherently dangerous.
19. There was nothing inherently wrong with that idea, either-the bay and the Delta normally can use all the growing cotton.
20. The idea that most singles are inherently unmarriageable and the divorced unstable fails to explain the same pattern of afflictions among widowers.
21. The me, being inherently fictional in nature, provides only arbitrary guidance to the speaking subject.
22. Despite the problems, old brick rowhouses are not inherently dangerous.
23. Such a procedure interferes with the inherently bottom-up nature of the GRE process.
24. The group selectionist argument is inherently appealing-we are immersed in the ethic of team spirit and charity.
25. Senators who refused to conform to these inherently conservative norms were condemned to ineffectiveness.
26. Some critics of the public sector maintain that it is inherently inefficient and unable to control its expenditure.
27. Masonry is extraordinarily satisfactory in its way but it is inherently heavy and immobile.
28. In contrast, where class structures are less developed - both economically and culturally - the political institutions may be inherently weak.
29. Of course, the Sola grill and Gyroflo oven themselves are inherently more controllable, too.
30. Nothing is more completely accepted in the conventional wisdom than the cliche that economic life is endlessly and inherently uncertain.
1. There is nothing inherently improbable in the idea.
2. All business activities are inherently risky.
31. No one says fire is morally wrong, and those who burn things are not inherently immoral.
32. Mitleid, and he identifies it as the one and only inspiration of inherently moral action.
33. The relationship between an image and the reality it purports to represent is, according to many contemporary critics, inherently political.
34. Given that macro-decisions inherently and inevitably condition micro-decisions, the principal focus of attention must be on the political decision-maker.
35. For, contrary to earlier prejudices, there is nothing inherently progressive about evolution.
36. But, as Marx saw long ago, free-market capitalism is quintessentially populist and inherently subversive of traditions and rituals.
37. The dying planet has a metaphysical relationship to my own mortality and to that extent my inquiry into landscape is inherently ironic.
38. In many developing societies the lack of basic amenities, such as clean water and proper sanitation, produces an inherently unsafe environment.
39. In Section 7.4 we look at the special case of inherently restrictive adjectives.
40. A consultative approach is therefore inherently more restricted and theoretically more committed concerning the relationship between knowledge sources in anaphor resolution.
41. We are very fortunate in this country to say that prosperity and suffering, both are inherently contributing factors for unity.
42. Any flat tax is inherently unfair, as are all regressive taxes.
43. An industry that deals with petroleum products tends, by its nature, to be inherently dangerous.
44. Following the 1908 Act discussion centred on whether thrift could be encouraged in any way that would not be inherently counter-productive.
45. In part this is because it is an inherently more complex system.
46. Thanks to the inherently leaky nature of the water industry, there is already a fair amount of information to go on.
47. Quantum cryptography exploits a key principle of quantum mechanics, according to which certain aspects of any subatomic process are inherently unknowable.
48. Nuclear weapons are so inherently absurd that rational argument about their use is scarcely possible.
49. The user group with an inherently greater potential for implementation is the more privileged section of the society.
50. Citizenship and political leadership were vested in those most inherently worthy.
51. Tenderizing Meats Only approximately one quarter of the cuts from a beef carcass are inherently tender.
52. The ordinary person does not inherently dislike work: according to the conditions it may be a source of satisfaction or punishment.
53. The tale is inherently a most unlikely one,(/inherently.html) uniting a pious lady with a pagan fertility ritual.
54. I see little reason to prefer strains of lettuce, for instance, that are inherently poisonous to pests.
55. Neural systems are inherently analog and parallel in nature; electronic systems have been digital.
56. Inside, however, I felt inherently inferior, inadequate to fill the role.
57. Water conflict is inherently local, depending upon neighborhood needs for human consumption, food production, industrial processes and waste treatment.
58. There is nothing inherently improbable about the same company producing both and selling them to opposite sides in a war.
59. And because artificial contraception caused such a separation, it was inherently sinful.
60. It should be clear from this brief description that these issues are inherently geographical.
61. Inherently, there are two performance dangers built into the system.
62. The nonlocal implication is that occurrences in one region of space are inherently correlated with other distant regions.
63. Indeed, its method of taking decisions is inherently biased toward caution.
64. The latter is chiefly intended to protect a healthy knee against injury and to give confidence to those with inherently weak joints.
65. One problem with descramblers is that they are not inherently illegal, like contraband.
66. It does posit that individuals are inherently unequal in intelligence, in skills, and in status.
67. But so far the intensity method has proved inherently much less accurate than the directional method.
68. Mechanical switching is inherently slow and frequently unreliable.
69. Weighing is inherently a more positive and accurate method.
70. Oil exploration is inherently probabilistic.
71. More generally, accusing people in power is inherently dangerous.
72. Such a lax and haphazard organization was inherently corrupt.
73. Human speech perception is inherently a multimodal process.
74. Every green plant is inherently resistant to some herbivores.
75. War is inherently a dirty business.
76. It relies on published research and peer-reviewed so its prognoses are inherently conservative.
77. Don't take this the wrong way: gestural interfaces aren't inherently better than other types of interface.
78. Beyond the currently unknown are the things that are inherently unknowable.
79. The researchers said that as M.L.'s tendency to confabulation doesn't vary with the difficulty of memory retrieval, it undermines the idea that it's inherently a memory retrieval problem.
80. Being a test pilot is an inherently very risky business.
81. The 26 inherently meaningless letters of the Roman alphabet suited the technology perfectly, and within three decades there were print shops in every corner of the continent.
81. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
82. Death and decay is the result of an inherently dissonant biology.
83. While PPP defines a peer - to - peer relationship, discovery is inherently a client - server relationship.
84. A nuclear rocket such as this would be inherently safe and environmentally harmless: contrary to popular belief, a nuclear rocket need not be strongly radioactive when launched.
85. The prolongation of life and the search for perfect health ( beauty, youth, happiness ) are inherently self - defeating.
86. A deep male voice is inherently attractive, as it indicates greater exposure to pubertal testosterone and is linked to reproductive fitness.
87. On the competition side, evolution by selection is an inherently competitive process.
88. Conventional copper - based equipment conducts electricity but inherently has energy losses associated with ( joule ) heating.
89. Perhaps my mom thought that I would inherently understand the historical and biological context connecting Harriet Tubman and me and conclude that the captivity of humans by humans was evil.
90. Game mechanics inherently have built ininefficiency and learnability challenges as the fun lies in overcoming theseobstacles.
91. MIXPAC inherently produces perfect ratio control and consistent mixing by eliminating human error.
92. Such a view implies that our bodies and sexual nature are inherently ungodly.
93. Therefore, "All created reality is inherently revelational of the nature and will of God."
94. GWT's conflation of client-side and server-side code is inherently dangerous.
95. Some claim to the villa and garden projects, to the basement, is a laugh uproariously , garden villas and villa basement inherently each subsidiary products.
96. We may be no stronger, or inherently more intelligent, than our cave man ancestors.
97. People, they believed, are inherently uninventive and invariably prefer to borrow the inventions of another culture rather than develop ideas for themselves.
98. Self - organized criticality has been used as a justification for the claim that earthquakes are inherently unpredictable 22.
99. A firewall can reduce risks to network systems by filtering out inherently insecure network services.
100. He was not a man who inherently was troubled with conscientious scruples.
101. The international community has banned antipersonnel mines because they are inherently indiscriminate weapons that have killed and injured far more civilians than soldiers.
102. "Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal," wrote Chief Justice Earl Warren in the unanimous decision.
103. Because the HF horn had a very large mouth diameter it had an inherently low cutoff frequency.
104. "One gender isn't inherently more talkative than the other, it's just that a lot of times it depends on the situation and gender role influences, " Leaper said.
105. Esoteric Christianity doesn't typically support the theory of the Demiurge. It believes that creation is inherently good, and as such so is the Creator.
106. The most popular touchscreen on the market is resistive, because it is inherently stable and affordable.
107. Just like the broom - stick, an Inverted Pendulum is an inherently unstable system.
108. In particular, Netbeans only has built-in support for the pserver protocol, which is inherently insecure because is transmits passwords in the clear.
109. The profit motive is inherently at odds with principles of fairness and equity.
110. Switch cards with coax or triax connectors are inherently shielded and will generally provide good isolation from channel to channel.
111. Fluorocarbon elastomers are inherently compatible with a broad spectrum of chemicals.
111. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
112. He also challenged the reigning assumption that oligopolies were inherently inefficient.
113. It follows that such aspirations are not just critical but inherently politicized.
114. The letter specially mentioned the poisonous N-Hexane is inherently toxic and Chinese law prohibits its use.
115. He wanted assurance that he had transcended what was inherently ambiguous.
116. Men's body structure seems to have aggression inherently and their status and capability in the traditional society fosterage their aggression and possession of women.
117. But isn't marriage a shared responsibility and commitment between husband and wife? Inherently, buying a matrimonial house should also be a joint responsibility.
118. The zygote is best appraised by stating that it is an inherently unstable entity.
119. DEBA is unique because it allows the inherently synchronous web services model to provide the foundation for such an entirely asynchronous architecture.
120. TDMA - based MAC protocol is inherently collision free but it has poor scalability.
121. They also resort to theories, predictions, and intuitions that are inherently incapable of exact proof.
122. Yet the concept that light is somehow inherently oscillatory has persisted throughout this transition period.
123. Mr Cohan handles his material deftly, portraying Bear as symptomatic of an industry that had come to believe its own hype and had lost sight of how inherently unstable it really was.
124. Not only does this mean that every function must return a value, but that functions must inherently carry no intrinsic state from one call to the next.
125. Existing mechanical scanning methods are inherently slow and require large amounts of power in order to respond rapidly enough to deal with large numbers of high speed maneuvering targets.
126. There is no obvious reason why Islam should be incompatible with EU membership—unless the question is begged by defining "Europe" as inherently Christian.
127. Cellular phones are inherently insecure, as anyone can listen to and record conversations.
128. Because Ajax is inherently asynchronous, GWT defines an asynchronous interface for accessing remote services.
129. Before I go on, I should note that many people believe that including format information inside an XML document inherently goes against the basics of XML.
130. German and Japanese cars were inherently better than anything Detroit was turning out.
131. As an inherently unstable system by nature, the inverted pendulum has been used as the controlled device in a prototype real-time control system.
131. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
132. NOTE Inspection and test status is not indicated by the location of product in the production flow unless inherently obvious, such as material in an automated production transfer process.
133. This fresh-looking lunar crater (arrowed) appears significantly brighter, and thus inherently bluer, in a mosaic of blue-light and near-infrared images from the Clementine spacecraft.
134. The prolongation of life and the search for perfect health are inherently self - defeating.
135. He added that the idea of man as hunter "developed from a basic Judeo-Christian ideology of man being inherently evil, aggressive and a natural killer."
136. But when tasks are inherently interesting to us rewards can damage our motivation by undermining our natural talent for self-regulation.
137. Environmental protection is inherently a cross-border issue and has led to the creation of transnational regulation via multilateral and bilateral treaties.
138. One may have thousands and thousands of ancestors that had relationships with other lineages that cannot ascend in this lifetime and would be inherently unsupportive in nature of one's spiritual goal.
139. Understeer is inherently stable - once the car reduces speed sufficiently grip will be restored, which is why almost all road cars are set up to understeer at the limit of adhesion.
140. Because of demands on tire skid resistance, polybutadiene with high vinyl content are of particular interest to tire industry due to the inherently better grip properties.
141. Though inherently non-ACID by nature, MyISAM storage engine backup and recovery can be exercised to the level of version recovery without the data integrity promise.
142. The flexure inherently induces a change in pitch angle in accordance with a change in flap angle .
143. They are natural, social and thinking, which are inherently and unitedly reflected in their a...
144. It seems a tidy explanation for a disturbing trend, implying that healthy food is inherently more expensive, and thus can only be for wealthy Endive Elitists when the economy falters.
145. Certain colors, due to pigment ingredients, may inherently have very poor sulfuric acid resistance.
146. Most line drivers with low differential output impedance will also have inherently low common-mode output impedances, so the low impedance arms of the bridge are almost always at the driver.
147. A common misconception is that there is something inherently electrical about a watt or kilowatt.
148. We are impoverishing ourselves in pursuit of a consumption goal that is inherently unachievable.




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