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单词 Browser
1. What do you use as your default browser?
2. Click the "back" button on your browser.
3. Press the "reload" button on your web browser to refresh the site and get the most current version.
4. A bug in the browser lets servers download a Trojan horse.
5. My browser really is incredibly slow.
6. Shockwave attaches itself to your browser.
7. Usually, you can run a Web browser at the same time as you're editing your Web page.
8. Companies that make web browser software can purchase the Stonehand viewer and build it into their programs.
9. Microsoft also gives away its own Web browser, the Internet Explorer.
10. Think of the browser as a train carrying you from destination to destination.
11. The first browser boxes, expected to cost about $ 300, are due in late spring.
12. The Microsoft browser incorporates many of the features created by Netscape and adds some twists of its own in a slick package.
13. The end user must have an Internet browser capable of accepting and playing the applet.
14. The system has a rudimentary Internet browser, but it's very slow.
15. Or just make bookmarks on your browser and come back to them later.
16. For further details,() see Browser Plug-ins How do I print out a paper from an electronic journal?
17. McKinley and Excite currently command two of the five most prominent spots for search engines on the Netscape browser home page.
18. Or conversely, if some one else were to use your browser, it couldn't tell the difference.
19. Eric Hahn will replace Marc Andreessen, the 26-year-old wonder boy who helped to write the Mosaic browser.
20. Spyglass, of Naperville, Ill., is best known for its Mosaic browser software for the Internet.
21. Everything from business applications to games are available by firing up a World Wide Web browser or file transfer program online.
22. It was found guilty of using its monopoly in the personal computer industry to break into the internet browser market.
23. One refers to the page that appears when you start your browser and acts as your home base for exploring the Web.
24. This is accomplished in the Web by using a core browser or application that is augmented by supporting applications.
25. A plug-in is an auxiliary program that works alongside your browser.
26. How the heck do I empty my cache from my Web browser?
27. Because what the company is selling is not its browser, but security.
28. The first thing to do is just type the word into the address window of your browser.
29. But to participate, you need something called a web browser.
30. The architecture is made up of three primary entities: client browser, Web server, and third-party services.
1. What do you use as your default browser?
31. Many prospectuses are very wordy making them unattractive to the casual browser, some are over 8000 words long!
32. They allow browser programmers to ignore the complex networking code necessary to support every firewall protocol and concentrate on important client issues.
33. Browsers create windows in a hierarchy which starts with a page in the original browser window.
34. You can upload through your Web browser but it's simpler with a dedicated program.
35. Although Netscape is a ahead of Microsoft in adding new features to the browser, Microsoft is pushing to catch up.
36. Getting around All the main navigation buttons are located on the toolbar above the main browser window.
37. This is useful for having your browser remember some specific information which the Web server can later retrieve.
38. C3 includes a graphical development environment, a graphical browser, a compiler and interactive debugger.
39. Reno contends Microsoft violated a 1995 consent decree by tying the licensing and distribution of Windows and its browser.
40. To understand what a plug-in is, try thinking of your browser as a vacuum cleaner.
41. You download this program, install it, and your browser will call on it when need be.
42. The Web browser is nice, but it also has its flaws.
43. And yet, a good web browser will let you access just about everything on the Internet.
44. If that's still too heavy, Netscape 2.Ox is better than no browser at all.
45. Type the topic into the search field, and let the browser search all relevant sites.
45. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
46. It is the first version of the Microsoft browser compatible with the plug-ins of its main competitor, Netscape.
47. All you have to do is start up your Web browser.
48. Browser reports no file type.
49. The response is rendered by the user's Web browser.
50. The first layer is realized by Web browser.
51. Irritating and distracting messages in the browser status line.
52. Apple browser in where accent homepage font size?
53. ASL Browser: Look up American Sign Language signs here.
54. Leave the web browser with current page open.
55. How far will the Web browser client go?
56. Survey on web browser technologies for small-screen intelligent terminal.
57. Under the voting system for voting machines, and computer for statistical browser.
58. Critics often believe the DSi was meant as a partial response to Apple that would include a camera, a basic music player and a web browser as well as support for downloadable games.
59. Java is also a complete execution environment that allows programs to be run from web browser.
60. Also provide information about where to download microsoft's new web browser, internet explorer.
61. Right - click an entity type on the design surface or in the Model Browser select Table Mappings.
62. This subcomponent enables widgets running in the Browser Mashup Runtime component to access domains other than the one from which the mashup application was loaded.
63. Area has been changed outside of this browser session. Please redo your last operation.
64. Combat Training sessions are no longer counted in Server Browser Unranked tab.
65. Unloaded when A few seconds later the reference count goes to 0. The browser window that caused it to load gets closed.
66. A browser is a super - flier to go to the E - supermarket.
67. A new complex type with the selected properties is added to the Model Browser.
68. The whole system can run in Web Browser with multi platform.
69. Throught web browser which interacts between user and distributed system, operations and correspondence could be implemented.
70. The HTTPS protocol takes care of secure communication between a web server and a web browser.
71. Adobe AIR: Is breaking out of the browser the right next step?
72. You can also manage and delete browser add - ons , analyze disk space usage and find duplicate files.
73. The browser software was a Web browser, Microsoft Internet Explorer ( IE ).
74. If you enter a page address, your default web browser will open the page.
75. Complies with industry standards for data security, browser compatibility,(http:///browser.html) and accessibility.
76. The output of javadoc is an HTML file that you can view with your Web browser.
77. Just find the files you want to crypt in the embeded file browser.
78. There are a few options for making a WYSIWYG editor that works in the browser.
79. The browser manages book marks, allows search by voice, let users set home pages and Zoom-in and out is also satisfactory.
80. They just suggest how to display the content through a Web browser.
81. Development of a Web browser is certainly aAlmost impossible to undertake over a part - time basis.
82. You view a browse information file in the Object Browser.
83. Bigstep enables merchants to create, change, and maintain a storefront through a Web browser.
84. Security threats often sneak in the back door via browser add - ons and plug - ins .
85. Gaga browser without any complicated functions, against the consumption of resources.
86. Right - click a complex type in the Model Browser and select Delete.
87. The parser extracts information from the text description of documents, and translates the flat text format description document into virtual stadiums and displays it in the browser.
88. As a writer, Web browser and unrepentant Quake player, I'm strictly a laptop kind of guy.
89. Microsoft, having successfully cornered the web browser and email application markets, became an obvious target.
90. The web browser is notified as to which protocol to use.
91. The slower that browser got, the more I began to take notice of the preloading notification bar on the bottom.
92. Along these lines, Lucent also has developed a prototype voice - activated World Wide Web browser.
93. NET has a top - level exception handler that handles exceptions to show error pages to browser users.
94. The browser or server encounters a syntax or run time error in your script.
95. Either as a separate terminal computer running the Web browser, and can share the computing network, innovative cost advantage of operating the network business.
96. Sets the browser focus to the control with the specified identifier.
97. It also studied the flow of map tiles request and integration and related algorithm and made the map browser go faster.
98. Parses template and sends to standard output ( Browser ).
99. The HTTP server lets users view the status of routers and switches from a browser.
100. Such URLs can lead to phishing sites or sites which attempt to exploit your web browser.
101. After the analysis, results will return to user by Browser or email.
102. Since this is not a normal attribute the browser will ignore it.
103. However, a most important feature of our browser covers the demerit of the speed performance.
104. The PubMed Journal Browser allows you to look up journal names, MEDLINE abbreviations, or ISSN numbers for journals that are included in the PubMed system.
105. The site should work cro - platform and be browser independent.
105. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
106. The resulting network of meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated with the browser.
107. The Financial Times was the first major news publisher to launch an app of this type, which allows readers to access its award-winning journalism easily and quickly direct from the phone’s browser.
108. Remote Desktop access to see and Control the screen of your remote computer with your browser!
109. On the foundation of UCMAIL , development turns around quickly, UCWEB of mobile phone browser subsequently figuration.
110. Select Browse Definition to view external components in the Object Browser.
111. Submenu items can be scrolled up or down if they go out of the browser.
112. Easy language version of the novel Downloader 0.2 source code routine procedure extended interface with easy language support library, Web browser can download and manage the novel.
113. All we need is a browser to make sure we round out the trio.
114. Can print all the WEB browser to view the file types.
115. Once the user closes their browser, the cookie simply terminates.
116. I think my browser has a list of shareware links.
117. Tip: This method is used to write image data ( BLOB ) from a database to a browser.
118. Browser, for the collection of visual resources(), monitor the target system.
119. XHTML is the W 3 C's attempt to redraw lines blurred by browser makers.
120. Color selection list box, and support all of the IE browser color.
121. The technical tactics embody aspects as practicing digital copyright protection technology and applying advanced browser software.
122. The monolithic and process-per-browsing-instance models in Chrome do not provide memory or other resource protection across multiple principals in a monolithic process or browser instance.
123. As another example , the web browser can display the feed in its content window.
124. Our browser - based live chat window can be on both the visitor and operator sides.
125. I get a message about the cropper not working in my browser!
126. The open - source browser Firefox passed its billionth download on Friday ahead of theof its fourth iteration.
127. Web server and Web browser can offer very good service.
128. Almost meanwhile, gu Ge announces the acquiescent position that becomes red fox browser serves a provider.
129. The Selenium tests form a suite of automated browser integration tests.
130. Even a small popup on your web browser could in reality launch a stealthy virus of some sort on your computer.
131. Most efforts are using Java, ActiveX, or proprietary browser plug - ins to recreate the classroom experience.
132. A browser and a simple text editor is all you need.
133. Category has been changed outside of this browser session. Please redo your last operation.
134. Strong compatibility: The software supports all the core IE browser.
135. Scroll bar with the Image Browser to solve flicker problems when rolling.
136. Click the title bar of the Districts Browser to make sure it is active.
137. These visualizations have been formatted as animated GIF files, and are viewable in any web browser.
138. Listing has been changed outside of this browser session. Please redo your last operation.
139. In other words, a plug-in unit broke down won't cause a browser to break down.
140. Reports are created in HTML format and may viewed with any browser.
141. WAC's solution for "write once, run anywhere" applications is HTML5, the emerging Web standard that can be understood by the browser on any device, regardless of its operating system.
142. Use the following shortcut key combinations while you work in the Object Browser window.
143. Web application indicates that users are permitted to use Web browser to perform business logic.
144. Each wireless device generally runs a browser to display received information.
145. When taking the test , you should use the default settings of the browser you are testing.
146. Sorry ! This application only supports Internet Explorer browser right now.
147. AJAX uses asynchronous data transfer (HTTP requests) between the browser and the web server, allowing web pages to request small bits of information from the server instead of whole pages.
148. Netscape 1.0 was written as an alternative browser to NCSA Mosaic.
149. I found it using the Clementine data browser at the Naval Research Laboratory's website.
150. Whether may or not to use prance the message TT browser browse QQ space?
151. Data browser window -- Displays run summary data in the Memory tab; and displays. memory profiling data in the Call graph, Function List view, and Object List view tabs.
152. When printing table , the system transfers the print control and report to the client site browser.
153. ASPsource browser, use this code in the page display ASP source code.
154. The drowsy browser knits its brows to browbeat the frowzy crow.
155. Browser for blind person is designed for the blind people to browse special web page.
155. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
156. Now you should see readable text, split over lines , in your browser.
157. HTTP is a text - based protocol for a Web browser to access Web pages.
158. AJAX is a web browser technology independent of web server software.
159. Online Chinese Input System is a browser based input method editor.
160. The paper introduces how to implement a web browser based on VC ++ browser control.
161. If you do not see the popup survey, refreshing your browser several times should trigger it.
162. RDesk , another browser, has a fine text editor built in.
163. You just to upload the files and access it in your browser.
164. The browser is configured to use a proxy server, but the proxy refused a connection.




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