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单词 Impudence
1, Ignorance is the mother of impudence
2, His impudence provoked her into slapping his face.
3, I've had enough of your impudence!
4, He had the impudence to correct me.
5, I've had enough of your impudence, young lady.
6, He has the impudence to take things behind my back!
7, He stared at me with a mixture of impudence and hostility.
8, One sister had the impudence to wear the other's clothes.
9, And then, his breathtaking impudence.
10, His manipulation of impudence and deference was too assured for that.
11, None of your impudence!
12, Economic impudence plus political insensitivity combine to make a Kinnockian double whammy that I will vote Tory to avoid, however unenthusiastically.
13, A piece of impudence on my part, really, but I have a strong sense of civic duty.
14, Fred often winced when he witnessed his wife's impudence and guile, but he realised she was right.
15, I can not account for his almost impudence.
16, I had an air of impudence.
17, He will make you smart for this impudence.
18, What knocks me is his impudence.
19, Her impudence bowled me over.
20, What knocks me most is his impudence.
21, I was amazed at his impudence.
22, Of all the gall ! ie What impudence!
23, I have had enough of your impudence.
24, How is that for impudence!
25, The impudence of some men is beyond all calculation.
26, That impudence of the fellow!
27, My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark.
28, Their ignorance might just result from their shamefulness or from their impudence.
29, Bold knaves thrive without one grain of sense . But good men starve for want of impudence.
30, Nay, when I read a letter of his, I cannot help giving him the preference even over Wickham,[http:///impudence.html] much as I value the impudence and hypocrisy of my son-in-law.
1, My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark.
31, I like his impudence ! ( ironic, meaning that his impudence is prepesterous or amusing ).
32, The first charge is impudence, or hardness of forehead, a want of holy shame, an unhallowed boldness in evil.
33, Robert had the impudence to talk back to his teacher.
34, A rapid intellect and ready eloquence may carry off a little impudence.
35, I never in my life met his equal for sheer impudence.




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