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单词 Regressive
1. A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.
2. The policy has been condemned as a regressive step.
3. This regressive behaviour is more common in boys.
4. A regressive tax structure is one in which the average tax rate falls as income level rises.
5. This is a regressive income tax.
6. Although indirect taxes as a whole are regressive, there is some variation between different types of indirect tax.
7. Indirect taxes are, as a group, regressive,(/regressive.html) though this is not the case for all indirect taxes.
8. I saw at first hand what a regressive prison regime does to prisoners.
9. It is reactionary and regressive to pretend that television does not exist.
10. Here are the roots of the regressive trends in adolescence and in adult life.
11. Another useful classification is between progressive, proportional and regressive taxes.
12. Here, in the regressive, infantile wish for the perfect parent of early childhood lies the germ of the police state.
13. Critics point out that a sales tax is regressive, and supporters counter by suggesting that low-income taxpayers could get rebates.
14. Non-domestic rates are also regressive but various measures have sought to ease the burden.
15. John Gibson highlights the regressive aspects of recent local government financial reform, and predicts dire consequences for the urban poor.
16. Regressive between tax-payers Reflecting the importance of housing in the household budget, domestic rates fell most heavily on the low-income groups.
17. This regressive nature of the community charge is modified by the systems of rebates and exemptions.
18. It does not seem regressive to put it to use in the service of gay survival as well.
19. Shortly after this regressive move the post was cut completely.
20. This is regressive type of autism.
21. Many considered the changes to the welfare laws a regressive step.
22. The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.
23. The tax system as a whole has thus become both increasingly regressive and increasingly unsupportive of family formation.
24. This spatial code is used to direct accurate and selective regressive eye movements.
25. Any flat tax is inherently unfair, as are all regressive taxes.
26. Radical cuts to income tax plus large increases in national insurance and indirect taxation have made the tax system far more regressive.
27. Labour's promissory notes can not be met by a scale of personal taxation which will become increasingly regressive.
28. A new education bill remained unfunded, and reform of a famously regressive tax system made no progress.
29. So I was around a bunch of 10-year-olds, and I have to say that regressive pull had me in a headlock, " he says."
30. Press mouse right key to nod Zun Jian, current page will be regressive one pace.
1. A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.
31. Trade sanctions would in effect amount to a regressive tax.
32. Finally, the result was demonstrated by the regressive model of health care investment and economic growth.
33. Methods To get the regressive equation and correlative coefficient, we compared the enzymatic method and the basic picric acid method methodologically on the detecting of creatinine.
34. While this might appear to be a positive step, it is actually regressive.
35. Mathematical models and nomograms about the effects were obtained by means of orthogonal polynomial stepwise regressive analysis, and the ergonomical design parameters we...
36. Bright yellow and blue-black collocation, make a space comparative and intense, generation diffuses feeling and regressive sex, also be to settle one of way of congested of small family vision.
37. Using multiple regressive analysis, main affecting factors of hospital stay (http:///regressive.html), hospital charges were sifted.
38. The Upper Permian System Longtan coal measure in the Changguang coal deposit is a complete sedimentary cycle, consisting of a regressive and a transgressive series.
39. TAO Yuan - ming had a strong regressive conscious and a bright and aloft personality.
40. Methods The patients include 300 cases of fingertip replantation were applied by progressive or regressive methods, and tried to anastomose digital arteries and palmar digital finger veins.
41. Correlation program was programmed with MATLAB to realize its linear regressive analysis.
42. Based on the theory and method of mixed regressive model, the statistical correlative forecasting model of the DongShan's water level is got, it is the key level of controlling flood.
43. After ovariotomy(), the epithelia of the oviduct were atrophied and regressive.
44. By dint of Ordinarily Least Squares regressive is a pivotal step.
45. Objective : To study the regressive effect on left ventricular hypertrophy ( LVH ) by antihypertensive drugs losartan and captopril.
46. Based on the analysis of various factor, regressive formulas for equivalent shear modulus of concrete filled circular steel tube and concrete filled square steel tube are obtained.
47. The evolution of those three systems tracts suggests the changing of transgressive and regressive of fluvial delta system and draught salt lake during the depositing.
48. In briefly, students who show much more profitable strategies have less times of fixation and long distance of saccadic, their regressive times during the reading is fewer too.
49. While this appear to be a positive step it is actually regressive.
50. The results by CART regressive tree analysis on confounding factors indicated that the benzol blends exposure was a main effect on infants' body length.
51. This paper presents two kinds of models of tool wear using regressive analysis and fuzzy classification technique.
52. Based on careful reading, this paper focuses on the regressive intent of Dishan s writing.
53. In order to resolve the problem of the communication time delay in force telepresent telerobot system, a new idea based on AR (Auto Regressive) model is presented in this paper.
54. According to the regressive equation being presented and the simulation results, the effect rules of process parameters on the ovality and optimal combination of process parameters were obtained.
55. Results A sum of useful data and regressive equation were obtained.
56. Finally, the regressive correlation of them is verified by try-on test.
57. Kirk Smith, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, calls climate change the world's biggest regressive tax: the poorest pay for the behaviour of the rich (see map).
58. The regressive result implies that log return and log dividend of fund can control the redemption.
59. A statistical regressive mathematical model for processing the measured data of lossless network is presented.
60. To make a difference, China should rely less on regressive indirect taxation, start taxing capital gains and introduce inheritance taxes, Fernandez-Lommen said.
61. The Regressive Cycle is used to describle a decline in performance ( regression ).
62. Optimal concentrations of 6-BA and NAA and their combinations were tested with quadratic regressive orthogonal design for their effect on shoot regeneration of Dianthus caryophyllus L.
63. Objective: Alzheimer's disease ( AD ) is a kind of regressive disease of central nervous system ( CNS ).
64. This method of portrayal emphasizes both the regressive nature and the time equivalence.
65. A simple and practical scheme is presented for establishing exponential auto - regressive model.
66. Taxes can be further categorised as proportional, progressive or regressive.
67. Results:The regressive valvulopathy was misdiagnosed easy as rheumatic heat disease, regressive valvulopathy infectious, endocarditis dysfunction and rupture of papillary muscle ect.
68. Trade charge: 1 Of % protect gold and subscribe subscription convection character, finishing and regressive time.




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