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单词 Covert
1. Religion is often made the covert of crime.
2. They have been supplying covert military aid to the rebels.
3. The government was accused of covert military operations against the regime.
4. Every measure, both overt and covert, is being taken against terrorists.
5. He stole a covert glance at her across the table.
6. The army carried out covert surveillance of the building for several months.
7. He stole covert glances at her across the table.
8. Accusations continue of security force involvement in covert assassinations.
9. This whole business of covert action.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. The mechanism of propitiation carries with it covert hostility.
11. He was an enthusiast for covert action.
12. But these were not covert intelligence operations.
13. Thoughtful, well-reasoned covert action, lawfully reported to Congress, can be a tremendous foreign-policy instrument for a president.
14. The covert activities of secret service and conspiracy theories entered the apparently benign. neutral world of the art museum.
15. None of them had been trained in covert operations other than when dealing with criminals.
16. A., when hundreds of covert jumps were carried out from the unfinished skeletons of office towers on Bunker Hill.
17. Though sometimes overt, racism is usually covert, but is deeply ingrained in professional and institutional practices.
18. Usually it is covert and can only be diagnosed by specifically measuring blood lipids.
19. But the covert groupings have had their undercover work rumbled by loyalists.
20. The chief investigator resigned, amid allegations of covert and probably illegal operations.
21. In my own research, some covert use was made of a micro-recorder and tapes were later transcribed.
22. We should learn to fight with enemy in an overt and covert way.
23. In my experience, people who tried to attain their ends by covert means came to unfortunate ends.
24. Particularly during successful long-term participant observation, the borderline between overt and covert recording can become blurred and quite difficult problems emerge.
25. But there is one story which, in a cryptic and covert way, does.
26. The State President also made a commitment to review covert funding operations.
27. The abuse of residents in the home was confirmed by covert video surveillance.
28. Only Rugby Union holds out against the commercial tide despite widespread speculation about covert payments to players.
29. Police shut down the new business, called Kim's, last week after a covert operation.
30. In such a day, wars are usually the overt result of hopelessly confused covert causes.
1. We should learn to fight with enemy in an overt and covert way.
2. They have been supplying covert military aid to the rebels.
3. The government was accused of covert military operations against the regime.
4. The army carried out covert surveillance of the building for several months.
31. The covert reasons why the scheme drew widespread support from Cardiff solicitors was that it was part of an internal power struggle.
32. Win had also used a false name through the years, standard practice for officers engaged in covert work.
33. When she arrived at the edge of the covert, she made her way cautiously along its downhill fringes.
34. Wickham had remarked that covert freelance writing for another publication did not justify making a misleading statement during a murder inquiry.
35. Failure to select a suitable candidate because of age is often a covert form of racial and gender discrimination.
36. He remained a Scandinavian puritan, less humourous than Bergman, certainly more covert about sexuality generally.
37. What would be the moral standing of a covert participant observation study of Death Row?
38. He said in a 1994 interview that as prime minister he rejected a military plan to sell heroin to finance covert operations.
39. These groups relish their own obscurity, because it allows them to do things in a covert manner, like cockroaches.
40. But the media are not Rasputin with a covert or overt political agenda.
41. The need-to-know rule in the covert world normally works admirably.
42. Because of the substantial practical advantages, the bulk of this chapter will be devoted to covert sensitization.
43. Friday morning they organized a covert operation, modeled on many others over the years, to take control of Artis Hill.
44. The special conditions at Westminster are one part of the explanation of the relatively free rein given to counter-insurgency and covert activity.
45. The Committee considered such appointments preferable to more covert arrangements whereby certain officers became singled out as sympathetic sources of advice.
46. Covert sensitization requires no special equipment, involves minimal risk to patients, and can easily be conducted on an outpatient basis.
47. When using covert sensitization, it is important to evaluate its effect on both drinking behavior and urges to drink.
48. This was confirmed in 14 patients by covert video surveillance.
49. If you are doing covert sensitization on an outpatient basis, your client could be consuming alcohol prior to treatment.
50. Miller never did find out how to set up a covert operation.
51. Covert video cameras and hand-held laser devices will be among the equipment used at weekends, they warn.
52. One wonders whether that overt gesture really was meant to stifle covert action.
53. On top of that there was the slovenly, almost token, way they had drawn the first covert.
54. Ninety minutes later they were all back in the saddle and drawing their first covert as if the season had just begun.
55. A covert investigation was conducted to catch the drug-smuggling ring.
56. On the whole, though, the cases in which covert taping of conversations plays a decisive part are few.
57. Though this derives from psychological studies of covert actions types, it would be waste to leave it at that.
58. Better to buy time with covert operations and the steady working of violence, crime and racketeering than to risk vote-endangering controversy.
59. The overt legitimate action overlays the covert set of intents.
60. Spontaneous resistance and sabotage A form of activity which clearly comes under the heading of subtle and covert resistance is industrial sabotage.
61. Controlled studies to date of the effectiveness of covert sensitization offer mixed results.
62. A furlong short of the small covert where the fox had started she slipped from Fontana's back.
63. This arbitrary divorce releases covert tensions yet makes possible the performance of Antigone s trial and punishment.
64. He says that the Gemini squad will be seen in uniform, but there are also more covert operations.
65. Whether or not blacks' career prospects are blighted by covert racialist policies in the occupational sphere is not the question under consideration.
66. The deer fled to a covert.
67. Her Blazing eyes always Betray her covert capricious self.
68. All was dark, covert, and cunning, like its owner.
69. I now began to imitate his covert looks.
70. But there were legal objections to a covert operation.
71. But the implications of his remarks were not lost in Iran,(http:///covert.html) where the US is still spending hundreds of millions of dollars in covert destabilisation programmes.
72. Basing on discussing the means of communications countermeasures, this paper studies the submarines communications reconnaissance and communications deception especially for retaining covert actions.
73. Covert action was deniable; a Pentagon program would not be ( Bob Woodward ).
74. Contrapose to the main character of submarines covert action, this paper introduces the analytic hierachy process(AHP) to solve the problem of threat evaluation.
75. She was now in the second year of active munitions production after long covert preparations.
76. Could you talk about your impressive covert role in Infernal Affairs?
77. Let mine outcasts dwell with thee, Moab; be thou a covert to them from the face of the spoiler: for the extortioner is at an end, the spoiler ceaseth, the oppressors are consumed out of the land.
78. I propose holding a lively face - to - face debate and avoid any covert politics.
79. Funding for government underground facilities come from "Presidential Shelter" funds, as well as covert drug operation conducted by the CIA under the orders of MJ-12.
80. It may include dramatic strikes, visible on television, and covert operations, secret even in success.
81. FALCO was a group of elite covert operatives of the Allied forces during the war.
82. Put to have not for two minutes, ring again, he old Niang, a come up Keng Keng the Keng spray him:"Zhao Qian Fan , you have amusement no exceed limits also, how with feme covert make together?"
83. The capital fled to some other places by means of current account and capital account, as well as covert capital loss.
84. When the pressure-sensitive label runs through the Sato print engine, it receives the Traceless covert taggant as well as the human-readable copy and graphics that are required on the label.
85. Covert interview is an outcome of politic economic and social developments in certain historic period, it conformed to the social and times requirements, and inhered specific historic functions.
86. The present study investigated cross-modal links for endogenous covert spatial orienting in vision and hearing.
87. For now, the US tolerates China's covert and overt attempts to discomfit the US.
88. Panetta won't say what kind of covert operations were carried out or how the agency was able to conclude that the Qum facility was nuclear.
89. They loosed the covert fear that Croft would be watching them.
90. When it comes to the secretive business of recruiting spies, images of shadowy figures and covert meetings at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge spring to mind.
91. Methinks wonders if we are not being had by a covert pro-nuke PR action here.
92. The relationship took a nose dive on May 2 when U. S. commandos staged a covert raid to kill al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden in a Pakistani garrison town not far from Islamabad.
93. Large militaristic legions were formed and gained the edge in covert political and power.
94. But it is now well documented that the Dalai Lama was whisked away by a CIA covert operation.
95. When customers' dissatisfaction devolves into personal attacks, adulterating food or drink is a convenient way for servers to exact covert vengeance. Waiters can and do spit in people's food.
96. Covert sensitisation required patients to counter homosexual thoughts with shameful fantasies of arrest by the police or discovery by their family.
97. In their eyes, he has reached covert deal with contractor, that is the contractor bribed him underhand so as to get the contract to build the city roads and bridges. 6.A cat may look at a king.
98. Many other interesting tales concerning project "blue card", covert intelligence and the "wise guys".
99. You are Special Agent Strike, armed with an experimental exoskeleton suit(/covert.html), sent to investigate the disappearance of a US Special Forces unit that went missing while on a covert operation.
100. I have mastered the art of the surreptitious and covert glance over my shoulder.
101. We are now examining whether being in a punitive environment day in and day out will have other negative impacts on children such as lying or other covert antisocial behaviors.
102. We use polyinstance to eliminate the covert signal channel in the multilevel secure database, so we must change the traditional relational data modal.
103. When the form of aversive stimulation is unpleasant mental imagery the technique is known as covert.
104. Large - caliber rifles for ultra - long range sniping and ani - material use, and silenced rifles for covert operations.
105. Is South Korea national favorite medical those programs "born old die of illness covert thing" books edition of the book 1, is South Korea national "those textbooks".
106. One can readily imagine that the tradecraft developed for traditional human spying could readily translate into the virtual world. Indeed, covert action in this world is all but inevitable.
107. It would not necessarily be a perfect nation-state, but would have the stability to "defend itself against both overt and covert challenges to its security, " she said.
108. 1986 - Iran Contra Affair: US Attorney General Edwin Meese announces that profits from covert weapons sales to Iran were illegally diverted to the anti-communist Contra rebels in Nicaragua.
109. When customers' dissatisfaction devolves into personal attacks, adulterating food or drink is a convenient way for servers to exact covert vengeance.
110. A novel lossless covert communication method based on predictive coding for image is presented.
111. The bombing of Cambodia or covert operations in Chile were thrown into the cauldron.
112. At present, new type bribery crimes constantly appear, and comparing to the traditional bribery, they are falsu, covert, indirect.
113. Covert, unofficial background checks are fairly easy to do in China.
114. For one thing, concealment is an important character of covert coverage, so covert coverage is conflict with the ideas of honest, faithfulness, heartiness, sincerity, etc.
115. The depth of covert racism in my own profession frightens me.
116. FALCO managed covert field operations teams in every major combat theater of the war.
117. The co-occurrence of sexualizing and childlike characteristics makes the sexualization present in girl's clothing covert.
118. Bring down the tariffs and cut back the non-tariff barriers that all too often are covert protectionism.
119. In this paper it proposes a new covert communication method which is based on TCP/IP protocol packet header.
120. On the surface, nothing proves that Wikileaks is a CIA covert operation.
121. Chinese is a covert coherence-prominent, paratactic language and its clauses are arranged one after the other often without connectives showing the relation between them.
122. Cause is a covert element, and it has an independent position in syntactic structure.
123. And just as windmills can covert the physical energy in a breeze into electricity, tidal turbines can do the same for the motion in the ocean.
124. The financial deficit in China consists of central financial deficit and covert financial deficit.
125. The sentence type one usually express the meaning of overt or covert fuzzy quantity.
126. Angle domain migration imaging can covert full wavefield extrapolation to local wavefield extrapolation with high describing accuracy to the propagating of wave field.
127. Fogel, Daniel Mark . Covert Relations: Joyce, Woolf and Henry James . Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1990.
128. Despite JSOC's lead role in Neptune's Spear the mission officially remained a C.I.A. covert operation.
129. Until early 1968, the United States backed its Federal Reserve notes with 25 percent gold, but this did not mean that citizens could use gold as money or covert paper dollars to gold.
130. Tom : Solo covert actions are standard FOX operating procedure.
131. They had names like Jump City and Sugaree, and loosely defined governements and territories that shifted constantly in the covert winds of a black-market economy.
132. But because of the complexity of its character and its covert, it is hard to mensurate the risk of ROSCA.
132. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
133. Themain framework is introduced and the TCP packet header is analysed in details, then the method of realization covert channel in TCPprotocol is given.
134. A scheme of satellite covert communication based on the coherent chaos shift keying signal is proposed in this paper, then the whole system model is also constructed.
135. Ralph lay in a covert , wondering about his wounds.




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