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单词 Interstate
1 Interstate 8 bypasses the town to the north.
2 Get on the interstate leading toward Miami.
3 I've always banked at First Interstate Bank.
4 The Interstate speed limit is 65 m.p.h.
5 Interstate 5 was fogbound early Monday morning.
6 Interstate 5 links San Diego and Los Angeles.
7 Interstate 880 opened Tuesday, only three months behind schedule.
8 He previously worked for Interstate Engineering in Jamestown as a project engineer.
9 We were up on the interstate again, slicing through the Louisiana countryside.
10 The NBA is still operating without its interstate provisions, as a domestic agreement.
11 Thirty-two of the top 39 First Interstate executives received two-to three-times their annual pay as severance benefits.
12 Interstate 680 runs through the area where Communities for a Better Environment conducted its tests.
13 The accident happened on Interstate 84 in Manchester, about 10 miles east of Hartford, during evening rush hour.
14 The morning landing halted traffic on nearby Interstate 5 as many motorists stopped to watch the action.
15 From the interstate highway which runs nearby, nothing about this bluff looks any different from thousands of others.
16 Thirty years ago, interstate interchanges helped many communities to prosper, while those on backroads stagnated.
17 But along the Interstate 91 corridor of New Hampshire and Vermont, fewer than 20 percent of such patients have lumpectomies.
18 A motorist on Interstate 70 near New York Mountain had reported seeing smoke coming from the slope last week.
19 We headed north, traveling 190 miles mostly by interstate, stretched to six hours by frequent stops.
20 I missed my flight because of a tie-up on the interstate.
21 Most of the old road - which stretched from Chicago to Los Angeles - has been superseded by the great Interstate highways.
22 The suspects managed to get away, heading south on Interstate 5.
23 The tower and dome are unmistakable to those passing by on Interstate 19, a mile to the east.
24 In 1994, a Maryland State trooper saw a car speeding down Interstate 95.
25 That clause limits the domestic lawmaking power of Congress to issues involving interstate commerce.
26 It is over-inclusive be-cause it stops teenagers from drinking even when they are not about to drive on interstate highways.
27 In 1961, the New Abolitionists focused their attention on segregation in interstate transportation, particularly on passenger buses.
28 Louis, Missouri, introduced a resolution which requested a committee investigation based on the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce.
29 Upstairs alone, Petey could fling open everything and build an interstate highway.
30 All have been defined by the United States Department of Agriculture for poultry products in interstate commerce.
1 Interstate 8 bypasses the town to the north.
31 The decline in earnings per share reflects the shares Wells issued to buy First Interstate last April.
32 Background: Hammer v. Dagenhart concerned an act of Congress that banned the products of child labor from interstate commerce.
33 The most dramatic impact will be on First Interstate employees.
34 Escondido west of Interstate 15 ranked first in price appreciation as well as sales activity.
35 The lowest unemployment in the state, about 2 percent to 3 percent, runs along the Greenville-Spartanburg stretch of Interstate 85.
36 And on this stretch of Interstate 80, an unending stream of cars whooshes by.
37 Only the homeless had close-up views, from makeshift shelters in a marsh east of Interstate 5.
38 The problem there is that the railroad is so close to the interstate and the traffic lights are controlled by rail traffic.
39 The Brezhnev leadership, like Stalin's, showed a proper regard for the political stakes in interstate rivalry.
40 Inspection for wholesomeness of meat and poultry in interstate and intrastate commerce is mandatory; inspection of imported meat is mandatory.
41 In the 1950s, we launched construction of the vast interstate highway system.
42 Head east on Interstate 10 to just past Tucson, then south on Arizona 83 to Sonoita.
43 Congress may forbid discrimination in public accommodations that are related to interstate commerce. 28.
44 Wells Fargo completed its acquisition of First Interstate yesterday and lost no time wielding the cost-cutting ax.
45 Strategists viewed the trail as an interstate highway, a monolithic artery that could be severed.
46 Under that agreement, First Interstate shareholders will receive $ 152. 33 per share.
47 Opponents of the NBA say that with no interstate trading restrictions the agreement is now inoperable.
48 The charges included racketeering, conspiracy, bank fraud, securities fraud(), misapplication of funds and interstate transportation of stolen property.
49 And where was he going 90 minutes after the bombing when stopped by an Oklahoma trooper on Interstate 35 near Perry?
50 Interstate 35 was closed following a chain reaction crash that involved 93 vehicles.
51 And then Interstate 57 was built, and it bypassed Park Forest, changing the local commuter patterns.
52 It is not surprising that there is a shortage of truck parking spaces at interstate rest areas.
53 No administration had directed the Interstate Commerce Commission to order discontinuance of this practice in conformity with the court decisions.
54 Some favor the interstate highway model, with government construction, ownership, and maintenance.
55 The decline in earnings per share reflects the new shares issued to acquire First Interstate.
56 As we cruised through on Interstate 40, though, it was a nondescript, flat, boring land.
57 First Bank System has offered to exchange 2. 6 of its shares for each First Interstate share in the proposed acquisition.
58 Models of interdependence focus on interstate relations but challenge the realist view of states as independent actors.
59 The accident happened on Interstate 84,(Sentence dictionary) during the evening rush hour.
60 The opportunity to work with First Interstate over these past few months has been a very positive experience.
61 Wells Fargo was forced to offer its own employees the same terms First Interstate had promised its employees before the merger.
62 Subjects within international relations include war, interstate conflict resolution, international law, regional alliances, colonialism, and international organizations.
63 That means First Interstate managers could reap about $ 300 million in pretax profits cashing in their options.
64 In the worst case, such violence could take the form of interstate strife.
65 The Eisenhower-era interstate highway system is crumbling and buckling and full of noisy, angry trucks.
66 Agents at the Interstate 8 station apprehended more than 3,100 undocumented workers.
67 This year, after its merger with First Interstate Bancorp, it is closing about 225.
68 Co. has roped First Interstate Bancorp but competitors hope for a stampede of disenchanted customers from the merged bank.
69 Traffic on Interstate 5 south of Olympia was being diverted to allow for inspection of a damaged bridge.
70 This goal of the interstate highway system had been frustrated by varying drinking ages among the States.
71 Hauserman said a First Alert detector sounded in his office, where the only source of carbon monoxide is the nearby interstate.
72 Wells Fargo is expected to complete its merger with First Interstate next month.
73 One of the roles of the federal government is to regulate interstate commerce.
74 A large proportion of meat and poultry food products move in interstate commerce.
75 Hey Matt, old pal, old buddy, this stuff got stolen from us, it was moving, interstate commerce.
76 By Nebraska, the farms and ranches are so friendly they come right up to the interstate and nuzzle your car.
77 They included interstate investment institutions, banking mechanisms and pricing policy.
78 Congress has undoubted power to redefine the distribution of power over interstate commerce.
79 The statute confines itself to prohibiting the carriage of certain goods in interstate or foreign commerce.
80 States may regulate local incidents of interstate commerce when Congress has not occupied the field. 23.
81 Jason Walczewski, 22, smashed into the van in the eastbound lanes of Interstate 196 on Sunday night.
82 It was an interstate highway, up on stilts, that flew over the houses and through the burning air.
83 In Arizona, approximately 93 % of the freight traffic and 95 % of the passenger traffic is interstate.
84 In January 1988, First Interstate agreed to finance construction of the Mercado.
85 Interstate 5 is carrying 50% more traffic than it did five years ago.
86 An interstate council was to be established to monitor relations between the states and central government.
87 How do economic factors affect interstate and intrastate relations?
88 This funnel cloud was spotted over Interstate 95 yesterday.
89 Interstate Highway Commission; interstate highways; Interstate Commerce Commission; interstate commerce.
90 When Timmy found out three hours later, he dumped Helen and the basket with me in it on the service road of Interstate 10,(http:///interstate.html) near Lafayette.
91 In the 1950 s the U.S. interstate highway system was inaugurated to link the country's major cities.
92 William Henry Gates, Jr. was a prominent corporate lawyer while Mary Maxwell was a board member of First Interstate Bank and Pacific Northwest Bell.
93 Follow Highway 41 North, ? mile before Interstate 64 make a left at Rusher Creek.
94 Before I even made it out of Massachusetts on the interstate highway, a car pulled out of a rest stop right in front of me.
95 The Interstate Highway System makes most of America easily accessible by car.
96 Fearing future unrest, Congress banned the interstate transport of fight films, a law that remained in force for more than a quarter-century.
97 The old Interstate 35 W bridge in Minneapolis collapsed Aug. 1 during the evening rush hour.
98 Detectives received a tip Saturday that he was at the truck stop, located off Interstate 81, according to the Polk County sheriff's department.
99 Looks like a brush fire, Kim Cooper thought as she spotted an orange glow ahead on Interstate 75.
100 The 1906 law forbade interstate and foreign commerce in adulterated and misbranded food and drugs.
101 Thus was born the Interstate High - way System, now the atherosclerotic arteries of American commerce.
102 They quarrel with Taft over the terms of a bill to strengthen the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission.
103 Soon the Interstate Commerce Commission announced rules banning racial segregation at all public transportation centers.
104 Any activity, even if purely intrastate, can be regulated by the federal government if it substantially affects interstate commerce.
105 Cities such as Jackson, Shreveport, Dallas and Forth Worth stand out along Interstate 20 and, at left, so do Little Rock and Oklahoma City.
106 One test governs state legislation that discriminates against interstate commerce.
107 The SEC regulates interstate market securities and enforces laws against unfair and illegal practices.
108 ITC Midwest bought the high-voltage electric transmission system from Alliant Energy's Interstate Power and Light Co. (IPL) and has helped bring hundreds of megawatts of wind generation on-line.
109 In response, the Interstate Commerce Commission, the United States' first economic regulatory agency, was created in 1887.
110 The agency was ordered to develop such guidelines by Congress in 1995 when it enacted legislation creating the STB as a successor to the former Interstate Commerce Commission.
111 With the return of Hong Kong and Macao, the question of interstate conflict of laws becomes more important.
112 A fatal crash just before 3 p. m. Sunday took the lives of two people and brought traffic on Interstate 75 to a halt for several hours a few miles north of Bowling Green.
113 New headquarters built for the Interstate Commerce Commission celebrated government regulation, which reined in market forces and curbed capitalism.
114 The danger in the court's narrow view of interstate commerce as consisting only goods in transit.
115 It is easy to drive using the Interstate highway system.
116 Relative costs are affected by interstate population flows, but those costs then in turn have a feed-back effect on population flows. This is particularly so for Queensland.
117 Barstow City desert area in Southern California, the valley basin, located in the traffic arteries, where the intersection of two interstate highways,(http:///interstate.html) about 180 kilometers from Los Angeles by car.
118 In addition, the FederalRegulatory Commission's authority to regulate oil pipelines came from the Interstate Commerce Commission.
119 Intrastate milk competes with interstate milk, and thus the price of intrastate milk has an impact on the price of the interstate milk, thereby affecting interstate commerce.
120 Thus, west Texas interstate highways are usually nonrivalrous, while Los Angeles freeways are usually very rivalrous.
121 A law regulating the railroads was enacted in 1887 (Interstate Commerce Act) and another, preventing large firms from controlling a single industry, in 1890 (Sherman Antitrust Act).
122 The Commission also regulates interstate market securities and enforces laws against unfair and illegal practices.
123 There was a price war going on at the time, and we at Interstate 95 Gas were selling regular at twenty-nine cents a gallon.
124 The secretary of HEW could convene a conference on his or her own initiative when the pollution was interstate; it could be convened at the request of the governor for intrastate problems.
125 Commerce between the states is regulated by the Interstate Commerce Commission, but intrastate commerce is supervised by the states themselves.
126 Commission ( FCC ) covers radio and TV transmission and interstate telephone and telegraph.
127 In addition, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's authority to regulate oil pipelines came from the Interstate Commerce Commission.
128 Regulation of freight rates by the Interstate Commerce Commission was removed for most cargoes, provided they could go by road.
129 In practice, the most important of these federal powers is the power to regulate interstate commerce.
130 Traffic had already backed up at the East Coast's perennial chokepoint: the Interstate 95 toll plaza in Newark, Del., where construction is adding to the bottleneck.
131 The merchant, Vitaly Borker, 34, who operates a Web site called, was charged with one count each of mail fraud, wire fraud, making interstate threats and cyberstalking.
132 Flood water drains from a ditch along Interstate 29 March 21,2010 south of Fargo, North Dakota.
133 It was thirty-something years ago, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, right along Interstate 40, which is better known as Tobacco Road.
134 Last spring driving on Interstate 80 crossing the Sacramento River Delta, he saw, to his disbelief, what seemed to be a small shark on the highway.
135 H. G. Wells was a fan, and Robert Heinlein, in his 1940 short story The Roads Must Roll, envisioned interstate passenger platforms moving at speeds of up to 160 km/h.
136 In February, I drove to Brinkley, about an hour east of Little Rock on the interstate, to speak at the Lions Club banquet.
137 Thus it follows that states may not regulate interstate commerce.
138 Hunt: You heard about Scotland Yard ? Interpol ? Interstate Authority ? I can make them all go away.
139 Judge Henry Hudson concluded that Congress can't regulate "economic inactivity, " the failure to buy health insurance, as if it were "economic activity" that affected interstate commerce.
140 A constitutionalist administration would also defer to state laws refusing compliance with the REAL ID act and denying federal authority over interstate gun transactions.
141 Hours after a fiery big - rig pileup on a Los Angeles interstate, the roadway is still closed.
142 Perhaps the area in which preemption is most likely to be found is interstate transportation.
143 The U. S. government has tried to reap the advantages of large-scale organization while minimizing the dangers through legislation, such as the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act.
144 It prohibits interstate commerce in misbranded and adulterated foods, drinks and drugs.
145 A plane just landed on the interstate highway outside of town.
146 This is the usual justification for antitrust laws and such regulatory agencies as the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Civil Aeronautics Board.
147 The Federal Communication Commission ( FCC ) covers radio and TV transmission and interstate telephone and telegraph.
148 At the curve in the road where his cab had caught fire(), the interstate was streaked with black ash.
149 And Interstate Batteries, a Texan company , helps its employees to go on missions.




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