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单词 Rats
1. Rats leave (or desert or forsake) a sinking ship. 
2. Stink the rats out by burning sulphur.
3. The farmer poisoned the rats.
4. The prison is infested with rats.
5. The rats was gnawing at the box.
6. The stores were overrun with rats and mice.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. Rats had burrowed into the bank of the river.
8. The back yard was infested by rats.
9. The researchers are repeating the experiment on rats.
10. The rats have eaten holes in those bags of flour.
11. Flies, lice, rats, foxes and cockroaches can all be described as vermin.
12. Rats have gnawed a hole.
13. The ship abounds with rats.
14. A huge effort was made to exterminate the rats.
15. Rats! I forgot to buy any bread.
16. The rats were controlled by poisoning.
17. This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats.
18. He wrote his Master's dissertation on rats.
19. The apartments were infested with rats and roaches.
20. The rats have chewed away some of the woodwork.
21. The rats have chewed away some of the furniture.
22. The barn was infested with rats.
23. The period of gestation of rats is 21 days.
24. The city is suffering a plague of rats.
25. Rats and flies spread germs.
26. The rats gnawed away some of her furniture.
27. I think rats and snakes are repulsive.
28. The rats have eaten away most of the woodwork.
29. In biology classes at school we used to dissect rats.
30. The city is under threat from a plague of rats.
1. Stink the rats out by burning sulphur.
2. The farmer poisoned the rats.
3. The prison is infested with rats.
4. The rats was gnawing at the box.
5. The stores were overrun with rats and mice.
6. Rats had burrowed into the bank of the river.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The back yard was infested by rats.
8. The rats have eaten holes in those bags of flour.
9. Flies, lice, rats, foxes and cockroaches can all be described as vermin.
10. In biology classes at school we used to dissect rats.
11. The city is under threat from a plague of rats.
12. The rats have chewed away some of the woodwork.
13. The rats have eaten away most of the woodwork.
14. White rats tame easily.
31. Rats had gnawed through the wires.
32. The rats received a daily injection of the drug.
33. Rats gnawed off the lid of the box.
34. We put down some poisoned bait to kill the rats.
35. Stores of grain are frequently attacked by pests, especially rats.
36. Early settlers caught rabbits and squirrels and even rats in order to survive.
37. Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats.
38. We realized too late that we were caught like rats in a trap.
39. The rats were huge and completely unafraid of human beings.
40. The rats had been conditioned to ring a bell when they wanted food.
41. Some of the furniture in this old house has been gnawed away by rats.
42. Do they put down poison for getting rid of these rats?
43. The Hotel has been ordered to close because it is overrun by mice and rats.
44. White rats tame easily.
45. The rats skittered around them in the drains and under the floorboards.
46. Rats, like rabbits, were notorious breeders.
47. There were rats in the water, swollen-bellied, drowned.
48. He kept a watch for sewer rats.
49. And rats as big as cats!
50. Tolman placed three groups of rats in a maze.
51. Rats, moles, and household pets were implicated.
52. The apartments were crawling with rats and fleas.
53. Rab weighed the cons and heard the rats.
54. Rats. I forgot to pick up my dry cleaning.
55. It was Rats, Molly's huge tortoiseshell cat.
56. They're rodents - like rats, only with bushy tails.
57. Rats are known to carry diseases like the plague.
58. The rats disturbed him more than the previous night.
59. I wonder what really causes a plague of rats?
60. And do what? Round up the rats?
61. It is interesting to note that the prostaglandin response was more pronounced in linoleic fed rats than in the other groups.
62. Martha says rats are hanging dressed in the market for sale with mule meat.
63. She hunted stereotypes down as if they were sewer rats and stuck radical slogans to the fridge door.
64. Because unlike the marmots, the rats had no resistance to the disease that the fleas carried.
65. A rough calculation can, however, be made based on the rate of fluid absorption observed in the control rats.
66. He could just see boxes[http:///rats.html], litter blowing in the wind and rats scavenging for food.
67. Fleas desert a dead rat faster than rats desert a sinking ship, and that makes sense.
68. In the dark, she imagined red-eyed rats scurrying around her, lashing her with their tails.
69. I know the rats are a worry because they are so dangerous and can contaminate food.
70. If it is stored for too long in rick or barn, rats and mice can cause heavy losses.
71. Huge rats roamed the streets slaying then devouring their victims.
72. Instead of pecking at discs, rats can be taught to press levers in order to obtain food and water.
73. Some of these fears were allayed by scientific research findings, such as laboratory experiments with rats.
74. Old steamboats with their scrollwork more scrolled and withered by weathers sat in the mud inhabited by rats.
75. Accompanying the shuttle crew will be 66 laboratory rats, six of them nursing females and the remainder neonates.
76. When the rats came, Buckthorn and Silver had obeyed Bigwig and stood their ground.
77. The infantry tied empty tins to the wire to act as alarm bells, but they were only ever sounded by rats.
78. Poisoning rats with warfarin reduces the damage but is costly and possibly damaging to the environment.
79. The Boomtown Rats have exploded out of the country, but there is little lingering after-effect.
80. William didn't know why the fleas left the marmots for the rats.
81. In experiments with rats, increased electrical activity was recorded in the satiety centre of the brain during chewing and swallowing.
82. Capsaicin destroys small sensory nerve fibres if it is injected under the skin of newborn rats.
83. The electrodes gave the rats access to their own stores of bliss-producing neurotransmitters.
84. The rats eat that poison, then they crawl into your walls and die.
85. Rats gnawed on black infants' feet, while money was used to build new police stations around the corner.
86. If we don't go and get it the rats and rooks come and I don't like fighting rats.
87. He was imagining them as they scurried to and fro like rats, like rabbits, when farmers burnt the stubble off their fields.
88. I suppose that ferrets are no more unusual as pets than rats, snakes and goodness only knows what else.
89. Rats have been branded public enemy No. 1 in Bangladesh.
90. Remember all those experiments with rats living in enriched environments?
91. Meanwhile, the larger birds of prey were tucking into things like mice, rats, chicks and rabbits.
92. Another line of research linking alcohol and serotonin involves rats bred for their avid preference for alcohol.
93. Accompanying the astronauts on the flight are a dozen rats, 36 fish embryos and 20 loblolly pine seedlings.
94. But melatonin did. Daily injections of melatonin given at 3.30 each afternoon, entrained the rats to a 24 hour cycle.
95. One of the rats is just sitting in the corner and I wonder if maybe it's smart enough to be depressed.
96. If they are afraid of rats,[http:///rats.html] an iron cage of rats strapped over the chest or face is used.
97. The rats eventually managed to press the lever very quickly after being placed in the box, in order to receive their reward.
98. Among the plastic rats, fluffy animals and copies of the Sun decorating the desks was at least one Labour red rose.
99. Rats in their thousands fed on the grain in the Government stores while the people went hungry.
100. Allowed free access to their own reward centers, many of the rats became hopeless lever addicts.
101. Rats placed on to a semi-starvation diet live longer than those given food ad libitum.
102. Out in the field, we looked like a bunch of drowned rats.
103. Daily injections of melatonin given at 3.30 each afternoon, entrained the rats to a 24 hour cycle.
104. As the crowd grew more restless, the speaker before Alan showed a film about rats whose longevity had been extended.
105. Giraffes and upstanding bears are more popular than snakes, rats and spiders.
106. Nevertheless, rats can be trained to carry out visual discrimination tasks and will use visual cues to guide their natural behaviour.
107. In this study no difference was observed in the plasma cholesterol concentration between control and diabetic rats.
108. It's believed the protests were against the breeding of rats and mice for experiments.
109. Through that hot and humid night, he was bitten by mosquitoes and nipped by rats.
110. Some genetically different strains of rats, for example, differ in their ability to learn to run through mazes.
111. In some of his experiments the rats were rolling along to get to the food in the goal-box.
112. There was no significant difference in percentage of cells in S phase in the distal colon of rats in both diet groups.
113. Another residents discovered rats had got into a kitchen cupboard and eaten packets of food.
114. The factors that influence the size of the proliferative compartment are less clear, though in rats there are genetic differences.
115. With another wave, the bureaucrats were banished, gone for ever, scurrying like little, fat rats into the alleyways.
116. Tests in mice and rats showed no signs of negative side effects.
117. Animals are often poor models for humans; bones in rats are quite different from human bones.
118. I suspected they were pack rats because they were too smart to get themselves caught in the traps I set for them.
119. About half of the chemicals that were tested caused cancer in rats.
120. Bubonic plague is not directly associated with water, but the rats which carried it arrived by boat at riverside wharves.
121. Hymer's rats were unable to produce more than half the normal amount of pituitary growth hormone.
122. Three rats in the low fibre diet group suffered from middle ear infections and were removed from the study.
123. The analysis was done as described in ref. 49, with minor modifications; mice and rats gave essentially similar results.
124. Certainly the lateral geniculate nucleus in rats looks nothing like the lateral geniculate nucleus in monkeys.
125. Each group and subgroup consisted ot 10 rats. Bacterial overgrowth rats were prepared in the same way as described previously.
126. Rats run freely over the shrouded corpses which lie abandoned in the corridors.
126. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
127. It has been reported that gastric infusion of bile salts in rats delays gastric emptying and inhibits small bowel transit time.
128. Always joking about rats: that's what I call a weird sense of humour.
129. Giant amphipods, the size of rats, appear out of nowhere to nibble on the remains.
130. Studies in rats have shown that bile salts inhibit gastric emptying and prolongs intestinal transit time.
131. Similar extrusions were seen in two rats whose stomachs were perfused with saline for 60 minutes after ethanol.
132. The source of oxygen radicals in gastric mucosal injury induced by indomethacin in rats is not clear.
133. When the rats who had taken up residence in his building were ousted.
134. It was one of those little rats on leashes that lead women around Paris, yapping.
135. The area was so poor that even the dead rats in the street looked as though they had died of hunger.
136. Sometimes the bravest rats ran out on to the floor or across the tops of the pictures.
137. First, consider this design for a two-stage experiment with rats.
138. The Arvins came picking their way through rubble, nervous as rats, poking people aside with the barrels of their M-16s.
139. A study in rats showed reduced survival of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficient erythrocytes in the presence of ascorbic acid.
140. In this report we investigated fluid transport in rats on days 6-9 or 11-14 after having been injected with the larvae.
141. It is then wise to thresh as soon as possible to avoid loss to rats and mice.
142. This finding is consistent with other reports showing that restitution of the damaged mucosa takes place in barbiturate anaesthetised rats.
143. Rats have less than a square inch of cortex, less than humans by a factor of 500.
144. Increased reactive oxygen species values in the inflamed colonic mucosa in rats were seen by chemiluminescence.
145. There is a thin strip of wasteland between the allotments and the depot which could be home to rats.
146. In other camps rats lived under the seats and bit people as they sat there naked.
147. Fear of the rats hurried even those with the fluid stomach of embryonic dysentery or gastroenteritis.
148. The salt air caused the leather to deteriorate and the local rats ate it.
149. Ader was puzzled, however, when the young and previously healthy rats began to die, for no apparent reason.
150. It was nothing but the stench of dead, rotting rats and of bats' dung.
151. This study justified the use of villus height as an indicator of the nutritional state in rats.
152. All rats were killed between 1400 and 1600 hours to prevent circadian variations.
153. What is life for the 10,000 black rats living in Deshnok temple?
154. The theory originates from experiments with rats in which the animals were confined in a small space and given electric shocks.
155. Dead rats, floating in the brown swill of beer with teeth bared in a last deathly snarl.
156. Near their back porch, they said, rats scamper about, and maggots slither near trash bins.
156. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
157. The rats used their cognitive maps to achieve the goal, showing they had learned the maze.
158. After all, they started out from the same nest of opportunities as the rats who are now fatter.
159. Here and there, dead rats and other corpses float on the scum.
160. It may be baled or carted loose: baling gives greater protection against rats and mice.
161. Rats, moles, and household pets were implicated. Public toilets and drinking fountains were suspected.
162. Why are they starting to use lawyers instead of rats for laboratory experiments?
163. That night, the pantry and supply closet were overrun with rats.
164. Cholesterol was added to increase the intestinal concentration of bile acids, because dietary cholesterol stimulates bile acid synthesis in rats.
165. One Victorian explorer reported that he could catch these cats and tether them near his food stores to keep the rats down.
166. Two groups of rats received 14 sessions of habituation training in context A with a light as the target stimulus.
167. He ran on laughing, used to having rats thrown at him.
168. It was the first image William ever had of rats, and an enduring one.
169. Two groups of rats received initial training in which presentations of each of three auditory stimuli occurred.
170. Recently I treated her for a sexually transmitted disease with metronidazole, which is known to cause foetal abnormalities in rats.
171. She also made me a small bed, which was placed on a shelf too high for rats to reach.
172. When they injected these cells into the veins of rats that had suffered strokes, the results were spectacular.
173. The acute response to nicotine in these chronically treated rats was a significant decrease in gastric secretion.
174. What kind of a world was this anyway where raccoons had to take the blame for rats.
175. The proliferative zone, however, was expanded in the distal colon of the higher fibre diet fed rats.
176. The dead creatures, fished out, their fur sleek with wet, were smaller than rats.
177. Might it not follow that other steps would need to be taken to help curb local unacceptable populations of rats and mice?
178. Which rats left which ship. Silence was descending all over the city.
179. Breaches or bursts on embankments can be caused by tree roots or even burrowing animals like moles and water rats.
180. Rats are fewer, buildings drier and fire precautions more effective than in the past.
181. A cat and the occasional use of warfarin keep the rats and mice more or less in check.
182. Rats criss-crossed the water like caterpillars, their tiny screes a mocking reminder of grypesh.
183. The company had weathered intemperate climates, truculent soldiers, and cat-sized rats in one place they stayed along the tour.
184. A high intake causes rats to develop cancer, with damage to the testes and infections.
185. Aged rats lose their capacity both to learn new tasks and to show potentiation.
186. The rats had not shown themselves again, but I'd begun to feel them watching me from shadowed hiding places.
186. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
187. The ratio of radioactivity of ulcer area v intact mucosa was calculated for each group of rats.
188. But the immature brain cells were the most effective treatment in the rats, says Sandberg.
189. Beyond the doorway the dim light flared suddenly, illuminating the fleeing rats with an unearthly orange glow.
190. In the first set of experiments, the stomachs of rats anaesthetised with urethane were perfused with 25% ethanol.
191. For humans, like rats in the attic or birds on a wire, are governed by invisible boundaries.
192. The sheer numbers of creatures involved, particularly rats and mice, demands that where practicable they are bred for the purpose.
193. Rats were decapitated and the stomach were removed, opened along the greater curvature.
194. For 27 years in the jungles of Guam, Yokoi survived on a diet of shrimp, coconuts, snails, frogs and rats.
195. I care the way Jefferson cared about his rats and their portal shunts.
196. When they first made their appearance in this country, crag rats sported nailed boots and tweed plus-fours.
197. Bacterial overgrowth rats were prepared in the same way as described previously.
198. When they blast, the rats jump out of the sewers and then dive back in again.
199. The rats must have learned the maze earlier and were demonstrating latent learning.
200. The other approach has been to argue that rats have difficulty with passive avoidance because they can not remember recent events.
201. The kind of associative learning shown by rats and pigeons in these experiments is often called conditioning.
202. I wasn't used to handling dead things, like chicks, not to mention mammals like rats and mice.
203. The lesion area of the group treated with catalase was not significantly different from that of the control rats.
204. At postmortem, the low fibre diet rats had more abnormalities and tumours of body tissue than the higher fibre diet rats.
205. This was to rid Glasgow's Arches of rats and mice and any other pests that were lurking there.
206. It was discovered in 1994, and was soon found to be directly involved with the control of obesity in rats.
207. Two were abandoned in the mid-1980s when they were discovered to cause cancer in rats.
208. The warehouse is overrun with rats.
209. To study the gastrointestinal absorption of microzyme nucleic acid extracts in rats.
210. Splenic lymphocytes from CIA rats were transferred into normal Lewis rats.
211. Thus, teenagers become mall rats, hanging out but rarely shopping in those megamalls.
212. Methods: 30 rats were divided into three groups randomly: LI, KI and KIO 3 guoup.
213. Rats are really cunning.
214. Like many embryonic cells, myoblosts from prenatal rats or chicks are easy to culture.
215. Experimental study on Therapeutic Effects of Graves'disease in Rats and its Mechanism.
216. One hundred million rats are killed each year by pest exterminators.
217. Throw out the rats and blacklegs, and organize your own trade union!
218. Objective To investigate the role of NF KB , NCAM in epileptogenesis of Pentylentetrazol kindling rats.




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