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单词 Hansard
1. The wonderful thing is that in the Hansard parliamentary records Mr Prescott's words will make perfect sense.
2. Reading the Hansard transcriptions without knowing the political allegiance of each speaker, it would be hard to tell.
3. Those Hansard writers could decipher the Rosetta stone in their spare time.
4. The words of Hansard speak little, but the Division lists say it all: they are padded with payroll.
5. In the event the Hansard Society raised only a fraction of the sum required and no consultancy payment was made.
6. If reference to Hansard is not permissible, what is the true construction?
7. Richard Hansard was then one of a group of northerners sent to restore royal authority in Hampshire.
8. Andy Williamson, Director of the Hansard Society's Digital Democracy program, says he's not surprised that capital punishment is topping thee-petition.
9. These report wee originally publish by a mr. hansard In the 19th century , and be now publish by the stationery office. hansard be publish daily .
10. Hansard provide a verbatim account of the proceeding of the house of commons.
11. Indeed, it is only in such cases that reference to Hansard is likely to be of any assistance to the courts.
12. In order to find them, I have merely thumbed through the pages of recent editions of Hansard.
13. Parliamentary proceedings are written up and published in the daily Hansard.
14. As to the question of statutory construction I should myself have construed the section in favour of the taxpayer without recourse to Hansard.
15. I want to read all of it to make sure that it appears in Hansard.
16. That does not suggest the outrage that a perusal of Hansard might beguile readers into expecting.
17. Lim stated that KJ gave the wrong answer and this led to a 12-page riot in the Parliamentary Hansard, which includes the mentions of Oxford and someone being a deaf dinosaur.
18. We also describe the implementation of the proposed method using bilingual Hong Kong news and Hong Kong Hansard corpus.
19. The findings come in the third annual auditengagement by the Electoral Commission and the Hansard Society.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. The question of what weight is to be attached to Hansard and how it is to be used is for the courts to decide.
21. Since 1980 the courts have been permitted to look at Hansard (the official report of the debates and proceedings in the House of Commons) as an external aid to the construction of a statute.
22. The proceedings of Parliament are published each day by Hansard.




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