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单词 Massacre
1. The game was a 10 - 0 massacre.
2. Maria lost her 62-year-old mother in the massacre.
3. United lost in a 9-0 massacre.
4. The massacre was carried out by enemy troops.
5. He ordered the massacre of 2, 000 women and children.
6. There was a terrible massacre of villagers here during the war.
7. She was the sole survivor of the massacre.
8. There is widespread public outrage over the massacre.
9. The streets were running with blood after the massacre.
10. The game was a 0 - 8 massacre.
11. The game was a 100 massacre for our team.
12. He survived the massacre by feigning death.
13. The massacre was a crime against humanity.
14. Most of them had only heard of the massacre at second hand.
15. Nobody survived the massacre.
16. The perpetrators of the massacre must be brought to justice as war criminals.
17. Is the massacre likely to touch off a new round of violence?
18. The massacre laid bare the moral bankruptcy of the regime.
19. They all led with the news of the massacre.
20. The massacre was shameful,[/massacre.html] the losses piteous.
21. This wasn't a surgical strike, this was a massacre.
22. The numbers killed in the massacre are probably exaggerated.
23. The Dunblane Primary School, the scene of the massacre, was closed until Monday.
24. Waiting for the future of you appear, see the last side of life on pay a massacre.
25. In March 1770(), there occurred what became known as the Boston Massacre.
26. The changes to the team come after their 7-2 massacre in the final.
27. As many as fifty men took part in the massacre.
28. He may have brought only dishonour to the name of the county but his involvement in the massacre should not be forgotten.
29. According to those at the vigil, the police only checked on the hose twice before the massacre occurred at 4am.
30. The inquisitive Warlord turned to realign itself with its mechanical peers which strode onward together in line abreast, to massacre Marines.
1. Maria lost her 62-year-old mother in the massacre.
2. United lost in a 9-0 massacre.
3. The massacre was carried out by enemy troops.
4. He ordered the massacre of 2, 000 women and children.
5. There was a terrible massacre of villagers here during the war.
6. The game was a 0 - 8 massacre.
31. Nor did I learn of the 1923 massacre at Rosewood, Florida.
32. Oakland launched such a law just months before the high-rise massacre.
33. The horrific La Mon massacre near Comber three years later claimed the lives of seven women.
34. On Aug. 11-12, however, the Commission heard from seven witnesses who testified that the police assisted in the massacre.
35. Twenty years of litigation followed before militia leader John D.. Lee paid for the massacre with his life.
36. Chong plays a reporter who survives a massacre in the opening scenes, then tells her story on videotape.
37. The massacre has sabotaged for the time being any resumption of negotiations between Mandela and de Klerk.
38. If mercenaries had been protecting the Balkan safe havens, there might never have been the massacre of Srebrenica.
39. The soldiers who carried out the massacre have not been identified.
40. The massacre at Jedwabne had been preceded by similar atrocities in the surrounding region.
41. Taken by region, the highest percentage to reject any further meaning in the massacre was in Quebec: sixty-five percent.
42. A charred baby carriage still stood on the altar steps, exactly where it had been found after the massacre.
43. The recent massacre in Acteal has forced the government to shake off its stupor, at least for a while.
44. All is dwarfed at the end, though,[http:///massacre.html] by a chilling report and follow-up on the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre.
45. I think the huge scale massacre of pheasants is revolting.
46. But the most haunting reminders of the massacre are the hope-filled faces of the young victims that stare out at every passerby.
47. The history of the massacre by Herod the Great is doubtful.
48. Mr Spiro was found dead from cyanide poisoning in his truck three days after the November 6 massacre.
49. One man, the lone survivor of the massacre, carried the gruesome story to Tihosuco.
50. The massacre was never fully investigated because the police were incapable of carrying out the task.
51. As she continued her oratorical massacre, he came to a sober realization.
52. Then came the Christmas Day massacre, by an Inkatha mob several hundred strong.
53. Black September carried out its Olympic Village massacre and 16 people died.
54. The rest mentioned the massacre at Srebrenica and the destruction of Vukovar.
55. Spalding, after being warned of his peril by Catholic priest Father Brouillet, fled from the massacre to Lapwai.
56. The author also provides eyewitness accounts of the Kolno massacre.
57. Since the massacre in Hjaleh Square, the soldiers had been under orders - from the Shah himself - to avoid bloodshed.
58. The death toll exceeded the 1987 Hungerford Massacre, which left 17 dead, including the gunman, Michael Ryan.
59. The massacre has left an indelible stain on the name of Clan Campbell.
60. The massacre is one of the great blots on our nation's history.
61. The strongest evidence yet emerged yesterday about the massacre in the north western town of Timisoara at the weekend.
62. The massacre took place in what was supposed to be a UN safe haven.
63. The rebels blamed the massacre on the government troops and the government blamed it on the rebels.
64. The bloody roll-call includes the bookies massacre in Belfast when five Catholic punters were gunned down in February.
65. In August the government ordered the dissolution of the military unit involved in the massacre.
66. Both are accused of inciting and participating in the massacre of hundreds of Tutsis in Kibungo in 1994.
67. If the Bill is passed, it will stop the massacre of harmless creatures like deer, hares and foxes.
68. The situation is probably a cyclic one anyway, with man only partly responsible for the present coral massacre.
69. Two impassive cops in shiny black raincoats levelled guns like the Gestapo rehearsing for a massacre.
70. Her description of the massacre sent a chill through the audience.
71. The town was a cluster of different quarters, all living in fear of massacre.
72. The students claimed the two men had ordered the massacre of 200 people in Kwangju.
73. The massacre happened shortly before 9am, when the workmen were getting out of their red van.
74. The ensuing communal violence was the worst since the massacre of about 200 people in Hyderabad in October 1988.
74. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
75. During their trip, they also met world-famous peace campaigner Gordon Wilson, whose daughter Marie died in the Enniskillen massacre.
76. The public outcry over the massacre led to the resignation March 12 of state Gov.
77. Chun was not able to wash his hands of the Kwangju massacre, which dogged him throughout his eight-year rule.
78. But for every Lendu-led massacre there is a tale of Hema-led violence to match.
79. When does a massacre become a genocide?
80. the bloody massacre of innocent civilians.
81. 000 died in the Adana massacre of 1909.
82. Were you in Mexico during the Barillo cartel massacre?
83. He is collecting evidence to massacre his opponents.
84. How did you manage to massacre your strong opponent?
85. Beijing Olympics: free Corsica! France to stop the massacre.
86. Many people witnessed the horrendous massacre.
87. Where can I watch The Slumber Party Massacre movie online free full stream?
88. Philippines President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo declared a state of emergency for parts of the southern island of Mindanao on Tuesday, after a political massacre there left at least 46 people dead.
89. The BBC's Orla Guerin reports from inside the battle-scarred city that local residents fear a massacre without greater action by Nato air forces to break the siege.
90. 1847 - Whitman Massacre: Missionaries Dr. Marcus Whitman, his wife Narcissa, and 15 others are killed by Cayuse and Umatilla Indians, causing the Cayuse War.
91. His final gig was to be at the Tampico, but that all changed when the bombs dropped, the security holograms activated and the Gala Event turned into a massacre.
92. For example, he holds that Saint Ambrose had no right to excommunicate the Emperor Theodosius after the massacre of Thessalonica.
93. Under the principle of "diplomacy subordinating to northern expedition", he had some compromising attitude in the bargain with Japan, as, for example, in the "Jinan massacre".
94. And unlike in Seoul, where public sentiment was still inflamed by a massacre of protesters in Kwangju eight years earlier, there is no particular rallying cause in China today.
95. The Nanjing Brocade Museum is located adjacent to the Nanjing Massacre museum in the southwest Nanjing.
96. Few Chinese films about the massacre portray Japanese soldiers as human beings.
97. The worldly-wise students had seen videos of the Tiananmen massacre online.
98. They had been crushed by a backhoe that apparently was used to hide evidence of the massacre.
99. 'The movie focuses quite a bit on the agony of the massacre of Corelli's men in the firing-squad incident-and culminates in that horrifyingly shocking moment.
100. A statement on Amman Radio spoke of bestial aggression and a horrible massacre.
101. " divide " sword leaning on a day and massacre dragon knife " outside, la Gang is online this year republication 5 game.
102. It'shows that the EU Parliament recognizes the inhumanity of the annual massacre.
103. In 1982 during Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Naji al-Ali was an eyewitness to the terrifying massacre that took place in the Palestinian refugee camp of Sabra and Shatila.
104. Kaczynski had been flying to Katyn, near Smolensk, to commemorate the victims of the Katyn massacre.
105. Was he attempting to prepare a wholesale massacre to avenge his son?
106. As everyone knows, it was in the ancient capital Nanjing 70years ago that the world-shaking Nanking Massacre took place.
107. This professor is 28 this " collect of Nanjing massacre historical data " editor committee subeditor and interpreter committee member.
108. In addition to the VRS, a paramilitary unit from Serbia known as the Scorpions participated in the massacre.
109. From the jump hook to the "Memorial Day Massacre, " Magic Johnson and Larry Bird are walking ESPN Classic highlight reels.
110. 1972 - Israeli Athletes are taken hostage by Palestinian Black September (group) at 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich massacre.
111. For the massacre began on his feast day in 1572.
112. The Ludlow Massacre set off a wave of sympathy for the strikers.
113. Did you know that former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was held responsible for the massacre of more than 2750 Palestinians in the refugee camps of Sabra and Chatila?
114. Gold possesses the characters of silence and massacre, which means directness and fierceness.
115. On April 12, 1971, Gromyko warned the Politburo that a book on Katyn and an upcoming BBC film were to blame the Soviet Union for the Katyn massacre.
116. Panic in troubled times, Zhuluzhongyuan. In this era filled with phone-in, and destruction everywhere. "Heaven" 9 massacre model, "Wang Sai fight, " you reach the peak.
117. In the emperor Qianlong's reign, the Qing government had set off a long-out debate on "Hongxi Massacre" which overseas Chinese were murdered in Hongxi by the Netherlandish colonialists.
118. The massacre would have been on both sides grim and great.
119. The massacre at Kilelengwani followed a string of attacks between the agriculturalist Pokomo and pastoralist Orma communities.
120. The Bermuda Conference took place because the secret of the massacre leaked out.
121. As a sign of the new openness on this question earlier this month, Russia's public Kultura television channel aired "Katyn", a film by Polish director Andrzej Wajda about the massacre.
122. By the time of "retrocession" and the 228 Massacre this identity might have been well developed.
123. On Feb. 14, 1929, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre took place in a Chicago garage as seven rivals of Al Capone's gang were gunned down.
124. A month later, more demonstrations were sparked when police detained relatives of those killed in an alleged 1996 massacre at the Abu Salim prison, according to Human Rights Watch.
125. As a young Confederate soldier, Rooster had joined in the 1863 Lawrence, Kan. , massacre.
126. The embryonic government was staffed by survivors of the massacre.
127. An older fighter in a white turban and blue overalls introduced himself as Saleh ben Ali, forty-nine, a survivor of four years in Abu Salim prison, where the 1996 massacre had taken place.
128. "You have to visit Misrata to see the massacre by Gaddafi, " said Omar Boubaker, a 40-year-old engineer with a bullet wound to the leg, brought to the Tunisian port of Sfax by a French aid group.
129. Tensions increased following the 1857 Mountain Meadows massacre, in which a group of Mormons killed members of a wagon train passing through the region.
130. The June 1 Massacre that was a solemn and stirring, glary case engraved on both history of Wuhan University and history of student movement of China.
130. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
131. This scene of star-crossed love and religious heroism is set at the beginning of the notorious Massacre of Saint Bartholomew 's Day.
132. Then there is the massacre in Mumbai in November 2008, in which 160 people died, an operation carried out by Lashkar-e-Taiba militants in Pakistan.
133. Until the massacre the government seemed to connive in Ampatuan control of Maguindanao.
134. This point was at issue in litigation resulting from the famous' saturday Night Massacre " incident.
135. But the powerful party boss now worries that Breivik's massacre will lead to political correctness in Norway.
136. Further(), there is no evidence that Camara has initiated any proceedings to discipline or hold accountable any of his subordinates directly implicated in the massacre and rapes.
137. The Government outlawed public commemoration of the 1989 Tiananmen massacre.
138. The massacre event triggered shortly after the assassination of Phalangist leader and President Bachir Gemayel.
139. Hospitals throughout the city started issuing lists of the dead and wounded as Mumbai began to count the cost of the massacre.
140. This massacre is one of the towering obscenities of other time.
141. While landing, every style is permitted: the ram in, the massacre , bouncy, or cool feet.
142. Long Island teenagers were planning a high school massacre similar to Columbine, police say.




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