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单词 ice
释义 Word family  noun ice icicle adjective icy iced verb ice de-ice adverb icily  Related topics: Nature, Food, dish, Jewelleryldoce_166_dice1 /aɪs/ ●●● S2 W3 noun  1  [uncountable]DNLIQUID water that has frozen into a solid state 冰 → icy Would you like some ice in your drink? 你饮料中要放点冰块吗? Her hands were as cold as ice. 她双手冰冷。 The city spent $7 million to remove snow and ice from the roads. 市政府花费了700万美元用于清除路上的冰雪。 →5  See picture of ice cube 冰块, ice bucket 冰桶, cone 蛋卷筒 ... →4  See picture of 见图 ice2  keep/put something on ice STOP DOING somethingto do nothing about a plan or suggestion for a period of time 将〔计划、建议〕暂时搁置[冻结] I’m putting my plans for a new car on ice until I finish college. 我把买车计划推迟到大学毕业之后。3  be (skating) on thin ice UPSETto be in a situation in which you are likely to upset someone or cause trouble 如履薄冰,处境不妙〔处于会惹人不高兴或招来麻烦的境况〕 Don’t be late again, Hugo – you’re skating on thin ice. 别再迟到了,雨果——你会有麻烦的。4  the ice a specially prepared surface of ice where you can ice-skate or play ice hockey 滑[溜]冰场;冰球场 The two teams are ready to take to the ice. 两队都准备好上冰球场了。5  [countable] a) DFFa frozen sweet food made with fruit juice 〔用果汁制成的〕冰冻甜食;冰糕 SYN sorbet b) especially British English old-fashionedDFF an ice cream 冰激凌6. [uncountable] American EnglishDCJ diamonds 钻石 → black ice, dry ice, → break the ice, → cut no ice, break1(29), cut1(39) COLLOCATIONSadjectivesthick 厚的Thick ice was preventing the ship from moving. 厚厚的冰使船无法开动。thin 薄的The ice is too thin to skate on. 冰太薄,不能在上面溜冰。black ice (=a layer of thin ice on a road that is very difficult to see) 〔很难看清的〕黑冰,薄冰Black ice on the roads is making driving conditions very dangerous. 路上的薄冰令路况非常危险。crushed ice (=broken into small pieces, for example to add to a drink) 〔加入饮料等的〕碎冰Serve the cocktail with crushed ice. 这鸡尾酒要加碎冰。npolar iceGlobal warming directly causes the melting of polar ice.verbsbe covered in ice 覆盖着冰Our driveway was covered in ice. 我们的私人车道上结满了冰。ice melts 冰融化The ice in my glass had begun to melt. 我杯中的冰开始融化了。ice forms 结冰Ice was forming on the surface of the lake. 湖面上开始结冰。ice cracks 冰碎裂We could feel the ice cracking beneath our feet. 我们感觉得到脚底下的冰裂开了。nscrape the ice off somethingI scraped the ice off the car + NOUNan ice cube (=a small square piece of ice that you add to a drink) 冰块She put a couple of ice cubes in her glass. 她往自己杯里放了几块冰。ice crystals (=very small pieces of ice that form naturally) 冰晶nIce crystals fall from the sky as snowflakes.phrasesa block of ice 大冰块The fish were packed in blocks of ice, ready for transportation. 鱼被加入冰块保鲜,等待装运。a lump of ice (=a large piece of ice) 一大块冰nHuge lumps of ice break off from the glaciers and float in the sea.a sheet of ice 一层冰A thin sheet of ice had formed over the surface of the pond. 池塘表面结了一层薄冰。a slab of ice (=a thick flat piece of ice) 厚厚的一块冰nHuge slabs of ice drifted down the frozen river.n THESAURUSice water that has frozen into a solid stateice cubes in her Cokethe ice on the lakefrost a thin coating of white powder-like ice that forms on the ground and plants, or the weather conditions in which this powder appearsThere was frost on the ground.Even in May we can sometimes get a late ice an area of ice that is very difficult to see on a roadDriving conditions are dangerous, with black ice in many areas.icicle a long thin pointed piece of ice that hangs from a roof or other surfaceThere were icicles hanging down from the side of the house.hailstones frozen balls of ice which fall like rain from the skyHailstones as big as marbles flattened the crops.glacier a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valleyThe high mountain glaciers of South America and Asia are melting at an alarming rate. the Kangshung glaciericeberg a very large mass of ice floating in the sea, most of which is under the surface of the waterThe ship sank after hitting an iceberg in the North cap an area of thick ice that permanently covers the North and South PolesWe all know that the polar ice caps are melting because of global warming.Examples from the Corpusice• There was hardly any ice in my Coke.• This was worse, with impossible moves on gritty walls and creaks and trickles from the cliffs of ice.• The icebox was packed with beer and he'd prepared a lobster salad that he'd left on ice.• Lenses of rather pure ice are conceivable, but more likely is a permafrost containing 10 percent to 30 percent ice.• Drive carefully - there's ice on the road.• He began hacking at the ice on the gauges and the air intakes.• The ground is frozen, thin ice covers the puddles between the furrows of the empty gray field.Related topics: Cookingice2 verb [transitive] especially British English  1.DFCto cover a cake with icing (=a mixture made of liquid and very fine sugar) 在〔糕饼〕上加糖霜 SYN American English frost → icing2 ice something ↔ down phrasal verb American English MHto cover an injured part of the body in ice to stop it from swelling 冰敷〔受伤处,以防肿胀〕 Make sure you ice that ankle down as soon as you get inside. 一定要一进屋就用冰把脚踝敷上。3 ice over/up (also be iced over/up) phrasal verb LIQUIDto become covered with ice 被冰覆盖,结冰 → icy Schools were closed when the roads iced over. 道路结冰,学校停课了。 The plane’s engines had iced up. 飞机的引擎结了冰。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusice• Kemp iced the game in the final five seconds by scoring two free throws.• Rookie Mike Miller iced the victory with two more free throws with 15 seconds to play.Origin ice1 Old English isice1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1ice2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus that a has into frozen solid water




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