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单词 ice-blue
释义  ˌice-ˈblue adjective  very pale blue 淡蓝色的,冰蓝色的 his ice-blue eyes 他的冰蓝色眼睛 —ice-blue noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusice-blue• His face is square-jawed and bright, with ice-blue eyes and sandy-red hair.• Only the ice-blue eyes betrayed the man's ruthless will.• Jaq's sensual lips were definitely at odds with his sceptical ice-blue eyes.• Waking up to that penetrating ice-blue gaze was enough to throw anyone off balance for the rest of the day.• One day, she was cycling in just after dawn and the winter grey had lifted on an ice-blue horizon.• He held her with those ice-blue pools for what seemed an eternity, draining her resistance, mesmerising her.• Often there was a soul-stirring glimpse of wild geese arrowing northward across an ice-blue sky on their spring migratory flight.ˌice-ˈblue adjectiveChineseSyllable  pale Corpus blue very




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