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释义  Related topics: WeaponsICBM /ˌaɪ siː biː ˈem/ noun [countable]  PMW (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) a missile that can travel very long distances 洲际弹道导弹Examples from the CorpusICBM• More recently, Titan 1 and Titan 2 ICBMs have been retired from their role as weapons.• So how did Ronald Reagan manage to sell the country on the so far unreachable dream of a defense against ICBMs?• At that time the Atlas ICBM was still in flight testing.• The third class of strategic targets is hardened ICBM bases.• They began a crash program to modernize and strengthen their fleet and to build nuclear weapons with ICBMs to carry them.ICBM nounChinese   Corpus a that travel missile very long can




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