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单词 Parting
1 Soorow is at parting if at meeting there be laughter. 
2 He gave her a light kiss on parting.
3 She could not endure the thought of parting.
4 He said no more until their final parting.
5 It was a dreadfully emotional parting.
6 We had a tearful parting at the airport.
7 Charlotte was tempted into parting with £20 for the painting.
8 As her parting shot she told me never to phone her again.
9 The pain of parting had lessened over the years.
10 His parting words were 'I love you.'
11 I never forgot his parting words .
12 She was already dreading the moment of parting.
13 She cried out for anguish at parting.
14 They exchanged a final kiss before parting.
15 Her parting words left him feeling empty and alone.
16 The boat made a parting through the duckweed.
17 They'd had an amicable parting.
18 Make sure you read the contract before parting with any money.
19 The parting of the ways came after a series of disagreements between the singer and his song-writer.
20 These events led to a final parting of the ways.
21 The parting from his sister had a positive effect on John.
22 After college it was the parting of the ways. We all went to live in different parts of the country and gradually we lost touch.
23 As her parting shot she warned Pete never to come near her again.
24 He has confirmed he is parting from his Swedish-born wife Eva.
25 The promise of huge profits seduced him into parting with his money.
26 Buyers might require further assurances before parting with their cash.
27 Azaire's parting words filled his head.
28 The veils are parting,[] the mists are rent asunder.
29 We travelled to India together, and in Delhi it was the parting of the ways. Ray went on to China and I went on to Australia.
30 "And the dress that you bought me doesn't fit either!" was her parting shot.
1 He gave her a light kiss on parting.
2 She could not endure the thought of parting.
3 He said no more until their final parting.
4 It was a dreadfully emotional parting.
5 We had a tearful parting at the airport.
6 Charlotte was tempted into parting with £20 for the painting.
7 As her parting shot she told me never to phone her again.
8 She cried out for anguish at parting.
31 I began to repent my parting with you.
32 The parting was less traumatic than some, however.
33 Parting is such sweet sorrow. William Shakespeare 
34 Then it was the parting of the ways.
35 Her parting gesture, almost a battle cry.
36 Fred had remained strangely silent all through the parting.
37 She gave him a very cool kiss on parting.
38 And on this silent parting the curtain fell.
39 She reached up to lock her hands behind his neck, her mouth parting beneath his.
40 This parting of the ways is of the most profound importance.
41 So must it be an inconclusive,[sentencedict .com] ill-tempered parting between the friends?
42 Then she trailed her fingers through the flour, parting, separating small hills and ridges of it, looking for mites.
43 Ever stage-dived and found the crowd parting like the red sea?
44 And every couple receives a case of Lygon Arms' dry white wine or claret as a parting gift.
45 Right: Jeff Lowe receives a parting gift from Chris Bonington.
46 Be careful about parting with money in advance or paying excessive deposits.
47 I felt this was a rehearsal for my parting from Dana.
48 Parting the curtains he looked out into the early dusk.
49 She will dread the thought of that final parting, which must come in time.
50 He is wonderfully avaricious, devious and a genius at avoiding parting with even a sou, all to great comic effect.
51 First Henman split from his long-time coach David Felgate, with both parties insisting it was an amicable parting.
52 All his kind generally wanted was a quick flirtation, an acquiescent woman, and a no-strings parting the following morning.
53 Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love. George Eliot 
54 It is a paradox upon which a Tory may perhaps be permitted one parting reflexion.
55 Ronni shuddered against him, her lips parting as flames of desire shot through her.
56 For quantum systems it seems that once they have met there is never true parting.
57 Her parting exchange with Rain had been less than friendly.
58 We also find something close to the marked language characteristic of fabliaux in Dame Sirith's parting words to Wilekin.
59 It was also easier to get new sales jobs after a parting of the ways.
60 But unbeknown to Ivor, Stroud had no intention of parting with the money.
61 She felt them tremble with expectation, parting, a little out of control.
62 The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again. Charles Dickens 
63 Much of what I have said tonight points towards a parting of the ways.
64 Half of her wanted to get the journey and the parting over, to make a quick, clean break.
65 As it will be the best remembered part of your presentation, your parting shot needs to be powerful.
66 Even if the yolk sac is not visible, still be sure that is feeding before parting with your money.
67 His finger was tantalisingly curving around her mouth ... parting it ... and he was kissing her gently, almost without pressure.
68 I owe it to Victoria to lend some retrospective weight to our parting.
69 I walked home on air across the Esplanade des Invalides and bored everyone with his parting words for weeks afterwards.
70 I fear we are at a parting of the ways.
71 There was no final confrontation with pastor or parishioners,[http:///parting.html] simply a quiet parting.
72 Was this a more than merely temporary parting of the ways?
73 They would send him home that very day and every man present would give him a parting gift to enrich him.
74 Before parting with the case, we should refer to a further argument mounted by Mr. Thornton.
75 Her mouth was under his, her lips parting beneath the flickering ecstasy of his tongue.
76 Any chance he had had of giving Meik a parting gift had slipped away.
77 He saw Mayli, and stopped, his eyes widening, his lips parting as if he were about to speak.
78 Anyway, Riley, this is the parting of the ways; and you know something?
79 Harriet sensed that the girl's parting remarks had not been unpremeditated.
80 The cyclist gave him a parting kick as he pedalled off.
81 A parting sniff as she left the room gave the gentleman to understand that he had disappointed her.
82 The jute was restless, parting like water to allow passage through it, then closing up at once.
83 It did not last but the parting seems to have been no terrible pain, the memory very fond.
84 She always looked at every farthing twice before parting with it.
85 She drew in a shallow breath, her small lips parting.
86 It's no coincidence that it originated in Moscow - this was the Communist old guard's parting shot.
87 He lay back and she stretched her body over his, leaning to his mouth and parting his lips with her tongue.
88 He was strong enough now to attribute the man's parting shot about his drawings to sheer malice.
89 Portsmouth are interested but want assurance on his recovery from a broken arm before parting with £350,000.
90 He left with a parting shot at Supervisor Mike Boyd.
91 Sometimes she remembered Thomas's parting words to her and thought that perhaps she was indeed something of an innocent.
92 Giving the still busy Josh a parting wave, the two of them started back.
93 Pictures of me at the time show me to have my hair combed back, without parting, from my forehead.
94 It was grief-stricken Abigail who made the final parting gesture.
95 Gilliland, however, had a parting shot to fire in his paper in Astrophysical Journal.
96 Even if he did politely turn down Branson's parting offer of a seat on Virgin's inaugural flight - for obvious reasons.
97 As they were parting, the priest drew from his pocket a small black amulet, worn smooth over many centuries.
98 Escort the interviewee at least to the door, again the behaviour at the parting point can be significant.
99 Not surprisingly it was Margaret who felt the parting most.
100 Whether these compromises are acceptable or not will be up to those of us parting with our money!
101 Martina and I performed the uncertain dance of people parting, with its limited steps.
102 Parting the hanging curtains of the doorway, he entered another world.
103 The ultimate parting shot from an ungrateful aircraft that had enjoyed every care and attention.
104 The parting between the two great composers was poignantly prescient.
105 Then, sculpt the remaining fringe parting.
106 No, our parting is final and irrevocable.
107 With parting paper automatic peeling off and rewinding function.
108 Subdivide with a horizontal parting below the occipital.
109 He beguiled me into parting with the gemstone.
110 He beguiled me into parting with the gem.
111 What kind of mood be after parting company?
112 Parting with her mother was a great wrench.
113 He had been stoical at their parting.
114 Subdivide the section with a diagonal - back parting.
115 Who can tell me, face parting, how should abreact?
116 Position your fingers parallel to the parting and sculpt.
117 Outgoing Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda was unpopular with voters but T-shirts printed with his huffy parting shot are now a hit.
118 The methods of parting direction determination, parting line and parting surface generation were presented and analyzed.
119 " Don't you bother about those people out there, " he said at parting.
120 The sides are sectioned with a vertical parting behind each ear.
121 In accordance with the characteristics of 2-dimensional core pulling of product, the side parting surface and core pulling structure of mould was designed by means of comparison and analysis.
122 With this parting admonition, he left Clyde to his thoughts.
123 Mold parting direction is an important factor to verify the moldability of a molded part and its determination is the first step to achieve automatic design of injection mold or casting die.
124 Realization and Testing of Software System: Development of prototype software system of parting design scheme, testing of typical instances.
125 Rapid Prototyping Material in forming temperature can be parting, slowly forming materials should die with forced cooling and heating measures.
126 Parting from any one of you for even a short time is hard.
127 Parting surface should be along a single plane if possible, else following the contour of the part.
128 Consider, for instance, the case of a two-plate mod in which a circular runner has been machined from both parting surface.
129 But it is also fair to say that for a non-Jew and probably for many practicing Jews, the parting of the Red Sea is a myth, or that for non-Christians and many Christians, the Resurrection is a myth.
130 The drop at midnight fog,[Sentencedict] quietly parting with the old branches.
131 Dunhuang has a special place in history because of its location close to the parting of the northern and southern routes that skirted the impassable Taklamakan desert.
132 The improved design is increased in the fixed mold core, which change first parting into second parting and demould the inverted cone mandatorily.
133 He then went to the blackboard and spelled out a parting message: "You are the Best and Greatest."
134 Introduced the injection gate, parting surface choose, ejector mechanism, mold structure design and mold working principle.
135 I tried to EAT my parting breakfast, but my tears dropped upon my bread-and-butter, and trickled into my tea.
136 The parting sadness vanishes slowly, and she is woebegone all day.
137 In this paper, the new technique to prepare high surface area activated carbon from walnut parting using chemical activation with alkali hydroxides were introduced.
138 With a parting look round his room, he went out.
139 Project Moses is both an allusion to Moses parting the waves of the Red Sea and a neat acronym for the project's name, Modulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico.
140 As teased in the new issue of EW, everyone favorite creature of habit is parting ways with his longtime roomie, Leonard.
141 The mold cavity was obtained by splitting mold base in parting surface.
142 I was so persecuted with discussions arising from the publication of my theory of light that I blamed my won imprudence for parting with so substantial a blessing as my quiet to run after a shadow!
143 Leaves a parting note for somebody is the newspaper space seasoner, the attention leaves leeway the just right blank is noticeable and the promotion newspaper personal status important method.
144 She didn't weep at the parting or make any time over it.
145 The twice shift is prevented by convexo-concave parting surface, and the special weight and mold clamping mechanism is applied in this molding line. The successful examples are finally listed.
146 In both of these, any number of impressions can be accommodated and the sprue gates, (Figure 12.5) now termed secondary sprues, are fed from runner systems situated below the parting surface.
147 Subdivide the diagonal section at the back - left side of the triangle with one diagonal - back parting.
148 As the large reservoir area, river parting, moving and diversion frequently, which cause the sandstone reservoir horizontal change tempestuously, complex geological condition and aeolotropism strong.
149 Poly to the surprise and sadness are Parting soak into the depths of the heart!
150 Miss Su's parting manner dampened Fang Hung - chien's high spirits.
151 Eisenhower's parting admonition in 1956 was " Give'em heaven. "
152 The test results show that the proposed approach is effective and efficient in automatically generating the parting surface of the molded part.
153 Introduced choice principle of parting surface and attentions in designing injection mold.
154 Kunshan scene Mr Electronics Co. , LTD is a professional company engaged in parting paper, from type membrane distribution, processing enterprise.
155 The result showed hot sizing was the main factor to cause critical deformation, to make mixed grain and coarse grain widmanstatten appear in parting face.
156 I write this note today because your going away is much upon my mind, and because I want you to have a few parting words from me to think of now and then at quiet times.
157 Offering Siguo " is a prose concerning parting sorrows and homesickness . "
158 After parting from the old church member, he met the youngest sister of them all.
159 She sits on the stairs of her lovely suburban home and raises her skirts, parting her legs—the standard trope of female submission.
160 If the parting line cannot be on a single plane, then it is good practice to use symmetry of the design to minimize the side thrust forces.
160 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
161 The parting line or the parting surface is line or surface that separates the cope and drag.
162 The sound of a steam whistle fell upon a wilderness. At the parting moment immeasurable melancholy and loneliness welled up in my mind.
163 Subdivide the fringe section with a diagonal - left parting.
164 Crammer 7 : Since us after parting company, I am a person time along.
165 That parting of the moment, like the pathos of deciduous trees kissed.
166 A mesh based determination method for parting line and a GBR based generation method for parting surface are presented.
167 A new style automobile with the line main body-fuse box mold is introduced, state the mold structure, parting surface design, product ejection design and so on. practical mold structure is concluded.
168 After parting from Philpot, the poor wretch had managed to walk all right for some distance.
169 A parting is unavoidable, as you are sure to be on his side in this division.
170 In possession of the multifunctional purpose applicable to Indentation, punched hole, staking, assembling, parting off etc.
171 Meeting is , in a manner of speaking , the beginning of parting.
172 The same rift activity is slowly parting the Red Sea, too.
173 Let me say just a parting word for Henry Sweet (), who has wellnigh been forgotten.
174 Human activities are an major factor of the formation of stony desert in the karst pimple plain, and peak forest basin on the water parting, where headward erosion can't occur.
175 Technology is changing all that. It's literally parting the waves for today's undersea explorers.
176 Can design a configuration drawing independently, be proficient in 3 D die - parting and accessory drawing.
177 Simultaneity, feature knowledge library which includes the information of parting surface were built with the index of main shape feature.
178 Her beauty was never more resplendent than when she cast a parting glamor at the youth.
179 When the casting is unloaded, side parting and core pulling are required as a circle dovetail groove is around the rope sheave.
180 The system is composed of the module of feature modeling, realization module of CBR-based mold parting surface design and help information module of the parting surface design.
181 I meant to go away quietly, but your kindness made the parting doubly hard.
182 In the basic two-plate mod the runner is positioned on the surface while on the more complex designs the runner may be positioned below the parting surface(see Chapters 12 and 13).
183 On the other hand, after parting company with human pedigree, their osculant behavior also may evolve into generation independently.
184 By using the feature-based design method and defining the parting surface, parts can be directly formed from plastic products.
185 The poems of nostalgic sentiment and parting with friends are most famous.
186 The parting line or the parting surface is a line or surface that separates the cope and drag.
187 So the research on the parting surface design technology and method is becoming one of the important facets in the field of the injection mold CAD.
188 He turned to face her for his parting shot. "You're one coldhearted woman, you know that?".
189 Sculpt the next parting with the same technique using the longer length guide.
190 Getting together brings not only wonderfulness to us[/parting.html], but an access to parting over the time.
191 Parting your soup is not a miracle. It's a magic trick.
192 When I go from hence let this be my parting word, that what I have seen is unsurpassable.
193 Next came her kiss of parting—the level kiss of domesticity flavoured with Young Hyson.
194 Known as the "parting stone, " this 18th-century milestone points the ways to Dedham and Rhode Island to the left and Watertown and Cambridge to the right.
195 Have your hair cut short, and fashion a parting you could drive a Ford Cortina (a car often driven by your "classic" lesbian) down.
196 "He was so love-sick after parting from his young girlfriend that he refused to go back to his nursery unless little Hala came too, " Juma said.
197 They cried at parting.
198 The parting surface designing of investment casting mould to turbine blade is a difficult job which needs more experience and influence the configuration of its mould and process.
199 Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!
200 All that is very amusing information you are parting with for nothing.
201 the moment of parting.
202 Every parting gives a foretaste of death; every coming together again a fortaste of the resurrection.
203 Many of the things are of great sentimental value and it is going to be a wrench parting with them.
204 Then, sculpt the remaining parting using the same technique and the longer length guide.
205 And here the teamster, on his way to Portland market, would put up for the night; and, if a bachelor, might sit an hour beyond the usual bedtime, and steal a kiss from the mountain maid at parting.
206 Our prompt parting was due to the lateness of the hour.
207 Should I really bid adieu to this summer? Notwithstanding how heartrending the sorrow of parting is.
208 Project the top parting at 90 degrees, use the shorter length guide and sculpt parallel.
209 Through discussion, the method and steps of computer aided parting surface design of a mould CAD/CAM are obtained.




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