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单词 Terrestrial
1. Terrestrial longitude is measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich meridian.
2. Terrestrial amphibians respire through their skin.
3. Newton proposed that heavenly and terrestrial motion could be unified with the idea of gravity.
4. Are your obsessions terrestrial or eternal?
5. Many terrestrial forms simply did not live in environments in which preservation was possible.
6. Such terrestrial plants could certainly cause harm the water quality.
7. Others held that meteorites were more immediately terrestrial in origin, being akin to volcanic bombs ejected by violent eruption events.
8. There are three main ways in which the terrestrial planets could have acquired their volatiles.
9. A terrestrial plant will always be stunted in growth and assimilation and can never be a match for a true aquatic plant.
10. The Himalayas have proved an impassable barrier to terrestrial animals.
11. Others were a mixture of genetic strands, part terrestrial, part non.
12. Another exciting prospect for future power generation is terrestrial fusion power.
13. A variety of simple terrestrial life-forms can thrive in a medium of liquid water with carbon dioxide and ammonia available.
14. In rugby circles, there is nothing but criticism for the coverage of sport on terrestrial TV.
15. Comets and carbonaceous asteroids of the appropriate energy disrupt too high, whereas typical iron objects reach and crater the terrestrial surface.
16. Development of this approach in experimental closed ecosystems promises big terrestrial payoffs from this form of space biotechnology.
17. The compression will let digital audio-visual services be carried by terrestrial and satellite channels, telecommunications networks or digital storage devices.
18. The inner edge of the belt, the part closest to Mars and the other terrestrial planets, is compositionally complex.
19. Such warmer, higher-pressure environments would be conducive to the introduction of hardy terrestrial life-forms.
20. The mean density of Mercury indicates that its interior is substantially different from the interiors of the other terrestrial planets.
21. Ask yourself: does yours have the capacity to override the terrestrial static that interferes with radio reception sometimes?
22. Outline the evidence that some sort of late heavy bombardment occurred on all terrestrial planets. 5.
23. The subsequent history of the amphibians includes a further development of terrestrial forms, but others remained wholly or partly aqueous.
24. Before advancing towards your assignment, please report to the supply store to check you are fully equipped for terrestrial habitation.
25. Finally, Mercury and the Moon may be much less thoroughly outgassed than the other terrestrial planets.
25. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
26. The cometary events responsible for these multiple episodes of fragmentation are clearly important to the terrestrial planets.
27. Sampling of farms is likely to follow a national land classification system developed by the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology at Merlewood.
28. Their fossil remains seem to occur with other animals and plants, which are generally accepted as terrestrial.
29. Migrating continents I have proposed four simple distributional patterns for both marine and terrestrial animals which involve changes in time.
30. The most likely fate is to collide with one of the terrestrial planets.
1. Terrestrial longitude is measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich meridian.
2. In rugby circles, there is nothing but criticism for the coverage of sport on terrestrial TV.
31. In general, lunar rocks differ from terrestrial rocks in that the Moon contains much lower concentrations of easily vaporized elements.
32. Impacts on Earth differ from those on Mars in that terrestrial impacts have a high likelihood of encountering an ocean.
33. Outline the arguments for and against the late heavy bombardment of a terrestrial planet occurring after its formation. 6.
34. The incorporation of the gorilla male into a more-or-less permanent party is probably associated with certain benefits in relation to the terrestrial feeding niche.
35. Terrestrial amphibians respire through their skin and to do this must keep it moist with mucus.
36. Thus the four terrestrial planets are all affected in important but very different ways by comet and asteroid impacts.
37. The balance of evidence seems to be swinging away from the original idea of swamp-dwelling giant dinosaurs to fully terrestrial habits.
38. Emptiness and fullness follow one another in succession, moving from above to below, from the heavenly to the terrestrial.
39. Rain forests are home to numerous species, terrestrial and epiphytes.
40. This astonishing discovery of polar ice on Mercury makes it clear that impacts play a major role on all the terrestrial planets.
41. Information from the planetary probes indicates that all the terrestrial planets have undergone differentiation, but they have followed different evolutionary paths.
42. Through all these means small bodies can bring to the terrestrial planets volatiles in sufficient abundance to match the observations.
43. Under these conditions are found all the species preferring the terrestrial way of life.
44. This isolation, like the isolation in terrestrial evolution, breeds variety and marked differences.
45. A statistical analysis based on this data suggests that well over half the stars are being orbited by rocky terrestrial material.
46. All kitted out for terrestrial habitation and raring to go?
47. First, Copernicus eliminated the discontinuity between the terrestrial world and the rest of the physical universe.
48. Study on terrestrial eco - system carbon cycle, etc.
49. digital terrestrial and digital satellite broadcasting.
50. Terrestrial digital sound decoder for conventional intercarrier PLL-IF systems.
51. Polypodiaceae A family of terrestrial or epiphytic leptosporangiate ferns.
52. Aquatic food chains are different from terrestrial ones.
53. The riparian zone is a functional transition region, the last protection barrier of lakes, which is connected the lake aquatic ecosystem and the terrestrial ecosystem.
54. There are scores of terrestrial TV channels and many multichannel cable TV operators.
55. If such planets exist(), these missions—NASA's Terrestrial Planet Finder and ESA's Darwin—should be able to scan their atmospheres for the presence of gases that would indicate the existence of life.
56. During the last glacial period the sea level was low and the terrestrial matters transported into the southern SCS increased and the ecologic environment in the studied sea area deteriorated.
57. The cultivation of this species is not difficult, and is similar to other commonly cultivated terrestrial Utricularia.
58. Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks So called because of the tiger-like stripes on juveniles, the tiger shark is, like its terrestrial namesake, a voracious hunter.
59. Gary Packard of Colorado State University and his colleagues do not deny that creatures like Apatosaurus, Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus were big—and bigger than any terrestrial mammal.
60. Coal measures in Xiaonan coalmine belong to Jurassic terrestrial deposit.
61. There exists boundary claystone near the boundary between both the marine and terrestrial Permian and Triassic in the eastern Yunnan-western Guizhou area.
62. Mixing with the interstellar medium, the dust could ultimately form rocky terrestrial planets like Earth.
63. During the Devonian period, insects began to exploit terrestrial environments. Flight, the exoskeleton, and metamorphosis are probably keys to insect success.
64. Generally thinking, microspherulites are of both extraterrestrial and terrestrial origins.
65. At three to four times the size of Earth, super-Earth Gliese 581 g is likely a terrestrial planet like ours, and like Earth, it's large enough to hold an atmosphere [source: Lemonick].
66. This terrestrial digital broadcast system means that more people will be able to use the service.
67. Vera Rubin, a young astronomer at the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, observed the speeds of stars at various locations in galaxies.
68. Any of numerous tailless amphibians chiefly of the family Bufonidae, related to and resembling the frogs but characteristically more terrestrial and having a broader body and rougher, drier skin.
69. It is not difficult to open an oyster with a sword. But did you ever notice anyone try to open the terrestrial bivalve with a typewriter?Like to wait for a dozen raw opened that way?
70. Unlike most terrestrial animals, aquatic animal species used for human consumption are poikilothermic, meaning their body temperatures vary according to ambient temperatures.
71. Our objective is to utilize the biomass and productivity of living-fossil ecosystems to estimate the evolutionary trend in carbon sequestration capacity of terrestrial ecosystems.
72. The vertical component of terrestrial magnetic field can be got with the vertical current.
73. pursue integrated planning of both terrestrial and marine environments to prevent their degradation and to utilize the full potential of the natural resource base soundly, particularly for ecotourism.
74. Magnetite grains present in the rims of the ALH 84001 carbonates (Fig. were compared to intracellular magnetite crystals ('magnetosomes') formed by terrestrial magnetotactic bacteria.
75. About 48 species of orchid species, currently used as crossing parents, species, nearly 20 species, mostly large flowers and a small amount of epiphytic type terrestrial category.
76. The finding contradicts the prevailing notion that a terrestrial planet needs a large moon to stabilize the orientation of its axis and, hence, its climate.
77. Eft Aquatic species are called newts; terrestrial species are called efts.
78. The SIM, in turn, will pave the way for the Terrestrial Planet Finder, to be launched late in the next decade, which should identify even more earth-like planets.
79. In this paper, first the terrestrial relay system and its currents tate of art are introduced. The implementation key points are analyzed.
80. Monochromatic vision is very rare among land species, because color vision is a tool for survival in terrestrial habitats.
81. The gills of fishes are said to be analogous to the lungs in terrestrial animals.
82. TV 'catch' Vevo's Nic Jones says there is a "catch" between existing terrestrial digital TV channels and production companies.
83. There are five national terrestrial TV companies, including public NHK, which also runs national radio networks.
84. Polar Biology presents results of studies in plants, animals, and micro-organisms of marine, limnic and terrestrial habitats in polar and subpolar regions of both hemispheres.
85. Terrestrial carnivores have four or five clawed digits on each limb.
86. Unlike the normal terrestrial myxobacteria. HW-1 grew in the medium ranging from 0% to 130% seawater and the optimal growth conditions were at 0-80% seawater.
87. To better understand the mass and structure of these stellar ejecta and track their velocity, NASA has turned to the dual STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) satellites.
88. Any of some 40 species (family Testudinidae) of slow-moving, terrestrial, herbivorous turtles, found in the Old and New Worlds but chiefly in Africa and Madagascar.
89. Crowning the entire composition is a vase of cut flowers, an ulterior memento mori juxtaposed to the terrestrial globe, emblematic of royal power.
90. Any of various chiefly terrestrial orchids of the genus Malaxis, having terminal clusters of small, often greenish flowers.
91. It is filled with coal formation of late Mesozoic terrestrial facies clastic rock and bentonite.
92. They are known as terrestrial or earthlike planets because of their similar size and composition.
93. In digital terrestrial television system, there is much burst and random noise in the broadcasting channel, and burst noise is more harmfully than random noise.
94. She's also interested in determining what conditions other than a liquid ocean might help initiate life on a terrestrial planet.
95. For terrestrial digital TV or digital satellite broadcasting for the film.
96. Shelf fungus are a large group of terrestrial fungi in the family of Polypores.
97. There are basically four astronomical methods to establish time: transits, equal altitudes, single altitude or zenith distance, and disappearance of a star behind a terrestrial object.
98. Paphiopedilum sp. (NT$1.00): A terrestrial orchid with a monopodial growth habit. Its leaves are thin and soft. It has no pseudobulb and it is relatively intolerant of drought.
99. Sheppard, Jewitt's former graduate student, recently became a Hubble postdoctoral fellow in the department of terrestrial magnetism at the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
100. Terrestrial ecosystem includes farmland, forest and rangeland, and aquatic ecosystem includes inshore, rivers and lakes.
101. Terrestrial stress is a main control on hydrostatic head of reservoir, and its gradient powers oil, gas and water migration.
102. Last month Mr Mohseni launched a satellite news channel broadcasting round the clock in Dari and Pashto. He hopes to distribute it on terrestrial television soon.
103. Kerogen type is mainly humic, and terrestrial higher plants are the petrologen.
104. Concepts that seem likely to contribute to terrestrial agriculture will be identified.
105. Now the total number of extrasolar planets discovered up to more than 700, as defined in "terrestrial planet" standard is too narrow, most of the planet have been excluded.
106. "We have been calling Vesta the smallest terrestrial planet, " Chris Russell, Dawn's principal investigator, said at the news conference.
107. The user generates the baseband signal which is routed to the earth station through the terrestrial network.
108. But did you ever notice anyone try to open the terrestrial bivalve with a typewriter?
109. Those ideas about terrestrial planet formation and habitability of terrestrial planets will need to be re-evaluated from scratch.
110. In chinese national standard for Digital Multimedia Terrestrial Broadcasting(DMB-T), QC irregular LDPC code is used as forward error correction coding.
111. Any of numerous small terrestrial orchids of the genera Liparis and Listera, having usually two basal leaves and a terminal cluster of greenish or purplish flowers.
112. But the nickel disappearance is one more clue about how the planet went from suffocating to a place where a terrestrial tetrapod could take a deep breath.
113. Seasonal variation of soil biomass plays an important role in the carbon cycle of terrestrial ecosystem.
114. As digital television transmission of digital terrestrial broadcasting, in 2006 China put forward an independent national standards for DMB-TH.
115. Respiration and vascular system: aquatic breathers use pharyngeal gill-slits with gills; terrestrial forms respire using lungs. Usually a closed,(http:///terrestrial.html) high-pressure vascular system with a ventral heart.
116. Topographically, we may consider the coastal plain to be a terrestrial analog of the continental shelf.
117. Terrestrial planets could reside inside the innermost asteroid belt as well, though there currently is no clear indication of that, Marengo said.
118. Does outside outer space still have the terrestrial celestial body of image?
119. This make person it with terrestrial magnetism abnormality the contact is together.
120. The various theories can be grouped into astronomical and terrestrial hypotheses.
121. Aquatic ecosystems share a number of basic structural and functional characteristics with terrestrial ecosystems.
122. MBC says there need to be 10 m terrestrial users for its dedicated mobile - TV channel to even.
123. Determination of coordination area and predication methods of interference between satellite communication earth station and terrestrial microwave station ITU-R SM.
124. The theory of slope break is an advance of sequence stratigraphy applied in terrestrial basin.
125. Rather than a terrestrial paradise, the Equator is perhaps the "Garden of Earthly Delights " glimpsed by Hieronymus Bosch.
126. Relative accuracy of regional gravimetric geoid determination is estimated by an frequency domain analysis, which is determined by regional terrestrial gravity measurements and geopotential model.
127. In addition, we should further explore direct or indirect impacts of human activities on the processes of terrestrial erosion-deposition and the riverine carbon cycle.
128. These works is significance for doing well digital observation and improving the observation quality of terrestrial magnetism.
129. A resistance material and terrestrial heat mode warm oneself galvanothermy band made by the material belongs to electricity field.
130. Grasslands play a significant role in terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle due to large biomass stored belowground.
131. In addition, Clade 2 contains clones only from the American soils, indicating that the geographic locations and soil characteristics may influence the types of terrestrial crenarchaeotal populations.
132. New inert gas data from terrestrial rocks has also raised other questions about the evolving earth.
133. The dark vault surrounded the terrestrial globe as if to crush it.
134. The mighty Crawler, which ferried Shuttles to the launchpad, will be reduced to hauling more terrestrial freight around the Space Center.
135. Long Range Navigation System (Loran-C) is a kind of terrestrial precise radio navigation system, which is widely used in the navigation domain.
136. Therefore, research on terrestrial transmission technique according to digital television standard of our country has far-reaching meaning.
137. Suberinite occurs commonly in Mesozoic coal measures and terrestrial organic matter source rocks in Northwest China, which is formed from suberized cell walls, particularly in plant periderm.
138. An improved method is introduced, through which terrestrial magnetism can be measured and the absorbed phenomenon of double-radiation oscillator emerging in experiments is illustrated.
139. Because of the independence of the two problems, before determining the Terrestrial digital TV criterion, we must study the adaptive predistortion technology.
140. This paper reviews the effect of nitrogen input on terrestrial ecosystem carbon pool in recent years, and makes a prospect for research, and at the same time, brings forward some future topi...
141. And the wireless communication is the most complex, because there is multipath, Doppler shift, co-channel interference and so on under terrestrial environment.
142. Although meteors fall all over the world, they usually just sink to the bottom of an ocean, are buried by shifting terrain, or are easily confused with terrestrial rocks.
143. Madagascan roller with terrestrial and crepuscular habits that feeds on e . g . insects and worms.
144. There is a perpetual duel in progress between celestial forces and terrestrial interests.
145. Annual net primary productivity(NPP) of terrestrial vegetation is the net amount of carbon fixed by plants through photosynthesis in one year.
146. Ordinary widow glass is used to serve as substrate and encapsulation materials of the cadmium sulphide thin film solar cells(), which is encapsulated by all-glass for terrestrial application.
147. There are about 45.000 species of chordates, occupying marine, fresh and brackish water and terrestrial habitats.
148. The riverine carbon transport is closely related to the processes of terrestrial erosion-deposition.
149. The scale of red tide disaster is closely correlated with the economic development, population growth, longshore breed aquatics and agriculture, terrestrial recrement.
150. But solar behavior has never been erratic enough to threaten all terrestrial life with extinction.
151. Myriapod animals were probably one of the invertebrate animal groups that first colonized the terrestrial ecosystem during Early Paleozoic.
152. There are well-found category mineral resources in Antu county area, 50 kinds of minerals have been discovered, such as gold, coal, basalt, molybdenum, Iron, mineral water, terrestrial heat etc.
153. The studies on HAPS system sharing C-band with satellite and terrestrial systems are also discussed.
154. Shrubs evergreen, epiphytic, rarely terrestrial trees, usually with a swollen rootstock.
155. Yes, I have learned a lot of knowledge about the globe from my terrestrial globe.
156. Whales were among a tiny handful of mammals to make an evolutionary U-turn, retrofitting their terrestrial body plan to sense, eat, move, and mate underwater.
157. List the adaptations seed plants employed ( comparing to green algae ) to become successful in terrestrial life.
158. The equation of satellite orbital motion was derived in the conventional terrestrial coordinate system.
159. PICT, used as an indicator for the determination of toxic effects of pollutants in biotic communities, has been developed for aquatic and terrestrial communities.
160. A variable inductor used to measure variations in terrestrial magnetism.
161. Many Japanese watch television on 1seg, a mobile terrestrial digital-audio and video-data broadcasting service.
162. The gills of fishes are analogous to the lungs in terrestrial animals.
163. Besides fully marine crocodiles such as Metriorhynchids(), there were also terrestrial crocodiles with mammal-like teeth that later evolved into plant-eating reptiles.
164. Terrestrial latitude is measured in degrees north or south from the equator.
165. Huangbizhuang and other terrestrial stress stations showed clear anomalies, we made a trace analysis of the anomalies and made a prediction before the earthquake.
166. Moon rocks show that lunar water has more heavy hydrogen than does terrestrial water, indicating a cometary origin. Christopher Intagliata reports The Apollo moon missions ended almost 40 years ago.
167. For terrestrial communities the principal variables are availability and temperature.
168. 'Do you feel, yet, that you belong to this terrestrial scheme again, Mr. Darnay?'.
169. Moon rocks show that lunar water has more heavy hydrogen than does terrestrial water, indicating a cometary origin.
170. These species are widely located in various transitional terrestrial and amphibious eco - systems.
171. Organic matter was derived from terrestrial, benthic algae and planktonic algae.
172. Bryophyte is a kind of higher plants with small size and simple structure, being the transitional form from aquatic to terrestrial and the most original group of existing higher plants.
173. Topographically, we may consider the coastal plain to be a terrestrial analog of the continental ITlf.
174. Description: Terrestrial orchids ; pseudobulbs ovate , dark green or purple - red, one - leafed at apex.
175. Point two : Totally new exqusite fitment(Sentencedict), with terrestrial heat! The first choice of family living!
176. We suspect that the "veinhole monster" (VHM) as it is called, is similar to a terrestrial Venus flytrap, collecting living tissues in order to spread its mass further.
177. And the Terrestrial Planet Finder, an even more ambitious project that might have been able to study alien atmospheres, has been postponed indefinitely.
178. The user generates the baseband signal which is routed to the earth station through terrestrial network.
179. Being an important component of the soil ecosystem and an active participator of material cycling, soil enzymes play a key role in underground ecological process in the terrestrial ecosystem.
180. Terrestrial digital TV broadcasting is the most widely and most complex digital television transmission.
181. When he masters the terrestrial globe, he can move on to the celestial globe, and learn about the constellations in our hemisphere.
182. There was a terrestrial facies lake basin in study area and mainly developed clastic rock during the late Trias.
183. As with the last several Apollo missions, all crewmembers and their operational support teams should receive as much terrestrial field training on real geologic problems as possible.Sentencedict
184. Now terrestrial environment protection's key is reduces the carbon dioxide and the waste gas emission rate.
185. Any of various terrestrial ferns of the genus Lygodium, having a single pinnately compound leaf that climbs by twining, including L. palmatum of the eastern United States.
186. At such distances terrestrial life would probably not be apparent to a visitor from elsewhere.
187. The national geomorphical interpretation with 1:1000000 remote sensing images is an enormous project, in which the digitalization of the terrestrial geomorphology is the new and key task.
188. The man whose virtue has no source except a purely terrestrial prudence will, in such a world, become an adventurer if he has the courage, and, if not, will seek obscurity as a timid time-server.
189. Ecological degradation mainly includes degradation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
190. Any of several terrestrial, saprophytic, chiefly New World orchids of the genus Corallorhiza having yellowish-green to purplish-brown leafless stems and small flowers.
191. The soil is an important component of the terrestrial ecosystems and plays the significant role in the global carbon and nitrogen cycle.
192. They may be as old as the terrestrial ecosystem, " said Sandra Baldauf, an evolutionary biologist at Uppsala University in Sweden.
193. Recently, scientist have also discovered comets in the main asteroid belt —these main-belt comets might be a key source of water for the inner terrestrial planets.
194. Geothermic greenhouse is one kind of greenhouse using the terrestrial heat as its heating source.




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