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单词 prelude
释义  Related topics: Musicprel·ude /ˈpreljuːd/ noun [countable]  1  a prelude to something BEFOREif an event is a prelude to a more important event, it happens just before it and makes people expect it 某事物的序幕[前奏,开端] Living together as a prelude to marriage is now considered acceptable in many countries. 婚前同居如今在许多国家都已被接受。2  APMa short piece of music, especially one played at the beginning of a longer musical piece or before a church ceremony 〔音乐作品的〕前奏曲序曲 Chopin’s Preludes 肖邦的前奏曲 an organ prelude 管风琴前奏曲Examples from the Corpusprelude• This identification was emphasized in 1483 when Gloucester took the precaution of arresting lord Stanley as a prelude to his usurpation.• Computer simulations are only mechanical extensions of this verbal power, which manipulates signs and symbols as a prelude to manipulating things.• Could this be a prelude to a trade war even more destructive of world prosperity than a military war?• The search for the seat of divinity in man and nature is only a prelude to the aspiration for transcendence.• This outing was a prelude to many more.• The squall was a prelude to a fully-fledged gale, heralded well in advance by warnings from the meteorologists.• Also, it is considered by many as an anachronism, mere prelude to a party on the river for Hooray Henrys.Origin prelude (1500-1600) French prélude, from Medieval Latin praeludium, from Latin praeludere “to play before”prel·ude nounChineseSyllable  a prelude if more to Corpus is an event a




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