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单词 Malthus
(1) Malthus was hotched at the news of his first plan's failure.
(2) Malthus wrote about the risks involved in the world's population increasing exponentially.
(3) Malthus was burdened by a fatalism induced by fears of population growth and resource shortages.
(4) More mouths to feed, Malthus contended, meant less food in each mouth.
(5) Malthus thought their more-the-merrier theory was hopelessly loony and downright dangerous.
(6) Malthus will always be known mainly for his views on population.
(7) In this particular instance, Malthus was eventually proven wrong.
(8) Will Malthus Continue to Be Wrong?
(9) For the past 200 years, ever since Thomas Malthus published his Essay on the Principle of Population, big thinkers have been wondering whether Earth-dwellers will eventually run out of food.
(10) Then came Thomas Robert Malthus [1766-1834] with the discovery that nature does not provide the means of existence for everybody.
(11) Malthus believed that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence.
(12) In a world that was still under the shadow of Malthus, he could hardly propose adding more people.
(13) To this scene of disarray they brought a bold policy prescription unknown to Malthus: family planning.
(14) Lecture 3 introduces what we know as the "dismal science" and the work of Thomas Robert Malthus and David Ricardo.
(15) They all stand on the shoulders of giants: British economist Thomas Malthus predicted in the 19th century that the rise in population would lead to widespread famine and catastrophe.
(16) The debate was present at the creation of populationalarmism, in the person of Rev. Thomas Malthus himself.
(17) There has very great influence in the western economics'development for economic thought of Malthus.
(18) Already at the end of the 18th century Thomas Malthus published his famous treatise on food and population.
(19) The Year of Six Million: Math of Population — was Malthus Right?
(20) On the latter, it is an irony of intellectual history that Thomas Malthus, prophet of overpopulation, worried about the lack of resources just as these pessimistic assumptions became untrue.




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