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单词 premature
释义  Related topics: Birth, Biologypre·ma·ture /ˈpremətʃə, -tʃʊə, ˌpreməˈtʃʊə $ ˌpriːməˈtʃʊr◂/ ●○○ adjective  1  EARLYhappening before the natural or proper time 过早的,提早的 his premature death due to cancer 他因癌症而早逝 premature ageing of the skin 皮肤的早衰2  MBa premature baby is born before the usual time of birth 〔婴儿〕早产的 a premature birth 早产 The baby was six weeks premature. 那个婴儿早产了六个星期。3  EARLYdone too early or too soon 〔做事〕过早的,过快的;仓促的,草率的;不成熟的 a premature order to attack 仓促的进攻命令 Any talk of a deal is premature. 现在谈论协议还为时过早。it is premature (for somebody) to do something It would be premature to accuse anyone until the investigation is complete. 调查结束之前谴责任何人都为时过早。 —prematurely adverb The baby was born prematurely. 这孩子是早产儿。Examples from the Corpuspremature• It has been proved that sunbathing causes premature ageing of the skin.• Her baby was premature and weighed only 2kg.• They looked empty and forlorn as if they had not yet adjusted themselves to their premature change of life.• Traffic was at an angry crawl, a dazzling confusion of lights and wet reflections in the premature darkness.• Payton's premature death was caused by lung cancer.• Alcoholism is one of the major causes of premature death.• Even so, Mr Mieno seems in no mood to be pushed into premature easing.• I wanted everything to advance at its own pace-no abrupt moves, no premature gestures.• Naturally, this is much more difficult for the parents of a premature infant.• And just exactly how many weeks premature is this baby?• But I caught myself, decided not to make premature judgments, and tried to listen as sympathetically as I could.• It would be premature to conclude that Wilson will lose the election.Origin premature (1500-1600) Latin praematurus, from maturus; → MATURE1pre·ma·ture adjectiveChineseSyllable  happening time Corpus the proper or before natural




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