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单词 Anthroposophy
1. Theosophy and Anthroposophy, the concept of Atlantis also entered Nazi Mysticism.
2. To what extent, as a person connected with Anthroposophy , do I live the thought of my own spiritual presence and of co-working with other spiritual beings?
3. Nevertheless, schools do best if Anthroposophy is being cultivated in the community around them in a healthy and free manner.
4. Anthroposophy shows man to be capable of evolution, capable of bringing new worlds within his sphere by the development of new organs of perception.
5. In like manner Anthroposophy asserts: there are many worlds around man, and man can perceive them if only he develops the necessary organs.
6. Through Theosophy and Anthroposophy, the concept of Atlantis also entered Nazi Mysticism.
7. As an explicitly spiritual movement, anthroposophy has sometimes been called a religious philosophy.
8. I am also interested in painting, poetry, anthroposophy, real estate, and automobiles.
9. As the book is based on Anthroposophy (The wisdom of Man), this expression was probably used to point to the more selfless phase of the human life.
10. A spiritual understanding of the world, as represented by Anthroposophy , sees in this process the birth of the physical body, but not as yet of the etheric or life-body.
11. The Analects of Confucius is one of the thought resources of Zhang Zai's anthroposophy.
12. The Anthroposophical work in a community is very important because Waldorf education arises out of the soil of Anthroposophy .
13. It cannot often enough be emphasized how great is the difference, in this respect, between Anthroposophy and the current science of to-day.
14. Hans Mulder has a strong background in many aspects of Anthroposophy, and biodynamics.
15. Together, we have performed exhaustive research on Waldorf schools and Anthroposophy, the esoteric, occult religion that both guides and inspires Waldorf teachers.
16. This book helps us find meaning in illness. The first part describes the human being from the perspective of anthroposophy and the correspondence between plants and the body.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. Since seeing An Inconvenient Truth I have been asking myself what Anthroposophy is contributing to our finding a way forward through the mess we are in.
18. Communities that do not have active study groups in Anthroposophy remark that in the long run their schools seem unfed at a deeper level.
19. He also animadverted the practical society through his theory of anthroposophy which included many original opinions .
20. The school itself needs to have a healthy fertile relationship with Anthroposophy if it is to grow and thrive as a Waldorf school.




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