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单词 Developing world
1) Many of the aid projects in the developing world have been misdirected in the past.
2) In the developing world cigarette consumption is increasing.
3) The real impact will be felt in the developing world.
4) National plans in the developing world would allow monitoring of governments' priorities or failure.
5) Most economists readily grant that the developing world will grow more rapidly than the already industrialized countries.
6) But for vast numbers of children in the developing world, such gifts are beyond their wildest dreams.
7) Multinationals, once shunned as colonialists by the developing world, have been courted as never before since the Soviet empire dissolved.
8) Here as elsewhere in the developing world,[http:///developing world.html] traffic snarls have increased tensions and decreased productivity.
9) Over 90% of all new infections occur in the developing world.
10) Girls receive less health care and less education in the developing world than do boys.
11) Westerners are often tempted to write off the great urban centers of the developing world as almost beyond hope.
12) No one would deny that the barriers which prevent patient access to medicines in the developing world must be broken down.
13) Price data can not capture the scale of the human tragedy unfolding across the developing world.
14) It may be the smallest investment that's saved the most lives across the developing world.
15) But while this is happening in certain societies in the developing world, it is clearly not occurring in the developed world.
16) The final factor influencing employment are the changes in the developing world.
17) Not surprisingly, the bank has utterly failed in its mission to help the developing world.
18) And most of them will live in the most vulnerable areas of the developing world: cities.
19) The inverse relationship between living costs and childbearing is found throughout the developing world.
20) The biotech corporations argue that genetically modified crops will put an end to food shortages in the developing world.
21) A more open international trading system was needed to provide access to exports from the developing world.
22) A final factor that affects the number of children desired by developing world couples is infant mortality.
23) Thus the management of forests on a global basis constitutes an agent of environmental change in both the developed and developing world.
24) The complexity of rural development everywhere, whether in the developed or the developing world, is not always realised.
25) It is important to grasp the level of energy that the free market has unleashed in the developing world.
26) In 1950 there were only two mega-cities of 8 million or more, neither of which was in the developing world.
27) This assumption underlies literacy programmes both in the developed and developing world.
28) They are angry at policies that price those medicines beyond the reach of the developing world.
29) Almost all the growth will occur in the cities of the developing world.
30) This affects jobs in the wealthy industrial world but it also affects jobs in the mid-wage developing world.
1) Many of the aid projects in the developing world have been misdirected in the past.
31) Across much of the developing world, economic expansion has borne a large and growing middle class.
32) Since economic and population growth is happening so much faster in the developing world, the odds for innovation are simply there.
33) By 1993 net capital flows into the developing world more than doubled to over $ 110 billion a year.
34) Creation of incentives to industrialized nations to develop and export fuel-efficient technologies to the developing world.
35) Its likely price would put it beyond the means of most people in the developing world.
36) At the same time there is no denying the overwhelming poverty in many cities in the developing world.
37) But with foreign assistance to developing world agriculture in decline, that will be harder.
38) Currently, Televisa is the largest communications corporation in the developing world.
39) We are seeking content that covers all issues relevant to medicine in the developing world.
40) At least 25 percent of malnutrition in the developing world is the result of illness, mostly diarrhea.
41) My aim is to make a photographic record of these countries before the developing world we live in changes them for ever.
42) It has partner organisations in the developing world dealing with the issue at grassroots level.
43) Written by Marion Van Horne, the book draws on her wide experience of training writers throughout the developing world.
44) The organisers hope that the event will have raised £25,000 for charitable projects at home and in the developing world.
45) It may be tempting to describe urban centers in the developing world as almost beyond hope.
46) Millions of people in the developing world get around by bicycle or scooter.
47) Mr Wolfensohn wants to see steps taken to produce and distribute a low-cost vaccine that is affordable in the developing world.
48) While the West protects and subsidises, the developing world is being forced to liberalise.
49) The industrialised world is the culprit, and the developing world is paying a high price.
50) Britain also makes more direct private investment in the developing world than any other EC country - some £2,400 million in 1989.
51) The overwhelming majority live in the developing world, where debt-burdened governments can not afford prevention programmes.
52) Nasser's prestige, by contrast, soared within the developing world.
53) Ninety-five percent of people living with HIV/AIDS today live in the developing world.
54) Some common treatments used in the developing world include chlorination, filtration and solar disinfection.
55) If it can successfully build a high-rate solid-waste system, there might also be an opportunity to employ the technology in the developing world to treat the sludge produced by aerobic digestion.
56) And new IP strategies like patent pools could also assist technological development in the developing world, says Gold.
57) The cities of the developing world are ringed by slums that have no access to the water system and either use unclean river water or buy water from private sellers at exorbitant prices.
58) The percentage growth rate has slowed, but it is projected to reach 9 billion by 2050. The excess will almost all be in the developing world where the young hugely outnumber the old.
59) But we've learned beyond any doubt that treatment in the developing world is feasible, effective, and increasingly affordable.
60) The mapping technology will revolutionise public health approaches such as monitoring and vaccination programmes of managing disease like typhoid fever, especially in the developing world, he adds.
61) The electric battery based on boiled potatoes could provide a cheap source of electricity in the developing world, according to the technology transfer company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
62) A rally in the developed-world's stock markets usually convinces investors that it's safe to take a flier on the riskier (in their minds, at least) markets of the developing world.
63) On 6 June, leading drug companies announced dramatic slashes in vaccine prices for the developing world, including a 95% price cut on the new rotavirus vaccine that can prevent diarrhoeal deaths.
64) In villages across China and throughout the developing world, people left their rural homes. They traveled to industrial towns, seeking work in new factories built to serve the global market.
65) Irrigation is the primary agricultural use of human waste in the developing world.
66) Other key providers of bilateral aid to HE in the developing world include Japan and Sweden.
67) Today, mosquito-borne diseases – such as malaria and dengue fever – are major health problems in the developing world.
68) But Bayliss saw beyond these limitations and considered the needs of people in the developing world who did not have access to reliable mains electricity and who could not afford batteries.
68) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
69) Regional journals are essential for building science capacity in the developing world, says Wieland Gevers.
70) These are are being felt here and now in the developing world.
71) I even bought a preposterous sports top made of some kind of cybernetic superskin designed to slurp sweat off your back and email it to a parched section of the developing world.
72) There are deep-rooted cultural issues, as there are in any part of the developing world, where obstacles tend to be complicated and localized.
73) Boeing's products cannot be designed or manufactured anywhere in the developing world. The company has only one competitor in the commercial aviation market–Airbus.
74) The developing world is littered with the debris of short-lived projects, but not from this Organization, not from our WHO.
75) Either the needs of the developing world are causing demand growth to outstrip supply for an extended period, or new sources of supply can be found only at higher cost.
76) "You can easily see the pattern of bleached stripes through a simple microscope," De Smedt said, adding that this makes it "particularly suitable for the developing world".
77) TWAS — the developing world's academy of sciences — is looking to double its endowment fund to support more scientists and researchers in the developing world.
78) Many BRICS countries are wide-awake to the problem and are steaming ahead with solutions that will serve as models for the entire developing world.
79) Increased deaths of these women, because of the pandemic, will be tragic everywhere, but most especially so in the developing world, as the numbers will be so much greater.
80) Research published in journals in the developing world must receive more recognition, says former president of the Academy of Science of South Africa, Wieland Gevers.
81) But these crises drew a line between north and south, between the industrialised and developing world.
82) With fewer traditional workers, even in the developing world, and an increasing need to industrialise poorer countries, technology will be used to raise productivity globally.
83) China hosted the high profile global-warming forum that brought together key negotiating blocs in the developing world, including fellow basic group members Brazil, South Africa and India.
84) Obama's ability to predict how much money the U. S. could contribute to a long-term financing package for the developing world.
85) They employ chimneys and clean-burning technology where applicable, and they could significantly cut down on emissions of black carbon in the developing world, 20 percent of which comes from cooking.
86) Inside a growing number of homes in the developing world, sand and biological organisms are collaborating to decontaminate drinking water.
87) More than a quarter of the avoidable deaths in the developing world are caused by TB.
88) Diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and Rift Valley fever — transmitted by insect vectors — are endemic in many parts of the developing world and kill millions of people each year.
89) Regardless of climate change, these measures are crucial to tackling insect-borne disease in the developing world, he says (see Tackling insect-borne disease whatever the weather).
90) Large transnational mining corporations play very important roles in developing world mining market for the developed countries.
91) Yet those countries, and indeed the rest of the developing world, have abundant nonnuclear energy alternatives, too.
92) The importance of offering new sources of funds to the developing world underestimated, however.
93) All that notwithstanding, argues Francisco Blanch, of Merrill Lynch, as long as economic growth holds up in the developing world, the price of commodities should too.
94) There are opportunities for further growth in the GDS business in the developing world over the long-term, but do investors think long-term these days?




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