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单词 Adventitious
1 Some rural parishes also recorded relatively high adventitious populations.
2 There was an adventitious contributing cause.
3 More importantly, the definition of the adventitious population stresses an element of choice in rural residence.
4 Eureka adventitious buds regeneration were investigated.
5 If adventitious sounds are auscultated, have client cough.
6 High mass concentration of lead induced adventitious roots.
7 Trunk and branches usually without adventitious sprouts; umbo flat or blunt.
8 The conditions promote the multiple formation of adventitious buds and regenerated rootsproliferating colonies of cells.
9 The results provide the cytological basis of promoting adventitious root formation after GL - reagent treatment.
10 The adventitious shoots of limber pine were taken as objects to investigate their induction of adventitious roots.
11 It is customary to treat Dialectic as an adventitious art, which for very wantonness introduces confusion and a mere semblance of contradiction into definite notions.
12 Adventitious buds regeneration from etiolated internode segment of apple cultivar Nagafu No.
13 The mechanism of formation of adventitious root induced by light or dark pretreatment was initially studied in stem of broad bean seedling.
14 Adventitious shoots were generated after cotyledons were cultured in selecting media containing hygromycin for 4–5 weeks. Rooted safflower was obtained in 4–8 weeks.
15 MethodsUnder aseptic circumstance, the adventitious root formation of the cutting branch and explant of Gynostemma Pentaphyllum and growth hormone intervention in the root formation were observed.
16 Furthermore, adventitious root growth, rate was greatly increased when inoculum size was 2. 5%.
17 It required more than 15 to induce the adventitious ro - ots.
18 The strike was broken , of course, but mainly by a series of adventitious developments.
19 But the more rapidly an organism learns(), the more vulnerable it is to adventitious contingencies.
20 Periodontosis of confine green early days encroachs a few deciduous teeth only, place adventitious.
21 Latent root primordium was not found in shoots in test tubes. The induced root primordium which originated from the division and differentiation of pith ray cell developed into the adventitious roots.
22 With the development of the vascular systems in the adventitious roots, the roots extrude from the lenticel or the cutting callus.
23 The result shows that auxin polar transport plays an important role in adventitious root formation.
24 Effect of different hormone , carbon source ,[] medium and transfer time on redifferentiation of adventitious buds from callus derived from immature embryos have been discussed.
25 GA3 content the decreasing trend in the induction period of adventitious root primordia of mutant of P. tomentosaand and P. dakuanensis and the increasing trend in the expression period.
26 The contents of endogenous IAA and ABA in the differentiation of adventitious root in vitro of Elaeocarpus sylvestris were studied.
27 The embryo in hickory origined from nucellar cells and it belonged to adventitious embryony reproduction one type of apomixis.
28 By optimizing the culture conditions , the rate of adventitious bud induction , elongation and rooting reached to 100 % , 83 %, and 100 %, respectively.
29 One-year-old half- lignified branches from Camptotheca acuminata trees were used to study the anatomical structure of stem and the formation of callus and adventitious roots.
30 The method of tissue culture is used to induce the cotyledons of cucumis melon to become callus and then adventitious buds.
31 The adventitious root is triarch, and has the secondary structure.
32 Method: Plant hormones, concentration of sucrose, active carbon and light time influenced formation of adventitious root and microtuber in vitro from plantlet of Rehmannia glutinosa (85-5).
33 Hypocotyl of Cucumis melon L. can be induced to occur adventitious root on 1/4 MS solid medium.
34 The early stage of adventitious root or bud formation when differentiated cells are triggered to form new meristematic regions.
35 The best example of this phenomenon is the formation of adventitious embryos in carrot tissue cultures.
36 The promotion of adventitious root formation by auxin was proven to be related to ethylene releasing.
37 Rhizobium sesbania infected through the apical rupture of the growing site of adventitious root, multiplied in the fissure around the root primordium and stimulated the division of cortex cells.
38 The results showed that Vallisneria spinulosa had structural characteristics of aquatic monocotyledon with well-developed adventitious root and multi-node stolon.
39 The biomass of rhizome, adventitious root, and belowground part were maximal under dry-wet alternate condition at both growth stages.
40 High frequent adventitious shoot formation , plant regeneration and micro - propagation were established in trailing petunia ( Petunia hybrida ) leaf.
41 Stem erect or floating, elongate, 5 - angled, nodes often with adventitious roots.
42 Effect of blade segment size and its slicing technique, on the differentiation of adventitious bud was discussed.
43 Based on several years investigation, the list of 90 injurious plants which distributed in Zhejiang Province including the adventitious species and the indigene species was arranged in this paper.
44 The regenerated plantlets in Dianthus chinensis were obtained by two methods: through the redifferentiation of the callus and the adventitious buds induced directly from the explant.
45 Moreover, M. alternifolia developed aerenchyma and adventitious roots during inundation, with root porosity in the flooded seedlings much higher than that of the control.
46 Results identified that the adventitious root primordia originated from the vascular cambium cells.
47 Therefore, it has important significance in both theory and practice to research on molecular mechanism of adventitious root development for Populus.
48 The way of molecular regulation underlying adventitious root is complex and far beyond understanding now.
49 If this assumption be admitted, of course a union of God with the world renders God completely finite, and degrades Him to the bare finite and adventitious congeries of existence.
50 The organogenic calli of Slash Pine(Pinus elliottii)were used to study the differentiation, rooting and histological anatomy of adventitious buds.
51 The strike broken , of course, but mainly by a series of adventitious developments.
52 Observation on the submerged leaf and adventitious root in Trapa.
53 The results showed that the adventitious shoot inducing rate of leafstalk was higher than leaf and stem, the adventitious shoots polarization of stem cambium was also good.
54 The process of the adventitious root formation in grape cuttings can be divided into six periods.
55 Mesophyll cell of leaf epidermis can single split into group meristematic cell, then more differentiation make it developed into adventitious bud on leaf margin.
56 This thesis focused on the identification of three VrHsc70 proteins in Vigna radiata and the analyses of methyl jasmonate (MeJA)-induced genes in Bupleurum kaoi adventitious roots.
57 An efficient plant regeneration system through direct adventitious bud formation is established using leaf segments of asepsis seedlings of chicory(Cichorium intybus L.
58 The factors affecting the adventitious root induction of Pinus. sylvestris var. mongolica from adventitious buds were studied.




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