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单词 Unprepared
(1) He was completely/totally/wholly unprepared for what he saw.
(2) I was totally unprepared for the challenge which faced me.
(3) I was totally unprepared for the announcement on the next day.
(4) The sheer number of spectators has caught everyone unprepared.
(5) The extreme cold weather caught them unprepared.
(6) She was totally unprepared for his response.
(7) He was unprepared to co-operate(/unprepared.html), or indeed to communicate.
(8) She was totally unprepared for the blast of criticism she received.
(9) His fame was so sudden that he was unprepared for public life.
(10) They were unprepared to accept the conditions of the contract.
(11) She was unprepared to accept that her marriage was over.
(12) She was unprepared for the flood of vituperation which descended on her from her critics.
(13) It was a crisis that she was totally unprepared for.
(14) Faculty members complain that their students are unprepared to do college-level work.
(15) Elizabeth had been unprepared for such a dramatic change.
(16) We were caught completely unprepared.
(17) The ferry was unprepared to handle a disaster.
(18) Many high school graduates are unprepared for the workplace.
(19) Mexico was unprepared for war.
(20) The recent recession caught managers flat-footed and unprepared.
(21) The television stations were also unprepared.
(22) She was quite unprepared for Miss Phoebe's reaction.
(23) Many of the students were simply unprepared for higher education; others had to go back to work.
(24) I was totally unprepared for Delhi, yet old enough to understand what I saw.
(25) Many times the Bruins appeared unprepared for the shots and were in poor rebounding position.
(26) This also left certain Negro Volunteers unprepared to make the necessary adjustment, and led to the same kind of painful surprise.
(27) God help us if they attack now while we're still unprepared.
(28) With little equipment and unsuitable footwear, she epitomizes the inexperienced and unprepared mountain walker.
(29) It was a crisis for which she was totally unprepared.
(30) It allows the study of regional transit of solids in the unprepared human colon without the need for colon intubation.
(1) He was completely/totally/wholly unprepared for what he saw.
(2) I was totally unprepared for the challenge which faced me.
(3) I was totally unprepared for the announcement on the next day.
(31) They have felt misunderstood and scapegoated, quite unprepared for the political and social dilemmas in which they were caught.
(32) Britain was totally unprepared for the cataclysm of the Franco-Prussian War late in 1870 and still less for its outcome.
(33) She may have been totally unprepared but she still managed to win her first round match quite comfortably.
(34) Startled by his outburst of energy, the musicians had been caught unprepared.
(35) I was so content as to be completely unprepared for the obvious eventuality of his return.
(36) The suggestion was unexpected, but not one Derek was unprepared for.
(37) These notices brought clients into local CABx while advisers found themselves unprepared for their enquiries.
(38) Yet the handling of the report has made the government look fumbling and unprepared.
(39) When I told her the news,(http:///unprepared.html) I was totally unprepared for her reaction.
(40) Her surviving crew members, rich with prize money, are unprepared, perhaps, for what lies ahead -- peace.
(41) When the four women finally did enroll last September, school officials were unwilling or unprepared to meet the challenge.
(42) Gorbad, still weak from the wound suffered at Grunberg, was unprepared for a frontal assault.
(43) As divided and unprepared democratic forces fumbled for a plan of action, demagogues would rush forward convincingly promising protection.
(44) An unprepared passenger might be mangled by the door or might miss his stop altogether.
(45) Sadly, most people find themselves totally unprepared financially and the consequences of that can be disastrous.
(46) I had come from the hotel expecting to return, and was quite unprepared.
(47) Wheeler, who in the past had been unprepared for much in life, was not leaving placement to chance.
(48) And when it does, as it always does, we are caught unawares and unprepared.
(49) The clearly necessary tax increases required to pay for unification are now being forced down very unprepared throats.
(50) Dave Garrod recalls that the men of his track were unprepared for the events that unfolded.
(51) Even as I battled my fears with frenetic bursts of activity, whenever I slowed down I knew I was unprepared.
(52) And exposed unprepared to view a patient whose appearance caused me to warn a hardened policeman!
(53) The study showed that 50% of the students were unprepared for work or college.
(54) Unprepared for the constant clamor, stress and hostility of prison life, he develops a seething anger and torturing headaches.
(55) He found the Etonians snobbish, shallow, seemingly unprepared for the world as it was being transformed by the war.
(56) The sudden, unprepared E Major Allegro that concludes the fourth and final movement seems a bit like kicking the corpse.
(57) It is unprepared to offer them the skilled attention that they need.
(58) By the time he returned to the States, the twentieth century had dawned, and Otis was utterly unprepared for it.
(59) The choice for us was whether to take a strike unprepared or to live to fight another day.
(60) It can not be stopped, but it can stop the unwary or the unprepared.
(61) Many grandparents are financially unprepared to care for their grandchildren.
(62) So you were left quite unprepared for the lightning 10K race start, made worse this time around by a shouted count-down.
(63) She was unprepared for it and her nervousness increased tenfold as she bustled about to get his tea.
(64) Drastic, unprepared liberalisation can lead to economic chaos, as in the Ivory Coast in 1988.
(65) She usually enjoyed this part of the year immensely, but for once she was feeling quite unprepared for it.
(66) He was unprepared for the urgency of her response as his mouth touched hers.
(67) She had been quite unprepared for his beauty and his otherness.
(67) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(68) They were thus unprepared to deal with social and cultural problems of Tanganyikan hospitals in other than a technical fashion.
(69) We were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us.
(70) I was unprepared for his answer.
(71) Our treaty makers approached their immensely difficult problems unprepared.
(72) The storm caught them unprepared.
(73) I was unprepared to answer.
(74) The unanticipated attack of dog left them unprepared.
(75) Independence had descended like a hurricane on the unprepared country.
(76) Fight no battle unprepared; fight no battle you are not sure of winning.
(77) An unprepared caracal wouldn't last 5 minutes in this desert, but then neither would any of the animals not even our master of deception, the gerbil.
(78) It is only by attacking the other side unprepared that we can stand in advantage.
(79) Readiness Review preparation seriously, do not fight a battle unprepared.
(80) Lest haply if they of Macedonia come with me, and find you unprepared, we (that we say not, ye) should be ashamed in this same confident boasting.
(81) That common dream of being unprepared for an exam may be a stand-in for not meeting a goal or trying to juggle too many responsibilities.
(82) When the refugee arrived in America, he was unprepared for xenophobia he found there.
(83) Alternatively the missile can be launched from a unprepared new location by using GPS to obtain coordinate data.
(84) Unprepared as he was for the large pill he had to swallow, he got it down.
(85) If in the home unprepared a woolfell you are then moss-grown .
(86) Either you're woefully unprepared for a big test or you're naked.
(87) And so we were unprepared for the nonphysical dance awaiting us upon Earth.
(88) At a recent Wilton Park conference in Britain, a Chinese academic called the EU a weak power, unprepared to challenge American hegemony: China was not about to work with it on a new world order.
(89) With that blinking cursor on our internet search box only a button away and ever ready to unleash a geyser of electronic information, no longer do we have to go into any encounter wholly unprepared.
(90) Ms Donovan used to teach at the US Naval Academy, where cheating on an engineering test might mean being unprepared when a problem arose on a battle ship.
(91) I think I get a lot more purchase on the nooks and crannies of life with my spiky one than those poor, well-adjusted sods who are sent out into a world completely unprepared for their goodwill.
(92) Wholly unprepared, we embark upon the second half of life.
(93) Candidates who don't ask questions also come across as unprepared and unengaged.
(94) But President William McKinley thought the Philippines were unprepared for independence.
(95) The primal wild is a realm of mysteries, especially to the unprepared.
(96) What the Chinese people are altogether unprepared for, however, is the death of Mao without the comforting presence of Chou En-Lai as chief mourner.
(97) She would humiliate her victims without mercy if, for instance, they wet their pants in class, as happened right before recess on the first day to the unprepared Tess Wodehouse.
(98) Asian Games Village in the trading market, the flow of people plunged to dealers caught unprepared.
(99) A young, unmarried woman may be totally unprepared, unfit, or unwilling to assume the responsibilities of motherhood.
(100) I was totally unprepared for the business end of translation as well.
(101) Dec 21st 2012 is a fake date created by the 'Illuminati' to catch us completely unprepared for the horrific events to come in September THIS YEAR .
(102) Our enemies were caught unprepared and we disposed of them without firing a single shot.
(103) They are unprepared to accept the real reasons for their domestic and foreign situation.
(104) Students from tropical countries are often unprepared for the British climate.




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