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单词 Assembled
1. The whole school assembled in the main hall.
2. Many celebrities were assembled in the garden.
3. We had assembled for the first rehearsal.
4. Father Martin preached to the assembled mourners.
5. A large multitude had assembled to hear him preach.
6. A large crowd had assembled outside the American embassy.
7. He bowed low to the assembled crowd.
8. She told the assembled company what had happened.
9. He assembled a panel of scholars to advise him.
10. The students assembled in the school hall.
11. They assembled the model ship bit by bit.
12. He glanced around at the assembled company .
13. A large expeditionary force is now being assembled.
14. He vented his spleen on the assembled crowd.
15. The manager has assembled a world-class team.
16. The kite is assembled as shown in the illustration.
17. He preached to the assembled multitude.
18. All the people assembled at Mary's house.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. She had assembled a collection of her favourite songs.
20. We assembled in the auditorium.
21. He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.
22. He looked around at the assembled company .
23. We assembled in the meeting room after lunch.
24. A crowd quickly assembled to watch the cockfight.
25. The aircraft will continue to be assembled in France.
26. The bookcase can easily be assembled with a screwdriver.
27. He glanced around the assembled company.
28. The whole city solemnly assembled on the square.
29. Everyone was assembled at the appointed time.
30. He gazed once more around the room, wherein were assembled his entire family.
1. Many celebrities were assembled in the garden.
2. We had assembled for the first rehearsal.
3. Father Martin preached to the assembled mourners.
4. A large crowd had assembled outside the American embassy.
5. He bowed low to the assembled crowd.
6. He assembled a panel of scholars to advise him.
7. The students assembled in the school hall.
8. He gazed once more around the room, wherein were assembled his entire family.
9. They assembled the model ship bit by bit.
10. A crowd quickly assembled to watch the cockfight.
11. The whole city solemnly assembled on the square.
12. He bought the parts separately and assembled his own computer.
31. Huston had assembled a remarkably cohesive and sympathetic cast.
32. He let me watch while he assembled the model.
33. She then addressed the assembled company .
34. With the announcement "Paphos has fallen!" a cheer went up from the assembled soldiers.
35. The Clinton administration last winter assembled the $50 billion emergency bailout package to ease a financial crisis in Mexico.
36. Thousands of people, mainly Zulus, assembled in a stadium in Thokoza.
37. He mounted the platform and began to speak to the assembled crowd.
38. Upwards of fifty thousand people assembled in the main square.
39. You can go for a "rostrum" system, which sounds flash, but can be assembled quite cheaply.
40. The wing is assembled as shown in the photograph below.
41. Everyone assembled in the hall at the appointed time .
42. Within hours of the tragedy happening, an emergency rescue team had been assembled.
43. Everyone had already assembled in the boardroom for the 9:00 a.m. session.
44. He has assembled a team of experts to handle queries.
45. The president read a declaration to a vast assembled crowd.
46. The Brookings Institution has assembled a collection of essays from foreign affairs experts.
47. The grandfather had assembled all the members of the family for the annual picnic.
48. A few minutes later, the head - warder assembled the guards and warders in his office.
49. She made a grand entrance once all the guests were assembled.
50. The shelves are available in kit form or fully assembled.
51. He bought the parts separately and assembled his own computer.
52. The men assembled for one last effort.
53. The finished products are assembled at yet another plant.
54. A death mask of pieces badly assembled.
55. On Friday morning, November 20, the team assembled.
56. Buddy Ryan gave him the best defense ever assembled.
57. The Wall had been hastily assembled.
58. A new type of lynch mob is assembled.
59. In 1980, for example, Kalmar assembled 22,800 cars.
60. One of the best teams that was ever assembled.
61. Without hesitation, the assembled citizens roared assent.
62. He gazed at the assembled company.
63. The family was assembled at a wed-77.
64. Two practitioner-based advisory bodies were also assembled.
65. The bike can easily be assembled in thirty minutes.
66. What an ill-organized, hotchpotch, casually assembled, patchwork life.
67. A large crowd had assembled opposite the American embassy.
68. Then a team assembled the column.
69. Analysts photocopied, proofread, and assembled breathtakingly dull securities documents for ninety and more hours a week.
70. Once assembled, they are welcomed by the captain and the judge for the day gives a short address.
71. I looked down onto the square, where a large crowd had assembled.
72. Therefore, they found themselves needing to cross the group boundaries in getting products engineered and assembled.
73. Nearly 500 regular folks, assembled from around the country, questioned several candidates.
74. But once in the workshop they assembled all the workers and gave speeches.
75. Marine scientists were pretty sure a coral reef, like any complex ecosystem, must be assembled in the correct order.
76. Fifty runs were assembled in the first 15 overs, but even maintaining that rate required a certain air of desperation.
77. Modestly numbered and sparely equipped, they had just bested the greatest army the Federal government had ever assembled.
78. Thus Scotese has assembled all the pieces of information in a way that brings out the geophysical underpinnings of a region.
79. When she was politely asked about her father's health her reply startled the assembled company.
80. Although I am not yet sure that I have solved the mystery,[Sentencedict] I have assembled evidence which clarifies what happened.
81. The spokesman returned in a state of even greater perplexity to confront the television cameras and assembled press corps.
82. I'd already noted the very different methods of the four who had assembled.
83. Nevertheless, as the team assembled in their headquarters, there was an air of quiet confidence.
84. This will make it easier to lift the assembled pizza on to the baking stone.
85. After fetching the wagon bed, they rolled out the wheels and axles and assembled the vehicle.
86. Yet that is precisely the aim of the substantial anti-environment bloc Republicans have assembled in Congress.
87. A second group of police assembled behind the marchers, effectively hemming them in.
88. They briskly lined up the assembled into columns of four and marched them away in shifts.
89. On the positive side, the authors have assembled a wealth of material.
90. Hardly had the team unpacked and assembled their equipment than the Inspector reported on the radio that the dell was clear.
91. For the west Birmingham project a database of almost 8000 records has been assembled from nearly 200 site investigation reports.
92. The fitting is assembled by putting the nut over the pipe first, followed by the olive and then the fitting.
93. Its designer shows how it can be fitted through a small kayak hatch in its assembled state.
94. Most of the assembled wore sunglasses, even though they were indoors.
95. Diller assembled about 25 executives,() most of whom were in their 20s and early 30s.
96. Foremen were seen by employees as insensitive dictators who treated them no better-and often worse-than they did the parts being assembled.
97. A group of angry parents had assembled outside the head teacher's office.
98. The engine and crew compartment can be assembled as two separate sections and stuck together when dry.
99. After some Ministry prevarication Tabakov eventually arrived, but only after the cast had assembled and with one day of rehearsal lost.
100. I've assembled his biography brick by brick, just so I can have the pleasure of taking it apart.
101. A very substantial force, perhaps numbering 15,000 men, assembled at Portsmouth in July 1346.
102. During and after lunch there was little sense of awkwardness among the assembled leaders.
103. In 1592 Crosse was vice-admiral of a fleet assembled by Ralegh.
104. He assembled a vast army and laid siege to the city on 4 December 1359.
105. The assembled company was let loose on Edinburgh for the last time.
106. To stress the urgency for ratification, Clinton assembled a bipartisan coalition of supporters including Republicans such as retired Army Gen.
107. Possibly they are birds which have failed to breed successfully and have assembled here to moult.
108. The collection, which is expected to fetch around £4m in total, was patiently assembled by New York businessman Joseph Freilich.
108. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
109. In the second operation the cross truss frames, having been previously jigged together, were assembled in the frame.
110. His Diamondbacks sold 44, 000 season tickets without having a team assembled.
111. A large peacekeeping force is now being assembled, ready to move at 48 hours' notice.
112. Those assembled were unanimous that the King could not be allowed to proceed as he was doing.
113. The success of this venture depends heavily upon the quantity and quality of the research which can be assembled and examined.
114. She refused his advances and confounded a multitude of scholars assembled by him to overcome her scruples.
115. It is much easier to regurgitate previously assembled information than to ascertain new relationships and organize original categories and assimilations.
116. Ideas expressed at many different periods, or in many different contexts, have been assembled into a definitive world view.
117. She hastily assembled a kettle full of water, cups and tea things, on to a tray.
118. There was a lovely silence in the Brethren assembled on Sunday morning as we waited for the Spirit.
119. If the product has been assembled, checked or altered, then this may provide an alternative explanation for the defect.
120. All their shoes assembled by the front door, there must have been two dozen pairs, sandals, boots, moccasins.
121. The largest Elf armada of all time was assembled to reclaim it.
122. Of the 160 exhibits assembled for the London show, one-third have been lent from the Hermitage collection.
123. Mr Palumbo assembled a formidable team of architects and planners.
124. His incompletely assembled weapon exploded, smothering his head, arms and shoulders in a mass of flames.
125. With an effort the Collector removed his eyes from the food and looked at the crowd assembled to bid for it.
126. As with most installations, the framing is done first, then the firebox is set in and the chimney assembled.
127. Taylor had assembled a group of people who wanted nothing less than to reinvent computer science.
128. Everybody was assembled in the lecture theatre at the appointed time, but no lecturer had arrived.
129. The built environment therefore equates to the sum total of all the assembled items which surround us, both natural and man-made.
130. My only surprise is they weren't wearing full panstick make-up for the photographers and camera crews assembled outside.
131. Not surprisingly a strong field has assembled for this last tournament of the year in Britain.
132. Ohio State's basketball team was considered one of the best ever assembled.
133. A protesting crowd of sixty thousand assembled; hundreds were handcuffed or their arms fastened with ropes and led off to jail.
134. The group assembled in the marble-lined conference room for detailed discussions about the columns for the arcade.
135. Assembled products can be quickly shipped to wherever they are needed with just-in-time air freight delivery systems.
136. In use the banding clamp is adjusted before gluing to a diameter slightly larger than that of the assembled segments.
137. If you have assembled a no-name dinner, you are immediately consigned to the gastronomic gulag.
138. At the centre of Kant's disc was the Sun, and the planets were assembled from material that surrounded it.
139. Now, in an adjoining room, the staff members who would be present at the plenary session had assembled.
140. Of course! the book was a memorial assembled by her friends.
141. The next day, Vietminh agents put a village official on trial before five thousand people assembled on a soccer field.
142. He went back down to the kitchen and assembled his information on the table.
143. Nevertheless, Rowe has assembled a charming collection of pictures that give photographic immortality to our anonymous Arizona ancestors.
144. Its number was 4224 painted white underneath, and it was taken to Marshall's airfield at Cambridge to be assembled.
145. The polygons are then assembled from a description of their boundaries.
146. However, the assembled code is placed in memory at the address specified by O%.
147. Harvard has assembled a formidable team of black academics under the leadership of Henry Louis Gates, a dazzling self-publicist.
148. Mrs Mainwaring was supposed to make an appearance, which sent a chill throughout the assembled company.
149. He glanced at the assembled company as though surprised to see so many people.
150. It is a great shoal of sprats that has assembled in these inshore waters.
151. Mayne's squadron assembled at Kufra in dribs and drabs by the beginning of October.
152. The museum's collection of silver and gold from the Hellenised Near East is one of the largest yet assembled.
153. Those assembled along the hill lines are keeping alive one of the world's most ancient and wide spread fertility rites.
154. When all the evidence is assembled, it will be clear that Michael is innocent.
155. She lay still for a moment, holding her breath while she listened and assembled the information from her senses.
156. The horde of fans, press and camera crews, who assembled each morning and night at training, looked on quizzically.
157. He had never thoroughly discussed a Hebron pullback with his assembled Cabinet.
158. There were boxes in the corner containing brand new gear still wrapped in stiff greaseproof paper and not yet assembled for use.
159. A number of distinguished commentators, most of them ecclesiastics, were assembled to evaluate the programmes and their implications.
160. He stared with his stupendously stoned eyes at the assembled and stricken family.
161. These can be reach-in or roll-in designs and are assembled on site once all the components have been brought in.
162. I found the officers already assembled at one of the long tables in the mess hall.
163. For safety reasons therefore, the box must be assembled whenever the unit is plugged in.
164. Despite the lavish production, it shows all the signs of being assembled in great haste.
165. All the land was assembled into a single, giant supercontinent known as Pangaea.
166. The troopers assembled on row three of the Golf Course.
167. The four inside stays are now being assembled, two are complete and the other two are well advanced.
168. They were collected together by Dean Milner-White who assembled them here where they could be appreciated.
168. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
169. Work and turn a method of printing where pages are imposed in one forme or assembled on one film.
170. Some may donate their carefully assembled collections to the museums.
171. The traveling exhibition was assembled by museum curator David Rubin several years ago while he was at the Cleveland Center.
172. Prior to the Ultramar acquisition, the Company had already assembled an extensive international land portfolio.
173. Jarvis had set up a trestle table on that terrace where pupils had once assembled for the annual school photograph.
174. A unique collection of Arts and Crafts jewellery assembled over the last twenty years.
175. It has been operating for 12 months and has assembled a team of 30 engineering staff.
176. The Constable was walking along a busy thoroughfare when a crowd assembled owing to the breakdown of a motor car.
177. Now that he was able to, he assembled what had happened and laid the facts before himself.
178. It was a small, intimate gathering that was assembled, as was the custom among nice Atchison families.
179. The cars are being assembled at Bombardier's Thunder Bay works, and 112 have been delivered to date.
180. They assembled quickly to hear the brief set of orders that explained their respective tasks in the battle to come.
181. A backhoe dug down to the damaged culvert in the bottom while a crew assembled another culvert up on top.
182. The user-entered information is aggregated and assembled into a query.
183. A glance at the assembled guests told him what he already knew - that no one looked quite as good as he did.
184. Each endowed with extraordinary political gifts, each also comes with the scandal-prone parts already assembled and connected.
185. His assembled group of lawyers is referred to as the Big Green Defense Team.
186. The next day, at two o'clock, everyone assembled at the Justice Department.
187. Hugh was busy telling the assembled how best to fiddle your electricity meter.
188. Lawrence was lifted shoulder-high by fans as he acknowledged the applause and the delight of the assembled Boro faithful.
189. In the Manse the household occupied themselves with the task of preparing a feast fit for the assembled lords.
190. Were we designed on a drawing board too, and were our parts assembled by a skilled engineer?
191. Having only recently assembled his campaign, Ronstadt reported no fundraising activity before May 31.
192. Each of the boosters is assembled from long, insulated steel segments.
193. This would mean that the patient is heavily reliant on assembled phonology.
194. Instead the range will comprise a wide selection of components and fittings from which a design will be assembled.
195. On the Union side, General Meade assembled his corps commanders for a council of war.
196. I don't care to play out my silly games before the assembled company.
197. This can be easily assembled on a suitable board or piece of stripboard and will provide an output of about 8V.
198. It can easily be assembled in a day or two.
199. In particular, the alphabetical general formula index appears to have been assembled in a semi-random manner.
200. War, rearranged borders, a country assembled and disassembled by forces beyond their control.
201. She assembled a crew of researchers who made calls to festival organizers for details and background.
202. The rest of the team will be assembled in their right order in the block corridor.
203. Genghis, assembled out of model car parts, weighed only 3. 6 pounds.
204. These will be assembled on to one tape and copies will be made available to participants at cost price.
205. Foreign diplomats and their wives had assembled in the Great Hall to meet the President.
206. Hicks displays a rare gift of extracting informed humour from randomly assembled streams of bemused observation.
207. The processor is very complex and needed to be assembled and connected to the power supply and chilled water cooling system.
208. The fact that L ger's paintings look as if they have been assembled from standard mechanised parts is important.
209. In June, a Parliamentary committee assembled to respond to its challenge.
210. They must have assembled in a side street and now they were here, mostly young and apparently in fairly good mood.
211. At the end de Gaulle would lead the assembled masses in a thunderous Marseillaise.
212. We will let you have the report as soon as we have assembled all the data.
213. All the components should be tested before they are assembled.
214. The sons are assembled for him, and he even gets a genetic guarantee of health.
215. He then turned on the assembled crowd and mounted a scathing verbal attack on them.
216. Julia took up the assembled bridle and they walked outside into the early evening sun.
217. There was a noticeable lack of warmth from the assembled bishops.
218. On the day of her retirement, representatives from every department assembled in the despatch area.
219. This is the problem with synthesized foods, where the components are assembled according to a fashionable recipe.
220. Then the group of assembled pupils began to sing, as they waved their flags and garlands in the air.
221. He assembled his forces and moved to defend the Isle of the Dead.
222. Taller, wider in the shoulder, clumsily assembled, with a craggy, impassive face.
223. Like Watson, Carr has assembled generous visual material on the best-known artists of abstract expressionism, especially Pollock and de Kooning.
224. The insignificant operated the machines, waited on customers, packed boxes, assembled products, and provided services.
225. People like me, who believed the firing squad had been assembled, were left with egg on our faces.
226. Later a hastily assembled identification parade of three sat before me.
227. Prime Minister Shimon Peres has since apologized and assembled a special commission to investigate the blood issue.
228. Here some of the assembled company sat watching the sun set in rosy Technicolor behind a jagged peak.
228. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
229. The Product Structure Tree At some stage of manufacture the new product must be assembled from its components.
230. The apprentices worked in the shed where the new locomotives were assembled and the old ones repaired.
231. It would wrong, however, to assume that the Rover 820 Si 16v had been assembled by a team of accountants.
232. He tried the speech out on an assembled group of civil servants and lawyers.
233. We are an odd collection assembled here, stuck fast like stubborn limpets to that eastern shore throughout the winter.
234. A large group had assembled at the pier, waiting to embark.
235. Whereupon everyone assembled in the courtroom sat down.
236. The children were assembled in hundreds.
237. The ship's company assembled on deck for inspection.
238. The pupils assembled [ were assembled ] in the school hall.
239. I assembled an RDF representation such as that in Listing 2 from all the synsets in WordNet and performed a similar monolithic query of the resulting database.
240. The crowd plays their kazoos during a failed attempt to set a Guinness World Record for assembled kazoo players, Aug.
241. At 11 a.m. next day they assembled in the chairman's office suite.
242. I assembled the weapon, checked the firing and recoil mechanism and loaded it.
243. As chief executive, he assembled a polished stable of celebrities.
244. One spring morning a handful of potential investors assembled in Quincy.
245. Can arbitrarily assembled into large indoor, outdoor advertising, laser show curtain wall.
246. A team of 28 Angolese health care professionals, assembled by the government, arrived today in Uige to provide further support to control activities.
247. The assembled multitude cheered and whistled as the political leaders arrived.
248. The retailer has assembled a team in Shanghai to examine the question.
249. Each of these parts is distinct in its own right, and when assembled together in a certain well-defined manner they become a new entity, the car.




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